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DoraZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone!
I am Dora, I work as a land surveyour, with experience in GIS and drones, I now I want to try something new
In my vicinity a lot of streets and city centres aren't covered by GSV blue lines, so there is a lot of work if cities and municipalities want that to be done.
Right now I am interested in Pilot Era camera for making GSV videos, so if anyone here uses it, I would love to hear more about it
Post 726 IP   flag post
homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user
I have been doing photography/videography for over 40 years. I have both a Florida and Alabama Real Estate license. Un until a year and a half ago I owned a couple of hobby shops after retiring from the Navy, selling rc airplanes, cars and trucks and drones. I did my own video and photo marketing. have an FAA drone operators license and have done mostly commercial property videos with my drones. I bought a used Matterport camera prior to getting my real estate licenses. For real estate work, I was doing it mostly for agents I knew. With the current social distancing, I am being asked to a lot more. I've followed this forum for a long time.

Post 727 IP   flag post
Charlotte233 private msg quote post Address this user

I'm Charlotte. I'm a Realtor in Boise, Idaho. I've been doing 360 Virtual tours for my clients for about a year and am looking into other option and platforms to see if there is something more effective.

Thanks for having me!
Post 728 IP   flag post
kigilido private msg quote post Address this user
Hi I’m shulem it’s a little over a year since I started providing my service in the New York tristate area of “virtual home tours”construction documentation” and “bim conversion all from matterport spaces. I’m glad I found this website witch is filled with a tons of information!
Post 729 IP   flag post
hamid167 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi we are one of matterport users in istanbul and we are a information technology company and we do 3D scans for who have a realestate or any project in turkey.
website: also you can follow us on instagram:
Post 730 IP   flag post

JPPeron private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by realeshots
Hi all, I am a full time Realtor and am venturing into offering photo and tour services to other agents in Maryland. I have a Theta Z1 on the way and am looking for a service to use. Matterport is the most recognized and does most things well. I don't like the issue of being limited active tours. 25 tours will add up quickly. I also don't like the inability to brand tours completely. I am also looking at Metareal, but their system seems very labor intensive and/or expensive to have them generate the pans.

My photography site is and I am @reale_shots in Instagram.

Welcome! I to am a full-time REALTOR looking to branch into 360 tours for others. I have been using Kuula now for a few years. First with a Vuze, then a Theta V, and now a Theta Z1. I find them to be the best bang for your buck at their price point. I am also learning EyeSpy360 for the live & recorded features.
Post 731 IP   flag post
Jamez2u private msg quote post Address this user
Hey ya’ll, James here from King City, Ca about half way between LA an San Francisco. I am looking at a side business and am thinking of getting into the 3D tours industry. I am in sales and enjoy helping people. I recently had a very good friend pass away and he gave me all his tools and several of his cameras. He used to go to car shows and enjoyed taking some really great photos of both the cars and models. I would like to honor him by starting small business as a photographer and do 3D virtual tours. My question is to y’all if you had to start over would you still get into this business and what kind of obstacles did you encounter?
Post 732 IP   flag post
sonic_nc private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all, Neil from Townsville, North Queensland. I've been providing Matterport and Google tours to real estate agencies and businesses for about 4-5 years. Looking forward to connecting with everyone!
Post 733 IP   flag post
simbany1 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys, Bill here from NYC. Realtor and coach for about 16 years. Just started getting into 360 tours. Have a Inst360 One R and unfortunately it's not compatible with Matterport so trying to find others right now. Tried eyespy, kuula and cupix. Eyespy seemed the easiest to create floor plans and I like how the link the photos on the dashboard. Really looking for a company where I can create the virtual tour but send in the photos to have the 3d floor plan for me until I can figure that out. Obviously cost for the whole package per listing is important since I'm looking to expand my business and offer photo/services to Realtors. Anyone with experiences when they started out and what to look out for would be much appreciated. Especially your experiences with all the different virtual software vendors out there!
Post 734 IP   flag post
holypalmer private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys!

I am Holy Palmer. Working at Paradise Developments.
Post 735 IP   flag post
3dprovirtualtours private msg quote post Address this user

My name is Anastasia and I just started providing virtual tour services in Ontario. I think that the virtual tour technology is very innovative and definitely not just a fad. I just love seeing homes come to life in our tours.

