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WGAN-TV | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Stats | Guest: Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic) | Episode: 152 | Thursday, 21 July 2022 | Mattertraffic website


Mattertraffic Introduces Data Analytics Metrics for Matterport Digital Twins | Video courtesy of Mattertraffic YouTube Channel | 15 November 2021

Video: Mattertraffic with Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 15 November 2021

Image courtesy of Mattertraffic

Transcript: WGAN-TV | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Tour and MatterTag Stats

Hi All,

[Transcript below]

In addition to a deep-dive demo of Mattertraffic (above), my guest, Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic), and I discuss:

1. How Matterport Service Providers (MSPs) can leverage Matterport + Mattertraffic to get new clients and more business from existing clients
2. How MSPs can leverage Mattertraffic to differentiate their Matterport Service Provider business
3. How MSPs can help real estate agents win more and bigger premium listings with the addition of Mattertraffic
4. How real estate agents can help their homeseller clients get more offer for more money with the least amount of home-selling stress
5. How retail stores can leverage Matterport + Mattertraffic
6. How hotels - and vacation homes for rent - can leverage Matterport + Mattertraffic
7. Should MSPs offer Mattertraffic as an Add On or provide at no charge?

How will you use Matterport + Mattertraffic?

1. Are you seeking robust data analytics for Matterport digital twins and Mattertags?
2. Are you seeking insights that allow you to understand your customers better?
3. Do you want to be able to better understand how visitors to Matterport tours interact with your models?
4. Wondering what the demographics are of your Matterport tour visitors?
5. Wondering how to schedule and share reports with stakeholders easily and efficiently?

My guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 on Thursday, 21 July 2022 is Matterport Partner Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic).

Diego will demo and discuss all this and more on:

WGAN-TV Live at 5 | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Stats

(Diego is also runs a long-time New York City-based Matterport Service Provider business: RealVirtualZone)

Diego will do a deep-dive demo of Mattertraffic that includes:

1. Mattertraffic Real-Time Traffic (Matterport digital twin and Matterport Mattertags)
2. Mattertraffic Granular Location Insights
3. Mattertraffic Audience Demographics
4. Mattertraffic Schedule Reports (automated delivery)
5. Mattertraffic Shared Reports
6. Mattertraffic Navigation Heatmaps (coming soon)
7. Mattertraffic Matterport Mattertag statistics
8. Mattertraffic implementation workflow
9. Mattertraffic pricing
10. What problems does Mattertraffic solve?
11. What are the best use-cases for Mattertraffic?
12. Why did you create Mattertraffic?
13. Specific Mattertraffic implementation shopping/e-commerce conversion tracking examples?
(such as Whirlpool example | Matterport Digital Twin | Adweek)
14. Syncing
15. Custom Links (sub-set of tour)
16. Uses Cases: Retail | Real Estate | Hospitality/Travel (such as Museums)

Questions that I should ask Diego on WGAN-TV Live at 5?



About Mattertraffic [Provided by Mattertraffic]

Mattertraffic is the world's first Matterport traffic tracking service.

We are a data company focused on monitoring and analyzing digital twins models. Our custom analytics platform enables anyone to view comprehensive data about their 3D models in an easy-to-understand report, which can be used to gain a deeper understanding of customers and model engagements.

According to a Matterport Case Study on Mattertraffic:

Over the summer of 2021, Mattertraffic tested its analytics platform with more than 300 users working with more than 500 Matterport digital twins. The company made the Mattertraffic platform widely available in October 2021 and is already seeing promising results.

“For a retailer, this not only streamlines e-commerce buyer journeys but also helps inform merchandising strategies in stores,” [Diego] Orofino says. “For example, the retailer might notice that shoppers are navigating directly to a certain product or are lingering in a certain part of a virtual showroom. The possibilities of analyzing data from Matterport digital twins and applying it to a real-life, physical store location are very exciting.”

Source: Matterport

Mattertraffic Links

Mattertraffic website
WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Mattertraffic
Matterport Case Study: Mattertraffic Debuts Analytics Platform For Matterport Digital Twins
✓ LinkedIn: Diego Orofino
✓ LinkedIn: Mattertraffic
✓ Facebook: Mattertraffic
WGAN Forum Member Name: @mattertraffic
Mattertraffic YoutTube Channel
✓ Mattertraffic Emails: | | Contact Mattertraffic
✓ Mattertraffic Sales: 212-655-5095

Mattertraffic Introduces Data Analytics Metrics for Matterport Digital Twins | Video courtesy of Mattertraffic YouTube Channel | 15 November 2021

Transcript (video above)

-Data-driven decision-making is the modern-day method for guaranteed business growth. Thanks to insights and analytics that allow you to understand your customers better, you're able to provide them with exactly what they're looking for before even they know they need it.

When it comes to optimizing ad campaigns, identifying new business opportunities, and creating a more customizable service, understanding the traffic to your model is essential.

To offer deep analytics for immersive digital twin models, Mattertraffic and Matterport have partnered up to revolutionize the way you see and use your model traffic data.

You'll be able to better understand how visitors interact with your model, see the locations and demographics of your users, as well as schedule and share reports with your customers easily and efficiently.

Maximize your project planning and boost your business performance today by visiting and sign up for free.


Transcript (video above)

Dan Smigrod: Are you seeking robust data analytics for Matterport digital twins and MatterTags? Wondering what are the demographics of your Matterport tour visitors?

Wondering how to schedule and share reports with stakeholders easily and efficiently? Stay tuned.

Hi, all. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, July 21st, 2022, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome show for you today: Introduction to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Statistics.

Here to talk to us today about that is Mattertraffic Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Diego Orofino. Hey, Diego. Good to see you again.

Diego Orofino: Hi. Nice to see you again, Dan. Thanks for having us. It is a pleasure. We're looking forward – We know of you for many years and this is great to have us.

Dan Smigrod: Yes. Thank you for being on the show to talk to us about Mattertraffic. Super-excited. Before we jump into a deep-dive demo of Mattertraffic, is there just an overall statement – or three – that might just give you a sense of what Mattertraffic is all about?

Diego Orofino: Mattertraffic is the platform where you go when you want to understand your Matterport customers, understand what they do and how deep they go inside the model, and where they are coming from.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome, I'm going to ask you a ton of questions after we get done with the demo, but I think our viewers really want to see a demo.

Perhaps you could just jump in and show us Mattertraffic. As Diego is setting up, sharing his screen. You can go to ... Diego is going to share his screen and jump in to do a demo of Mattertraffic.

Diego Orofino: [Can you see my screen?]

