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Transcript>Intro: iGUIDE Radix for Insurance/Restoration Damage Estimating15478

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WGAN-TV: Intro to iGUIDE Radix for Insurance and Restoration Damage Estimating with Planitar Inc. (iGUIDE) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGUIDE) | Thursday, 26 August 2021 | Episode #115

Video: How to Export an iGUIDE Radix project | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 27 August 2021

Image 1 courtesy of iGUIDE

Image 2 courtesy of iGUIDE

Image 3 courtesy of iGUIDE

Image 4 courtesy of iGUIDE

WGAN-TV Live at 5: Intro to iGUIDE Radix for Insurance and Restoration Damage Estimating

Hi All,

Transcript below ...

✓ Does your company do fire/flood restoration that includes insurance claim damage estimating?
✓ How can iGUIDE Radix be used with Xactimate?
✓ What's the difference between iGUIDE Radix and Matterport TruePlan (Xactimate plans)?

Planitar (iGuide) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGuide) was my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 on Thursday, 26 August 2021 to give you an:

Intro to iGUIDE Radix for Insurance and Restoration Damage Estimating

Here are the three iGUIDE links Chris mentioned during the show:

1. iGUIDE website
2. iGUIDE for Insurance and Restoration
3. DXF file for download (example)

Here are the two previous WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows that I referenced:

1. WGAN-TV: iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit: Intro, Demo and FAQs (Thursday, 18 March 2021)
2. WGAN-TV: iGUIDE Stitch: Post Production Software Training (Thursday, 1 July 2021)

Plus, this related WGAN-TV show:

WGAN-TV iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit versus Matterport Pro2 Camera


Here is the media release that iGUIDE distributed on Tuesday, 3 August 2021:


Media Release

Planitar Unveils New iGUIDE Radix

iGUIDE Radix provides the technology for insurance and restoration professionals to capture comprehensive property data for use in estimating the cost of damages quickly and efficiently.

iGUIDE Radix Digital Assets: iGUIDE RADIX Landing Page
iGUIDE Radix 3D Tour Example

Key Takeaways

Planitar Inc. announces the launch of iGUIDE Radix, their latest product, which is a 3D tour that was designed for measuring and documenting a space when estimating the cost of mitigation or a rebuild.
● The new offering saves both time and money and you own the data that can be easily shared for remote viewing or estimating.
● Through the new iGUIDE Radix, users will be able to speed up the claims process and document all aspects of property loss with one tour.

Kitchener, ON, Aug 3, 2021 - Planitar Inc. the makers of the iGUIDE camera system and space mapping technology, today announced the launch of iGUIDE Radix. iGUIDE Radix allows users to capture comprehensive property data for use in estimating the cost of damages quickly and efficiently. The iGUIDE Radix will be available in Beta on August 10th, 2021.

“The launch of iGUIDE Radix is an exciting one because this is where technology can reshape an industry! We have designed Radix specifically for insurance and restoration professionals to capture and share comprehensive property data for use in estimating the cost of damages in a very cost-effective way,” says Michael Vervena, VP of Sales & Marketing at Planitar. “Within minutes, you can document a property loss, upload the data from your phone, and share the images and measurements instantly with your estimator. This is faster and easier than sketching by hand or using other technologies, especially when it comes to the majority of losses that are just several rooms - you speed up the process, reduce travel time, and increase efficiency.”

Capturing the state of a property for insurance claims and restoration purposes can be expensive and time-consuming. Numerous site visits may be required to gather comprehensive data such as detailed measurements and photographs. With iGUIDE Radix, users can save time by capturing data quickly and cut costs by eliminating the need for multiple site visits. iGUIDE Radix also provides accurate measurements and the ability to access, download and share the complete set of data, which includes 3D tour and all assets for archiving.

Source: Planitar (iGUIDE)

WGAN Forum Related Discussions

✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: iGUIDE Radix | iGUIDE | iGUIDE PLANIX | iGUIDE Stitch
WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insurance | Restoration | Fire | Flood
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BIG NEWS!! New iGUIDE camera available in April.
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Free WGAN Cheat Sheet: Which Virtual Tour Platform is Best (for Me)?
WGAN MarketPlace: iGUIDE

Transcript (Video Above)

Dan Smigrod: Hi all, I'm Dan Smigrod,

Dan Smigrod: founder of that We Get Around Network Forum.

Dan Smigrod: Today is Thursday, August 26,

Dan Smigrod: 2021, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

Dan Smigrod: We have an awesome show for you today:

Dan Smigrod: intro to iGUIDE RADIX for Insurance and Restoration,

Dan Smigrod: Damage Estimating. And we have

Dan Smigrod: exactly the right subject matter expert on the show today.

Dan Smigrod: Chris White, Marketing Manager of Planitar,

Dan Smigrod: Inc. which is the company behind iGUIDE.

Dan Smigrod: Chris, thanks again for being on today show and you've been on

Dan Smigrod: WGAN-TV Live at 5 a number of times and it's good to see you.

Chris White: Yeah, thanks for having me. I like being here, it's great.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. Let's start out with iGUIDE RADIX .

Dan Smigrod: Who's this for?

Chris White: Excellent question. iGUIDE RADIX is intended specifically for the insurance,

Chris White: restoration and construction industry.

Chris White: That's different than what we normally do.

Chris White: iGUIDE is typically targeted at something like residential real estate or

Chris White: commercial real estate or a more marketing focused type of application or audience.

Dan Smigrod: This is exciting!

Chris White: Yeah, it's all new for us. It's very cool.

Dan Smigrod: Help me understand insurance restoration.

Dan Smigrod: What are the typical titles of people that would be super-interested iGUIDE RADIX?

Chris White: Appraiser. Estimator. Contractor.

Chris White: Anyone who's involved in the process of creating a claim or

Chris White: in the process of remediation or estimating a loss,

Chris White: going to a property and looking at what's occurred and documenting that.

Chris White: Or someone is involved in cleaning up.

Dan Smigrod: If I have a fire or flood in the house wind damage.

Dan Smigrod: If somebody is involved in, I think what I heard was remediation,

Dan Smigrod: remodeling, renovation, adjusting.

Chris White: Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: Insurance adjusting, and that insurance adjuster may perhaps represent

Dan Smigrod: the insurance company or it might be an insurance agent that either I as

Dan Smigrod: an individual homeowner or maybe be more likely a business owner wanting to have

Dan Smigrod: a separate insurance claim adjuster

Dan Smigrod: representing my interests perhaps versus the insurance company that's settling my claim.

Chris White: Yeah. There are a lot of people involved in the process of creating

Chris White: a claim and then managing that claim through its lifecycle. I guess you could call it.

Chris White: All those people would be interested in the data.

Chris White: Not all those people who are interested in actually capturing that data.

Chris White: That's very specifically tied to using the camera going on site.

Chris White: Some people don't, don't go on site,

Chris White: they're remotely and do something else.

Dan Smigrod: We'll talk about that iGUIDE RADIX,

Dan Smigrod: we understand now who is for, what's the benefits?

Dan Smigrod: What does iGUIDE RADIX actually do.

Chris White: That's an excellent question. iGUIDE RADIX

Chris White: allows you to see a property remotely. Just like photos.

Chris White: That's not new.

Chris White: That's been around for quite some time.

Chris White: The difference is that it allows you to

Chris White: measure that property as well and also see the visuals.

Chris White: That's critical for the process of

Chris White: determining required materials to rebuild after a loss.

Chris White: Because you need to measure literally how much wall there is,

Chris White: and then calculate the materials involved like

Chris White: studs and framing and drywall and all that stuff.

