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holzr private msg quote post Address this user

I found the forum doing some digging around looking for advice comparing the Pro2 to some popular 360 cameras, I've been browsing and found a lot of great advice.

Looking to start a virtual tour business (ideally to scale and hire people), in the planning stages currently. Was contemplating the Z1 but I'm leaning on getting the Pro2 instead.
Post 701 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@holzr - If your plan is to create Matterport tours, get the Pro 2. Yes, it costs more and cannot shoot exteriors in direct sunlight, however it captures REAL depth data which means accurate measurements, floor plans and a world of difference. IMHO, the Z1 is a great 360° camera but should be viewed as an adjunct to the Pro cameras, not a replacement.

Good luck with your plans!
Post 702 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all - Scott here from New Zealand. Matterport Service Partner, using Pro2 and BLK360, also have some SDK and API developments underway. We've been doing this for over a year and focusing on operational uses - lots around investment properties using WP3D, MPEmbed, MP plus our own 2D Image Library. Also doing some cool outdoor stuff - for example:

Could not convert link

Have been browsing the forum for a while, great source of info and sharing, looking forward to helping others were we can, and being helped when we need it .
Post 703 IP   flag post
mefederau private msg quote post Address this user
Our sample tour is great! Thanks for sharing -
Post 704 IP   flag post
Shawn_P private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone! My name is Shawn Perkins. I've had a Matterport Pro 2 for almost a year now and started a Real Estate photography business. It's been like a train leaving the station but things are looking up. G

Glad to be a part of this community.
Post 705 IP   flag post

troydl private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,
My name is Troy and I am an architect and photographer from Frisco, TX. Did a lot of research on Matterport and 360 cameras, and found this forum. All the content here has been really helpful, looking forward to contributing to this great community!
Post 706 IP   flag post
Shawn_P private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome Troy

I'm right down the road from you in Flower Mound,TX
Post 707 IP   flag post
Sales Team
Kitchener, Canada
andriystrebkov private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everybody, my name is Andriy, I work for iGUIDE in the Sales team. I've been reading this forum for quite some time, I am really enjoying it so far. Just thought it would be a good time to say "Hi" and introduce myself.

Thank you Dan for creating such a great platform, I am learning a lot here!
Post 708 IP   flag post
davedion private msg quote post Address this user
Hi there... I am a real estate agent in Arizona, also licensed in California and soon to be Florida. I have owned a brokerage in the past with about 400 agents... I now run a team of 60+ agents in Arizona, hoping to grow my team to 300+ agents. Matterport is a big part of my offer for agents. I use Matterport, Captur3D and MPembed... I am looking for the best of the best tools and am open to leaning more to really differentiate myself ... Thank you.
Post 709 IP   flag post
tpetet private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All.

I'm a web developer and Google Photographer here in Kansas City Missouri. I've bee doing freelance google virtual tours for the last two years. I just bought the Ricoh Z1 and have become a Matterport provider.

I'm amazed at the quality and the ease it is to do virtual tours with this particular platform. Anyway, I'm joining this network and applying to become a Zillow photographer as well.

My goal is simple: I want more inbound leads for work.


Tim Petet

Post 710 IP   flag post
dave1380 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Guys and Gals,

Im a new and setting up in 360 and 3D tours. I have a phantom 4 which i have used for site and security serveys, a nikon DSLR for staging pictures of properties. Im an investor from the UK with a huge network of business owners and property investors alike.

I have just bought the Qoocam 8K and trying to figure it out. I bought the bushman v2 which hasnt come yet and will be investing in Ben Claremonts vvirtual tour pro course.
Post 711 IP   flag post
RobRealEstate private msg quote post Address this user
Hello...Rob here from the Sonoma County area of California. I am a real estate agent and have experience with the Matterport camera provided by our broker.

We since changed brokerages. The new brokerage does not have Matterport so I just bought Theta Z1. I found this forum helpful when doing research so thanks for that. Here is my first tour using the Z1 and Ricoh Tours site to produce the tour. I am still learning it. It's not Matterport but not bad for basic VT.


Oh and every profile photo I add turns it sideways so there's that.
Rob Thiessen
Post 712 IP   flag post
jwaltphotography private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Everyone! I own Jwalt Photography out of Southern Illinois. We are a growing photography business that just switched over from Matterport to Asteroom and could not be happier with the change. We shot roughly 100 houses in 2017, 250 in 2018, and 700 in 2019. We are pacing 1200 already this year. I currently use an iPhone as the camera on the tours but am upgrading to the Z1 this week. I found this forum online and thought it may be a great way to learn and connect with others in the industry. As of right now 3D tours only account for 8% of our business, but I think with the right tools and pricing, we will pushing it to 50%.

I recently shot this tour with the Asteroom and while I still have a lot of learning to do, it is unbeatable for the price. Perfect for realtors looking for an affordable 3D tour solution.

Courthouse Tour

Thank you and I look forward to seeing what I can learn.

