Video: iGUIDE versus Matterport16860
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Video: Top iGUIDE Advantages - Masterclass: iGUIDE versus Matterport | iGUIDE YouTube Channel | Friday, 20 May 2022 | iGUIDE Sales Development Representative Jenny Yang Example of iGUIDE Refresh Transcript (video above) [00:00:02] Jenny Yang: Then let's get started. I'm hoping that everyone can hear me okay and everyone can see my screen here if at any point in time during this Matterport comparison. Master class, if you guys are having any technical issues experiencing anything from my end, please let me know and I will fix it asap. [00:00:30] Jenny: Well, hello everybody. Welcome to today's master class. As you can see, our topic today will be the Matterport comparison. I am Jenny, I am a Sales Development Representative here at iGUIDE and I want to thank you for joining today's master class. Now, I do tend to speak a little bit faster than Joe, regular gene. If I am speaking a little too quickly and you want me to repeat anything, please feel free to type in the chat. I am monitoring the chat here as well. Let me know and I can repeat what I've said and I can also slow down. Today's topics will be the big difference between iGUIDE and Matterport, what agents want, and agent objections that you might encounter and how to handle them. The most asked questions that our operators receive from their prospective clients is, how does iGUIDE compare to Matterport? Well, it's like comparing apples to oranges. The user experience is completely different. The biggest difference really is that one is 3D and the other is 2D data. Matterport has the visually aesthetic 3D doll house that buyers can use as a reference to maneuver throughout a 360 degree Tour. But how useful and efficient is it? The dollhouse feature that Matterport has added to their software allows real estate agents to capture rooms from any angle. That allows potential home buyers to picture themselves living in that space. But this can also be done through the use of any ThreeSixty Tour. It takes an incredible amount of 3D data and time to create a doll house. More often than not, this data collection is not only overdoing it for you guys as the real estate photographers, but real estate agents, realtors and buyers alike. The bigger the data, the longer it takes to process, meaning, the longer it takes for the realtor to get their listing up and running. Now, 2D data does the exact same job of allowing potential buyers to picture themselves living in a space. As you already know, rather than 3D scanning, the iGUIDE software uses something called a time of flight LIDAR laser. This cannot create any doll house, but it's more accurate and it has a considerably greater range than the Matterport equivalent. The ThreeSixty iGUIDE Tour is integrated with highly detailed floor plans for intuitive navigation that allows for both 2D and 3D reference points to maneuver throughout a space. This is what really differentiates iGUIDE Tours among other platforms. Not only is the 2D data easy and quick for you as the operator to collect but that data is processed much faster than 3D data, which means the agent can have their listing up and running as soon as possible. What are agents looking for? Generally, agents nowadays are looking for something aesthetically pleasing and efficient. Realtors are wanting their listings to be successful and they want them to be pleasing to the eye. They sometimes underestimate the efficiency of a 3D tour and how it really affects their business overall. Matterport has always been known to have that marketing worthy aesthetic; iGUIDE has always been known for accuracy and measurement and efficiency of use. Ultimately, how do you, as an iGUIDE operator, gain that edge to persuade the agent to use your services over all else. Well, let's put it this way. You as an operator or the content creators for these clients. This means, you know best. Remember, they're hiring you for your expertise and your knowledge. Now you already know that iGUIDE is efficient. The tour is integrated with highly detailed floor plans for that intuitive navigation, meaning no one is ever going to get lost in an iGUIDE tour. Meanwhile, the aesthetics of the doll house on a Matterport is a feature that some realtors look for but there's that lack of an efficiency aspect to it. It's slower to process. Especially for a larger property, it's a lot of data. Not just on your iPad storage, but on your eyes as well. Here's what I mean by that. Efficiency and the efficacy of a doll house in this case is just completely lost. The purpose of any buyer of visualizing themselves living here really diminishes with all this extra data. It's way too much. Here's another example. This is why iGUIDE sticks to 2D data. It may not have that 3D doll house view built into the tour but we know that the integrative floor plan is effective on a universal scale. Now, did you know that iGUIDE has gotten a boost in the aesthetics department because if you haven't already noticed, we've updated our viewer so it looks even more pleasing to the eye. This is what it looked like before, as you probably all remember. Now, it looks like this. With this integrative floor plan, the iGUIDE is now not only just efficient, but it's even more pleasing to the eye. For some of you that may not know, you can add the agent info to each iGUIDE. This is a fantastic tool to personalize the agents marketing by including their logo, social handles, all their contact information in the iGUIDE itself to promote their brand through any social media, real estate search sites and even their website. It's a really great way for buyers to contact that agent