Dan Smigrod: Chris, I'm actually having trouble getting my head around this.

Dan Smigrod: I think this might be one of those cases where it just helps to see-

Chris White: Oh, yeah.

Dan Smigrod: - what the deliverables are,

Dan Smigrod: not even how it's captured or created,

Dan Smigrod: but what is it that an insurance adjuster,

Dan Smigrod: someone in renovation, restoration,

Dan Smigrod: anyone involved in insurance claim?

Dan Smigrod: What are the deliverables that they actually get?

Chris White: Good question. Why don't I share my screen with you, I can show you.

Chris White: Did that work? Can you see my screen?

Dan Smigrod: I did, and I'm going to point out for those who want to follow

Dan Smigrod: that we are on your website

Chris White: Yes.

Dan Smigrod: I believe you actually got here by going to

Dan Smigrod: that blue tab and then you pull down to get to insurance restoration.

Chris White: Great.

Dan Smigrod: Once they come back to this page, will know how to get there.

Chris White: You got it. For anyone who doesn't know what an iGUIDE is,

Chris White: I'll just go down here and preface RADIX by saying an iGUIDE is

Chris White: a combination of a floor plan and accurate floor plan and 360 degree visuals.

Chris White: RADIX is similar but different.

Chris White: It does not involve the drafting of

Chris White: a floor plan which has advantages and disadvantages which we can get to later.

Chris White: Why don't I show you a RADIX and then we can talk about it.

Chris White: Let's go all the way down here have a look at this.

Chris White: What I want you to notice is that hopefully you can see this.

Chris White: There are some visuals.

Chris White: I can navigate those visuals by clicking and dragging my mouse and looking around,

Chris White: but then on the left here I've got these mysterious squiggly lines. Let's do that again.

Chris White: These are point cloud data or laser data.

Chris White: These can be measured upon.

Chris White: Again, RADIX is a combination of

Chris White: 360 degree images and measurements or literally LiDAR point cloud data.

Chris White: If you're familiar with point cloud data site.

Dan Smigrod: The iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit that you use to capture this data,

Dan Smigrod: the camera kit actually includes LiDAR. LIDAR,

Dan Smigrod: which is considered a super-accurate way of capturing depth data for a space.

Dan Smigrod: You got your camera with you today?

Chris White: There it is. It's LiDAR. Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit.

Dan Smigrod: If I'm an insurance adjuster,

Dan Smigrod: I'm probably working in the world of Xactimate.

Chris White: Correct.

Dan Smigrod: This is interesting and I guess I could do measurements here,

Dan Smigrod: I see a little ruler in the bottom left,

Dan Smigrod: so I could take measurements in this entire space,

Dan Smigrod: but can you help me get the Xactimate?

Chris White: Sure. I'll walk you through the process.

Chris White: What one would do if one wants to get from on-site

Chris White: to Xactimate is you would go out on-site with a camera,

Chris White: usually this one, and you would capture data.

Chris White: If you look over here everywhere you see a dot:

Chris White: that represents a scan position where the camera is placed and a button was pushed.

Chris White: Then what you would do, is you would take that data and you would send

Chris White: it in for publishing to be turned into a RADIX which is what you see here,

Chris White: and when you've done that, you can then,

Chris White: with access to this tour,

Chris White: click on the little ruler button just as you had said,

Chris White: and then measure anything you want on the floor plans.

Chris White: I hope you guys can see this. I'm just clicking and dragging and drawing a line.

Chris White: That's just one form of measurement.

Chris White: There are others, but the simplest form is right here.

Chris White: Then what I can do from here,

Chris White: is I can take that thing you see right there on screen,

Chris White: and I can download it as a JPEG.

Chris White: Here's the magic of RADIX and it's part of the value proposition.

Chris White: RADIX is fast.

Chris White: You can go out and scan a property like this in minutes,

Chris White: it doesn't take very long to shoot a few scans.

Chris White: Most claims from my understanding are relatively small.

Chris White: They're a few rooms and an entryway or a hallway or something like that.

Chris White: You can go out and shoot that.

Chris White: You can then take that data,

Chris White: you can turn it into this what you see on screen right here.

Chris White: You can measure on it and then save it out as a JPEG.

Chris White: What Xactimate allows you to do is pull any JPEG you

Chris White: want into the software and then draw on it.

Chris White: What you're really doing is you're drawing a very small floor plan essentially.

Chris White: The people who are using Xactimate already familiar,

Chris White: but if anyone's listening and they don't know how Xactimate works.

Chris White: Basically Xactimate is software for estimating and

Chris White: when you draw on it and create a floor plan or sketch.

Chris White: It's going to allow you to estimate the cost of materials.

Dan Smigrod: I'm sorry, Chris.

Chris White: Yeah, no worries.

Dan Smigrod: I was thinking that for Xactimate thought that you would

Dan Smigrod: take the point cloud data that the camera

Dan Smigrod: collects and begin with the point cloud data or am I beginning with the sketch?

Chris White: Right. Imagine it like this.

Chris White: You're going to take this point cloud data that you see right here on screen.

Chris White: Hopefully this works. What I've done is I've downloaded

Chris White: the point cloud data right here as a JPEG.

Chris White: From that online interface.

Dan Smigrod: I'm sorry, I can't see it on the screen maybe.

Chris White: Because I'm in a separate window here, hold on.

Chris White: Let me switch windows.

Dan Smigrod: Okay.

Chris White: Technology. Here we go,

Chris White: yes.

Chris White: Hold on. Can you see it?

Dan Smigrod: There we go. Okay.

Chris White: Check this out. There we go.

Chris White: That is Point Cloud Data.

Chris White: What you can do is anything you want on the Point Cloud Data.

Chris White: Hopefully you can see my screen, right?

Dan Smigrod: I can. I see a measurement of 16.5.

Chris White: Yeah. There's a very good reason why I put that seemingly random measurement there.

Chris White: In order to use this data,

Chris White: you have to set scale in your software.

Chris White: You need to tell the software essentially how

Chris White: big something is so that it knows the relative sizes of everything else.

Chris White: If you're familiar with Xactimate, I know you know what I'm talking about.

Chris White: Basically you load it into Xactimate or Symbility or whatever software you're using.

Chris White: You then set the scale on that line.

Chris White: I just randomly drew a line.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Chris White: You'd probably make it a little simpler like 10 feet, I'd be at 16.5.

Dan Smigrod: I bring my laser measure with me and I take

Dan Smigrod: a couple of key measurements so that we can make sure that the scale is correct.

Chris White: You don't even need to do that. You can set scale from that line you drew.

Dan Smigrod: Okay.

Chris White: It's even easier. On Xactimate.

Chris White: Just click and drag on top of that line.

Chris White: Tell it it's 16 foot 5 inches, you're done.

Chris White: Then what you can do is start drawing on top of the laser data if you wish.

Chris White: This makes sense if you are going to draw something relatively small.

Chris White: If you're going to do something like three rooms in a hallway or whatever.

Chris White: Larger projects require a lot more work to draw because they're bigger.

Chris White: You can certainly do those using RADIX.

Chris White: But that's not what most claims are.

Chris White: This was really designed for insurance and restoration professionals, not for marketing,

Chris White: for estimating losses and for bringing that into Xactimate

Chris White: and making the claims process significantly faster.

Dan Smigrod: I think what I'm actually seeing and hearing are two things.

Dan Smigrod: I'm an insurance adjuster,

Dan Smigrod: I'm a remediation pro,

Dan Smigrod: renovation, remodeling person or whatever it is.

Dan Smigrod: I got an insurance claim I need to do.

Dan Smigrod: I have two ways of getting it into Xactimate.