Dan Smigrod: No, not yet.

Diego Orofino: Give me one quick second.

Dan Smigrod: While he's getting set up Matterport + Mattertraffic – there we go. Great. I can see your screen now.

Diego Orofino: Awesome. This is what the dashboard looks like. This is after you add one of the Matterport models.

To add the models is pretty simple. Once you connect to your Matterport cloud account, you will see the list of all your models here. You select which one you wanted to add.

Dan Smigrod: Before we go there, let's just jump into one of the reports. It looks like it's for The Malt House.

Diego Orofino: That is correct.

Dan Smigrod: As you go through this, the print is a little bit small, so please do tell us what we're looking at as you go through it as well.

Diego Orofino: [Let me enlarge my screen.] What you see here is the traffic to this model called, The Malt House. This is a restaurant in New York.

They have only four MatterTags. As the user navigates, the data comes in real-time. You can see that now is one visit, 35 moves inside the Matterport model, and someone is hovering over the MatterTags. We see how many visits the Matterport model had.

This is based on the date range that you set up. How many Plays for the model as well. These are visitors that are converting to Plays. Also the average time in the model, I hope you understand how –

Dan Smigrod: No. I'm a little bit confused. Visits. I could imagine that I've clicked on the Matterport tour, boom, that counts as a visit.

Diego Orofino: Well, some models have parameters that require hitting the play button. Sometimes it's not really a completed play, but it's more like a visit into it.

You can see how many visits came to it, but at the same time, how many people play the model. As different from landing on the model, as different as someone immersing themselves in the model.

Dan Smigrod: I'm still confused. I see that the Plays number is bigger than the Visits number. Does that mean that accounts for repeat visits that a person has come back to the model more than once, and therefore we're seeing a higher number of Plays than the actual number of Visits?

Diego Orofino: That is correct. That is exactly it. Someone came and visited. There's about 600 Plays, a more of the repeat users into the platform than the ones who originally came into the platform.

Dan Smigrod: Average time I get that. Then I think in the middle of what you're pointing out where it says Visits to and Hovers, I want to say or maybe that. Is that Moves, 35?

Diego Orofino: That is correct. This is Moves, and this is Visits. This is the section called Real-Time. The real-time tag shows you, if I navigate into the model – all of this information is getting refreshed. I'm going to click on Refresh.

Now, one Visit because someone left. This is how many Moves total in the last, I think it set to 15-30 minutes internal.

Dan Smigrod: What counts as a Move?

Diego Orofino: It moves forward. Now, basically this in Move is considered Move for inside the model.

Dan Smigrod: Each time I go from one point to another point, that's considered a move?

Diego Orofino: Correct.

Dan Smigrod: Presumably, this is you as the Visitor because there's just one Visitor. That means perhaps even setting up for today's show that you moved a total of 45 times because I haven't seen you Move 45 times on WGAN-TV.

Diego Orofino: It's not necessarily me. It could be somebody else inside the model that already navigates through it. This one is right now, but there is some residual of Moves from someone who already left and expired.

Right now I Move five times, but that was me moving per se. But now, if you navigate two Moves, two Visits and Plays, it will add up to the 50. If someone joins right now, it will be 51, 52, 53. It'll continue moving up.

Dan Smigrod: Got it. Then the next section.

Diego Orofino: The next section is Hovers into the MatterTag. If I mouse over a MatterTag that's considered Hover. Someone does not necessarily want to click inside.

They are just hovering over the MatterTag. Those are considered Hovers. That will be a Hover initiation into the MatterTag.

Now, there are no clicks. Clicks are when, hey, I want to jump into this MatterTag. I'd navigate right into it. That is considered Click. That will be considered Click and Hover as well because once you click you hover as well and also add the Moves.

Dan Smigrod: This section of Hovers and Clicks, that is real-time as well?

Diego Orofino: Totally, yes. All these two sections, it is real-time. Correct.

Dan Smigrod: Then link Clicks, is that considered? That's a Click right there, you're about to click it.

Diego Orofino: That takes you into a conversion, maybe into a link, right now into the menu. That will be considered a link Click and that will be at one.

Dan Smigrod: We see we've done that and then just stay on this page. If we go to the top-right, I think you've pointed out that there's a date range that you've specified, so you could make that just today or you could make it when you have a menu item to say last week, last month, etc.

Diego Orofino: This is the last seven days.

Dan Smigrod: Then Sharing, what does that mean?

Diego Orofino: This is Report Sharing. Every Matterport model gets a weekly report on Monday, goes out to give you a report of how much traffic you had last week compared to the previous week. If it was increased or decreased. I have an example of the report. If you give me one second.

Dan Smigrod: That would be great. Can you see that report up – I am a Matterport Service Provider? Could I set that up to go to me and to my client? Maybe my client has three other people that want to receive it as well.

Diego Orofino: That's correct. They can add up to five subscriptions, email reports.

Dan Smigrod: That Report is per model, that's not per account.

Diego Orofino: That is correct. It's per model, not per account.

Dan Smigrod: Just for clarification, as a Matterport Service Provider, I may have dozens, if not hundreds of clients and I have different needs of who should get reports. This Share Report is totally based on the individual Matterport space.

Diego Orofino: Correct. You can set up per week and per model. That is correct. Let me do a test. The test would actually be sent to my personal email. Let me open it up for you once I get it.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. You mentioned that every Monday, so it says monthly and weekly. Does that mean even if I select weekly, it's going to be for starting this coming Monday?

Diego Orofino: That is correct. The account owner of Mattertraffic will receive it automatically every Monday. You can add additional recipients that will be scheduled based on what you said on the report.

Dan Smigrod: Today is Thursday, July 21st, 2022. If you were to select monthly, would that be every month, based on July 21st, or would it be the 1st of the month?

Diego Orofino: The 1st of the month. This is the weekly snapshot report that I just sent. In the weekly snapshot report, if it's sent to the account owner, you will have access to the full report back.

Dan Smigrod: Diego, excuse me. Could you make that bigger so we can see that maybe full-screen, on your screen?

Diego Orofino: Let me see, let me open this up a little bit. Is it visible?

Dan Smigrod: Yeah, that's great. Yes, that helps. Thank you.

Diego Orofino: On the header you see right away how many visits you had. They give you the weekly of 11. If you are the Matterport Service Provider –... remember this was a test email.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Diego Orofino: But it looks exactly the same on every Monday for the month of July 11. This is the report for this model; it received 86 Visits, 485 Moves, and this is the Average Time.

Dan Smigrod: Is it weekly for the statistics for the previous week?

