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Tip: How to do automatic monthly billing1454

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Imagine doing a Matterport Space for a hotel, event space or restaurant.

Unlike a house for sale, your client has a need for on-going hosting. (recurring revenue versus 1x payment).

Would you invoice hosting annually or is there a better way?

Better Way: Use MoonClerk + Stripe to set-up automatic monthly payments to charge to the client's credit card.

The MoonClerk service + Stripe makes it easy, fast and reliable for anyone to collect recurring (and one time) payments.

Stripe: 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction
MoonClerk: $30 monthly for up to $4,000 in monthly billing

We Get Around uses MoonClerk + Stripe for managing month-to-month Basic, Standard and Premium Memberships in the We Get Around Referral Network. (This is the magic behind the JOIN buttons.)

While I am geek, I am not a programmer. So, what I love about pairing MoonClerk with Stripe is that I do not need to code a thing to create a one-time or monthly plan and then enable the plan.

If you are thinking about monthly recurring revenue, these two tools will enable you to charge small monthly amounts - on autopilot.

While this is not a Matterport specific tool, it is a great example of a tools that's perfect for Matterport Pros.

Got a tool that you love and adore? Please start a new thread about how you use it.


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Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user
Great tip!
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CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan .
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