Dan Smigrod: I can either take the sketch that's on the left side and trace

Dan Smigrod: on top of that or I can export the Point Cloud,

Dan Smigrod: which is a DXF,

Dan Smigrod: DXF file that can be imported into CAD.

Dan Smigrod: I don't think it can be imported directly into Xactimate.

Dan Smigrod: Maybe you could take us through how will I do that.

Chris White: What I'll do is,

Chris White: I will share with you a DXF that I have pre-loaded up; like a pro.

Dan Smigrod: Okay.

Chris White: Can you see that?

Dan Smigrod: I can.

Chris White: Okay. The DXF, it looks very similar.

Chris White: It's Point Cloud Data.

Chris White: One thing to note though, in case anyone's curious,

Chris White: this question will probably come up later on your Forum.

Chris White: The DXF is providing Point Cloud Data in 2D.

Chris White: This is critical to know.

Chris White: This is not a 3D Point Cloud.

Chris White: It's not an XYZ file where you've got height data.

Chris White: There is data there to measure in three-dimensional space on the viewer,

Chris White: but this particular file only has 2D Point Cloud Data.

Chris White: There's no way to turn this into a 3D model,

Chris White: not without estimating the heights

Chris White: of the ceilings and converting it into a 3D model from a sketch.

Chris White: But you can see the Point Cloud Data.

Chris White: You can zoom in, you can do whatever you want.

Chris White: To be honest, the DXF is useful,

Chris White: but honestly it's slower than using the viewer.

Chris White: It's faster to go to the viewer,

Chris White: zoom in on what you want.

Chris White: Again, like a smaller claim,

Chris White: something like three rooms and a hallway,

Chris White: capturing out that JPEG and just loading it into Xactimate.

Chris White: It takes about a minute, probably faster but people like the DXF.

Dan Smigrod: Let's say, I'd like to use the DXF file.

Dan Smigrod: I'd like to end up in Xactimate, how do I do that?

Chris White: If you're going to do that now I'm not an expert on

Chris White: Xactimate by any stretch, not even close.

Chris White: I have a free trial.

Chris White: But you can convert a DXF into anything you like.

Chris White: The scale is automatically set for the DXF when you load it up,

Chris White: it just already knows it's like magic.

Chris White: Again, you'd have to draw a scale of some sort, like a bar or whatever.

Chris White: Then you'd have to export it as a JPEG, and then you'd have to bring it.

Chris White: It is exactly the same.

Chris White: You turn it into something that Xactimate can see,

Chris White: which is usually a JPEG or I think maybe a PNG.

Chris White: Then you load it up in Xactimate the same way.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. Maybe before we get too much into

Dan Smigrod: the actual features of iGUIDE RADIX is to talk about

Dan Smigrod: the benefits of there's old school in terms of how adjusters used to do this.

Dan Smigrod: Let's assume that I'm going out to do an insurance claim.

Dan Smigrod: I should probably say,

Dan Smigrod: my wife and I have been lucky enough that we've actually

Dan Smigrod: had three different unrelated floods in our house.

Dan Smigrod: I've actually seen old school process come in and see

Dan Smigrod: them take a 1,000 pictures and a bazillion measurements.

Chris White: Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: Then they actually begin this Xactimate process either on-site or back at the ranch.

Chris White: Yeah. The RADIX and an iGUIDE as

Chris White: well have the benefit of being very comprehensive forms of documenting a lot.

Chris White: Because you're creating 360s,

Chris White: you can look up and down and left and right you can see the ceiling and the floor.

Chris White: It's my understanding talking to people in

Chris White: the industry that you never know what you're going to need until you need it.

Chris White: That means capturing more data is almost always better, which is fine.

Chris White: That's totally compatible with the way this camera systems work.

Chris White: You can go into space and capture just an absolute ton of data.

Chris White: It doesn't really cost you all that much time, it's pretty fast.

Chris White: The benefit here is that

Chris White: if you're comparing this to something like pencil and paper and photos.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Chris White: The difference is massive.

Chris White: Just the measurement aspect alone.

Chris White: I always tell the story of probably told it on multiple ways on WGAN-TV Live at 5.

Chris White: But basically I used to do HVAC calculation.

Chris White: I'd go to houses and I'd manually measure them.

Chris White: One of the funniest things that used to happen to be just

Chris White: constantly is that I would go to a property,

Chris White: I would measure it out and then on my drive home,

Chris White: I'd be thinking about it and be like,

Chris White: ''Did I measure that wall right?''

Chris White: Then I have to go on his paper.

Chris White: I'd draw boxes and putting measurements on them,

Chris White: I measured with a laser measure or tape measure,

Chris White: measuring wheel or whatever.

Chris White: With this, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff because you're documenting

Chris White: a space with the fancy LiDAR and it's all digital.

Chris White: You just have all the data you can just measure on it later.

Chris White: You never have to worry that you're going to make a mistake.

Chris White: Human error is essentially eliminated.

Chris White: The only error you could make would be to not capture enough.

Chris White: That almost never happens because you go all the way on

Chris White: the job site and because it's so easy to capture the data.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Chris White: You tend to always capture more of them.

Dan Smigrod: I guess the way I would describe that benefit, because again,

Dan Smigrod: having lived through three different floods,

Dan Smigrod: it meant that the general contractor would call from time to time and say, ''Hey,

Dan Smigrod: could we come back and take some more pictures because

Dan Smigrod: the insurance company needs to see some picture that they didn't previously take?''

Chris White: Yes. Well, you've hit on one of the benefits

Chris White: that's reduced costs because you don't have to have as many site visits.

Chris White: No one in any industry ever wants to make multiple trips to a property

Chris White: unless it was a really nice house or the people were very nice. I don't know.

Chris White: But basically that time is money,

Chris White: that travel time is expensive,

Chris White: time on site is expensive.

Chris White: Example, someone who's running a business,

Chris White: you're paying someone to go to this site and to gather that data,

Chris White: you don't want to have to do it multiple times.

Chris White: That's a huge part of this is that you can measure after the fact.

Chris White: You can look at the images whenever you want to be able to see

Chris White: things that you wouldn't necessarily have specifically taken a photo of,

Chris White: because the 360s are so flexible and you can look wherever you like.

Dan Smigrod: I'm hearing it's really two things that you're collecting.

Dan Smigrod: One is you're obviously collecting the photography through

Dan Smigrod: the 360 spherical photography that the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit captures.

Dan Smigrod: But, second and probably super important for those in insurance claim estimating/.

Dan Smigrod: You're actually collecting all the data and that data equals measurements.

Chris White: That's exactly right. Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. After the fact, you can measure.

Chris White: That's right.

Dan Smigrod: Again, going back to our floods in our house that our general contractor

Dan Smigrod: inevitably would have to come back and

Dan Smigrod: remeasure something. It wasn't just as simple as the wall.

Dan Smigrod: They actually needed to know because our house has

Dan Smigrod: double high ceilings and a loft type thing they needed to know.

Chris White: Was it three floods in the same house?

Dan Smigrod: Three floods, totally unrelated.

Dan Smigrod: We've been through this process and totally old-school.

Dan Smigrod: Meaning, our general contractor,

Dan Smigrod: super! We'd highly recommend them.

Dan Smigrod: But other than voicemail and texting,

Dan Smigrod: that was the extent of technology.

Dan Smigrod: He would really come out with his phone and take a bazillion pictures.

Dan Smigrod: He would measure, maybe had a digital measurer, but not much more.

Dan Smigrod: Anyway, so that meant that there'd be a key measurement that there would be

Dan Smigrod: a discussion between the insurance company

Dan Smigrod: and the general contractor in order to document,

Dan Smigrod: well, exactly how many feet of materials that is,

Dan Smigrod: and there's a dispute.