directly. Another very special tool that we have for our realtor client are the analytic reports. iGUIDE analytics provides a very valuable call to action insights. Focus on where the listing is getting the most traffic and by whom. You can share this report with your realtor clients, who can then share it with their home sellers and their prospective clients to demonstrate the value of their marketing efforts and really prove how their services are above and beyond any other agent out in that game. Now as a content creator, this is a powerful tool in your kit. With analytics, your agent now has valuable information to keep their client well-informed and a well-informed client that is happy with the agents efforts are more likely going to refer them now to others. That's exactly what you have to offer to a real estate professional. You as the operator focus on providing the agent with the information that they need so that they can focus on closing that deal. It's important that agents know now how important their own efforts are, because it's 2022, we know how crucial marketing is to a business and agents need to understand that their efforts to help sell their home faster and far more, which leads them to more client referrals and happy sellers. Sending acquires mass emails and notepads in the mail are just not enough anymore. They need to understand that they need to do more and they need to put in more effort. Now you as the operator, have all these powerful tools to provide agents if they wish it. iGUIDE is data and feature-rich to help realtors easily demonstrate the value they bring to their marketing to their clients listing. With iGUIDE, agents can show their clients how they will attract more serious home buyers by getting the necessary information in an easy online format. You, as the content creator, provide these agents that marketing tool that they need to succeed in their business. You really hold the key to help them succeed. Now, what do agents really want? Well, they want to build their brand. They want to be referred. They want to win listings, they want those leads, and they want to close more deals because they want to succeed. But sometimes it's hard to sell to an agent because they, for one, have many people trying to sell to them that they're just bombarded with messages and cold calls every day, two, they're commission-based. It can often be a feast or famine situation. Three, upfront costs are hard because they get paid after their success. Four, they each make their own independent business decisions. You have to convince them individually. Lastly, like any other business, they need to manage their own expenses. They need to understand the value that you bring and choose those dollars to be spent with you over another service. However, they have to understand that marketing their brand and their business is a key component to their own success. How do you, as the operator, help with that? You need to strongly understand and be able to communicate your value and your value proposition and how that helps your client. Agents are looking for a partner. You are an extension to their brand and represent them in front of their clients. That being said, here are some things that you should consider. Customer service. It's important to be respectful and courteous. Professionalism, you have to act like a pro and confidently provide the professional advice. Timeliness, then you can demand it back, provide quality working content. For example, with high-quality photos and the impeccable iGUIDE tours of course. Lastly, be patient, they will always put their clients first. Now we're going to just go through some common objection examples and how you can deal with them. [00:11:58] Jenny: Example number one, I don't see the value in all that information. Now here is your response. I understand what you're saying. Let me ask you a question. What do you value in order to sell a home? Do you need a buyer? Or you can say, do you have to provide room measurements and floor area calculations? Where do you get them from? Do you need that information to be reliable? Sample number two. Your price is too high. Here is your response to that. What are you paying right now? What does that include? Why do you pay that much just for professional photos alone? Or how many listings are you getting? You want to win more? Three. I like the doll house view. Now you can say, I like it too. But does it help buyers effectively understand the property? Does it provide the buyers with a thorough understanding of the space or do your customers use it for navigation? Is it practical. Four. The house isn't nice enough to warrant one? Here is your response. What determines what's not nice enough. For the person buying it, it would be nice enough if it's just a reno or gut. It gives buyers an understanding of the potential. It's also a planning tool for which they can use as a reference tool to figure out costs. You're providing the buyer's value. Example number five, the home is going to sell so fast that there is no need for me to do all these extras. Here's your response to that. Is this seller going to sell again at some point? How much do you depend on repeat business, or more importantly, your customers referrals? Would you want to demonstrate the value that you bring to the table as a real estate professional? If you provide a minimal effort in the marketing of a home, what value and what's the message you're sending to your clients? Is it worth taking a chance that they may not use you again for their next listing? Do you want to lose future business or do you want to ensure their referrals? [00:14:46] Jenny: Our last example for today, all I need are photos. That's enough so I don't need a 3D tour or a floor plan. Here is your response to that. Why do you believe photos are enough? This is your opinion, is it because buyers indicate otherwise? Here, for example, is the NIR data from 2021, just last year. This chart shows what those at least who use the Internet, find most valuable when purchasing a home. [00:15:29] Jenny: In the perspective of a buyer, what they value most are photos, 89 percent. You can see there 89 percent of buyers valued photos. Detailed information about the property. 