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monikahortobagyi private msg quote post Address this user
I am Monika from Hungary, I found this place, when I started to follow up of 3D virtual tours. I found an alternative solution of Matterport, which would available for me now, this solution could be the Cupix what I would like to use with 360 degree camera. So I'm looking for information, I'm collecting information, and I think this community is very useful for this learning processing, and later my work
Post 551 IP   flag post
MKourani private msg quote post Address this user
My name is Mohammad. I have a matterport campro2 and just started my own business in Beirut and Riyadh KSA I have got 4 Hotels,1 resort and 3 restaurants in my first month, which make a big achievement till now.
Post 552 IP   flag post
Premium360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone, my name is Renan, I'm from Brazil and I have a company called Premium360, my focus is being in the northeastern region of my country, where absolutely no one knows matterport. I am getting enough service and scheduling for next, I am looking for large malls and real estate and making agreements and contracts, I hope to share good experiences with you, hug.
Post 553 IP   flag post
DaveChawaga private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings Dan and We Get Around Network! Dave here from Robotic Imaging Group. We are a VR tour and architectural modeling company primarily focused on the AEC industry. We integrate Matterport, Drone, Leica and other technologies in innovative ways for our customers. We are also a Leica BLK360 distributor. So great to be part of this forum!
Post 554 IP   flag post
Hemet, CA
RobertGalletta private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, my name is Robert and own and operate a company called "Dexterity Creative Solutions". We specialize in Matterport 3D imaging as well as drone photography and videography. I'm located in sunny Southern California (Inland Empire).
Post 555 IP   flag post

NuhaElTahir private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Everyone

Its a pleasure joining this lovely community
I work with a company in Bahrain and we create 3D showcases using the amazing Matterport.
I have personally worked using matterport for over a year.
I hope I can be of help answering questions about matterport as well as ask my own .

Thank you Dan for this forum
Post 556 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @click360tours

Total Newbies

We are serial entrepreneurs and fallen in love with the commercial opportunities for GSV 3D VR AR.

Completed a few shoots already which out of the box was pretty easy. Big challenge is learning how to tie external 360 to internal 3D and how to use workshop for best practises.

Post 557 IP   flag post
peakeagle private msg quote post Address this user
My name is Kevin and our business "Viz3dspaces" is just off the ground and running. We do drone work and 3d modeling for new homes as well as Matterport models. Right now I am trying to find the best solution for 360 tours from ariel shots getting down inside the Matterport models. This forum is a wealth of knowledge. Thanks so much!
Post 558 IP   flag post
SteveP private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, Steve here from Virtual View LLC located in Branford, Connecticut. We create Matterport Virtual Tours and service all of CT and RI. Customer Service is our #1 priority. Contact us at [Private Message us] or visit our website for additional information,
Post 559 IP   flag post
michaelr private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, My name is Michael from u There Imaging in New Jersey. I just got into Matterport 3D Imaging because i was trying to find something that mixes real estate and tech, and its amazing the feedback I have been getting from people.

And thanks Dan, for the great Forum as well. The information here has really helped me starting up.
Post 560 IP   flag post
George_WALKINTOUR private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I'm actually been here a while, but we recently created and upgraded our account for @WALKINTOUR. We have been producing Matterport 360s and providing professional real estate photography since 2015 and currently are based in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. We also have locations in the Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, San Jose, and Seattle areas.

Our website is at:


George Su
Post 561 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, my name is Colin from Onsite Foto in northern Connecticut. While researching a possible Matterport investment I found this very informative site. Thanks for letting me join.
Post 562 IP   flag post
sqfeet private msg quote post Address this user
I am Matthew Bissett, owner and operator of Square Feet Photography and
Floor Plans in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I own and regularly use both
iGuide cameras ( I have 3) and also Matterport. I love that they provide different ways for my Realtor Clients to sell houses faster and more efficiently.

My website is:
Post 563 IP   flag post
Ingo private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all,

I'm Ingo, based in London and recently made the leap into actually doing 360º here.

I have some prior knowledge of the network but thought to get sorted and contribute.

Nice to be here.
Post 564 IP   flag post
Jill_Kyle private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I can cross this forum when I was researching Matterport. I quickly became fascinated with the sharing of information here. What a great resource to collaborate find information! I did get a Matterport camera to add to the services I provide. I am a photographer located in New Hampshire.
Post 565 IP   flag post
rob private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

Greetings from London, U.K. Recently purchased a MC250 camera and like to stay in touch with industry professionals.