Dan Smigrod: They'd actually come back out and re-measure something and probably

Dan Smigrod: take yet another picture of it in order to answer the insurance company's question.

Dan Smigrod: I think what I'm hearing from you is, now,

Dan Smigrod: you've eliminated all those return trips because you already have all the pictures,

Dan Smigrod: you have all the data,

Dan Smigrod: and I'm guessing I actually mentioned something that's probably another benefit is

Dan Smigrod: your reducing disputes because you actually have.

Chris White: Yes. Absolutely.

Dan Smigrod: Data that the insurance

Dan Smigrod: company, the general contractor, that everyone can agree on,

Dan Smigrod: that's the moment of truth.

Chris White: Absolutely. There's another benefit associated with that, that's sort of interesting.

Chris White: What this does is this can separate the process so the person

Chris White: on-site collecting the data doesn't have to be the person actually doing the claim.


(Continued below)
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(Continued from above)

Chris White: Everything's digital, the stuff is easily shareable online.

Chris White: That means that someone can capture all this data,

Chris White: and then send it to someone for remote estimating.

Chris White: That speeds it up even more.

Chris White: You can imagine the old school way would be, you take notes,

Chris White: you take photos, and then you go somewhere and you

Chris White: work with that data and you draw sketches.

Chris White: You don't have to do that anymore. You can just capture the data, send it to somebody,

Chris White: and then they can do the claim,

Chris White: and you can go capture data somewhere else.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. I think that actually probably speaks to a couple other benefits,

Dan Smigrod: which is the person that collects the data,

Dan Smigrod: taking the pictures, collecting the data actually

Dan Smigrod: is probably somebody that gets paid less than the person

Dan Smigrod: who's actually the claims adjuster that has all these years of experience with

Dan Smigrod: Xactimate and can tease out that 50 different things.

Dan Smigrod: It's actually very interesting.

Dan Smigrod: I think, "Well, I'm looking at a wall and the dry-walls removed."

Dan Smigrod: No, they're looking at, "Okay.

Dan Smigrod: Well, there's the molding,

Dan Smigrod: there's the carpet. Oh, that carpet.

Dan Smigrod: That carpet. You got a carpet that runs the entire length of your basement."

Dan Smigrod: That carpet, we can't just replace a piece of carpet.

Dan Smigrod: We have to replace the entire carpet.

Dan Smigrod: The crown molding,

Dan Smigrod: the drywall that was damaged behind the drywall there's insulation,

Dan Smigrod: so that person no longer really needs to come out,

Dan Smigrod: and all this data can be collected,

Dan Smigrod: all the photography can be collected so the more expensive person could

Dan Smigrod: probably be more efficient at this office.

Chris White: There are lots of different business models all across North America,

Chris White: so that doesn't work in some places,

Chris White: but it does in others. But yeah, you're right.

Chris White: Someone can go out and capture the data,

Chris White: and then a completely separate person can do the actual claims process of the estimate.

Chris White: What that means is it reduced travel time. Sorry, what was that?

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. I'm trying to see if we've teased out all the benefits of iGUIDE RADIX.

Dan Smigrod: We've talked about. Saving time,

Dan Smigrod: cutting costs, reducing visits,

Dan Smigrod: which is saving time and essentially saving money.

Dan Smigrod: Getting accurate data.

Dan Smigrod: Who owns the data?

Chris White: If you captured it, you own it.

Chris White: You can download it and keep it for as long as you like.

Chris White: That means that you don't have to pay any subscription fees.

Chris White: There are no subscription fees.

Chris White: It's basically a pay-per-use model.

Chris White: You're going to pay per project is what we call it.

Dan Smigrod: If I need to save this project for seven years for tax purposes or something else,

Dan Smigrod: I'm not paying a monthly recurring charge.

Dan Smigrod: It's a one-time project fee associated with that particular claim.

Chris White: You got it. It's actually a little bit weirder than that.

Chris White: It's not a hidden feature, but it's

Chris White: a new and unique feature that has the benefit of extra flexibility.

Chris White: With a RADIX,

Chris White: and I'm not aware that any other platform allowed you to do this.

Chris White: You can correct me if I'm wrong, if you know.

Chris White: But with a RADIX,

Chris White: what you can do is you can go out,

Chris White: use the camera, capture a site,

Chris White: then for whatever reason,

Chris White: go back out to the site, re-capture more data,

Chris White: and then you can add it to the existing RADIX for just a small like Add On fee.

Chris White: It's just a little bit extra.

Chris White: It's not like you have to pay for a whole new processing unit and stuff.

Dan Smigrod: What would be the use case for doing that?

Chris White: It's a good question. Let's suppose that

Chris White: multiple site visits are necessary for some weird reason.

Chris White: There's lots of reasons actually, they're not that weird.

Chris White: Let's suppose that you go out on site and communication wasn't

Chris White: so great and remediation team wasn't there yet.

Chris White: Whoever was supposed to be there is exposed to document showing equipment.

Chris White: Okay. You document the site,

Chris White: you get the data to whoever needs it,

Chris White: and you have to go back the next day,

Chris White: and then all the blower fans are setup because there's water damage, they got dried out.

Chris White: Then you document it again.

Chris White: You don't get dinged twice,

Chris White: you just get dinged for what you add.

Chris White: Or this one's even more fun.

Chris White: I wish this existed a few years ago because it would been great.

Chris White: You've got a really big project,

Chris White: so it's a really big property,

Chris White: but it's not all available to you at once.

Chris White: You go on Day 1, you have access to this area.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Chris White: Then you've got Day 2,

Chris White: and you have access to another area.

Chris White: Day 3, another area.

Chris White: You can just keep adding data on,

Chris White: but you don't have to hold onto it. You can publish it as you go.

Dan Smigrod: Yes, which is terrific because I actually do recall then in our dining room,

Dan Smigrod: the wall didn't get opened up on the first get-go.

Dan Smigrod: Then the general contractor came out after the remediation,

Dan Smigrod: people were there and he says,

Dan Smigrod: "We've just put a moisture tester device to the wall."

Dan Smigrod: It's amazing. They can tell you that how much moisture is on a wall and go,

Dan Smigrod: "You still have problems with this wall.

Dan Smigrod: This wall has to come out."

Dan Smigrod: That meant the insurance company adjuster that came out

Dan Smigrod: didn't measure and do his Xactimate for that particular dining room wall.

Dan Smigrod: There were people, the insurance adjuster had to come back.

Dan Smigrod: I don't remember who took out the wall,

Dan Smigrod: but the wall had it come out.

Dan Smigrod: I guess that speaks to what you were describing as the data collection was on

Dan Smigrod: multiple days because it wasn't all uncovered in that first pass.

Chris White: In the real world, that's quite common to have something

Chris White: like that happened where I have to make multiple visits.

Chris White: It's not ideal. No one wants to do that. It's really that's happened.

Dan Smigrod: Before we jumping to the features of the iGUIDE RADIX solution,

Dan Smigrod: other benefits that we haven't discussed or

Dan Smigrod: maybe we'll tease them out as we go through some of the features.

Chris White: Yeah. I guess we'll just naturally

Chris White: segue into the features by talking about the biggest one,

Chris White: the most compelling and interesting ones.

Chris White: Cutting costs, reducing time on site is

Chris White: all intended to imply that the claims process moves faster.

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Chris White: So in order to get the claim resolved or get the process moving, get it finished,

Chris White: you want to be able to get the data to move

Chris White: from one person to the next as quickly as possible.

