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Video: Matterport Case Study (Real Estate) by CAPTUR3D15543

Melbourne, Australia
AlexHitchcock private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone, I'd like to share CAPTUR3D's recent Spotlight Webinar on how real estate agency Jellis Craig have been using Matterport across both sales and Property Management - particularly within this current climate.

There's some great insights here that can be used to sell into real estate agencies across the world. If you would like the slide deck that was used in this webinar, please let me know!

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Here's a transcript of the video above.

Alex Hitchcock: - Welcome to the first webinar in Captured Spotlight Series.

Alex Hitchcock: We're going to be doing a bunch of webinars over the course of

Alex Hitchcock: the next few months just in regards to how

Alex Hitchcock: Matterport and Captured can be used within different industries.

Alex Hitchcock: Today I'm really excited to introduce

Alex Hitchcock: Jellis Craig and the lovely Angela Ambrosino, who's going to be joining us.

Alex Hitchcock: She is the Marketing Manager for Jellis Craig.

Alex Hitchcock: I'm Alex. I'm the Senior Account Manager for Captured.

Alex Hitchcock: We're just going to be going through how Captured can be used with

Alex Hitchcock: Matterport as a rocket ship for success within the industry.

Alex Hitchcock: How they can be used within real estate specifically,

Alex Hitchcock: and how Jellis Craig is using this technology to propel them forward.

Alex Hitchcock: Hey, Angela, how you doing?

Angela Ambrosino: - Hey, Alex, thanks for having me.

Alex Hitchcock: - You can hear me okay?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah.

Alex Hitchcock: - Hello.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah. Can you hear me good?

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah. I can hear you all good.

Alex Hitchcock: That's perfect. Just checking the Internet connections.

Alex Hitchcock: It's coming through but I think we're all good.

Alex Hitchcock: Thank you so much for joining.

Alex Hitchcock: I was just wondering if you could just tell me

Alex Hitchcock: a little bit about Jellis Craig and what you're all about.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah. We were established in 1991.

Angela Ambrosino: At the moment, I think we have got about 30 offices now across Victoria.

Angela Ambrosino: We're still growing every year.

Angela Ambrosino: We're really trying to

Angela Ambrosino: get ahead of the curve in terms of real estate innovation and technology.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously, it's quite a competitive real estate out there,

Angela Ambrosino: so just trying to keep ahead of that.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously, with the lock down of things coming into play,

Angela Ambrosino: it's been a little bit tricky the last two years but we're

Angela Ambrosino: chipping away at it and bettering ourselves

Angela Ambrosino: every time it gets back into when we locked down with COVID.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing, that's really good. That's why [inaudible 00:02:19] to have you on for this webinar,

Alex Hitchcock: just [inaudible 00:02:21] can hear me okay?

Angela Ambrosino: - You're cutting out a little bit, Alex.

Alex Hitchcock: - Let's see if we can sort this out.

Alex Hitchcock: I'm on my hotspot is connected.

Alex Hitchcock: Can you hear me okay?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah.

Alex Hitchcock: - Cool. We'll just carry on, but maybe just

Alex Hitchcock: let me know if you have any trouble hearing me okay.

Alex Hitchcock: Hopefully, it's just a short blip.

Alex Hitchcock: We should be back to normal,

Alex Hitchcock: but thank you for that.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really good to hear and

Alex Hitchcock: that's why we wanted you on for the webinar and invited you in because we know

Alex Hitchcock: you are a really forward thinking real estate agency

Alex Hitchcock: and someone with an agency we've been working very close with over the last few years.

Alex Hitchcock: I noticed that you guys were the first real estate agency within

Alex Hitchcock: Victoria using this Matterport technology at the time and yeah,

Alex Hitchcock: it would just be great to hear how that opportunity came about.

Alex Hitchcock: I know that you had an opportunity with

Alex Hitchcock: They're the largest real estate portal within Australia and for those who don't

Alex Hitchcock: know and you had an opportunity to test out the technology from them, is that correct?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, that's correct.

Angela Ambrosino: I think it was about 2017.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously, we've got quite a good relationship with and we do

Angela Ambrosino: a little bit of collaborative work with them behind the scenes in

Angela Ambrosino: order to better the real estate industry.

Angela Ambrosino: In about 2017 we had one of the sales reps come out to

Angela Ambrosino: the office and have a chat to our Head of Department

Angela Ambrosino: Sam Nokes and they had a bit of

Angela Ambrosino: a chat about all of these new technologies coming to market,

Angela Ambrosino: what was on offer for us.

Angela Ambrosino: Just by chance they happen to have a Matterport camera at the real office.

Angela Ambrosino: We set up a bit of a meeting.

Angela Ambrosino: Lucky for us, we had a property coming up vacant,

Angela Ambrosino: which was only a street away from our office.

Angela Ambrosino: We decided to go for walk down there and have a look and play around with the camera.

Angela Ambrosino: It was myself and Sam,

Angela Ambrosino: my Head of Department, just got a little bit more of an insight of how it works,

Angela Ambrosino: what it's capable of doing as well and just from that moment,

Angela Ambrosino: seeing what it could produce we instantly fell in love with

Angela Ambrosino: the whole aspect of doing virtual tours on properties.

Angela Ambrosino: We thought at the time this is a real game-changer because

Angela Ambrosino: no other real estate agency that we had seen

Angela Ambrosino: online were doing virtual tours for their properties.

Angela Ambrosino: We asked Real Estate if we could borrow it for about six months.

Angela Ambrosino: Anything that we had that was vacant,

Angela Ambrosino: that we knew was going to come to market,

Angela Ambrosino: we just got out there and played around with

Angela Ambrosino: the scanner and took some scans of the properties.

Angela Ambrosino: We got a really good response from a lot of

Angela Ambrosino: our clients that obviously hadn't seen the technology either.

Angela Ambrosino: For us having that kind of an edge against competitors,

Angela Ambrosino: not having seen that before,

Angela Ambrosino: we thought it put us in a really good position

Angela Ambrosino: for a lot of our marketing and for our clients as well.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing. Now that's really interesting to hear and great how you were

Alex Hitchcock: given that opportunity by Real Estate portal to then integrate all this technology in.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really interesting. We'll probably go and dive into a little bit more

Alex Hitchcock: about the benefits that you're seeing now on the next slides.

Alex Hitchcock: Just about the advantages that you found that it gives you within the industry.

Alex Hitchcock: If you'd like to talk to me through about maybe some of the advantages.

Alex Hitchcock: I noticed that you said a reduction in inspections and that ability to lease off-market.

