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Mattertags Not Working : PDF16941

ThinkLab private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, been racking my brian as I always could load PDF's in the Mattretags. Either hosted in Googel Drive or Dropbox. But for some reason today it will not show any of the files. I have also compressed them. But still only showing an emapty black box or just says preview is not available.

Are you using any other 3rd party solutions to host your media and then embed into Mattreport espcially for PDF files.
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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@ThinkLab I think you need some kind of Webhosting Service (not cloud Service) to display PDF in Mattertags. Try this link

It should work in your Matterport model. You need to upload the pdf to any kind of Webhosting Service. I am using WordPress for this.
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ThinkLab private msg quote post Address this user
@MeshImages Hi, thnaks. But it used to work just fine. Dont know why its not anymore.

Using Wordpress etc is just a pain in the ... there must be s simpler solution. I know how to do my images etc, but something is wrong on Matterport end.
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Have you asked Matterport Support if something changed with Matterport MatterTags regarding PDF files?

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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have mentioned many times that most clouds are not suitable for loading anything into Mattertags. Clouds do not spit back binary data of a document you are calling from them. They return HTML code that contains a lot of things. Fo example when you try to open an image from a cloud(say Google Photos) through HTTP(s)(url is using http(s)) you are getting an interface for editing, a viewer to display the called image and on top of that you will get a cloud GUI interface for working with documents in the cloud.

However that's not what Matterport expects when you create a tag and you want an image to be displayed in it.

There is one image hosting that won't work with loading an image not tags using their sharing link exactly for the reason I explained above. However if you search through the cloud interface page HTML code when such an image is displayed you can find the actual URL for the image loaded in that interface.

I do not think Google Cloud or OneDrive will let you do it that way though as it seems to be a breach in security. Most cloud solutions should check your authorization to access a document and if there is pre-generated link that can let you to access the document by passing authorization it is just not secure to anybody.

Authorization can be another reason why you cannot get anything loaded from Clouds into Matterport. You may have access to the documents and it works for you as a person who has been granted access as an owner but then a viewer without any authorization trying to open a tag with such a document cloud security check won't return anything that has been requested due to restricted access.
If you try to do the same in a browser you will just get a message that you cannot access this document,asking you to login or request access. Matterport won't show you this even for debugging as it expected a jpg/png in binary format while the cloud spit a text warning about access and/or offer you a login page.
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