Chris White: One of the really interesting features that's available for

Chris White: RADIX is the ability to upload from on-site.

Chris White: What you can do, is you can take your PLANIX Camera,

Chris White: and you can scan a job site,

Chris White: document a loss,

Chris White: and then you can take that data.

Chris White: Right from your phone or your tablet,

Chris White: you can send it in for publishing.

Chris White: It's not instant because it has to be sent through

Chris White: your cellular connection, whatever that may be.

Chris White: But relatively speaking, it's almost instantaneous that when you send it,

Chris White: you're going to have instant access to that data or someone else will,

Chris White: so that remote estimating is relevant there.

Chris White: Someone else is sitting at a desk, waiting for that data.

Chris White: Well, they're going to get it because you can send it to

Chris White: them right from the property, which is quite cool.

Dan Smigrod: If you happened to be in the boonies and you are two hours away from the office,

Dan Smigrod: but that person who actually does the adjusting or writing up the insurance claim,

Dan Smigrod: they could get going or even before you've left the site,

Dan Smigrod: they could be reviewing it to just say,

Dan Smigrod: "I didn't see any pictures outside.

Dan Smigrod: I know there wasn't any fire or flood, it was outside."

Dan Smigrod: But for whatever reason,

Dan Smigrod: I need to understand the structure from the outside because if we're replacing something,

Dan Smigrod: I got to know what those outside walls are.

Chris White: That's right. I haven't personally seen that occur yet.

Chris White: We will eventually though, it just makes sense that you would be on-site,

Chris White: you would capture data, you would send it in,

Chris White: and then someone would ask for revisions like, "Yeah.

Chris White: Can you go out and get the shed," and say, "Okay. Sure."

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Chris White: You're right. You're totally right.

Dan Smigrod: Could you take us back to your website,

Dan Smigrod: and show where you have your different examples

Dan Smigrod: We're going to go to

Dan Smigrod: Again, you can get there from the menu.

Dan Smigrod: I think there was some examples that you had.

Dan Smigrod: There were some multiple examples on this page.

Chris White: Down here?

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. Yeah.

Chris White: There we go. Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. There we go. I noticed that there were two examples of fire,

Dan Smigrod: and two examples of flood.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. Maybe just open one of those fire ones because it is a bit crazy to see all this.

Chris White: Yeah. This is a great example of a small claim.

Chris White: One of the benefits of this is that it's a small benefit, but it's relevant.

Chris White: Is that you don't need to capture everything to use RADIX.

Chris White: You can just capture whatever you want.

Chris White: It's very affordable.

Chris White: We haven't talked about price yet, which is another benefit.

Chris White: But if you really just want to capture a few rooms then go right ahead.

Chris White: There's nothing wrong with that. The spookier the better, look at this place.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah. Okay. Crazy. For those that are interested in that DXF file,

Dan Smigrod: I believe on your website on,

Dan Smigrod: there's an example that can be downloaded.

Dan Smigrod: Could you just show us where to find that file for those

Dan Smigrod: that are interested in downloading that file?

Chris White: If you want to know more about the process of using the camera,

Chris White: there is a quick video when you click on this button.

Chris White: That's hopefully available. There you go.

Chris White: That's me. Look at that handsome guy.

Dan Smigrod: Yeah.

Chris White: That shows the process. But if you scroll down a bit, there's a link right here.

Chris White: You can download the DXF and play with it if you like.

Dan Smigrod: That's where you can download the file, so that's cool.

Dan Smigrod: It might be helpful to just talk a little bit more about

Dan Smigrod: the specific features of the iGUIDE RADIX.

Dan Smigrod: For example, the first feature that sticks in my mind is speed of uploading.

Dan Smigrod: You can do that right from the field.

Dan Smigrod: I'm guessing the file is not so huge that you can't use your cellular data plan.

Chris White: You got it. I'm going to make a bold claim here.

Chris White: This is pretty serious stuff.

Chris White: The PLANIX Camera combined with iGUIDE RADIX is

Chris White: the absolute fastest way to get data to an estimator for that process.

Chris White: I can't think of a faster way.

Chris White: There's a really good reason for that and this is why I'm

Chris White: confident enough to say that it's the fastest.

Chris White: The way iGUIDE works is a little bit different than maybe other competing systems.

Chris White: What happens is that you capture 360s and you capture LiDAR measurements.

Chris White: Those 360s are essentially

Chris White: the absolute minimum amount of data you need to document a space.

Chris White: We're not talking about the quantity of 360s,

Chris White: were just talking about the 360s in LiDAR Point Cloud Data itself.

Chris White: It's very lightweight.

Chris White: It's not an enormous amount of data.

Chris White: An entire property might be a few 100 megabytes.

Chris White: What that means is it's actually viable to send that data

Chris White: from your phone to someone remote.

Chris White: It's not as though it's gigabytes worth of data and it would crush your phone.

Chris White: That's especially true with a smaller claim like two or three rooms, maybe 10-15 scans.

Chris White: When I'm thinking about other systems and the way they work,

Chris White: they tend to have a much larger amount of data.

Chris White: You still could upload them remotely,

Chris White: but it would just take a lot longer.

Chris White: There's also zero processing time.

Dan Smigrod: It's good. I'll ask you about another system in a moment,

Dan Smigrod: but I think before we do that,

Dan Smigrod: maybe you could go back to the iGUIDE website www.

Dan Smigrod: You have a chart that shows the difference

Dan Smigrod: between an iGUIDE RADIX and an iGUIDE Standard and Premium.

Dan Smigrod: Could you walk us through this chart?

Chris White: Absolutely. It's important to know that

Chris White: an iGUIDE RADIX and a regular iGUIDE or an iGUIDE Standard or iGUIDE Premium,

Chris White: they're all made from the same thing.

Chris White: Interesting side effect of them all being made from the same data,

Chris White: is that if you capture data for an iGUIDE RADIX and then decide you

Chris White: want a professionally drawn a floor plan, just order an iGUIDE.

Chris White: You can just make one if you like.

Chris White: That means that a lot of people could start with a RADIX,

Chris White: use it for whatever they want and then later if they need during that

Chris White: claims process to have a full-blown floor plan that looks nice and it's accurate,

Chris White: they don't have to draw it themselves.

Chris White: It's not like you're stuck. You can just order an iGUIDE and have that made.

Chris White: The biggest difference between RADIX, an iGUIDE Standard,

Chris White: and an iGUIDE Premium is that RADIX does not have a floor plan.

Chris White: There's no floor plan drawn.

Chris White: There's a benefit to that and there's no time required to draw a floor plan.

Chris White: That means you get the data instantly, which is awesome.

Dan Smigrod: The assumption here too is that someone who's doing an insurance claim adjusting,

Dan Smigrod: they're working in their own software.

Dan Smigrod: Really all they need is either a floor plan view or

Dan Smigrod: the DXF file in

Dan Smigrod: order to bring it into CAD or whatever they're going to do with that file.

Chris White: It's interesting. Typically, they're going to take

Chris White: the data during the estimating process.

Chris White: They're going to sketch and they basically draw a floor plan off of it.

Chris White: They don't really need a floor plan,

Chris White: but sometimes they do. It's nice to have the option.

Dan Smigrod: There's two things that stand out that RADIX

Dan Smigrod: has the iGUIDE Standard and iGUIDE Premium does not have.

Dan Smigrod: The first is the LiDAR Point Cloud,

Dan Smigrod: that's the DXF file,

Dan Smigrod: and second, is on-site upload.

Chris White: Correct. Yeah. Exactly. RADIX has

Chris White: an advantage over Standard and Premium in the sense that it's faster.