Alex Hitchcock: Could you tell me a little bit more about that and how you've been utilizing it to

Alex Hitchcock: save that time and those inspections?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, of course.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously, no other agency was using that at the time.

Angela Ambrosino: Once we started putting 3D scans in our properties,

Angela Ambrosino: we wanted to get a lot of feedback from our clients to see what

Angela Ambrosino: they thought about the whole process because at that time we were

Angela Ambrosino: looking at buying our own cameras as well and offering it as

Angela Ambrosino: purely just the one source of marketing for our property management department.

Angela Ambrosino: All the feedback that we were getting from clients is that you're not

Angela Ambrosino: disappointed when you get to a property because the scanner

Angela Ambrosino: shows exactly the condition of how it is and how it looks.

Angela Ambrosino: A lot of marketing that you see online,

Angela Ambrosino: for sale properties, they're highly styled, highly edited.

Angela Ambrosino: A lot of people get to the properties and it's not exactly what they expected.

Angela Ambrosino: Whereas off the scan,

Angela Ambrosino: a lot of the feedback was that they didn't think twice about

Angela Ambrosino: having to apply for the property because what they saw

Angela Ambrosino: online versus what they saw in person was exactly the same.

Angela Ambrosino: I suppose it got us a real medal with clients as well jumping

Angela Ambrosino: on board so that we can gain more business because a lot of

Angela Ambrosino: them were only seeing our listings with this feature and

Angela Ambrosino: found it really intriguing and wanted to learn more about it and

Angela Ambrosino: wanted to see their property in a virtual tour.

Angela Ambrosino: It enabled us to win business that way because we

Angela Ambrosino: were ahead of a lot of the other agencies in Victoria.

Angela Ambrosino: Then obviously saving time with inspections and things like that.

Angela Ambrosino: We've also gone through having over the past couple of years,

Angela Ambrosino: having full leasing coordinators who are acting

Angela Ambrosino: [inaudible 00:07:40] inspections Monday to Saturdays reducing that

Angela Ambrosino: to only two leasing coordinators

Angela Ambrosino: because once they've done two inspections of the property,

Angela Ambrosino: a lot of tenants are happy to do it through

Angela Ambrosino: the tours and they're happy to

Angela Ambrosino: take them and lease and we're happy to lease them through that way.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing. That's really interesting in how you touched upon

Alex Hitchcock: all aspects of your business in terms of sales,

Alex Hitchcock: marketing, and property management.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess the use of Matterport has a place within each of

Alex Hitchcock: those situations and appealing to not only vendors,

Alex Hitchcock: but prospective tenants as well.

Alex Hitchcock: As you said, been able to win more listings if you're going to

Alex Hitchcock: tell a prospective vendor

Alex Hitchcock: that you're going to be applying this technology to their home,

Alex Hitchcock: it's a real good safeguard for them with the knowledge that a home's been scanned,

Alex Hitchcock: being used for ingoing and outgoing reports and inspections and bottom discrepancies,

Alex Hitchcock: as well as the sales and marketing side.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really interesting how you're using it across your business.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah. We're really trying to get more into the Silos market.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously, [inaudible 00:08:46] got it through property management at the moment.

Angela Ambrosino: Obviously now with lockdown restrictions coming back in,

Angela Ambrosino: it's a bit harder to get out there.

Angela Ambrosino: Because properties could be got from different roles and around that.

Angela Ambrosino: But we're really trying to get it across

Angela Ambrosino: the board for majority of Jellis Craig properties.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, amazing. No, really interesting.

Alex Hitchcock: The fact you're using it for

Alex Hitchcock: property management as the main use for it, but then also, yeah,

Alex Hitchcock: as a byproduct you're seeing a lot of advantages within sales and being able

Alex Hitchcock: to take them off the market without

Alex Hitchcock: physical inspections that will go into in the next couple of slides as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Just moving on, obviously

Alex Hitchcock: it'd be great for you to tell us a little bit

Alex Hitchcock: about the properties that you're using Matterport with,

Alex Hitchcock: and the properties that you're not using with.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously it's not necessarily a tool for every single property

Alex Hitchcock: and picking and choosing property is where

Alex Hitchcock: this tech can really give an advantage in that space.

Alex Hitchcock: I know you're saying all high-end vacant rental properties

Alex Hitchcock: and some high-end sales properties you're using and maybe the larger,

Alex Hitchcock: more expensive premium properties you're concentrating the scans on; is that correct?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, that's correct. A lot of

Angela Ambrosino: our high-end properties we really push for our clients to have

Angela Ambrosino: a 3D scan because then we can take

Angela Ambrosino: high-quality photos off it and get a full made up as well.

Angela Ambrosino: We try not really give them the option of a standard photographer.

Angela Ambrosino: We just jump right in with a 3D scan.

Angela Ambrosino: But primarily what we start with the property management,

Angela Ambrosino: especially because you can see so much detail in the virtual tours is we need to

Angela Ambrosino: make sure that they got a vacant and clean property or it's certainly styled.

Angela Ambrosino: The sale or we've got tenants who are quite well

Angela Ambrosino: styled entirely with your living arrangements.

Angela Ambrosino: Things like share hazards,

Angela Ambrosino: we don't really tend to go in and scan them just because there's a lot

Angela Ambrosino: going on and there's generally a lot of furniture that work our way around.

Angela Ambrosino: There is real high-end vacant clean properties that we can just get in,

Angela Ambrosino: do the scan within an hour and just get some really high-quality imagery from.

Angela Ambrosino: That's what we're aiming more towards.

Angela Ambrosino: There is the instance where we'll jump in

Angela Ambrosino: and do a tentative property like with COVID at the moment.

Angela Ambrosino: We just want to try and get everything with

Angela Ambrosino: a virtual tour so we can lease them as quickly as possible.

Angela Ambrosino: If we really have to, then we can jump in and do a tentative property.

Angela Ambrosino: But for the most part we were [inaudible 00:11:10].

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Alex Hitchcock: Most people know and those who don't

Alex Hitchcock: Matterport picks up every single thing in the property.

Alex Hitchcock: It presents it exactly as it is.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess scanning got it ready,

Alex Hitchcock: whether vacant or not,

Alex Hitchcock: it picks up on every single little detail.

Alex Hitchcock: Yeah, I completely understand.

Alex Hitchcock: You're choosing ones that are empty and clean,

Alex Hitchcock: tidy, styled well as well.

Alex Hitchcock: I just wanted to dig in on this next slide a little bit more about your internal data.

Alex Hitchcock: There's some really good stocks here that I wanted to go through with you.

Alex Hitchcock: Heading into lockdown in March last year,

Alex Hitchcock: you had twice as much stock on the market than usual. Which is really interesting.