Diego Orofino: Correct. It is for the week from the 11th, wanted to let me see the width before. It's from the 4th to the 11th.

Dan Smigrod: Then the monthly would be, maybe I've confused that. Today is July 21st, so that's Thursday, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25. On Monday, July 25, do I get a report that ends on the 24th?

Diego Orofino: You will get a report,

Diego Orofino: on the 24th from the 18 of this week. Basically, you always get the week behind to see what really happened in the last week.

Dan Smigrod: Perfect, I'm with you there. Anything else to point out on that report?

Diego Orofino: Yes. You have the MatterTags as well, and the user's acquisitions as well.

Dan Smigrod: Okay.

Diego Orofino: It's a really light snap report of last week traffic into your Matterport model.

Dan Smigrod: Can you set me up to this report and on Monday, 25 July, I'll go put that report into the We Get Around Network Forum below our show, so people can see an actual sample report. That's okay?

Diego Orofino: That's correct.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. I'm still looking on this page to see what else I can see, so if you could point out what else is on this Mattertraffic screen?

Diego Orofino: Yeah. As you remember, this Matterport model has four MatterTags, and those four MatterTags are what you see on the report.

If you have more MatterTags, you would see them listed here. For our menu, if you ever want, sometimes a model contains so many MatterTags that you don't know which one is which. For that, we have this short-code link. This link would actually auto-navigate into the MatterTag that you just click. You want to know which MatterTag you just clicked, is that one.

Dan Smigrod: That's an awesome feature that's way cool, congratulations on that. You get the thumbnail, and the deep-link, so that you can go find that quickly and easily. Then I see on the right-hand side – because the screen is small – you can see Visits, Hovers, and link Clicks.

Diego Orofino: Also if there is a link inside, for the Click link, you will see the link that actually refers inside.

Dan Smigrod: Now I'm confused. How did you get to that MatterTag, within that Matterport model? Where did you click?

Diego Orofino: In this, our menu is here, right?

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Diego Orofino: Apparently, this link contains one link to the menu.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Diego Orofino: You see the Malt House menu. And everybody clicks on this one, and this is the link that they click.

Dan Smigrod: Yes. But in the report, what I was confused about is, where did you click to get to that deep-link to see that MatterTag?

Diego Orofino: What do you click on the report or what do you click on the model?

Dan Smigrod: I'm imagining if you click on Our Menu, where does it take you?

Diego Orofino: If you click on their Menu, it will take you into this stack.

Dan Smigrod: That's how you got there. I'm clear there.

Diego Orofino: I saw what you mean. You see this little icon right here? This little icon right on top takes you into the auto-navigation into the Mattertraffic.

Dan Smigrod: I got it. For clarification, when you go back to that Matterrtraffic dashboard, there's a little icon to the right, that's the deep-link to take you to the MatterTag, and then below that, if there is a link within the MatterTag, it displays what that link is.

On the right when it says, Link Clicks, you can see two clicks to that particular link that was in that MatterTag.

Diego Orofino: You said that perfectly; exactly.

Dan Smigrod: That sounds good. Thank you, Diego. If we keep scrolling down?

Diego Orofino: Then we have the countries, the region and the city: where most of the traffic is being reported from. Remember this, what we have here, is for the last seven days.

Dan Smigrod: That's the report, then on the left side, there's more stuff. What are we looking at on the left side?

Diego Orofino: On the left side, you can – if you feel like creating folders similar to the way Matterport Workshop has it.

But if you want to organize the way you want, here in the report, you can create new folders, and of course, you can move the model into one of the folders that you create, and also move out. If you want to see the East Coast Matterport models, then that will share all the models that is located here, if I move into this folder.

Diego Orofino: if you want to go back into the root folder, it will take it right into the root folder.

Dan Smigrod: That makes sense. A Mattertraffic account can have, presumably, an unlimited number of Matterport tours.

For those of us that have been shooting for a long time, and have hundreds of Matterport tours that we might want to be tracking within Mattertraffic, then you can organize them with nested folders in a similar fashion that Matterport does.

That's cool. Before we go to Add New Space, to see how that's done, is there any other piece of the report to show us that we haven't looked at?

Diego Orofino: Yes. We have features called custom links. I want to explain this. If you let me, I'm going to have a quick slide that will actually explain better. for a second.

Diego Orofino: What the custom link does, is allows you to create two reports, of the same Matterport digital twin. If in case you want to, let's say, you know how the Matterport link contains one single URL, and the URL is the model itself. Actually, I don't know if I'm sharing the screen, give me one second.

Dan Smigrod: I can see the Matterport tour. I could imagine where you're headed, is that I might have the normal Matterport link for a tour, but I might also have a deep-link for the same Matterport tour.

So I don't have two Matterport tours, I just have one Matterport tour, but I have two different ways to get there. Am I going in the right direction?

Diego Orofino: That is pretty much exactly it. If in the case that you have the model itself, have one report.

But if you want to create a super-report, and track it separately, because you are a Realtor and you want to split the same model with many Realtors, and you want to track separate reports to see how each one performs. You should be able to create a custom link, which would generate a subset report, of the main report filtered by the Realtor's ID.

Dan Smigrod: An example of a use-case might be for that real estate agent. They may create a different link. I'll ask you about how to do that within Mattertraffic in a moment.

But the big picture, they may create a different link, for the model that's shared within the MLS.

If they have a QR code on the sign rider, if they're running a physical open house, if they're doing Facebook, they may want to have a different link, than they're doing for Twitter, than they're doing for Instagram, in order to help them determine where is their traffic coming from, and just to look at a deeper dive analysis of the same model, but with traffic coming from different places. I'm I close?

Diego Orofino: You just got it, exactly. You basically created a custom link. Now I have a separate report here, that is a subtotal report. I have traffic, I was testing it before. It's basically the same report but filtered by a custom link. To create a custom link, you can do "Dan's link."

Diego Orofino: Then I think I have your email somewhere, right?

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Diego Orofino: There are no new links. A new link is generated called "Dan’s link" and this link is a new link that is going to be shared to you and you probably receiving email with this link in there.

Dan Smigrod: That's an awesome feature. That sounds great.

If you, as the photographer or your client, want a more granular, deeper-dive into understanding the analytics based on the distribution of how that Matterport tour is being used. It's super-easy, super-fast with Mattertraffic to actually do that.

It wasn't that I had to make up a link, you just had to specify a new link and give it some nice word so I could actually remember, this is the MLS.

This is Facebook. This is Twitter. This is Instagram. This is an Openhouse. This is a sign rider. This is "painted rock" with whatever use-cases it might be used for.