Chris White: It's just straight-up faster and it's significantly less expensive. You can say that.

Dan Smigrod: Then the other features that you also get with the iGUIDE RADIX include;

Dan Smigrod: I see four other check boxes.

Chris White: Yeah. An iGUIDE has floor plans,

Chris White: room dimensions, square footage totals, all that stuff.

Chris White: None of that stuff is in RADIX because the data's not being interpreted.

Chris White: It's not being drawn by a drafter.

Chris White: But all the other stuff you still get it.

Chris White: Your onscreen measurements.

Chris White: If you want to measure ceiling heights, you can do that.

Chris White: If you want to measure floor areas,

Chris White: all this stuff is usually really important for measuring surfaces, for estimating.

Chris White: If you want to download it and self-host it somewhere on your website,

Chris White: you can do that just like a regular iGUIDE.

Chris White: It's really that drafted information that you're not going to get.

Chris White: You're not going to get a drafted floor plan in SVG or PDF.

Chris White: Interesting fun fact, if you order and iGUIDE,

Chris White: you still do get the Point Cloud because you get a DXF with the Point Cloud in it.

Chris White: If you decided that you did want a floor plan and you don't feel

Chris White: like getting a RADIX and you still want the Point Cloud.

Chris White: Well, you would also get that with an iGUIDE as well.

Dan Smigrod: Matterport TruePlan versus iGUIDE RADIX?

Chris White: It's a good question. Just before we started talking,

Chris White: I went and I looked at Matterport's website.

Chris White: TruePlan is very cool, I'll say that.

Chris White: I would say overkill for

Chris White: most projects that are out there based on what people are telling us in the industry.

Chris White: That's why RADIX exists.

Chris White: It's meant to be a very specific solution to a very specific problem.

Chris White: How to get data; good-quality,

Chris White: accurate measurements and visuals from one person to another to make

Chris White: that estimating claims process - documenting loss - fast.

Chris White: Fast. Fast. Fast. TruePlan is very, very expensive relative

Chris White: to the cost of measuring it yourself, which is like nothing.

Chris White: It's like you want something in the middle.

Chris White: You don't want to do it by hand because it's prone to

Chris White: human error and it's time-consuming and it's not fun.

Chris White: But you don't necessarily need

Chris White: a full 3D Point Cloud with the data already drawn in Xactimate.

Chris White: It's like three rooms in a hallway, that's overkill.

Chris White: What's in the middle?

Chris White: Well, RADIX is right in the middle.

Chris White: It's perfect. That's not to say that the TruePlan doesn't have its place.

Chris White: It totally does because it has three-dimensional data that

Chris White: may be required for some 3D modeling.

Chris White: But if your goal is to document that loss in a comprehensive way with

Chris White: 360-degree visuals and measurements that you

Chris White: can use to sketch in something like Xactimate or Symbility,

Chris White: then RADIX is exactly what you need and nothing more.

Chris White: That means it's extremely cost-effective and fast.

Chris White: Whereas TruePlan is a little bit more expensive.

Chris White: Well significantly more expensive depending on what you're doing.

Chris White: It also may take longer obviously, the capture process.

Chris White: I'm not an expert on Matterport's capture price,

Chris White: but it is totally different, it's similar but it's different.

Chris White: Then obviously moving that data around, is also different.

Chris White: Then using that data is different.

Chris White: They're not apples to apples,

Chris White: but there's benefits to the RADIX in the sense that it's significantly cheaper,

Chris White: it's significantly faster and

Chris White: it's my understanding that it's also significantly easier to use,

Chris White: but that's debatable because it depends on your skill level.

Chris White: I can't hear you. Are you muted?

Chris White: Well, yeah, You're says You're muted.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you.

Chris White: Sorry.

Dan Smigrod: When I think of Matterport TruePlan,

Dan Smigrod: which is really essentially an Xactimate,

Dan Smigrod: that's what you're getting.

Chris White: Yeah, you're getting a sketch for Xactimate,

Chris White: that's another key difference, that's a good point,

Chris White: you don't have to draw it yourself.

Dan Smigrod: Really the question is,

Dan Smigrod: if you're the insurance adjuster and you want to do your own Xactimate,

Dan Smigrod: then you don't need Matterport TruePlan.

Chris White: No you don't.

Dan Smigrod: If you're an adjuster and you want to replace doing the Xactimate,

Dan Smigrod: then Matterport will do it for you.

Dan Smigrod: That may take some time to get it turned around,

Dan Smigrod: so there may be, I would say,

Dan Smigrod: maybe three questions:

Dan Smigrod: does the job warrant the expense for a Matterport TruePlan?

Dan Smigrod: Two, does the time that it takes to get the TruePlan, is that okay?

Dan Smigrod: Because it may be a couple of days to get it?

Chris White: Yeah, that's my understanding, is 24 -48 hours.

Dan Smigrod: Things typically happen pretty fast in this insurance adjusting space.

Dan Smigrod: Can you wait 1, 2,

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Dan Smigrod: 3 days to get the Xactimate?

Dan Smigrod: One is cost, two is how long it takes.

Dan Smigrod: Three, I don't know the answer to this question,

Dan Smigrod: but Matterport uses structured light to capture depth data

Dan Smigrod: and iGUIDE RADIX using the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit uses LIDAR,

Dan Smigrod: which is considered more accurate.

Dan Smigrod: That may be a factor too.

Dan Smigrod: It may not matter if you've had fire damage that's

Dan Smigrod: limited to a kitchen and a bedroom above the kitchen,

Dan Smigrod: but if you're doing a super large space,

Dan Smigrod: you may be off by inches with structured light.

Dan Smigrod: Maybe you need to do the laser measurer anyway to adjust both

Dan Smigrod: for Matterport so that you actually make the model to the exact size.

Dan Smigrod: That's probably how,

Dan Smigrod: if I was doing Xactimate or Matterport TruePlan,

Dan Smigrod: I'd probably send in some key measurements to make sure

Dan Smigrod: that it was scaled properly or scale it when I got it back.

Dan Smigrod: I think the third difference was,

Dan Smigrod: and maybe this still goes back to speed,

Dan Smigrod: is you're on site with the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit,

Dan Smigrod: capturing the imagery and the data, and therefore,

Dan Smigrod: you can instantly upload it from the field to create

Dan Smigrod: an iGUIDE RADIX versus perhaps the Matterport data may be somewhat of a larger file.

Dan Smigrod: It may not be as practical in terms of trying to transmit it from the field.

Chris White: Yeah. You're right. There's another interesting difference

Chris White: here in that Matterport's TruePlan is essentially as drawing you something.

Chris White: I can't remember the file extension. It's for Xactimate.

Chris White: It's like [SKX] something or other,

Chris White: so RADIX doesn't give you that,

Chris White: but it still doesn't mean you have to draw it yourself.

Chris White: If you wanted to, you can turn over the DXF and

Chris White: the RADIX tour to a third party and they could just draw a sketch for you in Xactimate,

Chris White: so if that's the barrier, that's not really a barrier.

Dan Smigrod: I guess the only other question I would ask about

Dan Smigrod: Matterport TruePlan versus iGUIDE RADIX,

Dan Smigrod: is I'm hearing that with RADIX,

Dan Smigrod: is you're going to do a sketch over that Floor Plan view.

Dan Smigrod: Frankly, you can do that with the Matterport Floor Plan view,

Dan Smigrod: so is there any advantage of using RADIX to do this tracing versus Matterport?

Dan Smigrod: Simply, it's the speed of getting the file back to the adjuster?

Chris White: It was speed and cost. It's going to be cheaper to do a RADIX in those cases,

Chris White: because it's pay once and then you can share the data as much as you like.

