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Video: WGAN-TV 3 Introduction to iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit (and Demo) with Planitar (iGUIDE) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGuide) | Thursday, 18 March 2021

iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit launched Monday, 1 March 2021.

Video: iGUIDE Virtual Showing | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 16 June 2020

Video: IGUIDE 3D Virtual Tour & Camera System - Floor Plans, Room Dimensions, Square Footage | Video courtesy of the iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 1 March 2021

Video: iGUIDE Viewer | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 21 February 2021

iGUIDE PLANIX Sample 3D Tour and with Interactive Floor Plan courtesy of iGUIDE | 2D Schematic Floor Plans

WGAN-TV Live at 5: iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit | Intro, Demo and FAQs

Hi All,

Transcript below ...

My guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5: iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit | Intro, Demo and FAQs on Thursday, 18 March 2021 was Chris White, Planitar (iGuide) Marketing Manager

Topics Covered

iGUIDE Platform Overview (Highlights): including iGUIDE 3D Tour, iGUIDE, Floor Plans and photos
✓ Introduction to the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit Unboxing: What's Included
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit: Demo
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit: three configurations (What's Different?)
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit: Pricing (Including Pre-Orders prior to 5 April 2021 shipping)
iGUIDE Pricing: Two Per 3D Tour Options (iGUIDE and Premium iGUIDE): no subscription
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit: Features and Benefits
iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit versus iGUIDE IMS-5 Camera (DSLR included)
✓ And More!

As I posted to the WGAN Forum on Tuesday, 2 March 2021:

iGUIDE PLANIX is the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished It Created (in Many Ways)

If you are a real estate photographer researching Matterport 3D tours, iGUIDE 3D tours should be on your short list of other 3D/360 platforms – and other 3D/360 cameras – to consider.

While Matterport will be valued at nearly $3 billion and receive $615 million in cash when Matterport is scheduled to go public by 30 June 2021, its much smaller, feisty competitor has created better camera kits and platform – in many ways.

I asked Planitar Inc. (Planitar is the makers of iGUIDE) Co-Founder and CEO Alexander Likholyot (@Alex_iGuide) by email today (2 March 2021) what problems that the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit - launched Monday (1 March 2021) solves versus the DSLR-based iGUIDE Camera Kit. Alex writes, "further capture speed increase, longer measurement range, greater ease of use and lower replacement cost as workhorses get worked to the ground sometimes. PLANIX leaves [busy, professional real estate photographers] more time to deliver more value with their other services while providing a great 3D tour with accurate floor plans."

Known for the iGUIDE laser-sharp focus on residential real estate, iGUIDE "PLANIX opens lots of applications in commercial real estate, including insurance and large space scanning," writes Alex. "Everybody likes the look of it, which makes us happy. It is a 3D Space Technology : )."

Here are my observations ...

iGUIDE PLANIX is the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished It Created (in Many Ways)

1. superior camera kits (iGUIDE PLANIX Camera in three configurations; and iGUIDE IMS-5 Camera)
2. superior 3D virtual tour platform (iGUIDE Tour Examples | Matterport Tour Examples)
3. superior 2D floor plans in the residential and commercial real estate space. (iGUIDE PLANIX Floor Plan Example | Matterport Floor Plan Example)

iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit – announced Monday, 1 March 2021 – is the 3D Camera Kit (three configurations) that Matterport likely wished it created.

iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit Versus Matterport Highlights

1. LiDAR instead of structured light
2. LiDAR “sees” up to about 130 feet versus about 50 feet for Matterport’s structured light
3. LiDAR enables most residential listings to be shot in 15-20 minutes (faster workflow)
4. LiDAR enables super-accurate 2D floor plans: .05% dimensional uncertainty versus Matterport
5. $1,999 (pre-order pricing until 4 April 2021) instead of $2,995 (Matterport Pro2 Camera sale price)
6. Option to control camera settings (versus no camera settings control)
7. Leverages a publicly available 360 camera: Ricoh Theta Z1 (future compatibility)
8. Enables 2D Floor Plans to be accurate
9. Includes a custom hard case (versus no case with Matterport)
10. In addition to iOS, already works with Android; Matterport in Android public beta
11. Ricoh Theta Z1 Camera - in the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit - can be used for other platforms and without an iGUIDE subscription: Matterport Pro2 Camera can not be used with any other platform without a Matterport Cloud Subscription (and then a cumbersome workflow, at best).

Cost Conscious

Photographers that already have a Ricoh Theta Z1 can order the iGUIDE PLANIX Core Kit for $1,299 (pre-order pricing through 4 April 2021).

Measurement Accuracy Matters

Photographers that seek the ultimate in measurement accuracy within the 3D virtual tour view can order the iGUIDE PLANIX Pro Camera Kit for $2,499 (pre-order pricing through 4 April 2021) that includes Ricoh Theta Z1 lens calibration for up to 3 times better accuracy when measuring in the 3D space. (Floor plan measurements have the same level of accuracy for all iGUIDE PLANIX configurations.)

Plus, the iGUIDE Platform beats Matterport on:

1. Offering Per Tour Pricing (no subscription) versus Matterport Cloud subscription
2. Ability to edit 360 images (e.g. remove the camera from a bathroom mirror; sky replacement)
3. Offline hosting is an option with iGUIDE: not Matterport
4. No confusion regarding who owns the copyright/digital assets: no derivative works by iGUIDE (as Matterport does)
5. More intuitive user experience powered by an interactive 2D floor plan
6. iGUIDE offers super-accurate 2D floor plans versus Matterport
7. iGUIDE Floor plans available in 8 color-coded configurations (Matterport are B&W)
8. iGUIDE does not complete with its Service Providers (as does Matterport Capture Services Program)
9. Integration of Google Maps (versus no map integration by Matterport: need a 3rd Party Platform)
10. An integration with Floorplanner for DIY enhanced 2D/3D floor plans and virtual staging.

While real estate photographers may dismiss iGUIDE because it does not offer a 3D dollhouse view like Matterport – or a 3D walk-through experience like Matterport – the real question is: Is iGUIDE “good enough” to enable professional real estate photographers to compete with Matterport and to differentiate both the real estate agent and real estate photographer from their respective competitors? Spoiler Alert: The answer is likely heck-yes!

For professional real estate photographers that have image resolution concerns about using a Ricoh Theta Z1 camera – considered the best in the under $1,000 360 camera price point – in the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, iGUIDE offers the iGuide IMS-5 Camera Kit which includes a DSLR camera.

I could imagine that the addition of the iGUIDE PLANIX now opens the iGUIDE platform to real estate photographers that seek a faster and/or simplier workflow than the DSLR based iGUIDE IMS-5 Kit for real estate photographers that prefer a DSLR camera for shooting spherical panoramas.

What are your thoughts? Is iGUIDE PLANIX the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished It Created?

Please visit this WGAN Forum discussion to comment:

iGUIDE PLANIX is the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished It Created


Dan Smigrod
Founder and Managing Editor
We Get Around Network and WGAN-TV

WGAN Forum Related Discussions

iGUIDE PLANIX is the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished It Created
BIG NEWS!! New iGUIDE camera available in April.
Transcript: WGAN-TV | Introduction to iGuide: a Deep-Dive Demo & Discussion
✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: iGUIDE | iGUIDE PLANIX
Free WGAN Cheat Sheet: Which Virtual Tour Platform is Best (for Me)?
WGAN MarketPlace: iGUIDE

===> Transcript (Video Above)

- Hi all. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, Today is Thursday, February 18, 2021, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

We have an AWESOME show for you today! Introduction to iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit for 3D tours, accurate floor plans, and even photos. And, with us to talk about it is subject matter expert, Chris White, who is Planitar Marketing Manager.

Planitar is the company that creates; offers the iGUIDE and the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit. Hey, Chris, good to see you again.

- Hey, thanks for having me.

- Always good visiting with you. We had you back on the show in November, 2020, doing a deep dive introduction to iGUIDE and a full demo. Joining us then also was Planitar VP Sales and Marketing, Michael Verna.

We won't rehash that full hour-plus show, but for those that are new to iGUIDE, even before we jump into the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, can you just give us an overview of iGUIDE?

- Right, so iGUIDE is a marketing platform for real estate listings typically, but it can be used for other things like facility management and documenting space, but at its core, it's about measurement. So you can think of it a bit like a system where you create a floor plan by measuring a house, then as a side effect of that, you get a 3D tour out of it.

So it's like I said ... a marketing platform that includes a 3D tour with an integrated floor plan that's navigable, so that means you can click on it and look at whatever you want, but it also has 360 degree visuals so you can look up and down and left and right, and then move around through the visuals from hotspot to hotspot.

- Let's click on one and look at it. Could you give us a demo of an iGUIDE? I think that will be helpful context as you're setting up for when we do the introduction to iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, to actually see an example of an iGUIDE 3D tour, and accurate floor plans that are created from an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit. I'm looking at your screen. I see, I did see.

- Blinking. That's a good sign.

- Yeah, so great. So it's back on the screen. I look like I may have an artifact on the screen that's unrelated. You know, the image is actually coming in and out, and I'm sure that's my fault related to us using the technology.