Diego Orofino: That is correct and this is a pro version feature that we are adding but we've given it to pretty much every Standard User right now just to give it a test drive to see how the feedback is from every customer to see how they like it, what else they want to add.

Right now the way we're doing it is any new feature we give it to the Standard User dashboard and then because the Pro version is not complete yet, once that is complete we will migrate some of the features into the Pro plan. We will not remove them from the Standard plan if you already had them but moving forward you will have it on the Pro plan.

Dan Smigrod: Of course there's an incentive to sign-up sooner because you'll get features that may be a paid feature for others if you sign-up sooner than later. Presumably go to – Sign up. You started to mention pricing so I think this is probably a good time to say, "well, how do I sign up and how do you charge?"

Diego Orofino: The Mattertraffic sign-up is pretty simple, once you register, once you login to your – you can sign-up through Google email account or through a regular email account. I have an account here. Let's do the demo again. Once you login, you login into something similar to this, just an example model of The Malt House –

Dan Smigrod: Pause at the moment.

Diego Orofino: Go ahead.

Dan Smigrod: Just created a new account. I see that the link says add new space, I'm going to presume I have not been charged anything yet. There's no cost to create a free Mattertraffic account?

Diego Orofino: That is correct. I'm going to walk you through completely from the registration. What I'm going to do is show you and let me log out one more time.

Diego Orofino: If I login right now, again with the demo account, sorry, give me one second let me reset the demo really from scratch I was going to show you how to login from scratch.

Dan Smigrod: I want to say this is important because your first pricing tier is free, we really need to show that. Presently somebody is looking at numbers and it's, "Oh! I saw a demo and now I got to pay money." No, there's a free tier where you use a freemium business model. I'd probably helpful to see that.

Diego Orofino: Once you click on when your account is set you get the terms. We ask you some small information here and then the industry. This is for us to understand what type of reports, what dashboards you want. I'm going to set up one for now and then the landing page is right into the same thing that you saw before, is basically here.

You have to verify, we give you a little tutorial here on how to open the link. The link now looks like this.

Dan Smigrod: Okay.

Diego Orofino: Mattertraffic slash –

Dan Smigrod: Pause again because I see data but I haven't entered a Matterport tour so I presume you're showing an example Matterport tour with example data so that I could play with a model and some data.

Diego Orofino: That is correct. This is the demo space that we have and this is what everybody receives or they see as soon as they login for the first time so that you can get familiar with the data that you're going to receive.

Dan Smigrod: Great.

Diego Orofino: Also give you a small tutorial on how to open the link. Also what is copy and paste the link, same features and then a little explanation with the custom link is and as close to add a new space. You still need to verify the account, but let's ignore that for now.

Diego Orofino: The way to add the space, this is a new feature that we've implemented is, sync with Matterport. In the past, you used to add the link manually but right now with all Matterport digital twins, we just synchronize the Matterport tours.

Basically you connect through Matterport in this case once you connect, you authorize the account, you sync the data and then right now is the first step you see once that you sync the data is, hey, select one of the models, the Mattertraffic plan that you have, the one that we have available is the Standard plan dashboard.

We are coming also with per plan a bundle of five Matterport models, 10 models, 50 models for a set monthly price. But right now, we'll launch with the Standard dashboard at $3.99 per month with these features.

Dan Smigrod: Ah! I made a mistake because I thought you had a freemium model.

Diego Orofino: The freemium model is coming in the next two weeks and everybody will get one model for free and this is still in QA we're going to be pushing that freemium in the next two weeks. By the time you watch this, maybe in the future you already have it.

Dan Smigrod: Okay so today is Thursday July 21, 2022 by the first or second week in August 2022, you can sign up for a free account today but you could get one free model so that you can play with your own model at no charge.

Diego Orofino: At no charge and it's unlimited and that's what we launch – That model would be set, at this $3.99 per space per month. So whatever you're going to receive for free is going to be unlimited. Yes. Sign-up.

Dan Smigrod: Let me just read through the features or perhaps you could read through the features because they're a little bit small on the screen.

Diego Orofino: We've recommended this type of Mattertraffic Standard dashboard for less than 250 visits per month.

There's no limit right now, but this is a suggestion just to give you an idea. Total visits, you're going to get average times in the model, real-time visits and events. MatterTags Insights. Location Insights, Audience demographics (something that we didn't show you yet). But we have a different section for demographics, sourcing channels and up to five email report shares.

Dan Smigrod: Is the Pro dashboard, is it any?

Diego Orofino: Different?

Dan Smigrod: That's per month per Matterport space.

Diego Orofino: That's the same thing, same packages. Everything is per month per Matterport space. On the Pro plan, you're going to get unlimited visits, you're going to get MatterTag Deep Insights and you will be able to do a deep-dive inside the MatterTags to understand what they do, where are those users coming from.

If you see 493 Visits you will be able to drill down inside these 493 Visits to see where they are coming from to get more insights about those MatterTags.

A little more to see how long they stayed, people who click on the drink menu tend to stay in the Matterport model more than people that click on the menu. That's what we call deep Insights and also the Heat Map. The Heat Map is coming for the Pro plan, we have something really good coming for the Heat Map.

Dan Smigrod: Heat Map means?

Diego Orofino: Heat Map is basically a top view – We're launching with a top view of the visit and how long they stay in different sections of the floor plan or basically of the model in different layers, different floors, as well. It's pretty cool.

I don't want to spoil it. But it's a really nice Heat Map that we will launch for understanding the user navigation inside the Matterport model.

Dan Smigrod: For clarification, that Heat Map is actually in color so it might be that if you were looking at a house as opposed to this restaurant in the house you might say, "well I can imagine that a lot of people are going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen and they spent a lot of time in the living room and a lot of time in the master bedroom and then I get a Heat Map and I go look at it that everybody is actually out on the balcony and admiring the view."

Maybe we need to focus our dialogue talking about what an awesome view it is because that's what people really find interesting about this house.

Diego Orofino: That is correct and yes you explain it and then we have some additional nuggets that we thrown into but yes in essence one of the main features is that. That is correct to understand how the user and how long they stay in different sections of your house or in this case this restaurant.

Dan Smigrod: What are those other features of the Heat Map?

Diego Orofino: Those features we're going to hold on to, but stay tuned for those features. ;-)

Dan Smigrod: Stay tuned. Come back to the We Get Around Network Forum:

Diego Orofino: How about this then, I'm going to make sure that you know this feature first.