Dan Smigrod: You own the data.

Dan Smigrod: If you're watching this show

Dan Smigrod: and you're trying to make a decision between Matterport TruePlan and iGUIDE RADIX,

Dan Smigrod: I think what I would say is ask your Matterport salesperson, "who

Dan Smigrod: owns the data" because that actually may matter to you,

Dan Smigrod: and that in my mind is still a gray area that Matterport has never

Dan Smigrod: resolved properly; is what they're doing with the data when it's captured,

Dan Smigrod: because they're obviously doing something with

Dan Smigrod: the data in order to create super-large datasets.

Dan Smigrod: That's a different topic.

Dan Smigrod: I think it's probably helpful to point out.

Dan Smigrod: You and I did a show back in March 2021:

Dan Smigrod: iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit:

Dan Smigrod: Intro, Demo, and Frequently Asked Questions.

Chris White: Yes.

Dan Smigrod: We haven't spent a whole lot of time trying to understand the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit,

Dan Smigrod: and the deliverables in terms of the iGUIDE,

Dan Smigrod: so I think it would be helpful just to refer our viewers to say,

Dan Smigrod: if you feel like you haven't gotten what you're looking for in today's show,

Dan Smigrod: it's by choice we really wanted to assume a prerequisite that you

Dan Smigrod: probably watched iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit Intro,

Dan Smigrod: Demo and FAQs for the WGAN-TV show that aired March 18, 2021.

Dan Smigrod: We did get another show, iGUIDE Stitch:

Dan Smigrod: Post-Production Software Training back on July 1, 2021.

Dan Smigrod: Those two shows are available in the We Get Around Network Forum:

Dan Smigrod: Look for the Tag Box,

Dan Smigrod: just click on Tag Box and you can search by either iGUIDE or iGUIDE PLANIX or

Dan Smigrod: iGUIDE RADIX or iGUIDE Stitch.

Dan Smigrod: A ton of content about iGUIDE in the We Get Around Network Forum (

Dan Smigrod: What is it that we haven't talked about it in terms of iGUIDE RADIX?

Dan Smigrod: We've talked about benefits.

Dan Smigrod: We've talked about features.

Dan Smigrod: We've talked about how iGUIDE RADIX compares to Matterport TruePlan.

Dan Smigrod: What else do you feel we should cover about iGUIDE RADIX?

Chris White: We use to go to trade shows. People would always ask the same thing.

Chris White: What is it? Why should I want it?

Chris White: How much does it cost? We didn't talk about cost.

Chris White: It's very, very simple.

Dan Smigrod: Let me ask that question. I haven't asked that question.

Chris White: Okay. Fire away.

Dan Smigrod: Chris, iGUIDE RADIX:

Dan Smigrod: how much does it cost?

Chris White: Oh, thanks for asking. Let me tell you.

Chris White: Basically it's not the same model as iGUIDE, sorry.

Chris White: So it's not by square footage and so this is different for us.

Chris White: It's out of our comfort zone.

Chris White: Everything's about square footage for iGUIDE.

Chris White: If you've already seen iGUIDE stuff you'll know this,

Chris White: but if you haven't seen it before,

Chris White: it's all about square footage because the focus of iGUIDE is about measurement.

Chris White: But in this scenario,

Chris White: we don't know the square footage,

Chris White: so that can't be used to determine the processing fee.

Chris White: There is a cost associated with RADIX,

Chris White: that is for processing the data and you pay that after you submit it for publishing.

Chris White: Involved in that fee is hosting,

Chris White: publishing, and you get access to all the deliverables for that processing fee.

Chris White: That fee can be broken down per scan,

Chris White: and in the United States dollars,

Chris White: it is 75 cents a scan with a minimum fee of $15.

Chris White: That means that for most claims,

Chris White: that's how many scans is at $15?

Chris White: At 75 cents, is that 20?

Chris White: Let's check. I think so. I don't have a calculator.

Dan Smigrod: Yes. Hey Siri, $15 divided by 75 cents.

Chris White: Yeah, who will get to it first?

Siri: I found an answer.

Siri: It's displayed on your iPhone.

Dan Smigrod: 20.

Chris White: 20. I did a calculator as well.

Dan Smigrod: I don't think. I always defer to Siri.

Dan Smigrod: I think it might be helpful because unlike

Dan Smigrod: our previous shows where we're typically talking to real estate photographers,

Dan Smigrod: and if we say scan,

Dan Smigrod: they understand that that means a 360 degrees spherical image.

Dan Smigrod: For the benefit of those in insurance restoration professionals,

Dan Smigrod: anybody involved in this process of estimating for insurance claims, it's a scan.

Dan Smigrod: I might have been a previous life said a rotation of the camera,

Dan Smigrod: but actually, the camera doesn't rotate.

Chris White: Ancient history. A scan,

Chris White: I'll define it in a general way,

Chris White: is when you use this camera system

Chris White: to measure in 360 degrees and photograph at the same time.

Chris White: The magic of this camera is that it doesn't just

Chris White: measure with the LiDAR and take a picture,

Chris White: it does both those things,

Chris White: but it combines that data so that the measurements are connected to the visuals,

Chris White: and that's how you can measure on screen.

Chris White: Either way, a scan means that you take the camera, you put it somewhere,

Chris White: you push a button on your smartphone,

Chris White: you wait 10 seconds, you're done. That's it. Super-easy.

Dan Smigrod: I think in the latter, part you defined it.

Dan Smigrod: The camera is sitting on a tripod,

Dan Smigrod: every time you press the button,

Dan Smigrod: it is 75 cents.

Chris White: Pretty much, yeah.

Dan Smigrod: With a minimum of USD$15.

Chris White: That's the minimum. That covers almost all claims, about $15.

Chris White: That means you can go to a property,

Chris White: shoot 20 scans, which is a lot, typically,

Chris White: I would say, minimum,

Chris White: you need one per space,

Chris White: just to see everything.

Chris White: But that's not how this works.

Chris White: Like you want to be documenting things.

Chris White: Typically, in a flood, they're going to have damage up from the floor a couple feet.

Chris White: So you'd lower the camera down

Chris White: and you can put the camera wherever you want, if you didn't know that.

Chris White: You can put it near the damage and then you can just shoot scan.

Chris White: You can place the camera wherever you like.

Chris White: You have full creative control,

Chris White: if you will, about where the camera goes.

Chris White: You could do 20 scans,

Chris White: but it's not prohibitive to do 25.

Chris White: It's not like there's a huge price jump,

Chris White: it's just 75 cents for every scan.

Chris White: You do what it is you're going to do.

Chris White: I'll be honest with you, that can be a bit challenging to estimate in terms of cost.

Chris White: You have to get familiar with the system and get a few properties under

Chris White: your belt before you can just ballpark how much it's going to cost you for a property.

Chris White: What I mean by that is it's difficult for someone who's

Chris White: never done this before to look at a property and go,

Chris White: that's about 50 scans and then do the math.

Chris White: But that comes, it's not that hard to figure out.

Dan Smigrod: I think it's still probably a little bit hard because you could look

Dan Smigrod: at our flood in the house and you go,

Dan Smigrod: okay, well, that just really requires a few scans in the dining room.

Dan Smigrod: Then you showed us pictures of a fire.

Dan Smigrod: I could imagine, I was going to say fire,

Dan Smigrod: but you're really going to want to shoot off a lot of images at various heights and

Dan Smigrod: places in order to incredibly document every aspect of that.

Chris White: -That's usually the way it goes.

Chris White: It's usually overkill because you never know what you're going to need until you need it.