So, if it doesn't work, I'll tell you what, Chris, let me do a little demo on our end and see if that works a little bit better?

- Right, I'll leave it in your capable hands.

- Okay, so we'll try that. And maybe you could, I'll drive, but you can tell me what you want me to do?

- Yeah, perfect. So if you wouldn't mind, all right. Okay. Well, we're going to do the whole webinar looking this way. My monitor just shut off.

- Okay, so I'm looking at an iGUIDE. So I can look all the way around.

- Correct, yes so you've got a full 360 degree range of movement. It differs from some tours, in that you can look up all the way, and you can look down all the way.

So, looking up all the way toward the zenith, obviously it's the ceiling, but that's a variable, and then looking down all the way,

it's going to show you a cover, typically over the camera system. A patch or an image just covering the media.

- Okay, and that would be the photographer's ...? that wouldn't say iGUIDE.

- Correct. That's exactly right. Typically it's used for photographer branding, and you can customize that image to be whatever you want.

- Okay, so 3D Tour, you can walk around the entire space, and then I notice as I'm walking around, on the left side is an interactive map.

- That's right.

- And as I move, it also knows which way I'm looking in the house.

- You got it. So it's going to show your field of view there connected to the hotspot that you're currently looking at.

- Right, I want to look at that, I can resize it, and...

- You can have it auto-play music. Yep. The way people typically interact with the tour is that they're ... typically are a home buyer, or someone who's trying to get information about that property. So what they usually do is they try to get that information as quickly as possible.

And that's almost always done via the floor plan navigation. So they look at the floor plan, they see something of interest, and then they click on it.

We found that people use a combination of the two types of navigation. Floor plan navigation and visual navigation. So they use the map, if you will, to go kind of where they want, and then once they get there, then they look around and they navigate visually.

And then you just found that there were also downloadable PDF floor plans built in there as well.

- Yep, mm hmm. So that's kind of just the, maybe a quick overview, and that you also include a Google Map, so you have a location of where the house, the property is.

- Yeah, the reason I called it a marketing platform is that you have neighborhood information, you have property details like room dimensions, total square footage, floor plans, you have the 3D tour with the interactive floor plan, you have the ability to measure on that floor plan on screen, that's a big deal.

- Hey, Chris, I don't know if this has happened for our viewers but, ah, good, your screen was frozen there for a moment. So, here's what I'm going to suggest.

Don't touch any buttons, and let's see if we can get through the show without it freezing again on us. Okay? Forgive me, I interrupted. You were talking about the iGUIDE tour.

- Right, so it's an entire marketing platform, which means that you kind of get everything in one go that you can share with one link. So, if you are a professional who has still images, who creates video, you can integrate them into the tour, and have everything shareable under one umbrella, which is very convenient.

- Okay, awesome. Again, there is an entire hour-plus episode WGAN-TV Live at 5. We'll put it in the notes below on YouTube, and in the We Get Around Network Forum, to see that previous show for a deep dive on the iGUIDE platform.

But today is about the introduction to the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit. How about we start out with, even before you show it,

give us kind of a big picture. You have a camera, the IMS-5, why do you have an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit?

- All right, I'll set the scene for you. So the goal when designing or creating the PLANIX was to make something that wasn't necessarily better in every way, but was better in very specific ways.

So, the goal was to create something that was lighter, smaller, more affordable, faster and easier to use. There's absolutely nothing wrong with our previous camera system, the IMS-5, it's still great.

And it has a couple advantages over the new system, but the ones that I just mentioned, lighter, faster, more affordable, easier to use, those are all sort of key aspects of capturing a property, key aspects of a piece of hardware that affect capturing a property, and that we're trying to improve.

You know, less time on site, less time to learn a system, and then obviously less of a barrier to entry are all pretty important when you're creating virtual tours for a living, you know?

- All right, cool. How about we start with an unboxing so we see when we get the kit.

- All right. This is the fun part.

- What we see. Yeah.

- So, every iGUIDE PLANIX Camera System, I hope you guys can see this, comes with a carrying case. IMS-5 or PLANIX, but PLANIX is, well it's smaller, because it's a smaller camera system.

But it's pretty cool. It's a very rugged plastic case. Inside, we have, I hope you guys can see this.

- Yeah, you know, even just on the case, that's cool showing the camera in there, but on the case, I think it's important,

because sometimes people will immediately say, "Oh, I want to..." We'll talk about this, when we talk about pricing, but people want to compare, well, how much is a Matterport camera?

How much is an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit? Keep in mind that Matterport does NOT include a kit, does not include a case. And so really, to make it apples to apples, you've got to go figure that you're going to go buy a hard case for a Matterport camera.

So, I just think it's nice that when you buy an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, it actually comes in its own case.

- It's lovely. I've never bought another camera that came with a case. And especially a bespoke perfectly cut out one with precise milled cutouts, and everything, it doesn't get any better than this. The case was also designed specifically to be used to house the camera in a sort of, as part of your workflow, if that makes any sense.

So, it's not just a case you take the camera in and out of, the camera is sorta like lives in there. You can charge it in there, and you have access to the storage from here as well.

So, and just in addition - added bonus - there's a slot for a smart device if you want to put one in, optional, and there's also a slot for an extra battery, should you get one. How cool is that?

- Okay, all right. Cool. Let's see, what's in there.

- Okay, let me show you. This is exciting.

- Okay.

- All right, here's the star of the show. Here is the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera System.

- Okay, so what do you got up on top? That's a...

- It's a Ricoh Theta Z1.

- Okay, so that's a regular Ricoh Theta Z1 camera, there's nothing custom built. There's no custom anything in that particular camera.

- Oh, no custom firmware as well. That's a common thing that people do with the Z1s, they put on custom plugins, there's none of that stuff. It's stock: 100%.

- Okay, so we'll talk about that later. But if I have a Ricoh Theta Z1 camera, I don't have to buy another Ricoh Theta as part of the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, I can just buy the piece that I need.

- You got it, you can buy the base, and you can add LiDAR to your Theta if you want. You got it.

- Okay, awesome. So, show us what you got.

- Okay. So, why don't I just go through the parts real quick, so that we outline the important ones? So you got the Theta, this thing in here, it's really hard to see, that is, I think you can kind of see it there, that is the LiDAR.

So that's the laser scanner in there. I'll even turn it on, because sometimes it comes up on the...

- - And I'm going to point out, because I think one of the neat things about this camera with that LiDAR that you mentioned, Matterport, for example, uses structured light, and it can see about 50 feet. And as I understand it, that LiDAR on your camera can see about 130 feet.

- The range is bonkers. I was shooting around my house in full broad daylight and it was getting easily excellent data at 60, 70 feet.

So I'm measuring like my neighbor's house, which was quite cool. That is extremely valuable in scenarios where you're doing big properties, you know?

Where you've got details that are very similar, like columns in a warehouse for example, if you can have a lot of extra range, that means that instead of relying on those tiny details to figure out where you are and where you've been and to properly cover that space, you know, you can just scan the walls, because your laser can actually...

- - Yeah, so I want to say … what's unique about that LiDAR is going to be the range. So if you want to have the camera further apart from scan to scan, you can.

And then second, in terms of accuracy, that the LiDAR is going to be way more accurate than a Matterport structured light scan.

- It depends on the scenario, but in a general sense, this device is focused on that accuracy, and it was built for that. And the LiDAR is a big part of that.

- Yeah, so that's a core competency of this camera. I can't see, is there something inside below?

- Oh, clever. You noticed. So there's this thing, is that what we're talking about?

- Yeah.

- Right. So it's hard to see, but there's a well here. So if I put my hand in, you can see. So this is nothing more than a USB drive. That's it. But it plugs in right here, and that's where all the storage is. So that means that... Yeah? sorry.

- Oh, I'm sorry, go on.

- I was just going to say, all the storage is right there up front and center.

If you need more, you simply put in a different drive. So that's effectively unlimited storage by changing USB drives.

But that being said, the iGUIDE has never been particularly data heavy, so a typical house can be 400 to 700 megabytes, we'll say, so on a, I don't know what this is, maybe 32-gig drive, you can fit 60 houses without great...

- - I think it comes, you ship it with a 16 gig, if I'm not mistaken

- It does, but you can put it in whatever you want. So if you, because they're cheap, right?

- Is it a custom USB drive? No, no, nearly any drive. It looks like the well is large enough that if it's a little bit bigger shape, it's still going to fit.

- Well, that's exactly right. So one of the-- we learned a lot of lessons from our first two camera systems, and the one that we were sort of trying to learn from in this scenario was the previous camera system. It had a sort of a very restrictive area to put the USB drive.

So here, there's just tons of space. You can use any type of weird, exotic USB drive. I wouldn't say any, there's probably some that are shaped like a truck or something that won't fit, but for the most part, almost everyone fits. I've even used SD card readers too, It works.

- So if I just happened to like using it 256 gig card, gig USB drive, then I could use that.

- Absolutely, a lot of people do that very much for the same reason that they would use larger storage on a regular DSLR on any system. It's just nice to have it always available here, because typically you copy it somewhere else, and then you essentially have a backup.

So that storage is cheap as well, so there's, you know, a lot of compelling reasons to just get a larger drive for a few extra dollars.