Most of my experience is in the restaurant industry, but am very eager and excited to start providing these services as my new career

3D Pro Virtual Tours - Hanover, ON
Post 736 IP   flag post
NewsdeskVT private msg quote post Address this user
Gday, I've just started out offering Matterport tours as an extension to my business as a commercial photographer. My first scan is of my studio using a One X while waiting for my Pro2 to arrive. Feedback and advice much appreciated.
Post 737 IP   flag post
CuttingEdge private msg quote post Address this user

My name is Brent Miller and I am in the process of transitioning into the Real Estate Photography business. I do not have a background in photography but do have a sales background and have researched this particular side of photography for the better part of a year. 3D will continue to become more popular and will be an important part of Real Estate listings in the future. It will be the featured product of my business. I have been around this forum for about a month and I continue to gather great information that will help me get my business up and running. Thank you all and I look forward to being an active member of this forum.
Post 738 IP   flag post
dsheftel private msg quote post Address this user
Hey All, I've been a NYC residential Broker for about 25 years. I am just starting to get into 360 virtual tours & I just purchased my 1st 360 camera (a Insta360 One R twin pack). Now starting to research all the software possibilities along with the tips and tricks to shooting quality real estate tours.
Thank you! looking forward to connecting
Post 739 IP   flag post
botticelli private msg quote post Address this user
Hi nice to meet everyone. Longtime lurker, first time posting. I’m Brian on Long Island, NY and have been shooting real estate freelance for three years. I’m an MSP with Matterport and own a Pro 2 however it is a very small percentage of my business. Most is photos and video but I’m here to get the lowdown on VR from y’all. And I just want to say I LOVE the independent nature of this forum and the way it helps our community of imaging pros. Thank you for making it free and accessible to all.
Post 740 IP   flag post
Omaha, NE
judysmithre private msg quote post Address this user
I am a real estate Broker in Omaha, Nebraska. I've been using Matterport since Dec. 2014. and am now on the Pro2. The thing I love about Matterport is I can use it to measure rooms, see types of flooring, fans, fireplaces etc when entering the listing info. Only downside for me is how long it takes to capture the home. I was sure glad my listings had Matterport when this pandemic came.
Post 741 IP   flag post
jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Everyone,

My name is Jacob and I have just started a company to provide 3d virtual tours. My website is almost finished and I am waiting on a business license. I come from a construction background (residential) which is where I learned how to use the Matterport Pro camera. I was tasked with scanning all of our completed projects that were used as marketing material.

[Jacob, I moved your questions to a new WGAN Forum discussion. Dan]
Post 742 IP   flag post
PhotographyByWasim private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,

Hope you all are doing well and safe and healthy through this gotcha.

I am Wasim Muklashy, a nature, travel & conservation photographer as well as a real estate photographer.

It's been about 5 years since we've really used Matterport heavily when I was working in Southern California, but not so much since moving to Oregon. Now looking at re-introducing it, but have no intention on the 3500 camera. Tested the Theta V and seems to do a very acceptable job, only thing I might be missing is the option to generate schematic floorplans. Thanks to this community, was introduced to Home3Ds, so may give them a go.

I also run Superswell VR, we do Google Street View and Virtual Reality Video for tourism, so been looking at ideas of incorporating that more in place of, or in addition to, Matterport. We'll see where this wonderful rabbit hole takes me!

Anyhow, looking forward to all the great tips and discussions amongst fellow shutterbugs.

Be well!


Post 743 IP   flag post
mcaorlin private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,

I'm Marco, an Architect based in London (UK). I'm planning to start soon a side business on virtual tours and GMB optimization.
I'm currently digesting a ton of new info about 360 world, workflows, digital marketing strategy, Google optimizations, etc...

I'm drafting a quick business plan to clear my mind where I want to place myself into the market, targeting the right niches and how to reach the first customers before investing money into the equipment. The idea is to have a couple of customers buying my services even before ordering the equipment.

In term of equipment, I'm planning to invest into A Theta Z1. Matterport looks amazing and very simple to use but I don't like the idea of not owning the data and not being able to adjust the photos/tour by myself, plus it' pretty expensive. Cupix seems capable of similar quality with better data ownership, I think I'll give it a go soon. I really like the possibility to take dims, export in .obj, etc. (that's probably due to my architectural background, I need to check if it's something sellable).

Thanks for the valuable content you are adding into this forum, will be a great base for me to start.

Post 744 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome. And, thanks for the backstory.

I started a new WGAN Forum discussion to help you get started:

Advice for an architect that is starting a side hustle offering 3D/360?

