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LV360Tour private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

My name is Gary and I recently started a 360 company in Las Vegas. I'm coming from a GIS background, but because I'm also a real estate investor I found out the need and opportunity in 360 tours. I focus on real estate and small business tours right now, but I'm open for everything.
This place looks pretty cool and I'm looking forward to help out each others!
Post 801 IP   flag post
roballoba private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone - Robert here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over 4000 homes photographed since 2005. Virtual tours have come a long way since then. I was doing hand stitched 360 panos with dslr back then. Nothing was linked. Fast forward to more recently... Have been doing tours with startup Asteroom and the iPhone 7 - wow that just made everything EASY! When the iphone 11 promax came out I jumped on that and tour quality went up dramatically! It has been very cool working with the Asteroom product, and my clients have been thrilled. Now with COVID these tours have become essential.

One thing I love about Asteroom is they have been very proactive about feedback from their clients. Since I have been in the field a long time, I had some serious concerns about how the product and software should be set up for a pro. They listened, and in updates they address these concerns.

Now I have the theta Z1 coming and I want to thank We-Get-Around for the coupon code! I feel like I'm winning already!

anyway - I'm looking forward to making for connections and learning how to make better tours, faster for my clients.

Here's a recent Asteroom tour ...

Post 802 IP   flag post
AccuView private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings from Texas! My name is Warren Matous and I own AccuView Aerial Services with clients in South and Central Texas. AccuView provides drone videography, still photography, property websites, and 3D tours using Asteroom. Please check out my work and like my page!
I look forward to discussing, and learning, about Asteroom, and sharing some of the things that I have learned that may make your shoots easier and quicker! Here are a couple of properties I have recently done:
Post 803 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


Welcome! I moved your second Asteroom virtual tour example here.

WGAN Forum and can challenges with two iFrames embedded in one post. Thanks for understanding.


Post 804 IP   flag post
roballoba private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by AccuView
Greetings from Texas! My name is Warren Matous and I own AccuView Aerial Services with clients in South and Central Texas. AccuView provides drone videography, still photography, property websites, and 3D tours using Asteroom. Please check out my work and like my page!
I look forward to discussing, and learning, about Asteroom, and sharing some of the things that I have learned that may make your shoots easier and quicker! Here are a couple of properties I have recently done:

looking good - You might consider a light stand style tripod instead of the one you are using to get rid of the handle in your images. What are you using to capture the tours? phone or 360 camera?
Post 805 IP   flag post

Letsshoot private msg quote post Address this user
Love the dollhouse on the Asteroom, it's nice and bright. Just to give you a heads up, you can see your tripod in the reflection of the mirror in the bathroom of the first tour you listed.

Best of luck
Post 806 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@AccuView @roballoba @Letsshoot

About to do a new post to move the discuss on the Asteroom tour there please.


Post 807 IP   flag post
eduandresc private msg quote post Address this user
Hello! My name is Eduardo, I am from Santiago, Chile.

I am a construction engineer, commercial pilot and passionate about photography. In the construction industry I am self-employed and support construction site teams with the schedule and weekly progress reports. I am interested in adding a new service offering to show progress through a virtual tour, and after a long time searching the web for information I finally arrived here, I think it is the best place to learn and share experiences related to 360 ° world.

Thank you!

Post 808 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Rusty
... from Belgium, moving to Portugal soon.

I have studies communication and have been a passionate carpenter for years.

Last year I have learned to work with Fusion 360, and started making cabinets and furniture that can be cnc milled. I have always been passionate about construction and CAD.

I have been busy designing a campervan fitout from a mesh that came out of a matterport pro2. That's how I caught the 3d scanning virus. After reading a lot of pages here, decided to joint the comunity.