Alex Hitchcock: Can you talk me through why that was at the start of COVID,

Alex Hitchcock: how you've been managing to market these properties and showcase them online?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yes. Heading into lockdown last year,

Angela Ambrosino: we didn't really know what to expect.

Angela Ambrosino: Then obviously with people not being able to work.

Angela Ambrosino: Living Writers having to change.

Angela Ambrosino: We've had a lot of tenants needing to vacate due to wreck meeting retroduction.

Angela Ambrosino: But also obviously working from home,

Angela Ambrosino: if you're in a small apartment with two people it gets a little bit splashy.

Angela Ambrosino: A lot of people wanted to upgrade to a bigger space.

Angela Ambrosino: We really saw our properties on market go from roughly 60 to 70,

Angela Ambrosino: right up to 200.

Angela Ambrosino: We were dealing with constant met reductions,

Angela Ambrosino: trying to find tenants the appropriate living conditions that they wanted.

Angela Ambrosino: A lot of people in apartments wanted to move to houses.

Angela Ambrosino: Houses were in high demand,

Angela Ambrosino: which meant that all our apartments that we had on

Angela Ambrosino: our portfolio ended up becoming vacant and we were unable to move stock.

Angela Ambrosino: We weren't really knowing what to expect going into March, with the first lockdown.

Angela Ambrosino: Most of our properties had 3D tours, not all of them ditched.

Angela Ambrosino: That we found ourselves a little bit stuck in terms

Angela Ambrosino: of not being able to have inspections with most of them,

Angela Ambrosino: and also not being able to show them adequately to prospective tenants.

Angela Ambrosino: Coming out of the first lockdown,

Angela Ambrosino: we decided that we were going to jump ahead and we're going to really get organized.

Angela Ambrosino: We pretty much just locked in every property we had on the market to get a 3D scan.

Angela Ambrosino: Whether it was tenanted or vacant we just thought let's put it all

Angela Ambrosino: in in case we have to go back into lockdown, which we ended up doing.

Angela Ambrosino: At that point, probably between May and June,

Angela Ambrosino: we probably had 85 to 90 percent more properties that we had online with the scan.

Angela Ambrosino: The ones that we couldn't have scans done on

Angela Ambrosino: obviously had some people weren't too sure about

Angela Ambrosino: having other people coming to at times because

Angela Ambrosino: of COVID and spreading COVID and those kinds of things.

Angela Ambrosino: We just had to be aware of various situations,

Angela Ambrosino: but we couldn't get in these particular properties.

Angela Ambrosino: But in those instances, we had the tenants

Angela Ambrosino: [inaudible 00:14:10] would ask why we would try and lease property as well,

Angela Ambrosino: which made it a lot easier to have those inspections.

Angela Ambrosino: We really had to think of different ways you can get around showing properties

Angela Ambrosino: and leasing properties because at the end of the day it

Angela Ambrosino: was our clients who were being really affected by it.

Angela Ambrosino: Going in to I think it was July or

Angela Ambrosino: August was when we had a really hard stage full lockdown in Victoria.

Angela Ambrosino: We had the bulk of our properties in 3D scans.

Angela Ambrosino: We were able to jump in and as soon as we had tenants wanting to look at a property,

Angela Ambrosino: send them off the scan,

Angela Ambrosino: if they liked it,

Angela Ambrosino: we'd get them to apply straight away.

Angela Ambrosino: A few people obviously wanted to wait till after lockdown to check them out.

Angela Ambrosino: But then we did have, as you can see on the slide,

Angela Ambrosino: 80 properties where tenants were really happy to

Angela Ambrosino: just go off the scan and locking the lease which really [inaudible 00:15:02]

Alex Hitchcock: - That was amazing.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah.

Angela Ambrosino: Just to get an idea of what the market was like at times,

Angela Ambrosino: we had probably two apartments for lease in Richmond and

Angela Ambrosino: Richmond is a whole heap of

Angela Ambrosino: warehouse conversion in small what we call cookie cutter apartment.

Angela Ambrosino: Everything is quite similar. In that one building out of the two that we had,

Angela Ambrosino: there were actually 30 apartments available from other agencies as well.

Angela Ambrosino: It was very over-saturated in terms of one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments.

Angela Ambrosino: We like to use that case study a lot because the tenants that we actually got to

Angela Ambrosino: lease that property came to us and said that main reason that they leased it.

Angela Ambrosino: Despite preferring one of the other apartments that were available

Angela Ambrosino: is because that we were able to provide them with a 3D scan.

Angela Ambrosino: They could measure the space,

Angela Ambrosino: they could have a look at

Angela Ambrosino: all the rooms off the scan and they were happy to go ahead with it.

Angela Ambrosino: It really helped us push those one-bedroom apartments during that time.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, that's so interesting and it's amazing how much confidence that

Alex Hitchcock: the Matterport scans can instill in

Alex Hitchcock: prospective tenants and people searching for properties?.

Alex Hitchcock: What you just explained, you guys did a case study with Matterport directly as well

Alex Hitchcock: some months ago and having those 30 apartments that were pretty much exactly the same,

Alex Hitchcock: you were able to lease your one that you had listed there,

Alex Hitchcock: and then every other property that didn't have a Matterport scan remains unleased.

Alex Hitchcock: Which is really interesting.

Alex Hitchcock: As you touched upon 80 properties leased

Alex Hitchcock: with site unseen directly from the Matterport scans

Alex Hitchcock: it's just simply a no brainer that

Alex Hitchcock: people are really having confidence instilled from the scans.

Alex Hitchcock: Days on market for properties with a scan is now

Alex Hitchcock: consistently 50 percent shorter than those without a scan.

Alex Hitchcock: That's a really interesting stats as well.

Alex Hitchcock: As I mentioned before, being able to qualify people straight through

Alex Hitchcock: and helping them lease property site unseen.

Alex Hitchcock: The other thing that I've noticed as well,

Alex Hitchcock: I think this was also from your case study with Matterport,

Alex Hitchcock: is that your yearly operating expenses had been reduced up to

Alex Hitchcock: $200,000 and that's just absolutely amazing stat to hear.

Alex Hitchcock: I just was hoping you could unpack that for us and understand where

Alex Hitchcock: those savings are coming from across the chain of Jellis Craig and you're using the step?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, as I mentioned before,

Angela Ambrosino: it was probably 2018,

Angela Ambrosino: 2019 we had full leasing coordinators.

Angela Ambrosino: Their roll is pretty much just to go out,

Angela Ambrosino: do inspections to properties,

Angela Ambrosino: get lease approvals for attending to those things.