Chris White: Rather than hold back and be very sparse,

Chris White: people usually go nuts and shoot a ton.

Chris White: But that makes sense. If you've got something like an electrical panel,

Chris White: you might put the camera right up to it so you can capture that in great detail,

Chris White: or you might put the camera over near damage to appliances or heating,

Chris White: [Anywhere you want to document damage.]

Dan Smigrod: -You've given us the cost for iGUIDE RADIX.

Dan Smigrod: You did briefly mentioned iGUIDE Standard,

Dan Smigrod: iGUIDE, the last?

Chris White: Premium.

Dan Smigrod: Premium. Why don't you just take us through those costs quickly?

Chris White: Yeah, sure. I got Standard and Premium mean

Chris White: that rather than just submit the data and then just get access to it and share,

Chris White: the data is going to be interpreted and floor plans are going to be drawn.

Chris White: That gives you floor plans,

Chris White: total square footages,

Chris White: room dimensions, all that stuff.

Chris White: That's if you don't know, if your listeners don't know,

Chris White: that's typically used for marketing purposes.

Chris White: It doesn't have to be, but that's typically what it's used for.

Chris White: That means for a real estate transaction,

Chris White: it's very important to input that data

Chris White: into listing page so that people know how big a house is before they buy it.

Chris White: You get that with an iGUIDE Standard or iGUIDE Premium.

Chris White: Before I get into the prices though, basically,

Chris White: the difference between a Standard iGUIDE and a Premium

Chris White: iGUIDE is just the detail on the floor plates.

Chris White: Standard iGUIDEs have no fixtures or appliances,

Chris White: they're very much like a bare floor plan.

Chris White: Whereas a Premium floor plan has toilets and sinks and bathtubs,

Chris White: and the appliances and all that stuff.

Chris White: If that's important to you,

Chris White: then that's going to cost a little bit more.

Chris White: But that cost is directly related to the fact that

Chris White: a professional drafts person has to look at the data and say,

Chris White: there's a toilet, and then put it in.

Chris White: It's not automated that you're

Chris White: paying for someone to actually use their eyeballs, which is cool.

Chris White: The actual cost for iGUIDEs is a little bit

Chris White: complicated in the sense that it goes by square footage.

Chris White: Our website has a calculator so I'll just give you a ballpark number.

Chris White: But up to 1,500 ish SQ FT,

Chris White: it's going to be around $30.

Chris White: To be precise, it's $29 for 1,450 SQ FT.

Chris White: Then a Premium iGUIDE costs $43.50,

Chris White: so up to 1,450 SQ FT.

Chris White: Either way, very few people

Chris White: actually think about the square footage and do the math. There's a calculator.

Chris White: If you go to

Chris White: hover your mouse over Photographer and then go down to Processing,

Chris White: there's a button that says Calculator.

Chris White: You can just input the square footage and it'll tell you what the fee is. It's very easy.

Dan Smigrod: I think I have two last questions and then I'll ask you if I missed something.

Chris White: Yeah, cool.

Dan Smigrod: When I get an iGUIDE RADIX,

Dan Smigrod: do I get the walk-around experience?

Chris White: You do. Think of it like a 3D tour, fully navigable.

Chris White: Actually, I'll share my screen.

Chris White: I probably did a terrible job of them.

Dan Smigrod: That would be easier.

Chris White: Let's go to iGUIDE: Insurance and Restoration.

Chris White: We'll go down to our demo RADIX here.

Chris White: You can look around and then click to move forward and to navigate visually.

Chris White: That means you click where you want to go.

Chris White: I don't know if you guys can see this.

Chris White: Here, let me full screen it, and then you can see it better.

Chris White: Can you still see the tour?

Dan Smigrod: Yes.

Chris White: Okay. I can click on the little dots and I can move forward.

Chris White: But one of the huge advantages of iGUIDE,

Chris White: something that differentiates it,

Chris White: is that it always has this map,

Chris White: essentially, on the left side.

Chris White: What that's designed to do is give you a sense of the property,

Chris White: bird's eye view, if you will.

Chris White: It's like you're walking around and you're holding a map.

Chris White: You're at the mall and it's the "You are here" map.

Chris White: I can navigate via the laser data in the RADIX's case by just clicking on the dots.

Chris White: That means that I have very quick access to any of the data I could ever possibly want,

Chris White: whether it's inside the property or outside the property.

Dan Smigrod: All right. Cool. That works.

Dan Smigrod: Let's finish up on gear.

Dan Smigrod: May not be obvious but you were holding something up.

Dan Smigrod: What is it that I need in order to create an iGUIDE RADIX?

Chris White: You would need an iGUIDE camera system and that's, at this point,

Chris White: going to be this one which is called a PLANIX.

Chris White: This is a 360 degree camera on top of a core unit,

Chris White: as we call it, with a LiDAR scanner installed.

Chris White: We'd already done a separate WGAN-TV show so you can watch that for more details.

Dan Smigrod: So you need an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit.

Chris White: Correct.

Dan Smigrod: A tripod, and really, that's about it.

Chris White: You'll need a smart device, but you can use any one you want.

Chris White: You've got a phone or a tablet.

Dan Smigrod: The cameras run with either an Android or iOS smartphone or tablet.

Chris White: You got it.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. Great.

Chris White: That's not tied to any operating system or anything, just use whatever.

Dan Smigrod: Again, I just like to refer our viewers that

Dan Smigrod: Chris and I did an entire show on the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit:

Dan Smigrod: an Introduction, Demonstration, Frequently Asked Questions.

Dan Smigrod: If you're just feel like, I get it.

Dan Smigrod: Just where do I go to get the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit?

Dan Smigrod: Just got to and you'll see Camera,

Dan Smigrod: and then there's three flavors of the camera,

Dan Smigrod: and you can just buy the camera and have it shipped.

Chris White: Yeah. You got it.

Dan Smigrod: We'll leave it there.

Dan Smigrod: Chris, before we say bye,

Dan Smigrod: anything else that we should cover about iGUIDE RADIX?

Chris White: Yeah, I'll bring it home. I'll summarize the whole thing.

Chris White: iGUIDE RADIX was designed specifically for

Chris White: the insurance, restoration and construction industries to

Chris White: be the fastest and most cost-effective way to get a loss,

Chris White: flood, fire - whatever -

Chris White: documented and into the hands of an estimator,

Chris White: so that claims process can be fast.

Chris White: That's what everybody wants. Faster is better for everybody,

Chris White: it's better for the homeowner or the property owner,

Chris White: it's better for the adjuster,

Chris White: it's better for the person on-site, capturing the data.

Chris White: Everybody wins.

Chris White: It was not meant to be a way to 3D model a property or use it for marketing.

Chris White: Technically, you could do that,

Chris White: but you'll notice is that the laser data,

Chris White: it looks like laser data.

Chris White: This really was never intended to be used,

Chris White: for example, real estate listings.

Chris White: This is very specific, created to document things like fire and flood loss.

Chris White: I think it is the fastest.

Chris White: I don't think, I know it's the fastest way to do that.

Chris White: There is nothing faster than this.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. Chris, thanks for being on the show.

Chris White: Thanks for having me.

Dan Smigrod: We've been visiting with Chris White.

Dan Smigrod: Chris is Marketing Manager for Planitar, Inc.,

Dan Smigrod: the makers of the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit and the service iGUIDE.

Dan Smigrod: For Chris, his company,

Dan Smigrod: Planitar, is in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Dan Smigrod: I'm Dan Smigrod in Atlanta.

Dan Smigrod: You've been watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

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Video: How to Export an iGUIDE Radix project | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 27 August 2021
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