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KeithMitchell private msg quote post Address this user
Hello! I'm a real estate photographer in Texas looking to expand into virtual tours. I bought a Ricoh Theta Z1 and subscribed to a virtual tour hosting service. I'm looking for training specifically about how to create content for businesses on the Google Street View app. I want to be able to sell virtual tours and related services to help businesses and other organizations publish their virtual tour presence on Google Street View, social media, and their own websites. My first foray into publishing on Google Street View produced more questions (about using the GSV app) than answers and I realize I need some kind of formal training in the use of the GSV app. If you know of any training for virtual tour service providers specific to how to sell Google Street View services I would appreciate it if you would share a link.
My website is
Post 676 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome! About your request for training:

Virtual Tour Pro Coupon Code to Save 15 Percent
(Lots of help on selling virtual tours and Google Street View)

WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport)

(You can use your Ricoh Theta Z1 with the Matterport platform.)

Happy holidays,

Post 677 IP   flag post
vumaxxseller private msg quote post Address this user
Hi 3d Matterport community.
My Name Is: Nguyen tuan vu. ....
Nick Name: Vu Maxx
I am a Consumer Service Segment Video Maker.
After a walk to see the news I discovered 3D Matterport Scan.
Within just a few days of searching for a matterport.
I feel that is what I am looking for in the future where I live.
Everyday I Tried To Understand Everything About Matterport.
And This Is The Forum I See A Lot Of Information ....
Currently, I have Built a Private Wedsite For Matterport.
Hope everybody help please.
I Need To Buy A Matterport pro 2
Post 678 IP   flag post
360studionyc private msg quote post Address this user
Hi! I got into 360 when Ricoh Theta came out. Unfortunately I couldn't keep playing with it at the time BUT now I can yay!
I can't wait to start virtual tours! I have an Insta360 but I am saving for a better camera. I was thinking of taking Ben Claremonts course. Has anyone here taken his course? do you think its necessary?
Post 679 IP   flag post
brightpolaris private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All,

I am Ravi, currently living in Delaware, USA!

I am a real estate agent (in DE). I also have an IT startup - which builds websites/ mobile apps integrating new technologies like VR, 3D tours, Drone, Artificial Intelligence. We also do the Digital marketing and holistic brand building. We currently provide services in USA, India, Singapore, Malaysia, UAE

We also have a BuildingTech startup, for the Building safety and security focused primarily for first responders using VR, IoT, AI

Good to be part of this team.

Pl contact me if you have any specific needs or questions

Thank You
Ravi Gupta
[Private Message me]
Post 680 IP   flag post

Salim private msg quote post Address this user
Hi WGAN members.
I am Salim Al Arafati from Oman, co-founder and CEO of Virtual Eye company. Our core business is to deliver virtual tours to our customers in real estate industry.
I am really happy to discover this forum.
Now we are using Richo theta V camera and we are considering to move to camera with better qulaity.
Do you know how quick relatively is matterport pro2 compared to theta V in shooting whole house? And what is the longest distance can be made between 2 consecutive scans?
And is matterport pro2 smooth if I want to generate virtual tours from cupix?
Post 681 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome. Thanks for join the We Get Around Network Forum.

I moved your questions to a new WGAN Forum discussion:

New WGAN Member Asks>Should I Switch to Matterport Pro2 from Ricoh Theta V?

Happy New Year,

Post 682 IP   flag post
photosintheround private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everybody..... and Happy New Decade's Eve!!!!
I am a photographer in Colorado, and I just started a Virtual Tour business, centered on Matterport for Real Estate and Google Street Maps integration for businesses (Although I really love Matterport!!!)

Looking forward to being part of this forum.


Post 683 IP   flag post
intellection3D private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone! I am very excited to be here, and very glad that this forum exists. @DanSmigrod thank your for founding this forum. For us with the vision to succeed to collaborate!

I look forward to learning and passing on knowledge learned myself! Good luck to everyone out there, the real estate game is changing and we are on the train of the future.
Post 684 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for joining the WGAN Forum and for your kind note.

Can you tell us about your business so we have context about why you joined?