- Yeah, and is the data also being stored in the Ricoh Theta Z1?

- Good question. So, the Ricoh is essentially a sensor in a housing with some lenses. So it's being operated by this base unit, and it's not really doing well, it's doing the stitching to be honest, but it's not storing any data on the Ricoh. So it's all going here.

- Okay, and I understand to run the camera, you use any smartphone, any tablet, Android, iOS, is any of the data being stored on the smartphone? Any being stored on the iPad?

- Nope. That's one of the huge advantages. So you can use any smart device you want. You could even use a laptop as long as it has wifi and a browser. And that's nice.

To your point earlier about added costs, you don't need to go out and buy anything special to run this. You can use your phone. A lot of people prefer tablets because they're bigger and they're easier to see, and they're kind of fun to use as well.

But you don't need any, you can use an Android tablet, you don't need an Apple tablet to do it.

- By running an iGUIDE app?

- Yeah, that's right. So there's essentially an app built into the camera. That means you don't have to download the app as well. There's no app store download.

It's always here, and if you should happen to say like, accidentally drop your phone at a shoot and smash it to bits, you can go get any other device and just start shooting right where you left off because no data was stored on that device, and the app is stored on the camera, so you can just load it up dynamically.

- Got it. So all the data is on the USB stick.

- That's right.

- Not on the camera, not on a smartphone, not on a tablet. If I begin a job and I need to switch devices for any reason, not a problem. Even if it's the middle of a job.

- It's very common for people to have a primary device that they really like, but that runs out of juice. You know, you use your tablet, you really like it, and rather than have to go plug that tablet in, you can finish your shoot on your phone.

You know what I mean? So you don't have to like plug it in and wait for it to charge and then pick it up again. No, it's fine. Just pull out your phone, connect to the camera and keep going.

- So I don't think of the Ricoh Theta Z1 battery lasting a long time. So...

- That's a good observation. So I'm going to speak to that right now. So the system has a giant battery hidden in here.

So I'm not going to pull it out, because I don't want to turn the thing off, but this system battery will run the system for seven hours with the Ricoh on.

That means that the Ricoh battery is no longer an issue. So if the Ricoh battery has been an issue for you in the past, it shouldn't be with this system, because it's providing pass through power to the Ricoh.

- So, and then is there some place to plug in the whole unit, or do I take the battery out to charge it?

- Right here, can you see it? Yeah, so basically it comes with an adapter, and you know, with the camera in its case or somewhere else, you can basically plug that in and wait for it to charge, and the little lights will blink. And that charges everything. That's just the one...

- Can the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit be placed on a table and be charging at the same time or...

- It can, I'm so glad you asked. It has feet, so I'll just show you. It's just sitting on my table. How cool is that?

- Okay, so you can plug it in while it's seated on its feet, and that's part of the design.

- Exactly, yeah, here I'll show them, the little feet. So it has little feet, and the little feet allow you to do what you just suggested, which is yep, set it up on your table and kind of admire it.

- I asked every time I've had a Ricoh camera, and you know, you think about charging it, and then, okay, it's really hard to get the cable to get in the camera and you got, but you don't want to lay it down because you're concerned about the lens.

- Yeah, I think everybody's gone through that. You're always worried. You're like, if I put it down, it's going to scratch the lens.

So I have to put it in its case, then plug it in. Yeah, you don't have to worry about this. You can either put it down or...

- Plug it in.

- It does come with the Ricoh cap.

- All right, so let's put that on, and why don't you give a quick lesson in taking the cap off? Because it's not obvious to someone who's never had that before.

- That's a good point. So these Ricoh lens caps are super tight. If you've ever had a Ricoh Theta Z1 and you've tried to take it off from the side, you'll know it won't come off. You have to pinch it like this.

- Okay, so it's snug and secure, and don't force it, you just need some technique to pinch it at the bottom in order to have it easily come off.

- Yep, you got it. To your earlier point about the feet, if I can just return to that for a second, this system can also be shot while it's sitting on a table. So that's an unusual side effect of having feet.

You can just place it on stuff. And that, it's valuable for certain scenarios where you might want to use the camera and get it really low to the ground.

So, it's not super common, but sometimes people want to measure really low walls or something that's,
you know, obviously quite low to the ground.

So, your tripod might only have a limited spread, and then once you put the camera on top of the tripod, all of a sudden it's one, two feet off the ground already, even at its lowest position. So this allows you to just take the camera and place it on the ground and shoot.

- Yeah, I don't know if it comes up that often, but I know I've been on some beautiful shoots where the view from the bathtub was actually amazing. So,

I really did want to position the camera such that you could see the view.

- Yup, absolutely. That's actually a great example. I used to shoot condos all the time in Toronto, and the view mattered more than anything else. You know,

I was told by the agent, "You have to get that Lake view." You know, and you're like, really? It's like three feet between two buildings, but yeah, sure. So sometimes having a camera that you can place on a table it's a little bit better than hanging it...

- Let's see ... a showroom, where there were things that were lower down and it was important to even simulate that you're bending down on your knees and looking straight forward to what that item was.

So I could see not having it be on a tripod as being helpful. When you turn it over on the other side, on the bottom, so, does that connect to a professional-size tripod? It does.

It's a standard 1/4 inch screw thread. Yeah. It's not a larger diameter. It's a standard tripod 1/4 inch.

- I'm a little bit confused on the sizes though, but I think the 1/4 inch is actually the smaller size.

- Well, it's the sort of regular, like a Manfrotto RC2 Quick Release Plate. You know, not the larger size that you would get using video gear or a mic stand. Or a professional tripod.

So anyway, I think I just want to call attention to our viewers, check that out, because I think some of us actually might need to buy a little converter to go to a full-size tripod.

Not the case? I think that might be the case. I think of a 1/4 inch going to 3/8 of an inch, and that there's a little piece that will connect from a professional-size tripod to a smaller size.

- Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, it's possible. You may need an adapter if you've got a larger tripod screw thread. Yeah.

- Yeah, we'll make a note, we'll do some more research on that, and Chris will post that in the We Get Around Network Forum, When you turned it over, also you talked about not taking the battery out. Could we take the battery out? I'd love to...

- Sure. I just turned it off first. I don't want to miss the cool blinking lasers.

- Okay.

- So I don't know if you noticed that, when I turned it on earlier, you press one button, that's it. And when you turn it off, you press one button. There's nothing...

- There's no other buttons.

- So it looks very similar to our previous camera system. It looks quite complicated, I mean, there's lots of buttons on the Theta. You don't use any of them, there's just one button.

- Okay, just on and off. That's it. Okay, so this is good. I wanted to see the battery. And is that a standard battery, or do I need to buy that from iGUIDE?

- You can buy it from the company that sells them. We actually provide a link right in our store. It's very common to want to have an extra battery.

Honestly, to be perfectly honest, you don't need it. Seven hours of runtime is not a real workday, because you don't continuously shoot for seven straight hours.

- I've been on a construction site where I've shot for, I think, 12 hours, and I'm charging everything. And every second I'm taking a lunch break or a snack break, I'm charging.

- Well, the real reason to get two batteries is that you can cycle between them and they'll last a lot longer. Because they'll have fewer charge/discharge cycles.

- Ah, okay.

- But I mean, honestly, like a lot of people buy an extra battery, they never use it.

- Okay, but it's a standard sized battery, it's not a proprietary battery, so you can buy it from Amazon or wherever your link goes.

- Yep.

- You've already put it back in. It was that easy, that quick.

- Yeah, yeah, it's super-simple. It's just a little battery dock, pull it out, put it back in.

- What does the charging cable look like?

- So the charging cable, it's very glamorous. It looks like that.

- Okay, that also looks like it's an off-the-shelf piece if that was to fail or you wanted a second one for some reason.

- Yeah, it's very common for people to lose them enough to buy them again.

- Okay, so what other pieces come in that kit?

- Oh, great question. You get a strap, it's pretty cool.

- Okay, so that that's for the case.

- You got it, yeah. So think of it like this, you're getting the, so if you were to purchase a unit like this in terms of accessories, you'd get a 16 gig USB drive, you know, it's going to look like whatever it looks like on the store. This is a weird one. I put it in there for fun.

You're going to get this strap for the case. You get the case. You get a lens cap: the Theta cap. You get the battery and you get the power adapter.

- Okay, so and what is it that I must absolutely bring to the shoot that doesn't come with it?

- A smart device of some sort. Some phone, tablet, whatever you've got laying around, and then something to use as a tripod.

So by something, I mean that like everyone has different tripods, you know? So use whatever you...

- Sounds like we're good on that. So you need a tripod. And then I could imagine looking at the bottom, that there's enough room for a quick release plate if I'm used to that kind of workflow, of just being able to snap it on and off of my tripod.

- You got it. I would say the ARCA-Swiss style is better, because it kind of screws on from the side just because of the form factor, but yeah, you can use whatever you like. Manfrotto ones work too.

- Okay, so let's go back to the... the camera looks pretty snug, can you talk about how it's connected to the base of the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit?

- I can indeed. So the Theta is connected to this top plate. And through the top plate, it's electrically connected to the rest of the system.

So if you buy the whole system, it just comes connected. Obviously it stays connected when it's in the case as well. So you don't have to remove it.

