Video: How to Create and Use iGUIDE Tags16258
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Video: iGUIDE Tags with Sam - Masterclass | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 19 January 2022 Transcript (video) Sam Ryan: Let's get started with tags, if you've just arrived before I said anything, also, please confirm you can hear me. The microphone is lighting up. In the chat, just let me know that everything's working as expected, that would be wonderful. We'll get started. I think in the email as it said, my name is Sam and I'll be taking you through tags today. Thank you. Peter, thank you Alfred, thank you Stephen. Amazing. Three out of three. Let's get started. To get to the tag editor, let's go to the main thing. I'm on my iGUIDE here, and I want to get to some tags. On the left-hand side here, we have a bunch of different options. If you look at the iGUIDE default view tools, which it would be this one. If you had, for example, another view here, you would have to go into that view and then go into edit. Because this on the left-hand side, will edit the default view. This main one on the left. We're just going to delete that for now. I'm going to go into the tag editor. As you can see, I've got some prior tags here which I'm going to delete. It's a nice fresh start. This is just an example here. To place a tag on the floor plan here you can click on the blue tag button, which is create a tag. I'm going to click here. The same as you do with your measurement mode you're going to click on the one, and you can select one, two, or three, for the type of type of tag placement. We'll start with number one. Lets just go to a simple location in the iGUIDE. Let's go to the kitchen. Let's look at the sink, or something on the wall. This would be something on the wall itself. Let's just say these tiles for example. Here's a tag. We double-click with mode one on the item in the actual panorama here. Let's place the tag because you can see here right in the middle. You can zoom to place here, you can zoom in here and double-click to place. Once you've got this created, you can edit the tag. As you can see, we have a new tag. We have pencil edit tag content, the eye, if you click on the eye, it disables the tag. You can see it's grayed out here, it's more transparent. We can delete the tag. We all know that does. I won't click that one. Click on the pencil to edit a tag. You can edit the tag title here, we'll call this tiles. Then we can type some things in here. This tile looks great. You can bold it, you can italics it, and you can also create into a heading. You can do some formatting in here too. What we're going to do is also we can quote something inside the URL or a link to somewhere. These tiles look great. Purchase them here. You can click on the link here and we would just say Amazon. Not sponsored by Amazon, but Amazon, you can get everything there. This is enter link description. What you would do here is highlight the description and say, link to Amazon store, Home Depot, whatever it is. That's what's going to show up when we look at the tag. You can also include a image. We click on here. What we'll need to have done is either enter the URL of the image. If you're on the store's website, for example, you can right-click "Copy Image URL", paste it here, or if you've included images within your gallery, you can select an image from the gallery to include here. We're not going to insert anything right now. You can also insert a video, or you can insert a panel link. From a tag, we can link to another panel link. Or it can even be another iGUIDE. We will put that here we just paste it. That's an example. You just paste it in here and you can put a panel link and it'll take you to that panel. We're not going to play around with that at the moment. That's a little bit more like the in-depth things that we don't particularly need to know about, but you can do it, and you can investigate and play around with things in here too. On this page, we're done. What I'm going to do is go to options, then you can embed a webpage in here too. Now certain webpages don't allow embedding. If you were to paste the Home Depot website where this tile is located, there might be a good chance that Home Depot themselves do not allow that page to be embedded in other websites. It's the same for Facebook, Instagram, lots of social media sites. They do not allow embedding in there, like they allow you to embed their website into another website. That will just not work. A lot of places like shops and stores you can do. But it's going to be hit or miss depending on whether they want you to be able to do it. Let's go into the next bit. We can have a transparent or opaque center. Transparent means you can see through it a little bit more, opaque is a solid hole in the middle. We can also change the color here. Custom colors are available. You choose a custom color. You can put the RGB value in if you know what it is. We're just going to go for a random one. Let's go for a nice pink. Shall we? Go crazy. On the right-hand