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justlist3D private msg quote post Address this user

Hello Everyone!!!

David Fuller here in Arizona...owner operator of Justlist3d. We offer 3D imaging, drone work and stills throughout Arizona. Looking forward to all the insight this group has to offer!!! Please reach out anytime 602-363-7653
Post 176 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome clarity and justlist3D

Great forum for info and help, Suzanne in the same area so if you need help get with me.

Post 177 IP   flag post
Gweb private msg quote post Address this user
@clarity Quote:
Originally Posted by clarity
I'm new to the Matterport and am thankful to have a forum full of Wise People for when I have questions. I'm not smart enough to even know what the questions are at this point!

With only two shoots done, during which I had experienced photographers guiding me, I am aware of how little I know and I realize the more knowledge I obtain, the easier Matterport photography will come to me. And, of course, I'll produce a better end product.

So, hello from the Greater Puget Sound Region of Washington!


Hi Suzanne,

Welcome. You're not that far from me here in Western Montana.
Post 178 IP   flag post
BLee private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, I have been following the forum and decided to join. I have 10 scans complete and value the information provided here in the forum. Great resource and I look forward to being a member of the community.
Post 179 IP   flag post
EXITRealtyMizner private msg quote post Address this user
New to the Forum but excited to be here!
Boca Raton, FL
Post 180 IP   flag post

ScanDimensions private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, all!

I'm the owner of ScanDimensions, a service provider in the Midwest. I'm also the founder/managing partner of a digital advertising and enterprise development agency.

We've been scanning and using the cameras and software since prototype 1 and beta 1. So if you ever have any questions, I should probably be able to answer them.

I'm excited to be part of this forum and am grateful to all of you who support us, especially the Fearless Leader, Mr. Smigrod.



Some of you may recognize my last name. Dan is my husband. If you've purchased a camera from him, thanks! You're awesome! Buy another!
Post 181 IP   flag post
Fernando private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone!

I'm looking forward on joining the community, I have been working with Matterport since January. I didn't knew much about the forum so didn't join earlier. If there is anything I can help out with let me know, I'll be glad to help.

Hope we can help each other out!

Kind regards,

Post 182 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Hello. My name is Patrick. My company is Pixelray Photography in Denver, CO. I am currently doing Matterport scans for Great place. Glad I found it!
Post 183 IP   flag post
joshwaah1992 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Everyone,
Just purchased a Matterport yesterday. I hope I made a good decision. I'm glad there is a forum to resource from as I'm sure I will run into some roadblocks. I am a real estate agent in Orange County, Ca. I'm thankful in advance for any helpful hints or tips. Have a great day
Post 184 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
Cathie Rasch with RE/MAX Island Realty, Hilton Head Island, SC
I just received my Matterport camera last week. My husband is going to operate it and produce the videos. I expect to stir things up here on Hilton Head. Many of our home buyers are from outside the area, I think that the opportunity to 'preview' the home from where they are will be a great advantage for my listings. I'm excited to be here and look forward to interacting with ya'll.
Post 185 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone! I have been an architectural photographer since 1976. I have always had weird cameras for doing unusual things, like I have a Globuscope which made the transition to using the Matterport a breeze. I used to make QTVRs all the time for real estate but always thought they were gimmicky and of little use. (I created the first QTVR panoramas to be entered into the Congressional Record.) Anyhow, my first 2 models came out very nicely with but 2 errors on the second one owing to a misplaced mirror marker. This technology is what I was attempting to do with QTVR in the early 1990s and is not unlike "vicarious visit" presentations I helped create in the 1980s of NATO missile sites streaming still 16mm single frame Bolex movie images together and linking on a CD which could be viewed in the field by the military. We have certainly come a long way. Looking forward to chatting with you guys.
Post 186 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome @HarlanHambright

Sounds like you have had a fascinating career there.
If you need any help, there are many very experienced users here willing to assist. Best of luck with the camera.
Post 187 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the group Harlan
Post 188 IP   flag post
GoTour private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Matterporters,

Great to join this exciting paradigm shift in capturing property tours. Our camera arrived today and behold it exceeds all my expectations. The workflow is amazing and results stunning. Changes everything. Glad to meet you.
Post 189 IP   flag post
strudel67 private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all. New to Matterport and new to this forum. I run a company called We got started in the full service virtual tour space almost 15 years ago. iPix anyone? Moved our company more into a brokerage centric marketing platform with RETS access to property information which allows us to build out various marketing tools including "virtual tours" which really are just glorified slide shows.