86 percent of buyers valued detailed information about the property. Floor plans, 67 percent. Real estate agent contact information, 63 percent, virtual tours, 58 percent. Now, iGUIDE provides all of these valuable features. iGUIDE also provides buyers interactive maps. Videos and virtual open houses using the virtual showing feature. The next time a prospective client and agent tells you, all I need are photos. You can tell them otherwise and you can even show them this chart if you want. This is NIR data from just last year. [00:16:35] Jenny: Now here you can see this is another NIR data from last year, 2021. Agents really aren't utilizing the tools that are easily and readily available and accessible to them. For example, virtual tours are not among the top used methods by agents. Only 17 percent, one-seventh percent of agents that are used by sellers actually utilize virtual tours. Putting that all together, according to this 2021 NIR data, the most important factor for a seller in choosing a real estate agent to sell their home is a agent reputation. Is the agent known to put in that extra effort to make sure the seller successfully sells their home? Is it agent going to be responsive to the seller's needs? Well, we can see from that previous data that I just showed you previously, only 17 percent of agents used by sellers actually utilize the virtual tour. We know that 58 percent of buyers value virtual tour. In reality, there's a very small percentage of agents that really put in that extra effort to remain relevant in the real estate profession. It's those agents that go above and beyond to satisfy the sellers. These agents, are going to have the best reputation and get the best referrals. Thus they're going to be the most successful in the field. All in all, agents need you and your services to be successful. Remember, you provide them to key, to success. With all the iPad features, you have all the tools that they need for them to succeed. That is it for today's a masterclass. Are there any questions or any topics that I didn't touch on that you would like us to answer today. Feel free to raise your hand. I think that option is available, if you wanted to say something, if you want to speak and ask a question, feel free. Yes. In terms of accuracy with an iGUIDE, you're looking at one percent or better on a floor plan. It's not 99.6 percent. We don't like to say that it's 99.6 percent accurate instead we'd like to say 0.5 percent chance of error with an iGUIDE. Yes. If you wanted to set up the agent banner rather than for a real estate agent if you wanted to modify it for accompany. You're more than welcome to do that as well. If you just wanted to, instead of putting a photo of an agent, you can just a logo of your company and branding image even for your company and then put the essential information there as well. Our hosting, so we currently do not charge any hosting fees whatsoever. We do not have a monthly fee. We don't have any subscriptions whatsoever, no ongoing fees. We offer a pay-as-you-go billing system. Hosting would be included in those fees technically, even though we say we don't charge for hosting, you can think of it like that for the processing costs. Now with theirs, they offer a subscription-based model. I believe that you have a limit on how many active listings for active projects that you can have. Once you've reached that point, you have to actually deactivate some, or you have to up your subscription model to get more of those active listings up. Yes, floor plans how Google Street View, even downloading your Matterport offline, I believe there are extra charges. But with an iPad that's all included. Yeah. The big thing also in photographers perspective with Matterport, I believe you have to also take photos on the staircase. I think what every six steps or so I forget the exact range, but you have to take panoramas within a certain amount of space. But with the iGUIDE, you don't need to take any photography on the stairs. You just need to show the top and the bottom of each stairs and then our drafting team stitches all of that together for you. Are there any other questions today that you guys wanted to ask now or if you do like Kelly said, if you have any support related questions, any tech related questions, please submit a support ticket online. Awesome. Great. No, thank you guys for joining in. If you guys have any questions at all, feel free to reach out. My name is Jenny. I'm a Sales Development Representative here at iGUIDE. Feel free to email me and I wish you a fantastic Thursday. Bye Bye everyone. --- WGAN Forum Related Discussions 1. WGAN Forum discussions tagged: iGUIDE | iGUIDE PLANIX | iGUIDE Stitch | iGUIDE RADIX 2. Transcript: WGAN-TV | iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit | Intro, Demo and FAQs 3. Transcript: WGAN-TV | iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit versus Matterport Pro2 Camera 4. Transcript: WGAN-TV | iGUIDE Stitch Post Production Software Training 5. Transcript: WGAN-TV | Intro: iGUIDE Radix for Insurance/Restoration Damage Estimating ![]() |
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