And a common question that people ask is, "Oh! Can I remove the Theta and use it?" The answer is, yep, you could. It's a little awkward, it's not meant to be just pulled off anytime you like, but oddly enough, you can use the Theta with it on the unit.

You don't have to power on the whole thing. You could just power on the Z1 and use it on its own if you like.

- So, how is it fitting on the top? Is it just, I mean, could I just pull it off? Will it just snap out of that? Do you just pull it?

- It's screwed in. So the Z1 has a threaded hole at the bottom, and that's screwed on to keep it on tight. If you wanted to remove it, you'd have to remove the four screws, pull the plate off, unscrew it, and then pop it up. Okay, can we see the screws?

- Yeah, here.

- So, are those Phillips? Yeah, those look like Phillips screws.

- Yeah, they are. Okay, does the kit come with a screwdriver?

- No, it doesn't. You have to provide your own.

- Okay, so that's another thing to know. Cause if you bring, I'm going to guess, is if you buy the kit without the Ricoh, then you must have a Phillips screwdriver.

If you buy the kit with the Ricoh Theta Z1, then it already comes pre-attached, pre-installed: there's nothing to screw in. There's no assembly required.

- That's exactly right.

- Okay, good. Anything else to physically show us about what we're ... it looks pretty light.

- It weighs about a kilogram, 1,000 grams. I don't know what that is in pounds, but compared to our previous system, it's less than 1/2 the weight. So it's pretty light weight.

- I want to say a kilogram is 2.2 pounds.

- That makes sense. Yeah. The system is balanced as well. So as you can see, I'm having no trouble just kind of heaving it around.

And that's really, really convenient when you use the device all day. And it's also got a really slim profile.

So if you've ever shot real estate or any type of interior space, you know you walk through doors a lot. This doesn't have things that stick out. So really all you're really worrying about is your tripod.

So it's not likely to get damaged walking beside something as long as you hold it up straight anyway.

- Okay, so anything else to show us physically about the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit before we move into maybe getting a little demo of how to shoot with it?

- All right, we got the basics. What you can't see is that inside here, there is a, what is essentially a computer.

And that computer is doing a lot of the work. So the app that you're seeing when you're controlling the camera system, that's where it's coming from. This essentially acts like a wifi hotspot. You pull the app off of it and you look at it.

So all the processing is done in here. The Theta is not really doing a whole heck of a lot. Mostly it's the image sensor being used, and then the stitching is being done, and that's being sent to this unit. And then that's where all the processing of all the LiDAR data is done, and then you get sent to you via wifi.

- So it's creating its own wifi so that I can just find the network and connect with my, in my case, my iPhone.

- Yes, exactly right.

- Okay. Actually, I think I still have just a couple more physical questions about it.

- Yeah, fire away.

- You know, I wonder about a Ricoh Theta Z2, and if I buy the camera today and there's a Ricoh Theta Z2, then what?

- So the system was designed based on this top plate, so that it can be upgraded and expanded at a later date. At the moment the, Z1 is the only camera that's supported.

But if in the future, there is a Z2, the intention would be to provide an avenue to support that as well. So changing out the top plate and putting on a Z2. And that would be something that the user could do.

- Okay, so if it was like an iPhone, which kind of changes physically in size for every model, which means I have to buy a new case every time I swap out my iPhone every year. In a similar vein, there may be a different top of the plate.

- Yeah, that's right.

- To connect the Ricoh Theta Z2, if there is one, and if the form factor physically changes.

- You got it. That's exactly right.

- And... May not be a fair question. This is the only, the Ricoh Theta Z1 today is the only camera that is supported.

I'm just imagining that at some point, there may be other cameras that are supported, because you're only taking advantage of the sensor and the camera and the stitching, I just imagine at some point, there may be some other camera with the small form factor that you may decide to build out to this.

I don't know if that's a fair question or not.

- That's fair. That is certainly possible. At the moment, this is the only system that is supported, and the reason that it's the only system that's supported, is that it is essentially the best of this type of system. I mean, people can argue this, but I think generally speaking, people agree that the Z1 is the top of the line in 2-lens systems of this sort of form factor, to your point.

- Yeah, I would.

You know, I think anyone that wanted to see a list, there's actually 50-plus 3D/360 cameras in our space, at the We Get Around Network Forum, you can just look up at the top, there's a tab for 50-plus 3D/360 cameras but I think the assessment in our community would be, today, the Ricoh theta Z1 is the best under $1,000 camera, and for a number of reasons, two lenses tends to be a better solution than a multi-lens solution in residential real estate where you may be close to furniture, and you're going down a hall and you want to put the lens facing each wall, or facing the furniture, or facing the banister in the wall so that you're not having stitching errors.

So, I would concede that the Ricoh Theta Z1 today is the best under $1,000 two-lens camera, and probably even with more lens camera.

- Agreed.

- Yeah, so good place to start building out. Okay, great. How about a demo? How do I shoot with the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit?

- Excellent question. So I'll verbally describe it, and then what I'll do is I'll give you a little software demo. So the camera system is used, very much like you would use any system where you're capturing an entire property, and you're creating 360s.

The difference here, as I mentioned earlier, is that the focus is on measurement.

So by the way, I'll just explain it in a few sentences. The way you use this camera is that you go to a property you want to capture, and you turn the camera on, connect to it, and you capture every single space in the property by tapping a button on your smartphone, one by one, until you've captured them all, and then you're done, you know?

So, it's a very simple process that you just do a whole bunch of times in every single space.

The difference, with regards to the measurement though, is that the final output for an iGUIDE almost always includes, well, not almost, it always includes floor plans. So, you want those floor plans to be accurate.

So in order to be accurate, they need to be complete. iGUIDEs include total square footage for listings. So if you're missing parts of the house, obviously that's not included and that number is not as valuable.

So when I say, take the camera and go to every single space in the home, I mean, every space. So hallways, closets, you know, bedroom, storage rooms, anything you can imagine. So, that may sound like a lot of work, and it's certainly very thorough, but if you think of it in terms of you're measuring a property, you know, think of it like that, then of course you would go to every space.

You can't skip any, right? Because that's part of the total square footage. But the nice thing about the system is that it gives you a lot of flexibility. So to your point earlier, Dan, about having that long range.

Being able to kind of shoot fewer panoramas, this system allows you to do that. So, what that means is that if you go into a space and you've shot a pano and you've captured that space, you can be done. You know, you don't have to keep capturing more scans, in a way. However...

- I guess I would say as an example, if you're shooting the outside of a house, you could probably accomplish that in four or six shots with a iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit.

The front of the house, the back of the house, the side of the house, the other side of the house, and maybe for some reason, if you decided to shoot on corners of the house, and the LiDAR would see typically far enough in order to be able to connect those.

- Absolutely.

- To be able to walk from one to another. And I think that's probably just an example would be different than a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera using structured light, which can see about 50 feet, and also has problems with outdoors that's solvable in a different camera mode, but you don't have the benefit of the scan data anyway.

So I think in this case, the point is, you can shoot fast, because you don't need to take a lot of in-between shots that you might have to take with a different system.

- You got it.

- So maybe if you were shooting the stairs, I could imagine you could shoot at the base of the stairs, conceivably at the top of the stairs,

and then just from a walking standpoint, maybe the middle of the stairs. So I don't know what the best practice would be there.

- So, stairs are a funny thing. With the iGUIDE systems, any of them, you don't have to shoot, really stairs at all. We recommend that you shoot at the bottom and the top, because for navigation, that's convenient, but stairs are optional. Often people put panos on stairs because they look nice and it's like a big spiral staircase with a cool chandelier or something.

In that case, you want to show it off on the tour. So you create a scan because you want people to see it. But for measurement purposes, it's kind of optional. The whole tour could be looked that way.

So, a lot of extra scans that you would include as an in between scans, are there because you want to create that kind of tour.

That flexibility is always available to you. So if you want to create a very sparse, minimal tour, with just one scan point per space, go ahead.

If you want to create a very lively, busy tour, with scans everywhere, go ahead. That's fine too.

- Correct me if I'm wrong though, Chris. Don't you still need to be able to connect the scans, that one scan needs to see the next?

- Yes.

- So if I'm shooting a bedroom, and I want to get to the next bedroom, I can't just shoot one scan in Bedroom 1 and one scan in Bedroom 2, I need to be able to have a line of sight that logically gets me from one room to the other room.

- So yes, and no. So the camera has auto alignment built in, but one of the carryovers from the previous systems is a professional workflow that allows you to align the data yourself.

So if you don't want to align the data yourself, then shooting with line of sight to your previous pano sure, absolutely, 100%.

And that often makes for a good tour. So there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But if you want to get a bit cavalier about it and shoot just one pano per space,

you can just align them yourself, and that means that they don't have to have line of sight.

The downside of that, other than having to align it yourself, so that's something that some people struggle with,

but it's not that hard to be honest, but the downside is that when visually navigating, if you see it like a hotspot and you click on it, it might send you through a wall,

just because the there's so many, or so few rather, scan positions, that to go from the hallway into say like a bedroom, there isn't an in-between,

so that you have no choice but to fly through a wall. And some people don't mind, and some people think that's horrendous. So it's up to you.