Angela Ambrosino: Moving into 2020, obviously having majority of our properties be scanned,

Angela Ambrosino: we went from having four leasing coordinators down to two leasing coordinators.

Angela Ambrosino: Their roles were pretty much [inaudible 00:17:52].

Angela Ambrosino: We've actually saved in having two salaries,

Angela Ambrosino: which has been a real help for us as well because we can pop

Angela Ambrosino: that money back into the business where we need it to go.

Angela Ambrosino: For instance, this year we've actually purchased

Angela Ambrosino: our second medical camera so that we can move into doing

Angela Ambrosino: a few more property management inspections

Angela Ambrosino: such as conditional [inaudible 00:18:13] and final inspections for our tenants.

Angela Ambrosino: Having that saving has really benefited us to move forward and to

Angela Ambrosino: gain more of that technology so we can better our business and our clients as well.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing. That's really interesting to hear.

Alex Hitchcock: I know you mentioned before about the reduction in costs of relocation agents.

Alex Hitchcock: Just for those who don't know,

Alex Hitchcock: it would be great maybe to just unpack that a little bit and

Alex Hitchcock: understand how the savings were coming in from relocation agents,

Alex Hitchcock: what relocation agents primary job is and how you were able to maneuver that.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah. A lot of tenants come from either

Angela Ambrosino: overseas or interstate as well with this [inaudible 00:18:53] obviously pre-COVID.

Angela Ambrosino: We generally use the help of

Angela Ambrosino: a relocation agent who are a middleman in terms of the latency.

Angela Ambrosino: They coordinate everything with the tenants.

Angela Ambrosino: They come to do the inspections for the tenant,

Angela Ambrosino: and make sure everything's all good to go in

Angela Ambrosino: terms of contracting leases and things like that.

Angela Ambrosino: To be able to remove that agent from

Angela Ambrosino: the middle because tenants can view the properties through the 3D scans before,

Angela Ambrosino: or obviously not having to take a trip down to Melbourne

Angela Ambrosino: to view the property over a weekend or whatnot,

Angela Ambrosino: it really helped reduce that cost in using

Angela Ambrosino: those relocation agents who sometimes we could be liaising

Angela Ambrosino: with them for weeks or months just to get

Angela Ambrosino: a tenant into one particular property because there's a lot of back and forth,

Angela Ambrosino: but with the scans we can obviously just go direct to the tenant,

Angela Ambrosino: give them all the specifications of the property,

Angela Ambrosino: show them the tour, they can measure everything they need to.

Angela Ambrosino: Because a lot of the time the relocation agent is pretty much just making

Angela Ambrosino: sure everything that they have fits in the property that they're looking at.

Angela Ambrosino: They don't do a lot of measuring and all those things.

Angela Ambrosino: Not having to have that, I suppose,

Angela Ambrosino: middle person has made it a lot easier and it turns around those tenants quite quickly.

Angela Ambrosino: Instead of a couple of weeks we might even be looking at a couple of days.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah. That's really interesting and I guess that ties

Alex Hitchcock: into obviously everything that's happened in the past 18 months.

Alex Hitchcock: In this crazy world,

Alex Hitchcock: people do want more space,

Alex Hitchcock: they're moving further out of cities,

Alex Hitchcock: they are relocating more,

Alex Hitchcock: and I guess moving more into the sticks.

Alex Hitchcock: They want that extra space

Alex Hitchcock: so they've being able to utilize Matterport within the industry,

Alex Hitchcock: I guess is even more so producing those relocation fees at the moment as well,

Alex Hitchcock: if you didn't have the camera.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah.

Alex Hitchcock: - Really interesting. I wanted to dig into a couple of, where were we? Here we go.

Alex Hitchcock: Here's some stats generally around

Alex Hitchcock: virtual tours and how they're used to make decisions in renting or buying.

Alex Hitchcock: There's some really interesting stats I wanted to go into here.

Alex Hitchcock: The top one, 22 percent of people have

Alex Hitchcock: significantly increased confidence when viewing

Alex Hitchcock: a virtual tour to go and inspect a property.

Alex Hitchcock: I found that really interesting is that,

Alex Hitchcock: I guess pre-qualifies renters and buyers into seeing

Alex Hitchcock: the virtual tour online and then actually making

Alex Hitchcock: the decision to then go and look at physical inspection.

Alex Hitchcock: How have you found that with inspections,

Alex Hitchcock: have you found that you are qualifying way more people coming in who have seen the scan?

Alex Hitchcock: Yeah, there's more value of doing those in-person inspections when we could,

Alex Hitchcock: I guess compared to before?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, definitely. There's a little with real

Angela Ambrosino: when we first took out by using the cameras,

Angela Ambrosino: there was a little bit of back and forth but you can say,

Angela Ambrosino: on their website they didn't really have

Angela Ambrosino: the option to have video or virtual tours at the beginning.

Angela Ambrosino: We really had to push for our 3D scans to be on the website.

Angela Ambrosino: For them now to bring up stats,

Angela Ambrosino: excitatory visual inspection is quite

Angela Ambrosino: interesting because they were really pushing against us,

Angela Ambrosino: not having them on our [inaudible 00:22:05].

Angela Ambrosino: But to be able to see the stats from,

Angela Ambrosino: I think these are from December or August last year to August this year actually,

Angela Ambrosino: to see that 22 percent,

Angela Ambrosino: it makes our job a lot easier because

Angela Ambrosino: the confidence that we're giving tenants in giving these scans,

Angela Ambrosino: it just means that our leasing process is

Angela Ambrosino: turned around in half the time of what it usually is.

Angela Ambrosino: Tenants have already made up their minds, based off the scan,

Angela Ambrosino: [inaudible 00:22:30] will go into the property and

Angela Ambrosino: the property inspection is really

Angela Ambrosino: just to reassure that they've made the right choice, basically.

Angela Ambrosino: A lot of them will skip back to scan,

Angela Ambrosino: get all their measurements,

Angela Ambrosino: make sure everything works perfectly and the physical inspection is just to see that

Angela Ambrosino: the area that they're going to be moving to or that

Angela Ambrosino: they're wanting to be moving in to is what they've expected.

Angela Ambrosino: It's more so just to justify that they're doing the right thing,

Angela Ambrosino: which is quite handy for us because it just means that we're on the right track

Angela Ambrosino: and we're obviously doing the right thing to get these properties moved.

Angela Ambrosino: The leasing process is 10 times faster than what it usually is.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah. That's so true and it's such a good point as well.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess it really is a tool for instilling confidence in prospective renters and buyers.

