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Best way to film space with 4 floors that only connect on ground level?14096

Virtour private msg quote post Address this user
Our team is filming a school that has 2 wings - East and West.
The ground-level floor of the school spans the width of both wings.
The East Wing has 3 floors above ground level and those are only accessible by staircase A.
The West Wing has 2 floors above ground level and those are only accessible by staircase B.

The concern is that the spaces will not align if they can't be connected on the second and third levels between the two wings. Any suggestions/best practices to get this all populated in one Matterport model?

Thanks in advance,
Post 1 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Just very generic advice here. Scan the along the routes you have, but throughout all doorways and stairwells keep an eagle eye on the mini-map as each new scan aligns. If any NEW wall data appears which is out of the 90° alignment (presuming it's a typical building in this way) then delete the scan immediately and try again. Also, if ANY scan on these connecting pathways give you a "Low Scan Overlap" (I think that's the name), DELETE, do not accept, the scan. Then reduce the distance from previous and try again until you don't get this warning. That's the best key to making sure everything stays at proper 90° angles, or close enough that the Matterport processing algorithm will straighten it out.
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CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
Adding onto @Home3Ds advice

I'd also suggest scanning the entire main floor first then, tackle each wings upper floors.

So, in short Main floor first, then entire East Wing, then entire West Wing ~ doesn't matter which wing gets scanned first just do those upper floors in entirety before capturing the other wing
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
i just did a school where i connected the ground floor buildings and then had second floor of each building just named it floor 3 and matterport put it in right floor for each separate building . But yes do not accept any low scan overlaps.
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Virtour private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you @Home3D , @lilnitsch , and @Harrycayman !
Much appreciate the advice and insight - will keep you posted on how it turns out!
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for sharing the tour here, once done (plus, how you accomplished it).


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