Dan Smigrod: Okay, that sounds good. So Mattertraffic Pro Dashboard. We went through that and then Mattertraffic Business Dashboard, I imagine if you're a larger business and you just don't seem to fit into one of these two options: Contact Us at:

Diego Orofino: Correct. Then the contact is for more business, more for big corporations that if you click this right now is excellent, we received an email saying, "Hey, we should reach out to this customer."

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. You mentioned a feature we haven't covered yet, Demographics. Could you take us through that?

Diego Orofino: Yes, Demographics, it's up here. To switch to Demographics, you go to Overview and then we switch into the Demographics page.

When it is possible, of course, we get data from different sources and with some geolocation and we get some information about female, male. Again, same part of demographics, the country's city, and region, but also some interests, some age, and some language.

Dan Smigrod: So I could imagine this page becoming super-interesting. Let's say that you're located in Austin, Texas and you're a real estate agent in Austin, Texas, and all of a sudden you notice you're getting a ton of traffic from California, which is one of the locations that people are migrating from today from California to Texas and actually to Austin, then that information might tell the real estate agent, I would imagine to say –

Dan Smigrod: or even a photographer – that the Matterport tour is doing its job for people that are out-of-state to be able to tour the house and perhaps either make an offer or to be able to take the conversation to the next level because they're out-of-state.

Now you are not speculating that people are coming from all across the country to Austin, Texas. No. Let us actually tell you – or show you visually – that people are coming to Austin from Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and that might be helpful insight for the photographer to be able to make the point.

They say, "hey, real estate agent, you should be using this because we can help you get more offers for more money faster from people that are at a town" and that's your pitch to the homeowner.

Diego Orofino: That is a great example. Also, in the case of The Malt House, the restaurant example. The restaurant is in New York, New Jersey is nearby, but interesting, Florida.

If this restaurant owner wants to push a little more traffic from people who are visiting from Florida, they can create a Google AdSense ad – and advertising on Facebook, "Hey, we know people from Florida are visiting. We also know their interests in banking, finance, and in this case, the ages are between 24-35 and they speak some Spanish."

We can narrow the advertising in those data points and it can maximize the conversion or more traffic if you want to push a different location on the country or different demographic into your business in this case.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. I think I have one more question I want to ask you while we're on screen sharing, unless there's other things to show. But I really do want to understand about adding a space because Matterport tour links can come in all different shapes and fashion.

If I am using a lot of stuff to the right of the model number [parameters], do I need to get rid of that when I pasted in? What am I pasting?

Diego Orofino: You don't paste that. That pasting used to be pasting but not anymore.

Dan Smigrod: We've synched the Matterport and Mattertraffic accounts.

Diego Orofino: If you've sync the account that is correct. We sync accounts, and then once you select in this case, you select a plan. Then you see all the Matterport models that you own.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Diego Orofino: Do you see the ones that are Private Spaces? We listed them, but you can not access Private Spaces.

So if you want to make it public to see it here, you will have to go into the Matterport account and turn it back on and then refresh the page and you will see this enabled. You can not add a Private Matterport model into Mattertraffic.

Dan Smigrod: Make sure that the model can be shared.

Diego Orofino: When you select your first model, we give you the price, if you'd like two, we give you another price, it gives you a confirmation page – You can remove them, and you can go back and add another one and then you check out. Once you checkout – right now we partnered with Stripe to do the checkout.

Pretty much you enter your credit card, you subscribe for those three models and once you check out you enter your credit card information, we'll come back into the dashboard and we did three models on the left side.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. So then that begs the question, in reverse. What link am I actually sharing when I go publish it to a website?

Diego Orofino: Correct. Once that you add a model and you pay, you will get, and this is what comes from this section right here, you'll get a pop-up showing –. I think I can do this. Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: I realize you're in various demo accounts showing various things.

Diego Orofino: I was trying to emulate it again. But you will get a pop-up saying, "hey, this is the link that you need to share," but in case you want to know the URL, what we have is, is that you can click on this first icon, this would open the link itself. You can copy it and that is copied into memory.

So if you want to see it this way, you just copied. Let me see if I can... there, this is what I just copied. Then if you copy in the embed code, this is what you copy for the embed code.

Dan Smigrod: So for clarification the link is no longer the Matterport link. Well, it's the – forward slash some unique number – that's pointing to the Matterport tour. (Thank you.)

Diego Orofino: That's what you were looking for. This is the format. Sometimes these URLs – it's lengthy and especially if you are using parameters.

So we try to keep it really simple for everyone just to – forward slash – and the Matterport model ID. I say as short as the Matterport URL, but at the same time you can append, the same parameters that worked for Matterport would append into Mattertraffic.

So if you want to do the auto-play, the MLS 1, or show the help, you can just add [the parameters] right in there.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. I'm going to take it off screen-share unless there was anything else you wanted to show us.

Diego Orofino: No, no, it's absolutely. This is great.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. You took it off screen share. Okay, good.

Diego Orofino: Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: I'm a Matterport Service Provider. I've just looked at the demo of Mattertraffic and I'm shaking my head wondering, "Okay, I get it. There's a lot of information there, but how do I use Matterport + Mattertraffic to get more clients?"

Diego Orofino: Well, we are to get more clients. So there's different ways. First, subscribing to the reports it's really useful just to get familiar with the traffic. We have some users that come on a weekly basis; sometimes more than once, and they just print out the reports and they create their own reports and they send it to their clients.

They white-label to the clients; that's a feature that we are working on, white labeling that you will be able to add your logo and send it out automatically. This is a way for the photographer to up-sell their service and also charge for the report.

We encourage them to go ahead. If you feel like charging them for getting analytics, I think an extra fee for the data, go for it.

Dan Smigrod: Okay, well, I'm not excited about that. I just feel like that's expected to deliver the data (at no extra charge). I need to provide data to my clients, so now I just incurred another expense to provide the same service.

But if I can get new clients as a result of offering Mattertraffic as a feature then I think I can get excited. Do you have some thoughts on this topic of how a Matterport Service Provider can get new clients or more business from existing clients?

Diego Orofino: Yes. This is what we're rolling out. Again, we are trying to roll out features and the Dashboard as introducing what we have and just start communicating with Matterport Service Providers to understand what they want. A lot of MSPs, they want to offer more like a registration to see the model.

For example, like a gate to enter. Hey, fill out the form and see the model. We actually built in a way to: fill out this form, get these analytics of that particular user, how long they stay in the Matterport tour and see where they navigate, get the Heat Map of that user to understand where they navigate. You should be able to say, "hey, that person spent a lot of time in the kitchen."

The next conversation will be about the kitchen. So it's an insight to understand how the users navigate inside the model that will help you upsell Mattertraffic analytics or whatever you offer inside the Matterport model.