side here, you can change the whole opacity of the tag. We can have it faded out. This is helpful for a, if you're trying to not cover something, but there's a good chance of people aren't going to see it then. Realistically what I do, is I would have the opacity 100 percent. It's super obvious where it is. Opaque, tile capacity 100 percent, and add a stem to it. Double-click on the item itself. Now what you can do is you can go into minus height to bring the tag down below. Minus is, I can't remember my axis is. The minus will bring the tag down by inches or centimeters. Now you don't want to do too far, you can play around with it and test it. This doesn't necessarily mean on the left-hand side, that it's going to be an accurate representation in the iGUIDE itself. This is just giving you an example. Plus will make the tag go above. For this, I'm just going to leave it at around about nine centimeters. Because why not? That's all the settings in here. Then we can go to quick preview. This tile looks great. Purchase them here, add a link to Amazon score. This is just a quick preview. We'll do apply, we can see the tag has done everything I wanted to do. When we hover over on it now, this is what it looks like. That's pretty straightforward. There's any questions around that itself, please do ask in the Q&A, and I can go into further areas in more detail later on once I finished with all the zones and all the things you can do. Bruce you've asked a question already. Thank you very much. I'll get to that at the end. That's mode number one, for placing the tag. We're going to save this down here in the bottom left corner. Now we can see my tiles tag has been saved. I just hover over here. Now, what we can do from this tag is select it. We click on "Tiles Tag", you can now see, let's zoom in here. We can use the pan and zoom function within an iGUIDE on top left-hand corner, to zoom in and pan around. We can see here that that tag is available to this, this, and this panorama. It's a good chance that this panorama, we go to this. I will need to turn that off now. If you can see it, but it's small. What we can do is while we select it on this panorama, and we have the tag selected, we can double-click the pano, and disable it from this panorama. That tag won't be seen until you go to this one. Oh, there's a tag over there. Go to this one. There it is, that's the tag. You can see which panoramas are available for each tag. We'll go on to mode number two. In fact I'll reset my view, and I will add a new tag. Just click off to de-select the tag, and you can see all panos have come back up now. I'll just do save again, so those changes are saved. Always remember to click "Save" after you've done things. We're going to go to this wall here for number two. As you can see these pictures here, I'm going to click on the "Tag Creator". I'm going to click on number one, then I'm going to click on mode number two. You read up here, tag placement mode two. Click and drag on the floor plan to draw a line along any suitable wall. This will define a vertical plane which we'll use to place the tag. Don't mind me, it's been a day. Again, we can click on the zoom function. Drag that out, zoom in, so that we can get this as accurate as possible. Unclick the zoom function, and then on the floor plan here, I'm going to align my mouse carefully with the edge here, doing the best I can. I'm going to drag down that wall right there. I'm going to try and keep it as straight as possible. Release, and you can see it traded a long line all across here. When I look now in the panel, you can see there's a line going along the wall. As we move inside the panorama, it's showing us where on the wall it's going to be placed on the floor plan. It's just creating an x. This is where the crossover point is, this is where the is where the [inaudible 00:10:17] can be created. Now we can choose the vertical and horizontal position here. We can put it right at the top. Just how the line is. Double-click, you can see that it's right at the top there. We can click on the tag. We can edit it as previously, so I'm not going to enter anything here. For example, hey, you could paste an image of the actual picture too. Say, this was an art gallery, which I've seen done with tags, this an art gallery and you want to give someone a high res image of it, you can add a link. Or you can put a link to the image itself, like the artwork, whatever, and high resolution within the tag. It's a really nice one to do. When they hover over it they get a nice, big clear, they get the price details of how much it can cost if it's something that can purchase, things like that. That's what it's super handy for. This can be used for stores, for showrooms where people are showing off like that product, seem like that is pretty cool. I can go to Options and we can change it to blue, opaque. We can make it white if you want. I don't know why it looks like a ton of transparency up. We're going to make it go down a little bit. I'm going to go Apply. Now, something's happened here, which is