Thanks for hosting!
Post 809 IP   flag post
GWatsonImages private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone! I'm Gary Watson, an Indianapolis based freelance photographer and relatively new to the 360 virtual tour game. Working on quite a few shoots for clients and have one really complex on that I just posted about in hopes of getting some insight from you guys and gals that have been doing this longer than I have. So far I love all the helpful tips and insight and am glad to be a part of this community!
Post 810 IP   flag post
Hobbymike2000 private msg quote post Address this user

I am Michael Brock owner Brockimaging located in Philadelphia, Pa area. I am a professional photographer, covering Real Estate, Commercial work, Sports and now Matterport virtual tours. I have been doing the tours for a few weeks and keep looking for ways to make them better. Looking forward to learning and exploring this new 360 virtual realm.
Post 811 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
welcome @Hobbymike2000. I was born in Southern NJ but lived all over the Philly area for 20 years. I'm in Massachusetts now. Love Philly, still consider it my home. Good luck you to you. You are in the right place. A lot of good to be mined here.
Post 812 IP   flag post
stevienet private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone!

Discovered the forum a couple of days ago…..absolutely no background in 360 photography. I’m based in the South of England and have been thinking of starting my own 3D tour business for a while after seeing the opportunities that Matterport seemed to offer. The world has changed dramatically since Covid-19 and believe 3D tours will form an essential way business is conducted.

I’m currently looking to see if there is a demand for a service focusing more on commercial real estate rather than residential. The residential real estate business is very different to that in the US (it’s no Selling Sunset!) and don’t think estate agencies will be willing to payout for tours on the properties on their books.

Matterport seems to be the industry standard here from what models I’ve seen in my line of work so I naturally gravitated towards this when looking to started to looking starting up on my own. However, looking into the costs involved & the limitations it seems it’s not suited for every type of client. This poses some issues as most people in the UK are familiar with the Matterport ‘look’ (namely the dolls house & the transition between images). I think it would put me at a disadvantage to move away from this style. I’ve looked at many different platforms over the last few days and a good alternative seems to be Metareal stage.

Hopefully I can gauge if there is a demand for a service in my area (along with certain other skills and experience I’m hoping will make me stand out from the competition) before making an investment in a Rico Theta camera so I can start practicing.

Phew! Long message but that’s my plan…..look forward to reading a lot more on here!
Post 813 IP   flag post
Chazgk360 private msg quote post Address this user
Good morning everyone,

I was laid off 7 weeks ago due to revenue/Covid issues at a healthcare organization I was at for 2 years as their Marketing Director. I'm located in Santa Maria, California - between Pismo Beach and Santa Barbara.

I have been a photography enthusiast since age 6 when I spent time with my dad in his home darkroom. I decided a few weeks ago to take a chance and start my own company offering 360 virtual tours, aerial photos/videos, real estate photography and image assets for Google My Business listings. A new start at age 51! I love learning and can't wait to gather helpful tidbits from WGAN members!
Post 814 IP   flag post
rjay6896 private msg quote post Address this user
Aloha guys,

My name is Rylan and I started a small company with my friend offering Matterport 3D experiences for some real estate companies and vacation rentals which of course are a big business here in Honolulu. I was impressed when I found this forum and have never seen a bigger collection of knowledgeable photographers. Hope everyone is staying safe out there.
Post 815 IP   flag post
sealpup private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,
My name is Ken and I live in the greater metro Atlanta, GA (USA) area. I have an interest in capturing 3D 360-degree imagery (Still & Moving). After being furloughed, because of the COVID 19 shutdown, I’m pretty much excepting the fact that I’m now “retired”. I have been going out and capturing imagery with a Jaunt One & Detu MAX. I’m hoping to learn the ends and outs of capturing 3d 360-degree imagery, & the post processing of the imagery into a “tour”, from the wealth of experience of this truly global group. Would love to find someone to do a side by side comparison of the Insta360 Titan and the Jaunt One.
Post 816 IP   flag post
joecostanza private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all
My name is Giuseppe from Somerset in the UK.
My experience is selling SaaS to estate agents in the region and more recently deposit replacement to letting agents however recent events with covid has resulted in my job being closed and I am looking at opportunities to market my exciting network of clients.
I think online viewings as a service would be a conversation that agents in the region would want to have, I'm not sold on Matterport just yet - the product works and is great for me as a business I am finding that it has confusing pricing with little room for growth and hope to find more information here that can help.
Best regards
Post 817 IP   flag post
Fish private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone
I’m Fish, a high schooler in the west suburbs of Minneapolis. I’ve been very interested in the 360/3D market and services for about 6 months now. I really do want to start a business so that I can actually enjoy a job unlike working at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage. Obviously starting and continuing any sort of business is difficult, so that’s why I joined this forum. I don’t have very much money to spend on equipment, software, marketing, and more, so I think that getting advice from professionals and experienced people like you guys will be a great resource for me.
Post 818 IP   flag post
Rust private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