Dan Smigrod: I'm going to push back on that because I'm still hearing you're going to have a gate and then some Matterport Service Providers are going to charge for this value added to Add On in statistics.

I don't think that's where the money is. Maybe I'm wrong. I would love to hear the discussion from people in the We Get Around Network Forum (

Or, perhaps you have insights from existing Mattertraffic clients. I think the bigger win is, particularly if I am in a state like Texas and there are people relocating from Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, that it's a missed opportunity for a real estate agent not to have a Matterport tour because there's traffic coming from outside their state.

In order to have more people in the tent, more people to walk through the house, granted a virtual walk through – that you really do need Matterport and the real estate agent armed with a report is going to be from previous examples.

Is going to be able to say, "hey, we're able to get more offers for more money faster because when we use a Matterport tour to market your house for sale, here's the traffic that we can expect from out-of-state.

If we're not marketing your house and you're using an agent that doesn't offer this service, then you're missing out on all these potential buyers who are not having the opportunity to walk through your house to consider making an offer for more money because houses are often going for more than what the listing prices.

I think that the opportunity for a Matterport Service Provider is to get new clients by showing them the power of that Mattertraffic report that gives them the insight. This is like a double sale.

The photographer needs to get an OK from the real estate agent. The real estate agent needs to get an OK from the home seller. So the home seller is the person who's making a decision with the agent.

I think the conversation again between the agent and the homeowner is, "we're going to help you get more offers for more people sooner, for the most money by enabling out of town people to walk through your home.

That's super-important in our city because our Mattertraffic research shows that 20 percent – whatever the number is in that market – are coming from out-of-state, they are sight unseen buyers or as buyers that are doing a virtual walk through, but have not physically, walked through the house. Then I started to think, oh, well, that's migration. We've published that. We Get Around Network Forum. There's 10 cities in the United States.

They're getting a huge amount of migration from out of town. Now we have vacation houses for rent. That's a whole nother thing.

Diego Orofino: I'm amazed. Exactly. There's so many use cases where you just describe, you just thought about and you walked us through right now.

In so many use cases that any Matterport Service Provider can imagine how to utilize this Mattertraffic data and also different industries, different ways, but yeah, absolutely.

Dan Smigrod: Forgive me Diego, but I think it's thinking too small for Matterport Service Provider to think that they're going to get $5 more, $25 more or $50 or whatever it is. The opportunity is to get more clients, get new clients.

Then the second opportunity is to be able to go back to existing clients and get more business from them. I think partly how you do that is how – that conversation goes. "Oh, we have a million dollar listing, so we're going to use Matterport, but we're not going to use it for our $750,000 listing.

We don't need that but the point is if the data analytics, the insights about real traffic can show that listings are getting traffic from out-of-state then the point that the Matterport Service Provider needs to make to existing real estate clients is, "hey real estate agent client.

We can help you win more and bigger premium listings more often because of the data analytics that we're able to provide."

By the way, in many locations, there is a saturation of Matterport Service Providers so be among the first Matterport Service Providers in your market to leverage Matterport + Mattertraffic in order to differentiate yourself from other Matterport Service Providers.

But really to say to the agent, "this data, when you put it in front of a prospective home seller, they're going to want to use you because even if some other agent is using Matterport, they don't have the insight to be able to say, 'look at all the people that are coming from out of state.'"

Then to your point, you've talked about how marketing may change for that property based on the insights that you're getting on that property, whether that's the Heat Map and it tells you something different and unexpected about how to market that house or you're getting traffic from places that you hadn't expected or the kinds of people –

Diego Orofino: That's absolutely huge. You explained it correctly. There's so many use cases that it can be used in retail. We have a lot of retailers in our company and the way they use it is to understand conversions.

They use the Hovers, the Clicks to understand how many leads they are sending to a particular retailer or if you want to sell items in your house.

Dan Smigrod: Let's go back to a retailer and let's say I'm selling refrigerators. I don't know, pick an item. Let's just pick a refrigerator.

Can you do the conversion within Mattertraffic to show that that Matterport tour with that click on that MatterTag, with that click on the link within the MatterTag to the website and the viewer actually bought that refrigerator and therefore you're able to show conversion? You're nodding your head. Are you able to show conversions?

Diego Orofino: Let me show you this. This is what we did with Whirlpool. It was a huge use case that we have with them. It ran for about a month inside Pinterest and together with them we did this microsite of this entire showroom.

They were displaying three different appliances. They created three different entry points to three different appliances, deep-links. That's something I also wanted to show you is that you can create Mattertraffic reports of deep-links as well.

They loved it because they knew exactly what each customer did and then when the conversion happened or the lead conversion happened, you would lead into Lowe's account.

We have a partnership with Lowe's that on checkouts sends the data back into our platform and the reports, the conversion closed. This is the type of data that retailers are using more to understand. They invest X amount of money in this campaign.

They convert, did they push these appliances? Did the people that came through this deep-link, did they end up buying this appliance or did they spend more time in this appliance? Exploring all the features, every click, every video.

We created a separate Mattertraffic report, a custom report. This is the business aspect, is not part of the dashboard, is more customizable.

They want to see how many people deep inside this dryer we will know exactly and then we can understand where they spend their time, the location as well. What they did, they ran for a month. We generate three different Mattertraffic reports for them.

For every report that we generated, they fine-tuned their campaign – focus in different sections for different states – to understand which appliances were converting more.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. We've talked about retail, we've talked about residential real estate, we've talked about Matterport Service Providers. Are there other verticals that are sweet spots for Mattertraffic?

Diego Orofino: Hotels – hospitality are really good to understand your hotel and to understand where most of the traffic is coming from. Cities, states and also you can do different campaigns.

If you have a brand new hotel, if you want to launch a campaign to understand the type of demographic that your hotel actually is more appealing, then that will be a great way to use - to understand where are they coming from.

Dan Smigrod: Hotels and any other category?

Diego Orofino: - We are focused primarily with retailers, residential real estate, and hospitality. Those are the main focuses that we have.

Dan Smigrod: - I would push back on Matterport Service Providers: two things that are watching our show.

One is making sure you're thinking about how you might use Matterport + Mattertraffic to get additional business from existing clients and get new business from real estate agents, hotels, travel, tourism, hospitality, and retail in your market. Diego, Matterport provides analytics. Why was it necessary to come up with this Mattertraffic solutions?

Diego Orofino: - I took this task of building this platform or spending time on this as a micro-service provider. A little background. I started as a Matterport Service Provider many years back.