Have seen just about everything there is in terms of real estate marketing and nothing captured my attention like seeing and experiencing a Matterport tour for the first time. So went out and bought the camera about a week ago and did first home for my wife who is an agent. Incredibly easy and intuitive. No aperture, settings, lighting etc. to deal with. Amazing.

We decided to build out an offering inside of our product set that highlights the home's features but keeps the focus on the impressive and immersive nature of these tours.

Here's our first model layered into our platform. Still have some work to do on the property details side of things as it's still in development mode. Would love to get your feedback.

Post 190 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
Looks great, I love it. I'm a real estate agent in SC and my husband helps with with tech and video. We'd love to corroborate with you and your wife on maximizing this technology.
Post 191 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
The link isn't loading for me. Just get a holding page from GoDaddy telling me is available for purchase!

Post 192 IP   flag post
strudel67 private msg quote post Address this user
Hmm - that's strange. I did have to edit it when I first posted it as I forgot the 's' in listingsmagic. If you see the link is missing the s and has it spelled listingmagic. Then just stick an s in there.
Post 193 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, now it is working. Very strange. I didn't change anything, just tried clicking the link again...

I really like the way you integrated the info panel!

Post 194 IP   flag post
strudel67 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks - still having a developer tweak a bit more. I saw that Tourfactory has created support for the Matterport tours but it's a link inside of their 'virtual' tour. I don't think people want to watch a bunch of still photos first and then have to discover the Matterport option. This should be the focus imo.
Post 195 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Yes! Especially since so often the vast majority of the photos (even when they are taken by a good photographer) are nearly useless for understanding the true layout and features of the home. Like shots of bedrooms generally just show a nicely staged bed. And it is often almost impossible to get good still shots of a bathroom that do it any justice, I think.

Post 196 IP   flag post
mwaychoff private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Matterport User Group,

I am a residential designer in Philadelphia looking for a new career challenge. I am a tinkerer and gadget guy the kind that owns a 3d printer and quadcopter drone. Suffice to say I found Matterport from a very different professional service interest than real estate photography as it sounds most of you are very experienced with. I am much more along lines of We Get Around Architect and Associate Photographer Yair YĆ©pez having experience with Autodesk software and some laser scanning of commercial buildings.

Couple months ago I learned about Google Project Tango tablet which can scan interior space layouts straight into Trimble SketchUp. So I immediately started looking for other vendors entering the market who might be developing an even better solution. Obviously I found that in Matterport!

Today I stumbled on this forum and felt compelled to devour everything posted all in just one sitting

I am definitely intrigued by this capture and hosting solution and expect I will have many questions going forward.

I gather from all of your open, candid, and positive posts thus far that it will be easy to join your very interesting conversations here.
Post 197 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for joining the Matterport User Group Forum.

One sitting. WOW! I am curious how long it takes to read 6,500 MUG posts in 650 threads.

Plus, we welcome your unique perspective as a residential designer. Most of the MUG members are Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers and Real Estate Agents.

Post 198 IP   flag post
mwaychoff private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah you guys have definitely been busy this past year ... OK perhaps it is more likely I only briefed the past month or so of posts but hey even that is a ton of really good stuff to get through! Nice job putting this forum together.
Post 199 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the forum
Post 200 IP   flag post
YairYepez private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome mwaychoff!

Would love to discuss with you and everyone else about the potential of this new market of 3d scanning in bringing reality into the computers tools to design and innovate.

Post 201 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
We Get Around Profile of MUG Forum Member: @AyaMHadden in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas
Post 202 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
We Get Around Profile of MUG Forum Member: Marcia Jessen (@Property3dNZ) in Auckland, New Zealand
Post 203 IP   flag post
ckeegan private msg quote post Address this user
Hey everyone, Cameron Keegan, Broker/Owner of RE/MAX Moves in Greenville, SC and about a dozen tours in on Matterport. Love it and ready for Showcase 2.0, especially for the Facebook integration and Mattertags.
Post 204 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Chris Hickman, owner of I've been providing photography and virtual tours for home developers and apartment management companies throughout Texas and sometimes further. My business is based in Southlake, TX. I'm thrilled at what Matterport can do that I believe is a game changer in 360 Panoramic Tours!
Post 205 IP   flag post
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