Alex Hitchcock: Yeah, as you mentioned, just making every single process more efficient,

Alex Hitchcock: whether that's in terms of inspections,

Alex Hitchcock: it's evaluating the price or value of the property,

Alex Hitchcock: putting in an offer and also

Alex Hitchcock: shortlisting the property as well so it's all the way down the chain,

Alex Hitchcock: that really helps to assist.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess that's also where some of those cost savings are coming from.

Alex Hitchcock: Up to $200 thousand a year,

Alex Hitchcock: all the way through that, that chain,

Alex Hitchcock: so that's really interesting to see.

Alex Hitchcock: Just moving on now,

Alex Hitchcock: I wanted to touch upon Captur3d.

Alex Hitchcock: For those who don't know, Captur3d is an all-in-one content

Alex Hitchcock: management system that adds value onto your virtual tours,

Alex Hitchcock: but then also saves a bunch of time.

Alex Hitchcock: I know you've been using Captur3d for the last few years.

Alex Hitchcock: It'd be just great to hear before we dig into specifics in the next slide,

Alex Hitchcock: what you're using Captur3d for and your thoughts and feedback on it essentially.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah. It's been a couple of years now using Captur3d,

Angela Ambrosino: probably I'm in the last maybe two years using the photo and full plan options.

Angela Ambrosino: But for us, it just means that everything is in one place.

Angela Ambrosino: All our bookings are done through there.

Angela Ambrosino: We can grab all the photos that we need from there.

Angela Ambrosino: We've got full plans as well and all our analytics

Angela Ambrosino: that we can see and that we can give back to our clients,

Angela Ambrosino: let them know how things are going with their campaign also.

Angela Ambrosino: We can have branding, the stylers,

Angela Ambrosino: full plans are also quite similar to what we have for our styles,

Angela Ambrosino: full plans which are done by a different company,

Angela Ambrosino: but Captur3d has really been able to make us match those and

Angela Ambrosino: have our branding sign across the board,

Angela Ambrosino: which has been really helpful.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing. Sorry, go on.

Angela Ambrosino: - That's fine. I was going to say that it really gives us some insight into how

Angela Ambrosino: we can see through the analytics as

Angela Ambrosino: well where people are spending the most time in our scan.

Angela Ambrosino: That's really helpful in terms of our campaigns for

Angela Ambrosino: our clients to go give out [inaudible 00:25:23] and

Angela Ambrosino: just be like we've seen that we've got this many views on your property scan.

Angela Ambrosino: It looks like it's doing really well,

Angela Ambrosino: but we can see that people are really focused on one certain area of property and we've

Angela Ambrosino: had an inspector go out and have a look

Angela Ambrosino: and there's a couple of tiles here and they're missing.

Angela Ambrosino: We also called some tenants who've said they've

Angela Ambrosino: got some worries about cracking in the walls.

Angela Ambrosino: Let's go in and do some maintenance and get

Angela Ambrosino: that fixed and rescan that space to get it up and

Angela Ambrosino: running so that we don't have any of those issues when it comes to leasing.

Angela Ambrosino: It's been really helpful, to be a campaign check as well for

Angela Ambrosino: our clients and give them some feedback based of what

Angela Ambrosino: people are really looking at on the scans.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, amazing. Yeah, that's great.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess using CAPTUR3D not any to add value

Alex Hitchcock: onto the Matterport tech in terms of the analytics and the branding and everything else,

Alex Hitchcock: but also saving you guys a bunch of time.

Alex Hitchcock: I guess the purpose of CAPTUR3D is that you guys will go to a property, scarf it,

Alex Hitchcock: upload it onto Matterport,

Alex Hitchcock: and then make an offer any additional content you need,

Alex Hitchcock: whether that's extracting 2D marketing photos or floor plans, anything else?

Alex Hitchcock: Coming back onto CAPTUR3D 12-24 hours later and everything's waiting there for you.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously been a very busy real estate agency,

Alex Hitchcock: I guess you want to reduce that postproduction time

Alex Hitchcock: as much as possible so you can concentrate

Alex Hitchcock: more on the sales marketing side of things rather than post-production.

Alex Hitchcock: Really happy to assist you there.

Alex Hitchcock: I wanted to maybe just dive into the specific content that you're

Alex Hitchcock: ordering and get your thoughts and those as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Just moving on to the next slide,

Alex Hitchcock: just some examples of floor plans that we can provide custom branded,

Alex Hitchcock: obviously, there's a couple of examples here.

Alex Hitchcock: You can see on the right-hand side.

Alex Hitchcock: But yeah, you've been ordering for pads for quite some time and

Alex Hitchcock: how have you found that process in terms of efficiency and everything else?

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, it's actually been really easy.

Angela Ambrosino: For my role at the moment,

Angela Ambrosino: I was the one who would jump in into a load of the post-production in terms of

Angela Ambrosino: photography marketing gave him all that ready to go online for a client.

Angela Ambrosino: That was a big chunk of work of my week that I would sit there and deal with and

Angela Ambrosino: going back and forth with slow planning in trying

Angela Ambrosino: to make sure everything was perfect before it went online.

Angela Ambrosino: Being able to obviously pop everything through

Angela Ambrosino: CAPTUR3D and after 12-24 hours getting everything back,

Angela Ambrosino: I can just go through tick off,

Angela Ambrosino: make sure it's all the same colors and branding that we want.

Angela Ambrosino: Everything really stylized.

Angela Ambrosino: It takes a big chunk of my workload away from

Angela Ambrosino: me which is really helpful because I can just get in there

Angela Ambrosino: write all the data and the photos and things that we need and present it to

Angela Ambrosino: Ernes Brooks the property manager who then

Angela Ambrosino: present it to the artists to confirm that they're ready to go.

Angela Ambrosino: It's a really easy process and even to [inaudible 00:28:11],

Angela Ambrosino: if changes need to be made,

Angela Ambrosino: it's literally just one click for those kinds of things.

Angela Ambrosino: It's been a big weight off my shoulders,

Angela Ambrosino: not having to go back and forth multiple times to get things sorted.

Angela Ambrosino: It's a really quick process and a really quick turnaround.

Alex Hitchcock: - Amazing. Thank you all. Happy to be all of the assistance to you.

Alex Hitchcock: Just on floor plans as well.

Alex Hitchcock: We are moving on to post-production.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously, Matterport isn't the sole thing,

Alex Hitchcock: that piece of marketing content that you need.

Alex Hitchcock: To market a property you do need everything else as a foundation.

Alex Hitchcock: The photos, images, floor plans when needed as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Really delivering everything is a package for you

Alex Hitchcock: to then send it off to your clients as well to get that done.