Post 745 IP   flag post
bpi3rc3 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, My name is Brian and I've been a full time professional real estate photographer in the Portland OR area for 4 years. Recently, I purchased the Ricoh Theta Z1 because my clients asked for a reasonably priced alternative to a Matterport 360 tour. This week I watched a colleague's 360 tour and reached out to him for help and advice and he then also introduced me to WGAN.
Post 746 IP   flag post
JoeyMac1965 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi! Joey from South Florida. Full time Real Estate Photographer. I did some pretty high end stuff a few years back (2012-2014) using a DSLR and Pano2VR as well as PTP...I got so busy with photography that I discontinued the Virtual Tours as they were too time consuming and most agents were not willing to pay, and the demand for Virtual Tours was very low in my market.

While Matterport is a very impressive system, I did not see much of a demand in my market for them. $150K-$300K is my bread and butter. As much as I would have liked to add Matterport VT's with the cost of the camera, I did not want to wind up with a $3000 paper weight and $800+ in annual subscription fees.

I was approached by Zillow in late 2019 to give their system a try, so I got a great deal on a Theta V on Amazon ($65 month for 5 months) and started offering Zillow 3D tours. I found they were so easy (compared to how I did them year back), Nowhere near the quality, but my clients and their sellers loved them. The first property I shot with a Zillow 3D tour went under contract in 5 days, so of course I had a good selling point (although credit really goes to the agent for pricing the home properly)

Just a few weeks ago, I learned that Matterport was supporting the Theta V, so I gave it a try. All I can say is WOW. I really like the system. It takes a bit longer on site than a Zillow 3D Tour, but it is literally 95% ready to go after I upload, where with Zillow 3D I have to go back and fix the navigation on literally every scene, which is very frustrating.

With this virus, most of my agents now want a tour. Some actually prefer Zillow over the Matterport. They like that they can easily jump from space to space via the thumbnails and that the nav arrows name the space your moving to, but most prefer Matterport, as do I.

This is a great forum. Hope that I can contribute!
Post 747 IP   flag post
jericreson private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All!

First - what a fantastic and helpful forum! Thank you for creating/participating in this space -

I'm a 360 Photographer - new passion - Real Estate Broker, licensed in California and Louisiana, and I have trained and consulted with real estate agents and brokerages, across the country, in marketing, sales, and fresh approaches to differentiate one's self in the marketplace for the past 30 some odd years. I'm very excited about the 360 space for real estate agents, and looking forward to expanding the utilization and adoption of this amazing technology in both of my primary markets, and perhaps a few more....

All in - ready to level up
Post 748 IP   flag post
MCML private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All
I am a Real Estate agent in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and new to this forum. I have learned a lot about 360 cameras already from reading the threads and am looking forward to learning a ton more!
I just bought the Theta Z1 and am ready for the frustration of learning a new skill! I think my Clients will love the tours though, so I am all in
Post 749 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to your new home. I've been on this forum for about four years and it has expanded my knowledge in so many ways.

Come August, when we're frying at 100 degrees here in L.A., send photos of your pristine Canadian landscapes, maybe some native wildlife if you can. In February I'll return the favor by sharing scenes from Venice Beach where it will be 85°F.
Post 750 IP   flag post
gordons private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings and salutations!

My name is Gordon, I am the president of the Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society. We operate
the museum and grounds of the Doukhobor Discovery Centre a Canadian National Heritage Site, in Castlegar British Columbia, Canada.
We are seeking ways of creating and facilitating virtual museum tours at our facility.

All the best.
Post 751 IP   flag post
MJR63 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone! I'm a professional photographer, videographer, 3D tour individual supporting Eastern Connecticut. Thank you for the add to the group. Looking forward to sharing my knowledge and learning from this group!


Post 752 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome. Please see WGAN Forum discussion:

What's the best 3D/360 Virtual Tour Solution for a Museum?

Post 753 IP   flag post
wvirtualhomes private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I have been a real estate photographer and real estate agent in the NYC area for the past 15 years. I have a passion of technology and photography as well as business. Recently bought a matterport pro 2 and found this community, and glad I did. I look forward to learning and contributing. Be safe!
Post 754 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user

Glad to be approved! Last year I said "yes" to my inner urge to get my photography and video skills polished and hang out my shingle. I started with drone real estate and quickly became fascinated with 360 tech. Just recently I got turned on to Matterport and recognize the GIANT Matterport wave that is hitting right now. So, I borrowed money and have invested in the Pro2. I haven't shot my first tour yet (I have with my DSLR and 360 Onex) but can't wait to dive into Matterport!

I found some of your very helpful tutorials on YouTube. My first gig is going to be a freebie for my church. A rehabbed old church with a separate community building next door. Hoping I can connect the two. I've read all about doing scans at sunset, just a few feet apart, etc.

Happy to be here!

Post 755 IP   flag post
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