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360 Cameras3DCivettaPhotogrammetry

360 camera for photogrammetry 230MP16013

Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I do not know if it has been ever shown on the forum but it seems it is an interesting product both for building a 3D model & creating a virtual tour. And the good thing it all can be both done as one media.

For a media sample click here

And here is a camera it has been done with Civetta 360°
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman Were you able to determine camera cost?
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Wow! Another 360 camera!

I (just) added it to this list:

WGAN List of 50+ 3D/360º Cameras for Virtual Tours

(The list includes nearly 90 3D/360 cameras: some of which are no longer available.)



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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
@Wingman Were you able to determine camera cost?

I was wondering about it too, googled for it and found one mention of its price on laser scanning forum. Somebody has said there its 30 000 euros. Shocking for just one rotating sensor device but may be taking into consideration that processing photos into 3D can be free. Sure at this price tag you can use a dslr and Metashape Pro(claims to work with 360 and cost over $3000 as one time fee) that even with all hardware cost will be about 5-7 times cheaper. Or simply ditch an idea of using 360s for photogrammetry and simply capture bunch of flat photos to build a 3D model.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

Wow! Another 360 camera!

I was searching to see what rigs people are using to speed up capturing interior for photogrammetry and that camera was shown in the search.

I am actually re-thinking photogrammetry now with Metashape Standard(only $170 for a license). I will post a link to a video that re-ignited my interest in it. I could not follow it with my set of 360 as they too far apart(2-3 meters) and that's probably why it did not work for me.

So I went back to flat photos and I fed 12 photos of my kitchen in 50MP and got so clear results for all textures that it looked very realistic. I have decided to re-do it and made 59 x 50 MP shots of my kitchen again. All captured from a tripod this time as I have had a lot of problems with capturing from hands and Metashape failing to align most images from a set.

This set however has worked with all 59 but it takes hours to process into mesh through my CPU. My GPU cannot be used as these resolution requires slightly over 2GB of memory so processing switching to CPU but for some reason is using very littlie of my 32GB of ram. And I cannot find any instructions how to allocate at least 16GB of it to Metashape. Anyway I am at 73% of building a mesh already and I will let it finish.

I won't be able to share a model because it does not let export it in demo mode but I will try to screen record it in 4K and show it as a video.

This should blow everybody's mind in terms how real it looks.

I think all huge processing time can be fixed with quite powerfull GPU and CPU combination. I have seen processors and graphic cards with computation speed 100 if not more times faster than my Think Station S30 sure it may come to quite a pricey desktop reaching maybe even $7-10K but then days of processing something huge can be reduced to hours and hours to minutes.

As for the video of using 360 for photogrammetry see it below. Note you will need Metashape Pro(trial or demo) as their Standard version cannot work with 360s.

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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Apparently once I switched to Metashape Pro trial I cannot use it anymore. My job that took 17 hours for processing ended up with no results and "not enough video memory" message. The same set of images that worked with my Quadro K2000 on a demo mode of a standard version now throws errors about not enough memory for GPU, tried to process it with CPU and it does not work.

So I went back to Zephyr that actually could handle all 59(actually 50 as it is a limit for free version) 50 MP photos. It was quite quick and took about 1 hour in total(from photos to high textured mesh) both using CPU and GPU. It seems to be a problem for Metashape to use both at a time for a reason I do not understand.

I was trying to clean my model with a boundary box in Zephyr to leave only our kitchen area. However it seems that you need to re-generate the mesh again to get rid of data outside of the box. I tried but Zephyr told me it will take 11 hours.. It is quite surprising as original much bigger mesh has taken less than 1 hour and that including photo alignment, point cloud, mesh and texture.

I have decided to cancel regeneration and play with what I have. Good thing Zephyr allows to build an amination for a 3D model and upload it to youtube. I am doing it now and I will share the video.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a video(make sure it plays in UHD and 4K is also available). It was not done on the highest settings so I will try to do less photos but on the highest settings.

Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for all the backstory and video.

What's the use-case that you might need this solution?

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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I am just trying to see if you can get a 3D model of interior done in a way that it looks so photo realistic that you may not even need actual photos to show it. It also helps to understand what kind of hardware you need to be able to process 100s of hi res photos for a 3D model without paying a monthly subscription fee and using standalone photogrammetry software.
Post 9 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Wingman

Thanks for sharing!
Sorry if I am not following...but for Zephyr, did you use regular camera images or full 360 images?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have tried Zephyr 3D with 360s but it is really hard with their 50 photos limit on a free version. They want you to break 360 photo into cube faces before processing with their tool so you get 6 photos from one 360. Hence with a maximum limit of 50 photos you can process on a free version is only 8 x 360s. I believe it is not enough. That was my experience doing it a couple of months ago.

Metashape though is not working properly for me now since I have activated its trial for the pro version.. Now it does not want to process anything fast complaining about video memory, switching to processing via CPU and normally just wasting hours doing something just to tell you at the end it cannot be done .. again due to video memory problem.

I tried to switch to their standard version just to work with normal photos but it stays in a demo mode(no saving for a project, no import of any kind). I attempted switch to a standard version trial but it said it was activated already. However it works in a demo mode not letting me to save or import anything.

The example in the video above done with 50 flat photos in 50 MP resolution(Canon 5DS). I have used 17mm lens(Canon 17-40mm) to capture with F11 aperture. Noticed if you do it from a tripod you are more likely to have all photos aligned. Capturing without a tripod can be a gamble even with much faster aperture.
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aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for clarification!
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