Alex Hitchcock: Just examples of some of the post-production we do for Jellis Craig.

Alex Hitchcock: Yeah, 2D photo extraction.

Alex Hitchcock: Also, I noticed that you guys have cyber profiles as well.

Alex Hitchcock: We have an installed video feature in CAPTUR3D

Alex Hitchcock: that enables you to integrate video within the tool.

Alex Hitchcock: I'd also directly in on walls,

Alex Hitchcock: floors, wherever you want to put them in as well.

Alex Hitchcock: But I've noticed you guys are using it for cyber profiles.

Alex Hitchcock: Whatever property the particular suburb the property is in,

Alex Hitchcock: you're actually applying that directly over the tool,

Alex Hitchcock: which just supplies a bit more information and value to customers,

Alex Hitchcock: which is really good to see.

Alex Hitchcock: Moving on to photo retouching as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Just touching on the photo extraction that's possible with the Matterport camera.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously the Matterport camera,

Alex Hitchcock: it's never going to be quite the same quality as DSLR,

Alex Hitchcock: but it can be a lot more efficient when used correctly.

Alex Hitchcock: We do extracts a lot of 2D photos for you and many of our other clients.

Alex Hitchcock: But we also have a photo retouching service that is amazing value.

Alex Hitchcock: It's $1 per photo.

Alex Hitchcock: That allows you to spruce up photos to display then market them online on web.

Alex Hitchcock: I feel there's a really good price bracket there

Alex Hitchcock: in how your offering pricing tip to your vendors and marketing packages.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really interesting to see as well from

Alex Hitchcock: using all aspects of CAPTUR3D to make your listings look as good as possible.

Angela Ambrosino: - It also gives us a little bit more.

Angela Ambrosino: First, for us, we do campaign things

Angela Ambrosino: every couple of weeks depending on how long the property is on the market.

Angela Ambrosino: When we first highlighted the company on the single set of photographs

Angela Ambrosino: that CAPTUR3D has provided us to use that they've been edited and popped online.

Angela Ambrosino: But if we get halfway through a campaign and we think, no,

Angela Ambrosino: we need to change up the marketing material,

Angela Ambrosino: we always just jump back into Matterport.

Angela Ambrosino: Take some extra shots, different angles,

Angela Ambrosino: and send it back through the CAPTUR3D to get edited.

Angela Ambrosino: Our campaigns are always looking refreshed.

Angela Ambrosino: We've always got the ability to jump in and take as many photos as we need.

Angela Ambrosino: We need to take more, we can do that as well and it's just such an AT process.

Angela Ambrosino: It just gives our owners confidence that

Angela Ambrosino: we are onto their properties, we know what to do.

Angela Ambrosino: We can change things around whenever they need them really.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, I love that. Getting together and delivering

Alex Hitchcock: a holistic marketing package at

Alex Hitchcock: once from one platform to another. That's awesome to hear.

Alex Hitchcock: Yeah. Finally, I just wanted to dig into some analytics.

Alex Hitchcock: I know you touched upon those before and really getting a bit more granular

Alex Hitchcock: within the CAPTUR3D analytics compared to the straight Matterport ones.

Alex Hitchcock: Providing a little bit more granular detail about the total number of views,

Alex Hitchcock: the total number of unique users,

Alex Hitchcock: average time spent on the tool.

Alex Hitchcock: Then also where those views are actually coming from online.

Alex Hitchcock: I just wanted to share some data from

Alex Hitchcock: the last 12 months from Jellis Craig on this next slide.

Alex Hitchcock: This is from August 2020 to August 2021.

Alex Hitchcock: Some CAPTUR3D data here you put 341 total properties through

Alex Hitchcock: CAPTUR3D with an average of 312 views per property.

Alex Hitchcock: Which is also, I guess out of those 312,

Alex Hitchcock: those would be qualified viewers who would then go to

Alex Hitchcock: book an inspection when we're not in lockdown.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really interesting to hear.

Alex Hitchcock: Your top-performing tour had over 3,000 views,

Alex Hitchcock: which is amazing to see.

Alex Hitchcock: You've had over 100,000 views on property in the last 12 months, which is pretty awesome.

Alex Hitchcock: Most of those coming in through,

Alex Hitchcock: some from Domain, and then also through a direct URL share.

Alex Hitchcock: Whether that's sharing the link directly with potential customers,

Alex Hitchcock: potential tenants, that's really,

Alex Hitchcock: really interesting to see.

Alex Hitchcock: A nice stuff here,

Alex Hitchcock: as well as the average time spent on tours that are embedded into your website.

Alex Hitchcock: We can see that people are really investing quite a bit

Alex Hitchcock: of time on viewing those tools directly on your website,

Alex Hitchcock: which gives you guys some more rounding activation and visibility

Alex Hitchcock: which should really help driving people to your website as well.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah, we really pushed for people to come back to the Jellis Craig website.

Angela Ambrosino: That's the main platform we want to get for traffic footing and domain,

Angela Ambrosino: they're ones that we're not quite following after.

Angela Ambrosino: We're always pushing back for tenants to come back through the JavaScript website.

Angela Ambrosino: Though it's been really handy to say whether these views are coming from as well.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, amazing. That's great.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously, you're putting on using

Alex Hitchcock: CAPTUR3D with Matterport to our branding activation to

Alex Hitchcock: the Torah and CTAs lead generation links

Alex Hitchcock: that will drive people back to the Jellis Craig website.

Alex Hitchcock: It's really interesting.

Alex Hitchcock: Then just in terms of cost as well, the final point,

Alex Hitchcock: the total average spend of your properties was 57 Australian dollars, so that $40.

Alex Hitchcock: That's just really interesting to see because you are getting the suite of

Alex Hitchcock: marketing content within that rich property where that's floor plans,

Alex Hitchcock: 2D photo extraction, post-production,

Alex Hitchcock: photo retouching, and all of those analytics and branding as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Obviously, that's not including the Matterport subscription that you

Alex Hitchcock: pay a monthly fee for. But yes.

Alex Hitchcock: Seems to be super cost-effective and I guess a huge reason why

Alex Hitchcock: those total costs in reduction of

Alex Hitchcock: up to 200K a year are being applied. That's great to hear.

Angela Ambrosino: - It's also one of the reasons why I've been

Angela Ambrosino: trying to make it a main form of marketing this year for

(Continued below)
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(Continued from above)
Angela Ambrosino: our property management and clients just because it's

Angela Ambrosino: such an affordable package, I suppose.