Because of my background on software development and technology, I was able to create reports for my clients that Matterport was not offering the data. We're talking about deep analytics.

Some of the data points that I described before, that Matterport was not offering just visits and clicks to some place. It wasn't enough for my clients. That's why I built Mattertraffic. It started from personal reports.

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Dan Smigrod: - You're a Matterport Service Provider. You're working with clients that need data analytics. The Matterport-provided analytics are thin, not adequate, so you went and built out a platform in order to solve the problem for your clients in your Matterport Service Provider business.

Light bulb goes off and goes, "wow, what I'm doing actually is a value to the entire Matterport ecosystem, Matterport Service Providers in particular, and then direct clients in general, whether they're retailers or in the travel, tourism space, residential, real estate, and beyond."

Diego Orofino: - I've realized that I can close deals faster this way because I was not just selling the scan, I was just selling the scan plus data. The Matterport scan can be good if it is residential because you know when the house sells.

In the beginning, I would say, "so do you want to see data?" "Yeah, I would love to see how many people visit right away."

Dan Smigrod: - Well, how did that work for you? Do you feel that your Matterport Service Provider business actually, your business?

Diego Orofino: - Absolutely. From the beginning, it was an upsell. From the beginning, for my personal – the way I was selling, I was not to focus on residential real estate.

Dan Smigrod: - But were you offering the data as an Add On: charge more for the data or no? That was to get the Matterport scanning business?

Diego Orofino: - It was like extra sugar to close the sale. "And by the way, I can give you this." I was like, "hey, we can do the Matterport scan" and they were convinced, but then from half-convinced to "this is worth it," and I can give you so much data.

You will be able to understand the people who can visit your apartment, you know the demographic, you know so much information that can actually help you for the next house. To understand if this house is in this block, do you have another house that's close to, you know how to sell that.

Dan Smigrod: - You're in New York City. You mentioned that residential real estate is not necessarily your thing. What was your category that was your sweet spot?

Diego Orofino: - I was up to the challenge. I was like, "I want to take big corporations, I want to take on Whirlpool.

They work with Pinterest, Craft, Jaguar. I was taking any job, and I was pitching big. I was going for the home run. The market was, in my case, in New York. I was the initial – I was one of the first Matterport Service Providers. I will not say the first one. That's too much. But I was one of the first one doing Matterport in New York city.

The world was completely blue and it was great, but in residential, the conversion; the time, my time, it wasn't worth it. Going there, scanning with a Matterport Pro1 3D Camera, and even longer would take processing. It was like, you know what? Let me charge them more but sell a microsite, sell a website, sell more than just a single model.

Dan Smigrod: - Point taken. Instead of selling, offering a Matterport scan, you were offering a Matterport scan plus... solution that clients that you wanted to call on would be more attracted.

As you mentioned whether that's a website or Mattertraffic or whatever it was you bundled together to achieve success. But I think specifically related to Mattertraffic, is if your Matterport Service Provider, use Mattertraffic to get new business, use it to get additional business from your existing clients.

Diego Orofino: - Yeah. It's just an upsell. It's just like, "hey, by the way, I also can give you that." That's going to leave you out at the end of the conversation of the scan.

The scan it by itself is great. People love the Matterport scans, but then it's, "by the way, you can get data." You get close to closing the deal because you get that data for $3.99 a month. I think it is a good Add On to your portfolio to offer.

Dan Smigrod: - Yeah. I guess I would suggest that Matterport Service Providers, even if you're not ready to turn on hundreds of models to get analytics for, start out with five, start out with 25, and I think I'd probably say the same thing, take your best client and say, "hey, I want to provide a free service to you at no extra charge.

All I ask is that I can use the data analytics, and publicly share it with other clients." Get that okay, now get real data. Now you're able to use that to show your existing client to get more business from them and then how to get new clients by using real data from a real client who's given you permission to share that data.

Diego Orofino: - Exactly. You're right. We're not saying add all your models into the Mattertraffic platform. We're still learning, but the sweet number of how many models our customer has is in the tenths so let's see, and they'll under rotate them. There's always like archiving some, bringing back all new ones and so on.

Dan Smigrod: - That begs the question, if I select five models for a package, can I archive and change models?

Diego Orofino: - We're still learning to see what that sweet number is to create a package that it will be. That's why I'm saying we are monitoring our users to understand what is that sweet number of models that they are always active to create a nice package.

Dan Smigrod: - Yes, but is it based on the model or the individual model? If I have Matterport models one, two, three, four, five, as part of my package but next month I want it to be model numbers six, seven, eight, nine, 10, can I switch my data?

Diego Orofino: - Well, our vision for the plan is yes, you will buy a bundle of five for x price and then you can rotate as many times as you want.

Dan Smigrod: - What happens with my data?

Diego Orofino: - Your data is archived and you rotate, you stop so basically the start date, end date would end when you archive that model.

Dan Smigrod: - The start and stop date, the stop date will end when you switch to a different model. Essentially, putting that data in a bow and putting it in a box.

Diego Orofino: - That is correct. This is a section called archive. This archive section allows you to – If you want to archive the model, you can just archive the model. The moment that you archive the model, the data range would actually stop. Can you see the section, Archive?

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Diego Orofino: The demo model you can not archive. But you can archive this model and it will stop charging the subscription the moment that you archive. If you click that, it will give you, "Are you sure you want to archive?"

Hey, by the way, "the subscription is expiring on the 13th. You will be able to use them to that day, but after that, that will be the end of the day range."

Dan Smigrod: - Got it.

Diego Orofino: - Then you are still able to access archived data. We will never delete the data. It's always for you to access.

Diego Orofino: [It's a demo account.]

Dan Smigrod: - It's the demo account. Let's come off screen share. I want to ask, before we go, is there anything that we haven't covered that we really should have talked about?

Diego Orofino: Deep-links analytics. We can do deep-links analytics as well. It allows you to just create one of those deep-links, copy and paste it and you should now be able to get a different entity point and data analytics.

Dan Smigrod: I'm confused about deep-links. I think of a Matterport deep-link that I create with my ["U"] key and then I have this, when somebody clicks on that link, it's going to go right to that spot in the model. But since I'm syncing my Matterport account with Mattertraffic, how do I tell Mattertraffic, no, don't use the main link for Matterport, use this deep-link.

Diego Orofino: Great question. I'm going to do it really quick, I promise you, that you know how to create a deep-link. You press "U", you get the deep-link on top. Then on here you just add a new deep-link, also the Mattertraffic Pro plans, that's called a deep-link 1.

You paste the link, you verify that it is legit. That is an entry, the new deep-link that you create. Having that created on the same, let me actually do it differently.