weird. I've never seen this before. Did I do something wrong? That might be. Let's close in this. Maybe it's because it's white. Maybe I shouldn't do white. [inaudible 00:11:47] two types? Let's click. No it's gone. I just have to approve it. Let's pretend that didn't happen. You didn't see anything here. Let's just check that, it was saved. Horrible color, I fill up the white plus t, increase stem height. Apply. You can see the stem is subject to, you have to play around with it a little bit. You'll get used to it. It's going to save. From this panel here, we can see that there's little tag just there on the corner. Because that was down in the corner placing it, it's a little bit off. We can't move this at this point in time, so we don't have the ability to click and drag a tag. If we click on it, I don't believe I can drag it. No, I can't right now. We'd have to copy and recreate the tag. There's one thing. Try and get that placement right before you do any of the changes, that's probably a good tip. But as you can see, this tag is visible from all these different places, which is a little bit crazy because you got a line of sight to it according to the floor plan. As we can see, there's a wall here, but it's really a fireplace, so it doesn't class as a wall. What we can do, again, click on the tag, click on the panel you want to disable. If we look towards the tag, we can see it over there. It's probably no good. We're going to double-click. I'm going to go to this one. I'm going to double-click. We're going to go to this one. It's probably okay, that one, and definitely this one. You can see for you own. [inaudible 00:13:30] No, so you disable that because it's a bit silly, we can do Save, and that's all done. Method 2 can be used another way as well. If you are outside and you have one panel. Say you've got your sales center sign here and you want to put a tag on this. How do I do that? Well, what you'll need to do is zoom in a bit and estimate on the floor plans. What we're going to do here is we're going to drag that down. It's in line with the window. I'm going to get mowed to, what we're going to do is draw a line probably more to the right of the window in between the foyer and here. We're going to draw a line here, make it straight. When we point at this, we can see that's too far in. This could be the placement of the panorama. Don't pay attention to the floor plan in this case, we want to look at the visual and double-click on here. Modal home and cell center, and we're going to edit that tag. Options, opaque. Fully, choose the custom color, black for that one. Because why not? Apply and then click tick box. Let's place now. You can't see it here. What we want to do is we actually want to bring that line in. We'll delete that tag, but outside it can get a bit tricky. What we want to do is draw that line closer to you because it's using that as a depth gauge. How far away should the tag be? That's going to appear small on screen. Do you want it to appear really big? What you're going to do is going to look at that. We're going to take two, draw a line diagonally across like this. When I look at this, you see how much closer to the line is now, so we're going to double-click here. Now it is, nice and large. We do tick box, just nice and big now, because it's closer to you proximity wise on the floor plan. You can get an even bigger, you can put the line right in front of you. We're going to do that just for an example. Just so that I can teach you guys a little bit for the tricks. Number two, let me draw it right here. Tiny little line there, because I know that that's going to crossover there. You can see, double-click. Your first double-click is not going to be perfect, going to go in. Options, take opacity, just do crazy, green, opaque, apply, save. That's much bigger now. All I've done is bring the line closer to the panel location. Things far away are smaller. That's the same logic that it uses. Let's go on to number three, shall we? Where are we up to? Let's do "Save". Always save to make sure it's done. You can name all these. I'm just going to delete, delete, delete, save so that I don't get a whole bunch of tags. Move number three is panorama based. The example I use for this one is you need to panels to be able to see the object in question. I always do this lamp shade, so let's do this lump shade together. Just for the sake of it. This lamp shade here is hanging light. Just going to go to number three. It's at the top, double-click in the image to begin placing the tag. I'm going to double-click on here, and then I'm going to go to another panorama, switch to another panorama with visibility of the same spot and double-click the same spot. A camera height above the floor must be the same in both panoramas. If we go to here, we can see that the camera height wasn't changed. We can zoom in. Double-click on the bottom of the light. A tag has been placed. I'm going to click the tick box, and that's our tag. It's up in the ceiling there, you can see it. Zoom out from the panels. You can see it