Angela Ambrosino: Generally, before using CAPTUR3D,

Angela Ambrosino: they were using a standard photographer and I think just getting six images on

Angela Ambrosino: them was costing us about $110, I think.

Angela Ambrosino: That's just five edited images and nothing else really to go on.

Angela Ambrosino: If you wanted to floor plan it's an extra $120 and if we wanted more photos,

Angela Ambrosino: it was an extra $50 or $60 on top of that.

Angela Ambrosino: Being able to have everything and include it in one package to our clients,

Angela Ambrosino: they're more than happy to jump on board and get that all going ask to their properties.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, amazing. I guess as well,

Alex Hitchcock: that's not negating the need all the time for a professional photographer.

Alex Hitchcock: Maybe for the $5 million properties, you may need them.

Angela Ambrosino: - Yeah.

Alex Hitchcock: You may need to use professional photographers to really get that property across.

Alex Hitchcock: But I was just wondering,

Alex Hitchcock: do you have different packages,

Alex Hitchcock: tiered packages that you offer?

Alex Hitchcock: You offer vendors to market their property.

Angela Ambrosino: - I think we've teed it off to be more if it say,

Angela Ambrosino: just what was 3D's tour and we've got one price just for

Angela Ambrosino: this 3D tour and then [inaudible 00:35:42].

Angela Ambrosino: That's mainly for our company management department and then for our silos properties

Angela Ambrosino: because their marketing standards are a little

Angela Ambrosino: big and they got more guidelines on what haven't been into the marketing.

Angela Ambrosino: They have to have a professional photographer attend with

Angela Ambrosino: a professional slow planner and have about credit off-site through another third party.

Angela Ambrosino: But we offer the silos team purely just the scaling as well.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah. Right.

Angela Ambrosino: - [inaudible 00:36:16] that we can offer our clients.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah, amazing. I guess that also translates

Alex Hitchcock: to Matterport technicians or

Alex Hitchcock: people who may not be using the camera in house servicing other clients,

Alex Hitchcock: the ability to be able to offer their clients

Alex Hitchcock: different packages depending on what they need.

Alex Hitchcock: I think it's really important,

Alex Hitchcock: especially within the climate of today

Alex Hitchcock: offering different tiered packages is a good way to go.

Alex Hitchcock: Awesome. Cool. Well that's brings the first part of the webinar to an end.

Alex Hitchcock: Thanks very much for joining us Angela.

Alex Hitchcock: That was really interesting to get some insights.

Alex Hitchcock: I was just hoping now for anyone who's watching at home,

Alex Hitchcock: great to open up the floor now to some Q&A.

Alex Hitchcock: If you have any questions,

Alex Hitchcock: feel free to put them in the chatbox and we'd be more than happy to answer them.

Alex Hitchcock: Just going through here and seeing what we have.

Alex Hitchcock: First one from Corinne Chang.

Alex Hitchcock: Says, "How long does it take to take a video or scan,

Alex Hitchcock: I guess they're suggesting of two and three bedroom apartment.

Alex Hitchcock: I engage someone to do the Matterport videos for all our properties

Alex Hitchcock: last year and he took about one hour per property.

Alex Hitchcock: Pretty long." I'm happy to take this one,

Alex Hitchcock: this is a really good question.

Alex Hitchcock: Really I think it depends obviously on the size of the property,

Alex Hitchcock: but then it depends on the experience of the person scanning the property.

Alex Hitchcock: When I first started scanning with Matterport,

Alex Hitchcock: I was taking a fairly long time,

Alex Hitchcock: I'd say for a two three bedroom property,

Alex Hitchcock: a similar amount of time, maybe around an hour or so.

Alex Hitchcock: But that times pretty much hard since I was able to learn how to

Alex Hitchcock: use it properly which is really easy to do.

Alex Hitchcock: It's pretty much a single button on an iPad.

Alex Hitchcock: Then picking up the camera and putting it back down

Alex Hitchcock: and having those chains that scans through.

Alex Hitchcock: It really depends on the size of the properties.

Alex Hitchcock: Some properties will take one hour and

Alex Hitchcock: some will take a lot less than that for a one-bedroom apartment,

Alex Hitchcock: you're probably looking at about 20 minutes,

Alex Hitchcock: even maybe even less depending on the size.

Alex Hitchcock: It really does depend on the size of the property and the experience of the technician.

Alex Hitchcock: What's the next one we can go into?

Alex Hitchcock: Here's a good one from Dan [inaudible 00:38:36].

Alex Hitchcock: He says, "I'm particularly interested in site plans.

Alex Hitchcock: We invested in the camera and have been using it

Alex Hitchcock: for tall floor plan successfully on all properties,

Alex Hitchcock: including rentals for several years.

Alex Hitchcock: Where appropriate, we have started offering site plans.

Alex Hitchcock: What is the most efficient way to get a site plan done?

Alex Hitchcock: At the moment, I send Captured support,

Alex Hitchcock: a top-down drone an image, and that seems to work.

Alex Hitchcock: Is there anything else I can do to expedite this process?"

Alex Hitchcock: Great question Dan. I'm really glad you asked this.

Alex Hitchcock: Captured provides free site plans with every floor plan order if you want it.

Alex Hitchcock: We use a couple of different sets of data to get

Alex Hitchcock: those site plans as accurate as possible.

Alex Hitchcock: The first one is having external 360 views using the Matterport camera

Alex Hitchcock: to take 360 views of any points of interests on the outside of the property.

Alex Hitchcock: Whether that's an outdoor shed,

Alex Hitchcock: summer house, water tank,

Alex Hitchcock: whatever it is that you want to be included on the site plan,

Alex Hitchcock: just put a 360 view next to it or close by.

Alex Hitchcock: Then we'll also use satellite imagery and connect those two sets of data

Alex Hitchcock: together to view the site boundaries of

Alex Hitchcock: the property and then add in any specific details with those 360 views that you've taken.

Alex Hitchcock: Dan I know you said you were using a drone to capture that site boundary.

Alex Hitchcock: That's amazing, that's even better.

Alex Hitchcock: That's going to help us get that site boundary as accurate as possible.

Alex Hitchcock: Sometimes it really depends on

Alex Hitchcock: that Google satellite imagery of how we can get that site plan as accurate as possible.

Alex Hitchcock: Any additional data that you can provide us is a bonus

Alex Hitchcock: and we can make sure that that's as accurate as possible when returning it back to you.

Alex Hitchcock: Thanks a lot for that question.

Alex Hitchcock: Let's have a look. Someone's asking here,

Alex Hitchcock: "Are you comfortable sharing what price is you're charging your clients?"

Alex Hitchcock: If not, would you like to answer that?