I'm a freelance videographer and '360ographer' based in Cape Town, South Africa.
I started 360 photography about 4 years ago with a Nodal Ninja/Canon/Sigma kit doing Google Streetview tours. Since then I have focussed more on custom virtual tours for real estate, guesthouses and more recently yachts.

I have found value in the we-get-around forum for a while now and am happy to join the community :-)
Post 819 IP   flag post
turboherbo private msg quote post Address this user
Hi y'all.

My name is Herb Lauw. Originally from Singapore. Residing in Newnan, Georgia.
I graduated from the University of Hawaii, Manoa. Started photography with the UH Athletic department where I was responsible for taking player's profile pictures and covering sports events for the university's media guide. Did a short stint taking aerial photography after I obtained my commercial pilot's license.

I have already benefited so much from Dan's WGAN and group members since joining. Fantastic resource for photographers of all levels.

I started my photography business 2 years ago. My main focus is commercial properties. I am an experienced drone photographer and am certified to instruct others. My company website is

Thank you.
Post 820 IP   flag post
condra private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings all. I'm a photographer from Ireland. Although I started out in portraiture, it is property which has proven to be the most consistently busy. Now I'm exploring 360/3D, and falling down this rabbit hole has presented many new questions for every one answered.
Post 821 IP   flag post
TheRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone. My name is Kevin and I am a Realtor in Southern California that started my own Virtual Tour business. So far it has been going very well. We offer Virtual Tours, Listing Photos, and Drone Photography.

Currently own a Matterport Pro2 and I love it.
Post 822 IP   flag post
Deano private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Nice to join this group -- looks like a great resource Dan has put together. I'm a longtime VR photographer having used Pano2vr and KRpano along with a DSLR. I have been creating unique tours by stitching video into a pano -

They are nice but it takes too long and they are cost prohibitive so I've purchased a Z1 and looking to learn how to create Matterport tours with it.

Looking forward to learning from you all and becoming a contributing member of the community!
Post 823 IP   flag post
sandhun private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, I'm a real estate photographer from the UK. Up until now I've been providing stills to my clients but I'm about to venture into the world of Matterport 3D tours.
Post 824 IP   flag post
BIGNAIZ private msg quote post Address this user

I am Ignacio Olabe, from TANTATIC, we are an agency in Pamplona, SPAIN.

We have been working for several years with virtual tours with Panotour, now we are with 3D Vista and also with Matterport.

I am learning here many things.

Thank you!
Post 825 IP   flag post
netnael private msg quote post Address this user
Hi. My name is Netanel from Israel and I am getting into the virtual tour business. I am just starting out and I am very excited. I am getting into the real estate virtual tours and i hope to learn a lot.
Post 826 IP   flag post
peakeagle private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Guys! I am from Alabama and have been flying the drone scene for 3 years and using 3Dvista to create ideas. I love this forum! Packed full of info and ideas. Good job Dan!

I recently did a "Needs assessment tour" for a local school official to help them be able to get "inside" the problem areas faster to show the board their needs. This was a combination of Drone, Matterport and 3Dvista. (fitted for desktop viewing)

Post 827 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome and thanks for your kind note.

I posted your mashup here:

School Mash-Up: Matterport, 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro and Drone


Post 828 IP   flag post
Joeadamxx private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the acceptance
Post 829 IP   flag post
VirtusRealis private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all !
I'm using a PRO2 Matterport camera for more than a year now.
I mainly work with architects and building engineers. I use the point cloud to model what I scanned.
I also provide home staging services.

Thanks for sharing !
Post 830 IP   flag post
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