here. Let me go over here. We can also see it at the top. Seems moved down a bit. Just as you go through, it will change just from different angles and stuff. We can see it over there. What we're going to do is we can edit it. Go to options, we can do the same again, increase the opacity, make it opaque, change the color. Give it a drop down because you didn't want it to be on top of the thing. Apply. Now we can see that it's pointing at the item. This lamp you can purchase from XYZ. That's the three modes, that's the different ways you can use it for inside and outside. Some other things that people I've seen use is they may be building management firm and they have an iGUIDE of their building. They're like, Oh, I want to check on the stats on this thermostat. What you do is you grab a tag. We're going to use number one because it's simple because it's on the wall, you're going to double-click on the thermostat. We're going to do that one. [inaudible 00:19:17] order equation. We're going to edit it. I'm going to do options. We're going to bring it down below, going to make it fully opaque. As you can see, it didn't go quite as far down as I wanted, so I'm going to go in again a bit more, and we can keep playing with that at some point, but this is fine. All we can do is put the URL in to link it to that management page. That's something you can think about doing. A lot of it is used for products or if we're pointing out products or you've got a luxury home or something, you can be bathtub and then have the manual of the bathtub or the microwave or the fridge and things like that attach to a tag. So that if you do an iGUIDE of a home, that is really expensive home or a really nice home that you want to show these things off and you want to provide that as something to the new homeowners, like hey, this has got the links to all your appliances in the iGUIDE. So then they're like, oh, how do I use that washer dryer? They go to the laundry room, they look at a washer dryer. There's a tag on it with a link to the manual. That's pretty cool in my opinion. I think that covers a lot of it. A couple of use cases that how to place them all. Look onto questions now. Bruce, that's a good question. We're going to go back to the main page here. What is the default view in secondary reviews? We can customize. For example, I could have this view with no tags on it. I'll duplicate this, and when I go and look at it, go to Edit, and then I go to Target Editor. You can see there's no tags on here. It's fresh. What you can do, is you can provide one with and one without tags, so you have two different links to the iGUIDE. Say you had friends and family. The new client had friends and family. They wanted to show it to you, but they didn't want them to see all these things. They could contact their realtor, hey, is there any chance you can remove these tags and all you'll have to do is provided with a new link by duplicating it. Let's delete this. Let's check if I do have any tags in here. It didn't say, let's put one for argument's sake. Couldn't save them. We're going to save that one. We could see new tag, Tag Editor. We have this one. So in the main one here, this one tag or duplicate this. Go to Edit and then a Tag Editor. You can see that tag exist, but I can delete it. Delete this tag, save. This view itself doesn't have a tag on it. There's a bunch of other things you can do with multiple views, like you can turn off floors. You've got an apartment building and you do one iGUIDE for the entire building. You can turn off panoramas and floor. The people can only see in their apartment block, so in our unit that they're renting. You can do the same thing. For apartment units, you can have the fire safety numbers, the communication numbers that they need within the iGUIDE. If you just bookmark that you can provide it with a whole bunch of information. I think you can add attachments and links to attachments. You could post PDF's or manuals to WeTransfer or if you've got your own personal Dropbox, you need to share the public URL. Let me just go through something as well with images. There's one thing before I forget. Let's do hanging light. Let's just have a look at this. We're going to crop this image here from Wayfair. This is why I bought this lump. Open image in new tab. What we can see is the ending is dot JPG. We need that to be able to show it in the tag. It needs to end in the file format. It can't just be a random string of numbers, because it needs to tell the viewer what type of media is being presented. If I go back to here in this kitchen, and I go the three, double-click. Go to here, look up and double-click. It plays, we edit, we insert the image, we type the URL in. We do insert URL. Insert image description here. Probably don't need anything in this because it's an image. We should delete that. You can get a quick preview and you can see it's there. Apply. When we go to this tag now, click "Yes." There is a tag in the kitchen comes up and shows us the image. Sorry, Bruce [inaudible 00:24:44]. You can do different types