Jonathon Walters
Post 713 IP   flag post
Omaha, NE
judysmithre private msg quote post Address this user
Does the iphone sit on a tripod and do you need an iPad to capture the scan? What kind of tripod? How much is Asteroom. Is it faster to capture than Matterport? Thanks!
Post 714 IP   flag post
sam17 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all,

I'm Samuel, I'm employed in a civil engineering company.
I wish to start a new business related to the field.
I found this forum online and it's been a great help.

All the best,

Post 715 IP   flag post
RealtorDuJour private msg quote post Address this user
Good evening,

Brad Daniels with Southern Homes Realty in Little Rock, Arkansas. REALTOR® (The Late Night "du Jour", 360 Digital Artist, still learning my way around and slowly growing my business. Have an Insta360X and working my way through learning everything related to photo/video production.

Not many (if any) professional amateur 360 shooters here.

Facebook and Instagram @RealtorDuJour

Currently using Theasys and Cupix
Post 716 IP   flag post
Texas Tech
Lubbock, Texas
kcoursa private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone!
I am Kelley Anderson, a marketing Ph.D. candidate at Texas Tech University. I am researching how a new media technology market (specifically, the VR/3D-content market) emerges and expands into additional verticals. Thank you, Dan, for allowing me to join the forum. I look forward to learning more from you all! If you have any questions or wish to be excluded from my analysis and publications, feel free to reach out via email:
Post 717 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the club @kcoursa. Hope the research is coming along well figuring our the consumer demand for the final product, Hosting platforms used to contain the media, End users and the relationships between the camera companies and software designers. You got a lot of directions to go here. Hopefully Dan has made it easy to see many options and discussions to simplify our lives.
Post 718 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for suggesting that I reach out to @kcoursa to join the WGAN Community.



Post 719 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@kcoursa - Welcome to the forum. You'll find many professionals here who work with photography, video, drones, 3D and 360° tours, and I'm sure you'll find research support from them. Probably a good place to reach out if you prepare a survey on how business is using these new platforms. I'll happily provide a perspective from L.A. for what it's worth.

Good luck with your research and PhD studies.
Post 720 IP   flag post
GetRevolved private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys! Just to intro myself. My name is Daniel and I shoot MP virtual tours in London and surrounding.. meaning anywhere. I have done for the last 3 years almost to the date. Yep, still enjoying it!

I'm trying to level up now and make a difference in new ways.

It's good to be here and I'm looking forward to undercutting your sales and stealing your clients.. I'M KIDDING!!! I'm not Matterport.

Post 721 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the forum if your willing to come over to the Seattle area and undercut my competition your more than welcome to.🤣🤣🤣
Post 722 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@GetRevolved - It's grate to have another Brit on board (no, not misspelled)

Welcome to the best forum for MP, 360 and everything that spins in circles. We need all the laughter we can get. As for me:
Favorite TV series - Faulty Towers
Favorite movie - The Full Monty feel free to pull our legs.
Post 723 IP   flag post
EastSide007 private msg quote post Address this user
Hello. I’m on the path of a new career and see virtual tours and Virtual open houses as the future in this day and environment. Really don’t know anything but will he reading a lot and learning.
Post 724 IP   flag post
realeshots private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all, I am a full time Realtor and am venturing into offering photo and tour services to other agents in Maryland. I have a Theta Z1 on the way and am looking for a service to use. Matterport is the most recognized and does most things well. I don't like the issue of being limited active tours. 25 tours will add up quickly. I also don't like the inability to brand tours completely. I am also looking at Metareal, but their system seems very labor intensive and/or expensive to have them generate the pans.

My photography site is and I am @reale_shots in Instagram.
Post 725 IP   flag post
DoraZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone!
I am Dora, I work as a land surveyour, with experience in GIS and drones, I now I want to try something new
In my vicinity a lot of streets and city centres aren't covered by GSV blue lines, so there is a lot of work if cities and municipalities want that to be done.
Right now I am interested in Pilot Era camera for making GSV videos, so if anyone here uses it, I would love to hear more about it
Post 726 IP   flag post
homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user
I have been doing photography/videography for over 40 years. I have both a Florida and Alabama Real Estate license. Un until a year and a half ago I owned a couple of hobby shops after retiring from the Navy, selling rc airplanes, cars and trucks and drones. I did my own video and photo marketing. have an FAA drone operators license and have done mostly commercial property videos with my drones. I bought a used Matterport camera prior to getting my real estate licenses. For real estate work, I was doing it mostly for agents I knew. With the current social distancing, I am being asked to a lot more. I've followed this forum for a long time.

Post 727 IP   flag post
Charlotte233 private msg quote post Address this user

I'm Charlotte. I'm a Realtor in Boise, Idaho. I've been doing 360 Virtual tours for my clients for about a year and am looking into other option and platforms to see if there is something more effective.

Thanks for having me!
Post 728 IP   flag post
kigilido private msg quote post Address this user
Hi I’m shulem it’s a little over a year since I started providing my service in the New York tristate area of “virtual home tours”construction documentation” and “bim conversion all from matterport spaces. I’m glad I found this website witch is filled with a tons of information!
Post 729 IP   flag post
hamid167 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi we are one of matterport users in istanbul and we are a information technology company and we do 3D scans for who have a realestate or any project in turkey.
website: also you can follow us on instagram:
Post 730 IP   flag post
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