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Calling potential clients1710

suncoastskyview private msg quote post Address this user
I'm very grateful for the referrals I get. Lately, I have been getting referral notices and the interested client doesn't call or email me.

I could use some advice here: Is it appropriate for me to call or email these potential clients when they don't call us first? I don't want to come off as a hard-sell. Comments anyone?

Thanks in advance.
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Zephyr Cove, NV
Maria private msg quote post Address this user
I would contact them. I'd be polite and say exactly why you are calling which is to follow up on a referral you've received and want to know if you can answer any questions or be of assistance and then let them talk, or wait for a response if by email. If they changed their mind or no longer require your services they will tell you. I think if nothing else you will come off as friendly, communicative and thorough.
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GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
You'll never grow you business if you wait for them to contact you. The whole point of the referrals is that someone has made an inquire of interest and it's up to you to find out if there is genuine interest or not.

I have found in many cases these inquiries are nothing more then people trying to pick you brain to determine if they should buy a MP camera to cash in on the so call VT gold-rush. In all the referrals I've had not one ever turned into an opportunity but in every case I followed up on each one and called them.
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suncoastskyview private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for your wise advice. I'll be on the phone if you need me!
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