with different views. Say you had the owner of the shop and they wanted to send their clients. Say they have a product that they're selling in my shop and the clients like, "Hey, how does our product look?" She can send them a link to the iGUIDE with just the tag on their products. They can look around and see it tagged. This is all your stuff, blah, kind of thing. Then she might want a copy of yourself, why she's got all of them. She only enables certain tags for certain views. Because you can have them all in the default and then you can disable them, not delete them, but disable them per view as well. She could probably use the same view for multiple clients. Sorry, I just hit the microphone. With a couple of questions here and I'm talking into my hand so that you can't hear me properly. From Peter. I had tried using a tag on a window in order to show the view outside the window, rather than trying some window pole. When the image which was in the photo gallery came up, it was small. Shouldn't I did something wrong? How should I be using a tag to show an outside view that was taken separately with my DSLR. Let's do that. Let's go to this window and pretend that we have a landscaped garden. This is the view out that window. Let's pretend. We going to save this image into downloads. What we're going to do is we're going to go to the iGUIDE and we're going to upload that image into my gallery. Drag and drop. Let's get that over here, Downloads, nice garden. Open and that's uploading now to the bottom. Now let's get to the Tag Editor and double-click on a minute. What we're going to do first is I'm going to zoom out. I'm going to draw number two along that wall. We could use number one as well, so let's do number one. Type place from node one. I'm going to double-click on the image. You can see it's quite small from this view, the tag here, from this angle. What we can do, instead of placing the tag on the window a far distance, we can delete this tag. We're going to click onto mood two, as I mentioned before. What we're going to do is we're going to draw it right in front of us here. Right in front of the panorama. Still straight to perpendicular with the wall. What we're going to do is going to go, I want you to see this tag right in your face. Maybe not when you face this. Try that again. One, two. Maybe it sounds a bit weird for it. Might be sticking my tongue out while I'm trying to do it. Let's get the panel straight. And then right there. It's a bit bigger. I think once we saved it and it will be bigger too. Let's go to Options, increase the opacity, make it opaque, apply, save it. It's a lot bigger now, that's much better because it saved double-click, it applies to settings correctly. I've just realized my problem. This isn't going to work. When I go to this panel here, that's going to be one of the window here. Scratch all of that. I thought I was being so clever. You'll have to use mode 1. Double-click. Change the opacity. I personally think that should be a tag size increase on here. I will mention it again. You can increase the size of the target but is too small. That's a tiny tag. Even coming up properly. The types out there, because it's on the window. This isn't the mouse to look into. I see one of my colleagues in here. Can you message me, colleague? Remind me to bring this up. What we're going to do is we're going to fix this. We're going to use mode 2. Because that's going through the window out into the distance. Into the nether. We're going to use mode 2, but we're going to do right along the wall. We're going to zoom in here. I apologize about this. I haven't used this for a while. I refreshed this morning, but some scenarios that I didn't refresh myself with. Putting tags on Windows is interesting. I'm going to draw a line here. This is going to be the boundary of the tag. It's still going to place it here. As you can see, that's much better. It's going to place it right there. I'm going to tick and you can see the tag is now on the door. It's much better. We're going to edit it. Got options. I will pick a positive 100, I'm going to green just because I'm going to do content. We're going to click on the image. I scroll down here. Do you know why it's fun here? Because I haven't refreshed this page since I uploaded the gallery. I'm going to refresh this page. Then go back to edit a tag. Go to the gallery option. Scroll down and there it is. Let's go and take on it and set the gallery image. Apply. Save. Go back to the one we looked at. Hover and that's the image. It's quite small. I don't know if there's a way to make the image bigger. What if you get closer to the tag. No, it's still the same size within the pane. What I'll also do is add a feature request to improve this. To be able to choose small, medium, or large on the image sizing. Trying to keep this up here today. I'll speak with my colleagues. There's a few things that could probably be improved over time. I'm not making any promises, but you can see how that would be very handy to have a nice, decent, big version of this garden