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Did not get a job. Have I asked too much?14947

Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Lets say somebody is calling you on Friday around midday and ask you if you can scan two boats(catamarans) for a 3D tour with some indoor cabins for sleeping, kitchens, living space and other things with a price tag of about $400 000-600 000 per a boat.

They need to be done during the following weekend on water and their location is about 90km from you. You are only provided videos what it looks inside... you can actually find them online with more view angles including some floor plans but no measurements. But from a start you know only how wide and long each boat is and you do not have much time to do any extra research.

The most important is a timeframe and a good presentation of each boat in 3D view in a tour as they are supposed to be used on a boat show to let people walk through them in Oculus.

So you are kind of thinking that with an unknown boat..(I did not have time to google for views) and quite bad videos, also knowing you need to scan outside the only way to guarantee it is to come before sunrise just to capture outside of both and do inside during a day.

Since there are two of them it is possible that you may not be able to do two boats outside in this 20-25 minutes before sunrise so you may need to stay till after sunset. And even if that's not enough you need to be there next day on Sunday very early in the morning to be able to finish all that is needed.

In a nutshell you want to quote for two days and they are Saturday & Sunday. You may not need to come on Sunday but it may be required and it is the same 90km drive so wake up at 3:30AM just to make sure you can come there by 5:20AM and be ready to start scanning by 5:50AM when civil twilight starts, stay there at least 11 hours scanning just to finish outdoor areas if it was not enough before Sunrise. And on top of that you may need to repeat the same on Sunday.

How much would you ask considering all this and the fact that the job needs to start in 14 hours since the first contact with a client over the phone?

I will tell you how much I have asked after I can get your ideas for a fee you'd ask.

I must say only that a client who makes these boats thought that 2 days of rush work full weekend would cost them 2.5 times less than I asked. My initial contact was a person from a marketing agency and she sounded very apologetic saying that they do not want to pay that much and she has wasted my time.

I found all info about the boats after I gave simply a blind quote based on my normal daily rate factoring as well it is going to happen on weekend. If it was on weekday near me I would match it with what a client ready to pay. Most likely I could do both in less that 8 hours but it would still require very early start.
Post 1 IP   flag post
ukvisualimmersion private msg quote post Address this user
We charge based on the client and the about of tagging / links to content. To start with I would charge £1000 a day and go from there. So £2k plus tax for your request
Post 2 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
From what you’ve shared, we would charge about $1k per day plus the cost of a nearby mid-range-quality hotel if the second morning or day was needed. At this time of year, days are longer than nights so I would not want to work after sunset and before dawn the next day with any significant 2-way drive added.

You’ve made it clear that you lost this one and that you wonder why. That answer seems simple. If you were a Mercedes dealer and your customer decided a Kia Rio would get them around just fine, would you wonder why? I wouldn’t. The customer chose cheap and likely will get what they paid for, a second-rate scan that will deliver a lousy experience to their potential customers. Scanning catamarans is much tougher than a simple apartment, so it’s almost guaranteed. I don’t know what a catamaran costs, but considering the cost/benefit ratio, this sounds like a very stupid client.

When a new client calls me and their first question is price, I know I’m unlikely to be working for them. When I get a new call and they’re concerned about process, technique and quality, I give them information, an honest assessment and usually am hired if only because they know I’m knowledgeable and care.

We here on the WGAN forum have one challenge - to be the unquestionable best in each of our markets. If you know you are, you’ll have enough work and also know that your client base will expand.

Yesterday I had a first meeting with an area agent that has known about me for years but just never called. His current listings range from $2M to over $20M and he usually does not use 3D or 360° tours. His partner had seen one of my recent MP Indoor/Outdoor MP models for a competitive agent, to be specific the link below, which was scanned by my 20-year-old son Eric while I did the HDR photos, videography and drone work:

I showed the agent multiple Indoor/Outdoor projects and he said ‘I’ve never seen Matterport like this.’ Then I showed him and his marketing director my hybrid tours involving MP and 3DVista combined. Finally I showed them our first three examples of real 3D virtual staging of MP. This agent prides himself as being the top of his field in tech and in many ways is, but everything I showed him was brand new to him. I’m bidding a large project for him today. Mind you, I don’t have the job yet, but I know I’m selling a Mercedes and he’s indicated he wants a Mercedes.

Bottom line, when you lose one on price, smile because you know the client is about to relearn the classic lesson ‘You get what you pay for.’ If you are NOT certain that lesson is about to play out, then take the extra time to learn more tools and ensure you’re selling a luxury product. You’ll never land every job, but you’ll be working for the clients that appreciate quality.
Post 3 IP   flag post
3dblickwinkel private msg quote post Address this user
€ 2.5k plus hosting fee plus tax all inclusive
Post 4 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
If I were you, I would itemise EVERYTHING.

Early time means staying over somewhere close the night before. Put that in as accomodation.

Then the distance equals transport.

Then the potential to run over means contingency time.

Then the unknown area equals max estimate “pending measurements from customer”.

I’d you provide it itemised you will be surprised.

They will measure the boat (can be done with an iPhone app).

They will provide accomodation (or arrange for the boat to be viewed closer to home).

They will even make sure that other issues to do with the drone scanning are not a problem.

If you put a number on everything they will think about how much easier it is to make an effort on their own part.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I can see my quote is the same or less. I asked for $2500 AUD for two weekend days. It is slightly less than $2000 USD
I did not lose to anyone, an idea was cancelled by a client who was expecting to pay less than $1000 for it.

Could I do it for $1000? After I did more research & saw each boat pictures from different angles I realised that they were much smaller than I thought both in terms of indoor and outdoor scanning. Most likely I could do it in 8-10 hours top with an early start. However it is still far away from me and more important it is still on a weekend and super rush. So no under these conditions I would ask for more but if it was close and could be done on a weekday I would probably ask that much as it is my daily rate.

When the manager called to tell me it was cancelled we had a chat and I explained my quote to her correcting it to $1600 for one day job only. She said they would not pay even that much as they were expecting $1000 or less. Being a marketing agency they have their own Matterport account but they are 1300 km from a place. I do not believe they would ever agree to do it for what their client was ready to pay even in case it was close to them.

Interesting experience, even a client with $400 000 USD boat price tag minimum thinks that giving a great experience to their potential buyers is only worth to them that much.
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