- Yeah, so this is probably a WGAN-TV show for a whole nother day of best practices, or you know, arguing good or bad one way or the other, but I think the nice thing about the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, is that it gives you the option of either you want a fully automated experience.

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So do do scan from scan to scan, so that it sees the previous scan location, and it assembles the tour without any manual intervention, or if you truly just wanted to shoot one scan, in five different bedrooms, and you didn't want to do the hallways for some reason, you could do that, but you manually need to step in to help align the scan data, so that it would know how Bedroom 1 relates to Bedroom 2.

- That's right. It opens up flexibility in terms of what you're capturing as well. So, when you are shooting a property for a 3D tour, you may make something completely different from what you would shoot for just floor plans only.

You still have to do the same scans, because the visual images are used to draw the floor plans, but that means that you wouldn't need those extra scans for floor plans, because no one would ever see them. So that would be no point in capturing them.

- Okay, how about a demo?

- Yeah, absolutely.

- I want to see something happen on a smartphone or a tablet related to the camera. Oh, by the way, did you turn the camera back on? I know I had you...

- I did, yeah. So I'm going to try to share my screen, but if it fails, I'll just use my phone. because I have a simulator setup. So a few years ago,

I was in Las Vegas at some trade show or whatever for RLP or something, and I noticed that the cinema cameras made my ARI, I think it's ARI, have online training simulators, and I was like, "Oh, that's so cool. "I wish we had that." So, now we do.

So that means that if you, before you buy a PLANIX camera, you can actually try out the interface online, and see what you think about it in the training materials if you feel like it, which is quite cool.

- So I go to the website,

- You got it.

- And then go to...

- So then you would, at the top, there's a button that says Resources. So the training simulator isn't there yet, because the...

- Got it, but it'll be under Resources.

- Correct, yeah. So there's training resources for the PLANIX system. So there'll be there when they're ready. It should be quite soon.

- Okay, I know today is Thursday, March 18, 2021, the camera actually begins shipping on...

- April 5th.

- So on April 5th. That might be a Monday. I think that's a Monday. Let's just double check that. Yep, Monday, April 5th, is when you begin shipping the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit.

- That is correct.

- All right, you're still getting set up with your simulation, and I can see your screen. Okay, well, we're halfway there maybe.

- And unfortunately, again, that's probably related to how we do WGAN-TV Live at 5.

- It's okay, I'll show you guys on my phone. No worries. I can describe the process while I monkey around with this. So basically, the way this system works is that it's designed to be very simple and familiar. So the app is set up so that it resembles a smartphone app that you would have seen before for running a camera.

So I've just connected to the camera via wifi. It's probably impossible to see, but it just comes up as a hotspot on my phone, so I've selected it, I'm connected, that's it. And then in order to load the app, I'm going to load up a special URL.

And that URL is always the same, so it's very easy to do. And now what you can see on my screen is that I've got an area at the top, an area at the bottom and some controls, and that's pretty much it.

It's not complicated. You have a shoot button, when you tap it, it takes a picture. Here, I'll do it and we'll see what happens.

So, the camera has the ability to shoot in a few different modes. So I'm shooting in probably HDR, we'll find out in a second. Average scan times, oh, there's my cat. There you go.

- That's right.

- There's me, there you go. So you have access to the full 360, you can look up and down wherever you want, and back to scan time again. Scan time is from 5 to 15 seconds

- Where's your cat? I don't see your cat.

- No, I want to see your cat in your 360.

- - Say hi. Say hi.

- I wanted to see your cat in your 360.

- Well, so yeah, I'll show you. Well, he's blurry, because he moved his head.

- He moved, okay, bad cat.

- He's terrible.

- Bad cat.

- So the way the system works is that you tap a button and it scans a space. Okay?

So what you've got is you've got the image at the top, the 360, like I mentioned, right? But then you've got the laser data at the bottom.

So the improved interface, I won't go into any huge detail, but there's one killer feature, and that's that it if you tap this button at the top, basically it cycles through full 360 mode, where you can just look at whatever you want, and full screen data mode, so that's really hard to see, but that laser data there is actually the room that I just scanned, and then you can do split screen as well.

So a split screen is a killer feature for when you're using something with a bigger screen like a tablet, because you can see all the data, and all the images that you're capturing all at once.

- Can I control the amount of data that I see on the screen?

- Oh yeah, you can zoom in and out by pinching and zooming in.

- I guess there was a, I seem to recall there was a sliding scale to say, I'd like to see more of the data.

- Oh yeah, so there's a little coverage bar. So what we found over the years is that different people have different preferences with regards to looking at laser data.

You know, some people like it and some people don't.

So we have a little slider called, Coverage, and if you toggle it left or right, it will shade in the data for you, and that just makes things a little bit easier and more accessible for some people.

The benefit is that it makes the data look more like a whole, as opposed to outlines, if that makes any sense. ...

- Yeah, I mean, I would translate for a Matterport Service Provider looking at your camera. If I'm used to seeing a lot of scan data, then that option exists with the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit.

Just move the slide, show more of the scan data, versus having an outline. You got three buttons there, you pressed the middle one, what are the two other buttons, left and right.

- Glad you asked. So, the button over here when tapped, enables two shot mode. So that means that if I tap the shoot button, it will take a 360 image and it'll measure, and then it's going to show me a little message on screen, and it's going to say, Hey, walk around to the other side of the camera and press that button again.

- "Please walk around the camera and press the scan button to capture the second image." So the question is, how do I stay out of the shot, and I want to say there's two ways.

So, one way is certainly, since you're using your smartphone or tablet, hide, just go around the corner, but if you've ever been in a giant warehouse and there's either no place to hide or your wifi signal is not going to keep the camera and the smartphone connected, this is the feature which is.

Shoot the image with you in Image 1 on one side of the camera, and then it's paused, waiting for you to hit the button again, where you're on the other side of the camera.

- That's right. So it auto stitches them together and it's like you weren't there. The cost of that is a little bit of time, an extra four or five seconds, but sometimes to your point, it's worth it.

There's nowhere to hide. So unless you want to get under your tripod, it can be a bit of a challenge.

- Yes, or behind a tree or whatever it is. How far away can I be from the camera and my smart device before I lose signal?

- It honestly depends heavily on the smart device. So some, not all smart devices are created equal. Some of them have an obscene range that is just outrageous.

Like you could be a mile away, other ones it's like 20 feet. So really, your mileage may vary. It depends on the smart device you've got and its antenna.

- A lot of us are using either an iPad or an iPhone.

- Oh, you've got miles. You can go so far, it's ridiculous. Like bigger than the radius that, you know, a house would normally encompass anyway.

- Okay.

- So you could walk down a hallway around a corner and stay connected. You could go with it out to your car and stay connected without an issue.

- Incidentally, you mentioned HDR. Do I have the option of shooting with or without HDR?

- Correct, you do. Yep. … For that example earlier when I said floor plans only, you don't need HDR because the visuals will never get used,

so you can turn it off if you wish and it will save you a little bit of time. Scan time will go down a bit obviously, which is what you want.

- Unless you're showing me something, we'll put down the phone and we're going to move your camera so you're looking at me again.

- Okay, there we go.

- Perfect.

- We're back on it. So imagine this, you want to shoot a tour with this camera system. You show up at a property and you walk around, and you're basically tapping one button on your smartphone the whole time. In between each scan, the data that's captured is compared to the previous data, and then that data is aligned automatically.

So really the workflow here is, you know, is like a one-button operation. You've got other options you can obviously use, but it's a very simple process to do, because you're just pushing one button the whole time.

- So I have the option of shooting the button in the middle. Okay, that seemed like a normal thing. I have the two-shot option, to pause it so I can switch to be in front or back of the camera, and that third button is?

- Oh, good question. So that's the manual alignment button. So let's suppose that auto alignment isn't for you, you want to do what you're going to do. You can tap that button and then manually drag and rotate the data on screen.

- When would I do that?

- Pardon me?

- What would be an example of when I'd want to do that?

- Great question. So let's suppose you show up at a property and it's not ready yet. So the number one struggle that all photographers face in all of history is that they show up at a property and it's not good to go, because the agent or whoever's there wants to do something right where you want to shoot.

- Yeah, that's never happened ;-)

- In theory with COVID, everything should be ready by the time you show up, but I mean, whatever, right? So when you're shooting, the ability to leapfrog around and manually adjust that data is an absolutely killer feature if you're shooting a lot of properties.

If you've got all day, then well you don't care, you're going to wait around. But I mean, that's time you could be spending eating lunch. So I mean, you should value your time.

- But I'm still confused about how it works.

- Right, well, so I'll tell you. So what you do is you go and you shoot a part of the property that is nowhere near what you've shot before, right? So there's no way for the computer to figure out how to align it.

So what you do is you just do it yourself. If you tap align, you move it to where you want, and then you tap save.

- Ah, so when the kids on the basement level bedrooms are not awake yet, and I've had to start on Floor 2, and someone on Floor 3 is still not ready yet, so I decide to go outside, now I have Floor 2 and outside might not be connected, and I need to actually, can I move all five scans in one group to align?

- Kind of. You can actually do that later in the post-processing software, but for the most part, you move them one at a time.