Happy New Year,

Post 685 IP   flag post
steven_360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey there. Stefan from Germany here
Happy to join this community and curious about all the infos and contacts here.
I´m mostly scanning with my Pro2 bigger buildings and often very old buildings and also mines. My main focus is on the digital conservation of those old stuph!
Post 686 IP   flag post
marcoastan private msg quote post Address this user
Hi there,

I'm Marco from Halifax, Canada. I'm a real estate photographer and I work for a company that use matterport. I think this forum will be help me. Thank you for approving my account.
Post 687 IP   flag post
skretnica private msg quote post Address this user
Hey, I'm D. from Croata. i run a small Video and television production company and we decided to expand our business on virtual tours. We have Matterport pro 2, insta Pro 2, Insta360 one x, Theta V1, Theta Z1, and lots of others non360 cameras... Forum is great ..
Post 688 IP   flag post
VIRGENCY private msg quote post Address this user
Hey, I'm Jay. from UK. run a small video production company. We have insta pro 2, Teche Philmax. Nice to meet you guys1
Post 689 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
HI Jay, Welcome to the forum matey, there's a lot of great info and really helpful people on here so am sure you'll find it a great resource! The Teche Phiimax looks really interesting how have you found it?
Post 690 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@VIRGENCY @Convrts

I started a new WGAN Forum discussion for you ...

Teche Phiimax 3D Camera: Your thoughts?



P.S. @VIRGENCY welcome; and @Convrts great question ...
Post 691 IP   flag post
Andrew Nicholls
London, England
EyeSpy360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone - Andrew Nicholls - CEO of EyeSpy360. Great to finally be part of the WGAN Network and be able to offer all WGAN members a special pay as you go pricing model for Tours. For further info, take a look here:

Any questions about the offer, our platform etc, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Post 692 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for being a WGAN Gold Member and the @EyeSpy360 special offer for We Get Around Network Forum Members.

Plus, I look forward to you being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5!

WGAN-TV: EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform Demo for Photographers


Post 693 IP   flag post
tboyle private msg quote post Address this user
I'm self employed in Victoria, BC Canada and new to the world of 360 subsequently I need to learn at a rapid pace. Just bought an Insta360 one X and am now deciding on VT software. Tech changes so quickly it's hard to know what to use and who will be around in the long run. Help during this early learning curve would be my biggest support.
Post 694 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@tboyle @Home3D

I moved your discussion to here.

Help Please! "I am just getting started with my Insta360 One X Camera" ...


Post 695 IP   flag post
tboyle private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you.
Post 696 IP   flag post
Simcha private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone, I'm Sim Cha
I'm new to the whole pro photography scene.
I always loved talking pictures and am very interested in pursuing a business in photography.
I'm based in NYC.
I want to also take this opportunity to thank Dan the man for starting this forum. In the few hours I have browsed, I am astounded by the wealth of information that can be found here.
That needs to be recognized and applauded.
It is by no small part due to the fact that Dan may be the most engaged person in the business of an informational forum like this.
I will say that IF I do make the leap from curious spectator to entrepreneur I will definitely spring for one of the paid subscription models here as the free content is really worth a lot ...
I am super impressed at the same time with all the knowledgeable and friendly people on this forum sharing their knowledge.
Post 697 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@Simcha - Welcome Sim Cha. We are all indebted to Dan for expanding our knowledge and for his having connected us all together, from around the world. Good luck with your new endeavor.

To steal a line... "May the Forum be with you!"
Post 698 IP   flag post
Simcha private msg quote post Address this user
Love that line!
Post 699 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@Simcha @Home3D

Thank you for your super-kind words.

The We Get Around Network Forum Community is only possible because of Members like you; giving and getting help.


I hope the WGAN Forum can help you decide if you want to make the leap "from curious spectator to entrepreneur."

Enjoy your weekend,

Post 700 IP   flag post
holzr private msg quote post Address this user

I found the forum doing some digging around looking for advice comparing the Pro2 to some popular 360 cameras, I've been browsing and found a lot of great advice.

Looking to start a virtual tour business (ideally to scale and hire people), in the planning stages currently. Was contemplating the Z1 but I'm leaning on getting the Pro2 instead.
Post 701 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@holzr - If your plan is to create Matterport tours, get the Pro 2. Yes, it costs more and cannot shoot exteriors in direct sunlight, however it captures REAL depth data which means accurate measurements, floor plans and a world of difference. IMHO, the Z1 is a great 360° camera but should be viewed as an adjunct to the Pro cameras, not a replacement.

Good luck with your plans!
Post 702 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all - Scott here from New Zealand. Matterport Service Partner, using Pro2 and BLK360, also have some SDK and API developments underway. We've been doing this for over a year and focusing on operational uses - lots around investment properties using WP3D, MPEmbed, MP plus our own 2D Image Library. Also doing some cool outdoor stuff - for example:

Could not convert link

Have been browsing the forum for a while, great source of info and sharing, looking forward to helping others were we can, and being helped when we need it .
Post 703 IP   flag post
mefederau private msg quote post Address this user
Our sample tour is great! Thanks for sharing -
Post 704 IP   flag post
Shawn_P private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone! My name is Shawn Perkins. I've had a Matterport Pro 2 for almost a year now and started a Real Estate photography business. It's been like a train leaving the station but things are looking up. G

Glad to be a part of this community.
Post 705 IP   flag post
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