that's out there. But that's how you do it in the meantime, you can also place a link to the image. If you're in my eye guides new go-to guy guide itself. You go to it and you get your photos. You scroll down. You click on it and you right-click and do copy image address. I wonder whether that will turn out better. We're going to add it, the tag. Delete all this. Let me click on that image here. I'll put it up in here. Insert URL. Apply, save. This is the same size. It's restraining the size of the image displayed. That's not the greatest. But what you could also do with this, let's do it from bottom, possibly. For full-size image of the garden is click here. What we're going to do, I'm going to insert a link to the image. Going to put it here. I'm going to delete that. Apply. Save. When we look at the tag, hover over it. For full-size image of the garden, please click here. That's a link and I'll take you off the eye guide to a full-size image. That's probably something that you can use for now in the interim. You can put that at the top so it's super visible the bottom. That's probably going to be your best option here. You don't have to host anywhere else, you just have to get this. You right-click and you do copy image address from within the eye guide itself here, right-click copy image address. Next going to be a little bit much for one tag, but there's only one image. I'm going to take you too long to put that in the right place. I use mode number 2 to stop at flying through the window as far away as possible. That's good. Peter, I hope that answered everything. If you do want to follow up with that, open a support ticket, please let me know. Great. From Steven, are there other icon options besides the circle, not at this point in time? We look into edit the tag options. There's no other options here right now. Let me change in the future how that's going to be displayed. I'm not too sure. Tags came out a while back and I haven't seen any updates recently, but something we can certainly look into, we do have the feature suggestions forum. I think you might know about those, Steven. If you want to post on there but as an idea, we do look at that and we do pass them on to the development team and they get discussed. Feel free to post on that. Are there any other questions today? I think that's a pretty decent overview and some deep dives there and ways to deal with tags and what to do with them. You can always do a quick preview, can edit the content here to say wherever you like. It looks like you can put code in here, but what you can do is link two things. I think that's the best option for providing a big image. We have no other questions. While I wait for you guys to type furiously, which I'm sure you're all doing, I'm just trying to think of any other use cases for this. You can do exteriors. You can probably go out into the garden. I don't think this is a garden panel. I think this is a drone panel. This is a panel I was playing with, that's why it looks weird. We don't want to look at that panel, it's strange. If you were in the garden, for example, you could use Mode 2 to label plants and things like that and with Tag above them, if you're a landscape designer or something like that. But I'm not sure the Tags are available with Radix, which would be cool. I think it might be. I haven't tried tried Radix Tags. I don't have one to hand test with either. But it should in theory continue to work. Peter, we can go for that, the Google map pin placement. We can do that a little bit towards the end because that's not related to tax. There's another off-topic question. I'm happy to go into a couple of off-topic questions now and we will stop talking about Tags because this is being recorded and we'll save this and put it onto something. At this point here, we'll just do a bit of a Q&A. There will be another Q&A next Wednesday at two o'clock. I'll be running that one. Does anything after these one so we can go into that. But if there's no more question, I'll keep an eye out for questions about Tags. If anybody has one about Tags, please do ask it now before I go off on a tangent. Because there's two questions here that are not related to tax. I have a question about Google maps. That's from Peter. I have a question about Google maps' pin placement, if you care to tackle that. Yes, we can. If we go over here. Peter says I had an iGUIDE inside a gated community. On Google Maps, it shows the entire complex. For example, if the manager is 1, 2, 3, three is number 10, how can I place that pin on the map? It's good question. Here typically auto is ticked on the right-hand side. But what we can do is untick auto and we can actually see how the pen has changed. The hand grab has changed to a point. We can grab that pin and we can move it around anywhere and drop it. Like, oh no, that's not the right location and it's actually over here. We can drop that click ”Save” and the pin will stay where you drop it. You can move that onto the correct building. You can zoom in. You can place on the crack building whichever one