But there's a special button that's built in to make it easier to move them one at a time, and it's a little left and right button, so you can move one and then you tap a button at the top and it just goes to the next pano.

And what we found is that when people are manually aligning, often you just guess. Like you don't necessarily pay attention all that much.

And then what you realize is you guessed wrong, so you just want to go back to the previous scan and then just tweak it a bit, so we built in little sort of forward and backward buttons so you can just jog between your scans and move them around as you go.

- So I must use that left button if I'm not doing contiguous scans.

- So it's even better than that. So typically what you do is you would shoot the scan that you've just … you realize it's nowhere near the rest of your data.

So you're like, okay, and it's going to be given a number. All the scans are given a number. So you actually have a little menu that you can tap and it'll show you all of your scans.

Basically you can go to a little screen that just shows you all of them, all the numbers, so you can go to the last one, you shot number 5 and you can label it. You can say, you know, back bedroom or something.

And then, you know, 15 scans later, you realize you want to align that back bedroom, you just go to the scans list, then tap it and it becomes active and you can move it into place. You don't need to use the little forward backward buttons.

You can just label your scans whenever you want. That's a killer feature too, because often you'll have a real estate agent say,

"Hey can you ...?" or just the client or whoever, "Can you name this particular room on the floor plan, the "Exercise Room?" And you're like, "Yeah, I guess. "There's no equipment here, but sure." If you label the pano with Exercise Room, you'll remember it later when you see it. And the drafters who draw the floor plans will see it as well.

- So that's a whole nother piece to talk about, but they'll also use your name. So, it's the Sunroom in the South, and it might be the Bonus Room in the West, then it might be a Man-Cave in some place else.

- Yeah. 100%. It's not that you can't do that later. You can always rename it in the software later or on the portal later. But honestly, I'll forget. So if I do it on site, when I'm asked, it's just way faster.

- Incidentally, while you were describing this alignment thing, I'm playing back some of the shoots where the real estate agent was maybe 10 feet, maybe 10 minutes ahead of me moving stuff.

- I'm just going to hang a mirror. Hold on. You're like, all right, sure. Go ahead. Fine.

- Yes, and I'm just, you know, I'm either waiting or I'm helping to move stuff around.

- In the real world what happens, right? Is that you have something else to do usually, you know? It's an appointment or another shoot.

So having the ability to get work done while you're waiting for someone to get out of your way, just means that you spend less time waiting around to get actual work done, and you can move on to your next shoot quicker or whatever it is you have to do.

- That's cool. Before we move on to understanding the three configurations of the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, is there anything else in terms of a demo to show?

We showed scanning, I don't really want to go into the back end, because that's really, what we did on the WGAN-TV show on Intro to iGUIDE: a Deep Dive Demo and Discussion, you showed a lot of the back-end. So just sticking with the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, is there anything else that demo or to show, or to talk about related to shooting with the camera?

- I think we hit all the big points. The system is exactly what you just saw. It's this hardware used throughout a property with that interface by tapping a button until you've gone to every space.

The only thing that I couldn't really show you, because I don't have the data on screen, is that you can see all the data you've captured once you've got your whole house scanned. So that means that before you leave a property, you have a visual feedback showing you everything that you've got.

So that's important when you're measuring a property, because you need to know if you got everything for a floor plan. So that's something that you have, and you can have it be full screen on your iPad. So it can be absolutely huge. It's awesome.

- Okay, awesome. So the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit comes in three configurations.

- Yes.

- What's the difference between the three?

- Right, so the PLANIX is a bundle or a combination of the core unit, which is that, well, hold on for a moment. That's this, you know? It's this base unit with the Theta Z1 on top.

So this all comes assembled as one big kit, if you will, in the carrying case, or if you have your own Z1, which is very common, you can just buy the base and attach the Z1 yourself. And then, I mean, the Z1 is not a cheap camera, you know?

Under $1,000 ... but it's still around $1,000. So that cuts down the cost of the whole system pretty significantly, so that's kind of nice. And it allows you to take your Theta and kinda add some stuff to it that is very compelling.

You know, you get into the iGUIDE system, if you will, you get a hugely significant battery life, and you get a workflow that is vastly superior to any other. Because the app is rock solid when you're using this system.

- Yeah, I mean, one of the things I like here, none of us like shooting a space twice, but if you want to shoot Zillow ... Zillow 3D Home, at least you already have a Ricoh Theta Z1, you don't have to buy yet another camera.

- That's right.

- So that may be the reason that a lot of us bought a Ricoh Theta Z1, was maybe to shoot Zillow 3D Home.

Maybe we were using it with Matterport to shoot outside, maybe we bought it for yet a different platform, but if we have it, it means that the basic iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit is going to cost less.

We'll talk about pricing in a moment. So you can bring your own device. You know, even as I say this,

I think one of the advantages of the kit itself, is if cameras do change, and I would imagine that a year or two from now, there's going to be another Ricoh Theta, you know, there'll be a Z2.

And the good news is, okay, so you decide to buy the Z2, you don't have to buy the entire PLANIX Camera Kit again, so you have the ability to upgrade the camera lenses without having to buy a whole new camera.

- That's right. Yeah.

- Okay, great. So what's the third configuration?

- All right, so the third configuration is PLANIX Pro. So PLANIX Pro is calibrated, so it's the exact same hardware, it's just calibrated differently to be more accurate when measuring in 3D space.

So the real interesting thing about this camera system and the previous one,all iGUIDE Camera Systems, is that the images are linked to the LiDAR. So in order to measure things, you need to know what it is you are measuring. So that means you have to be able to simultaneously see it in the 360 as well as in the LiDAR.

So the PLANIX Pro is simply calibrated to be more accurate when measuring in 3D space.

So that's using a feature that's called Advanced Measurement, and you'll know if that's for you. The common question is, well, how do I know if that's what I want? So if you need to measure things in three-dimensional space then that's for you. With greater accuracy.

So if you're trying to measure a facility for equipment placement, okay, well, that's measuring a 3D space.

If you're trying to measure for pipe runs in a ceiling, you know, and that's not a wall, it's not something you can measure in 2D, then that calibrated system is for you. So greater accuracy when measuring points in 3D space, or distances in 3D space.

- And is there any difference in the physical hardware?

- Nope.

- It's the same kit, it just someone is taking, someone at iGUIDE is taking the time to actually calibrate the Ricoh Theta Z1 lens to be optimized with the iGUIDE Camera Kit from the standpoint of precision.

- You got it. That's exactly right.

- I think the way I would answer this question is to say, well, how would I know if the Pro is for me? If you have to ask that question, you don't need it.

- That's more or less correct. There is the ability to, and I have no idea what this looks like, but I'm allowed to say this. There is the ability to upgrade later as well. So if you buy the regular PLANIX and you're like, "Oh no, I should have got the Pro."

There is some way to upgrade later. And I don't know what that looks like, if that's like you send it in and someone does something, or what happens but,

- Yeah, happens that you have to send it in, because someone is physically going to do the calibration, but again, what I would say for the bread and butter,

if you're shooting residential and commercial real estate the Pro version is not going to improve the 3D model in any way.

- Correct. Yeah. The tour will look the same, the floor plans are just as accurate.

- Floor plans are the same, the working experience is the same, so unless you are specifically working probably with an architect or with a general contractor, or you're involved in something that you need these three dimensional measurements within a model to be precise, then you probably don't need to pay the extra, I want to say a $500 more for the Pro version.

- Yes, there is something to be said just to have bragging rights though, if you just need to have it to have it, go for it. Just saying.

- Yeah, I think what I would tell our audience is don't think twice about not getting the Pro version, if you're asking, do I need the Pro version? Really, that is the question that determines that you don't need it, because the 3D measurements don't mean anything to you.

- Right.

- What's that and why would I use that? What do I do with that? And you've never run up against that, And you know, unless you think, oh, let me understand that better, because maybe that's a market I could target and I could charge more for scanning those kinds of spaces, but I'm going to guess, you don't need it if you're asking that question.

- Most likely, yeah. If there's ever any question, that's the very, very common conversation to have. So you could contact sales, and they could run you through it in like five minutes or so.

- Okay, let's talk pricing. So for the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit that comes with the Ricoh Theta Z1, pricing?

- So that's going to be CAN$1,999. Oh sorry, CAN$2,999. My bad CAN$2,999. So that's the regular price.

- $2,199. $2,199 US.

- No, sorry. Oh, sorry, let me try again. Sorry, I'm looking at the Canadian page. That's why we're in the wrong one. So the US price, let's try again, is $2,199. There you go.

So that compares to the Core unit minus the Theta, and for some reason it's not loading for me. But that is...

- I have the pricing in front of me. So I'll run through it.

- Yeah, if you can get the...

- If you want to get the iGUIDE PLANIX Core, which comes without the Ricoh Theta Z1, it's the only difference. USD$1,499. If you want the Pro version, that's the extra calibration, USD$2,699. That said, today is Thursday,

March 18, 2021, there is special pre-order pricing if you order on or before Sunday, April 4, 2021, the iGUIDE PLANIX Core Kit, on the pre-pricing, USD$1,299. The iGUIDE PLANIX Kit with the Ricoh Theta Z1, pre-order pricing USD$1,999. Excuse me.

