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Automated BillingMoonClerkStripe

Automated Billing1477

josephthomp private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone used a billing system that allows for clients to keep their payment information on file so that when they order or when they get an invoice they can easily pay with a card on file?

We are currently invoicing clients for each project, they can then go on paypal, enter their card and pay the invoice but would like to automate this in anyway that makes it more simple for the end client.

Any one find a great solution or have other ideas?

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

This is a related idea. Please see this MUG Forum Thread about MoonClerk ...

Tip: How to Do Automatic Billing Monthly Billing

While this solution is best for one time and recurring payments, it's easy to generate a payment link for the client.


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josephthomp private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan, this is actually the thread that got me thinking about it more. I read over MoonClerks website but couldn't find anything detailed about whether they will keep a clients info on hand without a subscription but rather just to bill as they order new services. I definitely plan to dig into their services a bit more and see if it can be configured for our needs.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I reached out to MoonClerk and got this reply:


So with MoonClerk a customer's card info is stored in the system for later use. The caveat, is that they do have to sign up for some sort of recurring plan. Now, that could be something as simple $1/year or $1/month that you could frame as an "account maintenance fee" or something like that. You can always refund that and/or cancel the plan. Once you have their card data with the recurring plan, you can go in at any time and manually charge their card for whatever amount. Here's how you do that:

MoonClerk doesn't yet have a way for the payer to charge their on card.
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suncoastskyview private msg quote post Address this user
You might want to look at PayPal.ME
They have auto invoicing/billing and can accept credit cards as well as PayPal.
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josephthomp private msg quote post Address this user
Awesome, Thanks @DanSmigrod and @suncoastskyview. Really good info, I think the work around with MoonClerk is pretty much what I'm looking for. If I sign up with them I'll see if they can give you a kickback Dan.
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