you want to place it on. I'll stay there. There's no problem Peter, no problem at all. We have one other non-related question from Rochelle. I hope I pronounced that right. This question off topic, but is there an option to do branded an unbranded panel branding. When you do an unbranded iGUIDE, so if I go to my report here, iGUIDE view report. My report here comes with two links, the branded and unbranded. The branded one would normally have something here, but I didn't have anything attached to it. We can see it's still got the banner and everything. There's absolutely no way to differentiate between these two. Give me one second because I've got nothing on my branded version right now. Let's delete this. Let's edit this. Let's add a banner. Where's my test banner? There we go. That's my test banner. Then what we're going to do is we're going to go to my Panel branding image. We're going to randomly select them. Is just at the Phoenix one that was playing around with why not? Let's refresh this page. As you can see, here's my branded link. We've got the Phoenix on the bottom and we've got the banner at the top here, we click on the icon, the avatar. This is all the branded stuff. Unbranded you don't have an avatar at the top, so you have new branding at all. This is removed, all you get is this, the iGUIDE logo here. That's not classed as agent or photographer branding. This is just the product branding. We've had this question before. I questioned it, we looked into it and it's okay because this is all product. It's not advertisement or branding for the realtor or the photographer. This is just the product. That's okay. That's what you do Michelle, is you'd provide the two different links. Let's go back to here. When you get your report, you've got the branded and unbranded link. Unrealistically, the unbranded link is just your but at the front of it, after the https://, you've got unbranded dot at the very start. Unbranded dot and that gives you the unbranded version. Now when this is embedded, people who can't see this really and so they can't change it. But the main point is that it's embedded in the correct website without branding. It needs to be embedded in or or whatever website you use this is embedded in there, unbranded there's no problem. If people take the URL of funds URL and go themselves and put it in removing branded, well then you're going off of the MLS. It's not an issue. I hope that answers your question. There are no more questions. It's 2:46, I think that's long enough to talk your ears off. We can call that for today. If you have any further questions about Tags, please open a ticket. There is a knowledge base article regarding the Tags and I will mention the window issue and the size issue, are the two things I took them today. Why is it going through windows and can we increase the size of the Tag? Can we change the Tag shape? Like to a square or a triangle or something like that or maybe something else. One more coming, Bruce has got one more coming. Sure thing Bruce. I'm just going to open my chat here so I can see myself enjoying. I've got all those things noted. Anybody who asked a question where I couldn't answer, or there was an issue or there's a feature request, I have put that forward. Markers on the floor, I've requested code markers in the past and you forwarded the request. Any news on this? The panel halos has to be editable. There's a lot of changes coming with the viewer in the future. Not right now, Bruce, I believe there's going to be improvements made as always are with different components of an iGUIDE system. We're always trying to improve, keep up with times, make things look nicer. There's going to be more customization over the following years. Whether that's one of the options, I will pass that onto our RUI developers Bruce, make sure that they're aware of it. In fact, what I'll do is I will message them right now for you because I don't want to forget. Because you're not the only person who's mentioned that and I'd love to be able to get that implemented. Just trying to find the right person. Bear with me. I'm going silent. Sent out over Bruce to RUI designer as a note, so we should be good to go. Hopefully, we should be able to add more customizations for you visually and make things nicer in the future. As you probably know, things take a while to develop and implement, test and run and everything else. We do have a growing team that comes with some teething problems, but we'll hopefully get there in the end and improve things for you. There's no more questions? I guess that will do for today. Thanks for coming everybody. I'm going to go and sleep. I'm exhausted today. I do apologize if there's anything unclear here. Have a great day, take care everybody. We'll see you on the next Masterclass and I will be here next Wednesday at two o'clock for Q&A session. You have any other questions regarding anything else with iGUIDE, that's why you would come to for that. Thanks very much and do take care. Bye for now. |
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