And if you want to get the Pro version on the pre-order pricing, USD$2,499, and shipping begins on Monday, April 5, 2021.

Again, I would say probably for the majority of our viewers, if you're looking at the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, you're probably making a decision, either I already have a Ricoh Theta, and I'm going to buy the pre-order pricing of USD$1,299,

USD$1,299, or I'm going to order the basic kit, pre-order pricing, USD$1,999 with the Ricoh Theta Z1 pre-installed.

- That was well said.

- Okay, good. So this kind of begs the question, we've been talking ... for the last hour or so, on the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit. What about the original iGUIDE IMS-5 Kit, which sells for USD$2,999. What's the difference between an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, and an iGUIDE IMS-5 Kit?

- Right, so mechanically or physically, they're very different systems. But they create the exact same tour, and visually there's very little difference in visual fidelity.

So you wouldn't choose over the other to create a better tour. They create the exact same 3D tour and floor plans.

No difference.

But that being said, there are some weird features of the IMS-5 that you may or may not like. So that's more expensive, most people don't like that. But the way it works is that instead of using a two-lens system, it uses a DSLR with a fish-eye lens that's rotated around a center point or a nodal point that's at the center of a tripod. So what that means is there's like zero parallax errors, which is awesome.

.And so that's the upside. Downside, mechanically it's more complicated. You have to shoot then rotate, then shoot and rotate.

You're manually rotating the camera. So I've shot thousands of iGUIDE tours with the IMS-5 system and it's awesome.

It's rock solid. We've shot hospitals, and warehouses, and airports, and regular houses, and hotels, and all sorts of stuff.

So there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it's bigger, it's heavier, it's more expensive, it has a slightly different sort of battery profile.

Like it's got maybe better battery life depending on how you use it. You know? So that's kind of a thing.

Obviously it's physically different. So it's a little bit off-center. The PLANIX is very symmetrical, very balanced, so it doesn't require any rotation anyway.

But with the IMS-5 system, it tends to be a little back-heavy, so it kind of can pull your tripod over, so you need a little bit of a heavier tripod to use it. Still an amazing system capable of absolutely ripping through properties.

So, you know, that's not the issue. It mostly comes down to availability and price. So right now they're still available, but I'm pretty sure they're out of stock at the moment. Like we're right in the middle of the busiest season. So the availability may improve I would imagine.

- Let me run this by you, because this is my impression, and push back on me if I'm not right. I would say the world is divided into two kinds of residential real estate photographers.

One is a professional real estate photographer using a DSLR camera, shooting the listings, that's part of their workflow.

Then there's those of us who are new to residential real estate, and we probably have been looking at a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, liked the simplicity of that, looked at the platform, but you know, I've discovered iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit and I'm saying,

"Oh! I'm trying to understand the difference, so I'm ... a newbie, and I haven't necessarily used the DSLR camera, or maybe I'm new to that" and so I guess the way I would say this to Chris is, I think if you are a professional real estate photographer that has been using a DSLR camera and it's second nature to you, you're probably going to prefer the IMS-5, because you have this thinking about the, well, it's a bigger sensor, the lens glass is better. Push back on me if I'm wrong.

- Well, you're kind of right, but not, you're right there, so I'll tell you why as a professional you might consider the IMS-5 over the PLANIX. And the reason is about manual control.

So, you know, when you buy like a Canon 5D Mark III, you get more buttons than you get with a Rebel,
right? But I mean, they kind of do the same thing. Not really, the sensors are different sizes and they have different sensitivities, but with the IMS-5, you have a full white balance control, you have HDR bracket control, you have manual exposure control.

None of those are available on the PLANIX. So if you are really compelled by manual controls, the IMS-5 is an excellent choice. It's a good option for you. And if you're not, if obviously, if you're not intimidated by the extra complexity, right?

- Yeah, I'm going to say, and oh, by the way, the IMS-5 includes the DSLR camera, and no, you don't get to bring your own DSLR because it's bigger, special firmware and all that.

But again, if you're trying to tease out, well, which system's right for me, and as Chris has said, if you like the idea of having control over bracketing of white balance, of all the different settings that you're used to being able to control on a DSLR, plus I'm still guessing here, a larger sensor, a perhaps better lens, better quality, therefore the images may be just that much sharper, and just have more control,

- Honestly, that the images are very similar. Well, they're constructed in different ways, So the Z1's no slouch. It's pretty good. When you pick two lenses,

- Z1, I'm going to translate for you.

- Sorry Z1, I'm a Canadian there for a minute. I'll start talking about Poutine in a second.

- Take two lenses and you put them together, and you get two seams on either side, right? Well, with IMS-5, the lens is used in three different directions,so that means that you have three seams instead. So that means the characteristics of the image are slightly different.

They're not better or necessarily worse, it just means that every lens center is going to be sharper. And then as you move away from that lens center, you're going to have some sharpness kind of fall off. Right?

So instead of the Z1, where it falls off very distinctly at that seam on either side, the IMS-5 just has fall offs at three different places instead.

- So, and I guess on the flip of this is if you're really new to photography, or, you know, I think it's going to be a no brainer to say iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, versus the IMS-5 Kit. But

... I would also say, to professional real estate photographers who've been working with a DSLR camera all day long,

I would still say...this is-- Are you an artist or are you a business person? And if you are a business person, the answer always has to be, is it good enough? Is it good enough for me to make the sale? Is it good enough for my real estate agent to get the listing, to win the listing, to get bigger listings, to get more and bigger premium listings? And I want to say the answer is yes.

And therefore if you can say, I can use this system, the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit that is faster, is easier, is more affordable, has a longer range in terms of its LiDAR, this should be a no-brainer in terms of, don't get hung up on bracketing and F-stop, and shutter speed and everything else that you want to ... think about. ... and I know.

It took me-- I watched a training video on my Canon 5D Mark III that was five hours long, and I had to watch it twice before I really understood my camera. I was, like okay, get over it from being geeky, and say ... here's the system that... on pre-order for less than $2,000, and if you already have a Z1, less than $1,300, and you're in business.

And, we didn't even discuss pricing. I think maybe, pricing on iGUIDE, maybe it'd be helpful to switch to that.

I think the point though is if you're just starting out, an easy decision between the two, iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit is going to be the right choice. And even if you're a professional photographer and you're just looking to ... simplify, be faster, easier, more affordable, and the camera can be updated each year that there's a new camera component, if that's your choice, you're in like Flynn.

I think as we talk about costs, it's actually helpful to actually look at iGUIDE.

And do you want to take us through pricing of-- most photographers in our space perhaps are used to thinking about maybe looking at a Matterport subscription at US$69 a month. What is iGUIDE?

- Yeah, I'll hit you with it.

So basically there's no subscription fees. It's a one-time fee per iGUIDE or per tour. So what that means is that there's a fee and then it goes up based on square footage. So, I'll give you a couple of examples.

So up to 1,450 square feet is USD$29. So that's for a 3D tour, room measurements, total square footage, floor plans, the whole shebango. And as you go up from there, so between 1,450 SQ FT, and if I recall, 10,000 SQ FT, it's two cents per square foot.

- Yeah two cents a square foot. So I did the math at 2,500 square feet, a basic iGUIDE is USD$50. And if you're looking for the iGUIDE Deluxe,

- Premium. ...

- For up to 1,400 square feet, USD$43.50. If you're looking at it for let's say 2,500 square feet, $85, and that includes the 3D tour, the floor plans, what else?

- So the compelling reason that there's this standard iGUIDE and there's a Premium iGUIDE, the reason that the Premium iGUIDE exists is that it has detailed floor plans.

That's the big deal. So that means that what you're paying for is for someone to physically look at that data and draw in all the toilets and appliances and fixtures, and some people don't care about that stuff.

And other people really care about that stuff. So, it kind of is what it is. If you have a client who really, really wants that, then that's the one that you should get for them. That's the one you should try to get them to get.

- Yeah, I can't overemphasize this enough, because I try to look at... and I've written a lot on iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, in We Get Around Network Forum,, do a little bit of comparison.

One of those things that jumped out in terms of differentiation, the Matterport floor plans which are extra, are black and white and include a Matterport logo. And I want to say, they are not drawn to scale. They are an approximation.

And when you look at iGUIDE, the floor plans are precision drawn, and they come in multiple colors of your choice, and have a logo. And, I'd like to speak to ... I had a company call me and said, they're pulling their hair out on Matterport. They're trying to do hundreds of buildings for GIS,

[Geographical Information System] and they're trying to overlay floor plans that have been shot by Matterport, for a specific purpose, and they've realized that the floor plans are not anywhere near accurate. You just can't lay a Matterport floor plan on top of this space and go,

.... it's not that the camera doesn't shoot the data accurately, it's just the floor plans are just kind of like approximations of shapes.

- Yeah, it's true.

- It's like, if floor plans matter to you, precision floor plans matter to you, iGUIDE wins hands down.

- Yeah, iGUIDE's a no brainer. The floor plans that we ... iGUIDE, you win at delivery time as well, so floor plans are always available with everything the following day.

So that means that if you submitted at 2 PM on a Tuesday, you get your full tour plus the floor plans back the next day when they're ready.