Alex Hitchcock: We can move on to the next one. I'm not sure if.

Angela Ambrosino: - At the moment, I think we've gotten to a point where

Angela Ambrosino: [inaudible 00:40:45] with the cost of the camera,

Angela Ambrosino: so we're not really because of lockdown,

Angela Ambrosino: we're taking into consideration,

Angela Ambrosino: I know it's a little harder to get people out there to inspect

Angela Ambrosino: properties that would actually waived the cost for a lot of our clients.

Angela Ambrosino: We've done anything that's on the market longer than 30 days,

Angela Ambrosino: but decided to just get out there and do a free scan for those clients.

Angela Ambrosino: The last year or two were depressing as varied,

Angela Ambrosino: just depending on lockdown and people situations.

Angela Ambrosino: Sometimes we'll jump in and we'll decide we're going to

Angela Ambrosino: offer half-price scanned package to allow clients,

Angela Ambrosino: which is roughly around $130 because then we take into

Angela Ambrosino: consideration extra photos that we'll grab an extra photo that we'll take and get edited.

Angela Ambrosino: Sometimes we also take into consideration that

Angela Ambrosino: we might be doing a tentative property scan,

Angela Ambrosino: but then a couple of days later it'll come

Angela Ambrosino: vacant and we'll go back and do that properly when it's vacant.

Angela Ambrosino: The few different variations with pricing at the moment just because it's COVID.

Angela Ambrosino: We don't really have a specific package cost that we've been dealing with.

Alex Hitchcock: - Yeah and that's incredible to hear that you are

Alex Hitchcock: offering that package free sometimes depending on how long

Alex Hitchcock: the property's been on market for and I guess it was so doing that it's

Alex Hitchcock: good providing your clients or vendors with this technology,

Alex Hitchcock: it's going to help you win more listings in the long run anyway.

Alex Hitchcock: That's providing confidence to clients,

Alex Hitchcock: you're saying I can offer this technology for you.

Alex Hitchcock: If you're a vendor and you want to sell your property,

Alex Hitchcock: are you going to go with someone who isn't providing this technology or someone who's at

Alex Hitchcock: the cutting edge using Matterport to essentially protect

Alex Hitchcock: their home and ensure that the properties managed effectively.

Alex Hitchcock: That's really good to hear. Someone has asked,

Alex Hitchcock: "Does the Matterport work well for external scans around swimming pools, etc?"

Alex Hitchcock: This is an interesting question

Alex Hitchcock: because there's a couple of variables that depend on this.

Alex Hitchcock: The first is direct sunlight.

Alex Hitchcock: The Matterport camera works with infrared.

Alex Hitchcock: Infrared doesn't work well in direct sunlight.

Alex Hitchcock: It really depends,

Alex Hitchcock: if you're in a shadowed area, it is possible.

Alex Hitchcock: It's actually what perfectly I've done a few scans myself,

Alex Hitchcock: outside and shadowed areas that have come out amazingly.

Alex Hitchcock: But I just think the key is to not rely on that too much.

Alex Hitchcock: Make sure you're taking 360 views as well as external scans.

Alex Hitchcock: You can also use something called Cortex as well.

Alex Hitchcock: If you're not familiar with Cortex technology,

Alex Hitchcock: you take a 360 external view and the Matterport system

Alex Hitchcock: converts that into a 3D scan point and fills out that mesh and within there.

Alex Hitchcock: Depending on the use case,

Alex Hitchcock: I definitely recommend having a look into Cortex.

Alex Hitchcock: There's a couple of really helpful tutorials on YouTube about that as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Feel free to look into that one.

Alex Hitchcock: I'm just going to take a sip of water quickly.

Alex Hitchcock: Corinne Chang has also asked,

Alex Hitchcock: "How do you compare Matterport with 360 Virtual Tour Creator?"

Alex Hitchcock: I do something similar too.

Alex Hitchcock: The big difference with between Matterport and any other

Alex Hitchcock: 360 Virtual Tour Creator is that Matterport uses

Alex Hitchcock: point cloud data and infrared to essentially create

Alex Hitchcock: a full replica scan of

Alex Hitchcock: the home that you're then able to apply so many other features and value into.

Alex Hitchcock: As Angela mentioned earlier,

Alex Hitchcock: being able to measure inside the home.

Alex Hitchcock: If you're looking for a home and it's unfurnished,

Alex Hitchcock: being able to measure in the home and plan out

Alex Hitchcock: how you're going to furnish the property and where things will fit,

Alex Hitchcock: etc, can be a really big advantage if you're planning to move in somewhere.

Alex Hitchcock: Also floor plans as well.

Alex Hitchcock: The Matterport camera is 98.5 percent accurate,

Alex Hitchcock: 3D replica of the actual property.

Alex Hitchcock: Just by doing one scan in the property,

Alex Hitchcock: you're able to extract so many other bits of content that are highly accurate,

Alex Hitchcock: like the floor plans,

Alex Hitchcock: being able to measure in the space,

Alex Hitchcock: and everything else as well.

Alex Hitchcock: Captured also now has the ability to virtually stage a property,

Alex Hitchcock: which is a really cool feature.

Alex Hitchcock: For those who haven't tried out all virtual staging for unfurnished homes,

Alex Hitchcock: it's an absolute game changer and we're

Alex Hitchcock: continuously updating and improving that all the time.

Alex Hitchcock: Please look into that if you're able to.

Alex Hitchcock: I think we've actually answered the main bulk of it.

Alex Hitchcock: If anyone has any questions,

Alex Hitchcock: I don't have the time, feel free to send me an email.

Alex Hitchcock: My email is on the screen at the moment.

Alex Hitchcock: We'll also share this webinar deck around as well.

Alex Hitchcock: I think it can be really useful resource tool for anyone

Alex Hitchcock: approaching real estate or considering

Alex Hitchcock: purchasing a camera themselves whatever that may be.

Alex Hitchcock: I'm more than happy to arrange a cool demo,

Alex Hitchcock: anything you guys need just help you make your decisions.
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Dan, when you have written "medical camera" it should be "Matterport" camera.
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Video: Jellis Craig shout-out for CAPTUR3D and Matterport | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 20 October 2021


5 free floor plans [via USD $90 credit with CAPTUR3D] from a Matterport tour when you use this WGAN affiliate link to create a free CAPTUR3D account. [To be eligible to receive WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership, send your CAPTUR3D receipt for $250 or more to:]

90 Images Edited [via USD $90 credit with CAPTUR3D] when you use this [b]WGAN affiliate link to create a free CAPTUR3D account. [To be eligible to receive WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership, send your CAPTUR3D receipt for $250 or more to:]
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