Dan Smigrod: That's okay.

Diego Orofino: You get the point.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Diego Orofino: Then you head on top of here and you can create – and then right there you see a deep-link analytics.

Dan Smigrod: Okay, So if you can take off screen-share, thank you for correcting me on the "U" key, not the "H" key. What else haven't we talked about that we should talk about?

Diego Orofino: We have a lot coming. We are also building a robust API for all the Matterport partners. The Matterport Partners will also be able to take advantage of the data. We are really friendly with Matterport Partners.

Just making sure that everybody understands that we welcome all the Matterport Partners, Matterport Partners that build applications to work with us.

Dan Smigrod: This sounds like the single most important thing of the entire show. Let's spend some time on this and drill down a little bit.

As of today, Thursday, July 21, 2022, Matterport says they have about 150 partners companies that have licensed the Matterport SDK, Matterport API in order to create unique, interesting solutions. We Get Around Network tracks, the publicly available Matterport Partner solutions that are available to the ecosystem.

Not all Matterport Partners are building out public solutions, they're building out private solutions. I believe that we are counting today about 75 Matterport Partners that have public solutions available to the community and let's call that a WGAN Cheat Sheet: Matterport Partners.

We make this available to We Get Around Network Forum Members to make it super-easy and super-fast to find the 75 Matterport Service Providers (and growing) that have public solutions.

So that's teeing that up to say, if there are third party tools and solutions that have licensed the Matterport API, the Matterport SDK and they have their own unique Matterport link, then they will be able to license the Mattertraffic API/SDK in order to build the functionality of Mattertraffic into their solution. Am I close?

Diego Orofino: It's close to that. But yes, it's similar to those terms, because like you say, every Matterport Partner will have their own domain and the SDK license is registered to the domain, they work ...

Diego Orofino: I'm going to pick the right words, we're picking the customers and we're helping each other to "robust each other" on the back-end without interfering with the domains; as best as possible. But yes, this is something that everybody is going through.

Dan Smigrod: What are you doing talking to me? ;-) You should be busy coding this. This is so exciting.

Diego Orofino: Oh my gosh. You have no idea. It is exciting.

Dan Smigrod: I just want to stay on it, because I think what you've announced – or you said – is such huge news for the Matterport ecosystem, that if you love and adore a particular Matterport Partner, third-party solution that uses a different URL than the Matterport URL meaning, some solutions are overlays?

Diego Orofino: Yeah. Is that. We encouraged Matterport Partners to reach out to us. We have customers asking to say, "hey, Mattertraffic has the solution we need on the back-end, but we're not ready.

We are, "baby steps." All Matterport Partners are eager to come up with the best solution. I think every Matterport Partner is doing fantastic. I had to say fantastic work during their development and design.

Dan Smigrod: But just to be clear on this, what this means is that if I'm using a different third-party solution and you two – that company and Mattertraffic – are playing nice together, then somehow there'll be a seamless integration that won't change the URL that I'm presently using. It just means that that solution will be able to offer Mattertraffic within their solution?

Diego Orofino: That is correct. In essence, that is what we are working towards and that's what we are working on. Yes, that's what we are working on. Basically, the Matterport Service Provider – My goal is to create a simple solution and that's what I did with Mattertraffic for the Matterport Service Providers to implement the solution.

So the same thing with our partners. We're trying to work with them for us to be there and then to be with us without any interference.

Dan Smigrod: That's awesome. When's your first integration going to be announced?

Diego Orofino: You will be the first one to know. How about that? ;-)

Dan Smigrod: How are you doing on your development of your Mattertraffic API, SDK Kit?

Diego Orofino: It is coming. I don't want to spoil it, but it's coming fast, it's coming good, and it's coming solid. I don't want to say a month, two month but how about if I say in the next three months or less.

Dan Smigrod: With slippage, let's call it in time for New Year's January 1, 2023. Something to look forward to ... to celebrate.

Diego Orofino: It will be much earlier than that, but yeah, that's a good end. But yeah, I just wanted to make sure that the partners know that the best way to make it is to work as friends and work together and we are building an amazing platform or solution and I think it's best if everybody works together.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah, I think so too, because it's super – I could imagine that if you are a Matterport Partner with an entirely different solution, with a different need, your clients are saying, "well, these Matterport statistics are pretty thin, could you build out statistics?"

Instead of them building out a platform to include statistics, they should just be – a plug-in – plugging Mattertraffic into their solution so that their customer can say, "yes, I'd like to order Mattertraffic for these models."

Diego Orofino: Add a checkbox to buy Mattertraffic.

Dan Smigrod: I love it.

Diego Orofino: Also another reason is that in our case, we want to be focused on one thing and doing it right. We want to focus on analytics and we will not divert into something else other than analytics. Then everybody can work with us and we can work with them.

If someone else wants to do analytics, that's fine. [Mattertraffic is focused and obsessed with analytics.] This market is beautiful and everybody should work together.

Dan Smigrod: Totally love it. I'm super-excited for you and your team. That's a major announcement. Can't wait to see that implementation and how it's implemented.

Before we go, I just want to challenge you, we've been talking for an hour or so, if somebody just tuned in and they say Mattertraffic, okay. I get it. Matterport + traffic = Mattertraffic. You're in the elevator, what do you tell people?

Diego Orofino: We are an analytic engine of consumer behaving for digital twin models. So what are you building? We have an analytic engine for consumer behaving.

Dan Smigrod: We only got from Floor 1-5. We had another 15 floors to go. You didn't have to use the other 15 floors of elevator pitch.

Diego Orofino: No. Then the question is, what do you mean? Then we go into the nice juicy –

Dan Smigrod: Oh? What's that?!

Diego Orofino: Basically it's, if I wanted to say it a different way. I know that it is: What Google Analytics is for the website, is what Mattertraffic is for a Matterport digital twin. How about that?

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. Diego, thanks so much for visiting today.

Diego Orofino: Absolutely. It was a pleasure, Dan. Thank you so much. I hope to see you again and again.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. We've been visiting with Mattertraffic Founder and Chief Technology Officer Diego Orofino. You can visit: Set up a free account and lots of exciting things.

I think I'm really kicking into full gear in August of 2022. But as Diego has summarized there, as Google Analytics to web.

Diego Orofino: Yes, well, Google Analytics if for a website,

Diego Orofino: Mattertraffic is for the Matterport Digital Twin. So it's the same thing, it's like equal. We will do it for Digital Twins while Google Analytics does it for websites.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. For Diego in New York. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, and you've been watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.
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