So I forget how long Zillow takes, but everyone says it's like a Monday to Sunday sometimes. A few days anyway. And I think Matterport takes two days as well. Right?

- I want to say, Matterport is typically within 24 hours, but the tour has to be done first. ... So if it's taken overnight for your tour to be ready, you now get the order of the floor plans which puts you another day.

So realistically, it may take you two days to deliver it to a client, as opposed to iGUIDE where floor plans are, accurate floor plans are integral to the solution, and therefore you get everything the next day.

- Yeah, one of the interesting things about floor plans is that, because our floor plans are drawn by professional drafters and they're QA'ed, they often require no or very few revisions.

So if you've ever had floor plans that were inaccurate and you had to send them back, you know, that's just a huge pain in the rear end. Because you have to explain what's wrong with it, send it back, then they revise it, then they send it back to you. So if you can skip that whole process, it's just lovely.

- Awesome. Chris, what questions have I not asked you? I mean, maybe you're getting some frequently asked questions since iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit was first announced.

- So we already addressed the camera question. So if you have an Insta360 ONE X or a Ricoh Theta V, this camera will not support that. Not right now. Only the Z1. That comes up a lot. The difference between PLANIX and PLANIX Pro comes up like every day.

That's a big one. Actually, well, one of the things that we didn't talk about yet that comes up constantly is the speed.

How can you shoot a house like that fast? So you could, so I've shot my house about 2,300 square feet, I shot it in seven minutes.

And that's a full virtual tour, floor plans and everything. And I mean, obviously I'm an experienced user, so it's not really super fair to say that that's normal. It's not, but it's completely reasonable to say that you could shoot a house in the 2,000 to 3000 square foot range in like 15 to 20 minutes.

As a first timer, like you just started.

And it has a lot to do with the system being designed to be easy to use. You know, it's meant to be automatic with regards to the data.

So to the point you were talking about earlier, which was sort of like, if you were to ask the question, which camera is right for me, if you're going to pick one, the PLANIX is a great choice if you really struggle with working with like laser data and top-down views of two dimensional spaces.

If you don't work with those particularly well, you know, you don't read maps so great, the PLANIX is meant to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

It aligns all the data, as long as you shoot within line of sight to your previous panorama. So that means that you can get in and out of a property as fast as someone with an enormous amount of experience working with that LiDAR data, because the camera's essentially helping you.

- Awesome. Anything else that I haven't asked you that I should ask?

- No, I think we got everything. We've been very thorough.

- ... I would just ... I'll run through a couple things. You may decide to react or not. I'm looking at a headline that I wrote in the We Get Around Network Forum this month. "iGUIDE PLANIX is the 3D Camera Kit Matterport Wished it Created ."

- That's inflammatory. I love it. ;-)

- Just to kind of run through my notes here ... It's a superior camera kit in three different configurations. The 3D tour and the interactive floor plan experience. I think Chris took us through one of those floor plans. Certainly the 2D floor plans just look way nicer, and are more accurate.

The iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit is using LiDAR instead of Matterport's structured light. The LiDAR sees up to 130 feet instead of 50 feet that the Matterport sees.

LiDAR enables a residential listing to be shot in 15 to 20 minutes, in terms of 2,000, 3,000 square foot property. The LiDAR also is enabling super-accurate 2D floor plans, dimensionally accurate to 0.05%. That is, if you ever have a client that cares about floor plans for whatever reason, if you don't have them today, you will, and this LiDAR does that.

The pricing, if you order before, on or before April 4, 2021 is $2,000 for an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit with the Ricoh Theta Z1, versus Matterport's $3,000, plus iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit includes the case, which may cost you separately with Matterport, anywhere from $100 to $250, depending on what you buy. Anyway,

I have a whole laundry list of things that I write about the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit being the Camera Kit that Matterport perhaps wished it created, under $2,000 LiDAR solution.

You can read more about that in the We Get Around Network Forum. Chris, before we off, just why don't you go back to just any last thing that we haven't covered about the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit that you feel we should cover.

- I think we got everything. The system was designed to be part of a photographers, or a real estate property documentation toolkit.

So, that means that it's rock solid, super-stable, easy to use and fast. And if you have …the need to grow your business, it was really designed for that. It was designed to add on to your existing services so you could incorporate 3D tours and floor plan.

- Yeah, so awesome. And if you are a real estate photographer that's shooting photos, shooting video, doing aerial, and you want to to add 3D tours, and you don't want to have a subscription that you're committed to, then you can shoot just what you need and pay per tour, which comes bundled with the floor plan.

If you have more questions, go to ... and you can also book time to talk to a member of the iGUIDE team. If you're watching us before, on or before Sunday, April 4, 2021 there is special pre-order pricing, so take advantage of that. Chris, a little thumbs up.

We'll get a little thumbnail here for our intro video. You've got your cat, maybe your cat's tail.

- No, he's gone. He's too cool for slow.

- Big smile. Okay. So, Chris, thanks again for being on the show. We've been visiting with Chris White, Planitar Marketing Manager.

Planitar is the company that makes the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, and Chris is visiting with us today from Kitchener, Ontario. and I'm in Atlanta.

Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, and you've been watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.
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WGAN-TV Intro to iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit-Side by side Camera-#1941-What Are The Available Pricing Packages?

Screen Grab from iGUIDE PLANIX Pricing Page

Hi All,

In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1941, above), Planitar (iGUIDE) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGuide) and I discuss iGUIDE PLANIX special pre-order pricing now through Sunday, 4 April 2021.

Spoiler Art: for the majority of WGAN Forum Members planning to buy an iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, the decision will likely be either:

1. You already have a Ricoh Theta Z1: buy the iGUIDE PLANIX Core Kit
2. You do not have a Ricoh Theta Z1: buy the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit

If you are wondering if you should get the iGUIDE PLANIX Pro Kit with calibration to the Ricoh Theta Z1, it's likely NOT for you. The calibration is for super-accurate 3D measurements within the models: it does not affect the quality of the iGUIDE 3D Tour and it does not affect the accuracy of the iGUIDE 2D floor plans.

What questions do you have about the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit?



Transcript (video above)

- Okay, let's talk pricing. So for the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit that comes with the Ricoh Theta Z1, pricing?

- So that's going to be CAN$1,999. Oh sorry, CAN$2,999. My bad CAN$2,999. So that's the regular price.

- $2,199. $2,199 US.

- No, sorry. Oh, sorry, let me try again. Sorry, I'm looking at the Canadian page. That's why we're in the wrong one. So the US price, let's try again, is $2,199. There you go.

So that compares to the Core unit minus the Theta, and for some reason it's not loading for me. But that is...

- I have the pricing in front of me. So I'll run through it.

- Yeah, if you can get the...

- If you want to get the iGUIDE PLANIX Core, which comes without the Ricoh Theta Z1, it's the only difference. USD$1,499. If you want the Pro version, that's the extra calibration, USD$2,699. That said, today is Thursday, March 18, 2021, there is special pre-order pricing if you order on or before Sunday, April 4, 2021, the iGUIDE PLANIX Core Kit, on the pre-pricing, USD$1,299. The iGUIDE PLANIX Kit with the Ricoh Theta Z1, pre-order pricing USD$1,999. Excuse me.

And if you want to get the Pro version on the pre-order pricing, USD$2,499, and shipping begins on Monday, April 5, 2021.

Again, I would say probably for the majority of our viewers, if you're looking at the iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit, you're probably making a decision, either I already have a Ricoh Theta, and I'm going to buy the pre-order pricing of USD$1,299, USD$1,299, or I'm going to order the basic kit, pre-order pricing, USD$1,999 with the Ricoh Theta Z1 pre-installed.

- That was well said.

- Okay, good.
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Inman (11 August 2021) iGuide's Planix offers immersive visuals and floor plans in one solution

"And iGuide’s newest home capture solution, Planix, is one the best examples of how advances in camera smarts and market demand are coming together to create a new standard for what buyers know about a home before ever booking a showing," reports Inman.


I encourage you to subscribe to Inman.

Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN Affiliate Code
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Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live

Hi All,

If you are planning to watch this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show (above), you may find it helpful to watch this previous WGAN-TV show:

Transcript: WGAN-TV iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit | Intro, Demo and FAQs

I included the video (below).



Video: WGAN-TV 3 Introduction to iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Kit (and Demo) with Planitar (iGUIDE) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGuide) | Thursday, 18 March 2021
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Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live

Hi All,

Reminder that this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show is today - Thursday, 26 August 2021 - at 5 pm EDT. You can watch - live - at the top of the We Get Around Network Forum or on the YouTube Channel.


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Originally Posted by @Chris_iGuide
The biggest sale ever is happening right now on iGUIDE PLANIX Camera Systems! There has never been a better time to add iGUIDE's accurate floor plans and easy-to-navigate 3D tours to your arsenal.

All three models are on sale. Here are the details in USD:

PLANIX PRO was $2,699 and is now $1,999. That's $900 off!
PLANIX was $2199 and is now $1,799. That's $400 off.
PLANIX CORE was $1,499 and is now $1,199. That's $300 off.

The sale ends on November 30, 2021.

Visit for more information. Or click here to contact sales directly.
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Video: iGUIDE PLANIX complete walkthrough - Masterclass | Video courtesy of the iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 4 February 2022
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