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What would you charge for Matterport - 25kSF commercial space?14328

sdubose99 private msg quote post Address this user
Two story, office spaces and large open performance/practice spaces for dance and theater. What would you charge for this? For residential I've been quoting around $0.10 per square foot.

Any issue with using Ricoh Theta Z1 for a space like that?
Tips for this large space compared to typical residential?
What add-ons work for commercial... Mattertags?

Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Personally I'd charge a day rate rather than go by square footage.
Post 2 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
You can scan about 4000 sqft per hour. I would charge a little bit less, maybe 1800 or if it's a regular client with more jobs about 1500. Cross selling depends on purpose (AEC, agent,...)
Post 3 IP   flag post
sdubose99 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the feedback. MeshImages... do you use MP Pro camera, or Ricoh?
Post 4 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

Only Matterport Pro2. I donĀ“t like cortex scanning, cortex is completely useless from my personal point of view.
Post 5 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

In my price list 2.500 sqm commercial space is EUR 1.592,00 plus VAT Just scan and basic editing incl. 1 year hosting - comes without any extras like snapshots, mattertags, walkthrough, floorplan etc. etc.
Post 6 IP   flag post
castaway private msg quote post Address this user
$3000 ($500 over your 10 cents a sq ft), with $600 up front non-refundable (for any reason,whether a finished product is delivered or not) - deposit for a set range of work dates (Not saying they could flake but it is SF), balance due w/in 15(or whatever your flow usually is)days of links delivered.

As you know well large square footage overall, and large open areas can be a challenge. The fellow who said charge by the day has probably run up against this and that might be the wisest way to go. I can't emphasize enough the value in protecting yourself, up front, not as a negative thing,just a prudent one: plan for the worst and hope for the best. If needing to quote a set price up front? It might be best to charge $4K minimum in case you have to do it twice, then let them know if it goes smoothly it could end up being less. (which would also incentivize cooperation vs you being "the help" and just get it over with).

I wouldn't pin any hopes or scanning plans on "best case", but rather plan on the worst case: overscanning to be safe(you can always hide the extras in workshop).

You don't know if the windows will have coverings - sunlit glare streaming in - if there'll be gross misalignments because of the sq footage, open areas w/possible misalignments, sunlight. If insufferable? The space could be scanned at night with greater certainty and maybe less chance of people walking into your scans over and over, or worse? That you don't realize till have you've waited business days through the processing only to find you'll need to re-do a few.

Other things to consider?

1. When will you have access with no one in the building? (can you trust that and what incentives and consequences built into your contract up front to protect you).

2. I would set realistic, and perhaps worst case expectations up front not based on "best case". God forbid if the alignment should go south and you're stuck there, needing to re-do? That last thing you deserve is having low-balled yourself, with an unappreciative client (even if they say "well the other guy said he could do it in half this time", etc.) and a lack of co-ordination around additional scanning times.

3. Doorstops enough for a whole floor of already open doors and the stairwell. (You can def have a shot at shooting it as one, but I'd explain the challenges up front and that if in that context it doesn't come together as one model? That two models with Mattertag links to each other (say from the stairwell or elevator)will be an outcome that may be a necessary save. I wouldn't offer it but as part of not promising even a remotely quick turnaround, you could ask (though no guarantee and could be a weeks long turnaround)if MP would help with a stitch. I would never do two models counting on that, just if doing it as one outright fails despite all countermeasures - no guarantees on if they'll take a given stitch request, if any attempt would work and a potentially weeks-long turnaround if.

4. Have all your April Tags ready up front, in case you need them. I might start with the Theta (though I've only used a Insta and MP) and see how it goes? Quick enough to try. If you run into trouble and aren't able to get past it? You try again with your MP Camera

5. I would NOT promise ANY kind of rapid turnaround. Large models take time, and it's going to take time to check over, and if good set the space up. Any redos? Mean starting the processing all over.

6. Be sure to go over prolonged (if long term hosting is a consideration hosting fees. Selling points for their getting their own basic account: they own the rights, they can manage the space themselves,etc.
Don't set yourself up for stress over something you have a limited degree of control over. Under-promise and over-deliver, hypothetically for a little less than agreed if things go smoothly

Obviously let them know all the usual checklist stuff including not to have any sensitive company materials in plain view on whiteboards, etc.

I know a lot of this is basic but hope it helps
Post 7 IP   flag post
sdubose99 private msg quote post Address this user
Huge help, thank you very much
Post 8 IP   flag post
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video Wedge-It Door Stops



Above are the door stops that I recommend for commercial spaces. They hold open large doors; including when super-windy.



WGAN Curated Shopping App for Matterport Gear
Post 9 IP   flag post
cgraft private msg quote post Address this user
Also realize that although the Ricoh cameras capture scans faster than a Pro 2 does, you have to run and hide somewhere out of the shot every time with the Ricoh. You'll be getting quite the workout scanning a large open space with that device, VS just stepping behind the Pro 2 while it spins.

So wear your apple watch for the workout points! and charge accordingly.

Nice work finding a big job.
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