Post 566 IP   flag post
skiseattle private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

I represent an A&E firm with a large building survey department utilizing the latest in laser scanning technology and we have several Matterport cameras we utilize as well. We have a dozen offices in the US and our clients are large corporate retail and restaurant brands. Our clients love the final product that Matterport provides, but because of our increasing volume of work there is some limitation of scale we are running up against. I am hoping to get some new insights and learnings from this community and keep up to date on the evolving technology.

Post 567 IP   flag post
annevanzwol private msg quote post Address this user

Hi all. Recently I started my own business (see for 3D/360/VR visualisation. Exciting times going into new markets, meeting new people. Really enjoying the ride so far. This forum has been a usefull source of information and it's time to join.
Post 568 IP   flag post
YEP private msg quote post Address this user

I am starting a business and researching on the Matterport path, and Google Street View.

[moved your question to a new discussion. - Dan]
Post 569 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Hi there We Get Arounders!
I'm Anthony from Convrts, a UK based Matterport service provider. This looks like just the place to hang out as am loving all the knowledge being shared on here.. what a fantastic resource and seems like a really supportive community I'm so glad I found you guys!
Anyway, I have a million questions for you but I'll search the forums before becoming a newbie pain in your collective butts.
Thanks again for having me
Post 570 IP   flag post
rshah private msg quote post Address this user

My Name is Rajoo Shah,from Mumbai, India. Just bought Matterport Pro2 Camera and planning to become Matterport Service Provider.

1st Matterport Scan in next two days, hoping to have good result.

I own and run 2 companies, providing content creations for Real Estate Marketing. Services include Graphics, Multimedia, Social Media Marketing and provide various 2D & 3D CAD services.

Looking forward to be part of the community. It is certainly very helpful and interesting, specially for a newcomer like me.

Kind Regards.

Rajoo Shah
Post 571 IP   flag post
AleksandarB private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

I'm Aleksandar Boskovic, originaly from Serbia (central-east Europe). I work as a property consultant in Dubai, U.A.E. for Dream Catcher real estate. I'm new in this, only 6 months of experience.
Recently I found out about Matterport and I would appriciate help from more experienced colleagues.
Best regards to you all,

It is a priviledge to be here with you.


Post 572 IP   flag post
rafrenteria98 private msg quote post Address this user

I'm Rafael Renteria and I'm a Google Trusted Photographer from the NW Ohio area. I have a virtual tour service, Dart-Frog, that I run and I use Pano2vr and a Ricoh Theta to build and shoot tours. I've recently become acquainted with some people from GeoCV and they mentioned that this was a very helpful forum for people in my space and I'm glad they directed me here. I've been doing alright with finding Facebook groups with people in the industry but this is more of what I want to see. Looking forward to a lot of learning and contributing!
Post 573 IP   flag post
tolga private msg quote post Address this user

This is Tolga, just found about this platform while searching for a solution of snapshot problem.. will mention the problem in another post, in the meantime I believe the problem caused one good result and that is finding about this forum. happy scanning all!
Post 574 IP   flag post
Josephcnorris private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

My name is Joseph and I am starting a new business named Ultima Floor Plans in the Dallas Texas area. While researching a possible Matterport and other floor plan tools on YouTube I found this site. Thanks for letting me join.
Post 575 IP   flag post
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
RayV private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, my name is Ray Velez. I am a Matterport Service Provider and I own Ravens Eye 3D Imaging in the Lehigh Valley. Looking to learn a lot from this site...
Post 576 IP   flag post
TrinaJones private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, my name is Trina Jones. Just brought the Matterport camera and want to try some luck with it.
Post 577 IP   flag post
CharlesHH private msg quote post Address this user
Hi. My name is Charles and I have just purchased a Matterport camera system and I'm busy setting up my website and getting some demo tours done to use as examples. This forum seems to answer a lot of the questions that I have.
I'm based in Belgium so not a lot of Matterport users yet. Can't wait to get started.
Post 578 IP   flag post
R1CH4RD private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all,

My name is Richard and I have purchased Matterport last Christmas. Love the result, just open a business for real estate scans. Still having lots of problems, but it is getting better. Hope soon will able to scan quality scan soon.
Post 579 IP   flag post
linnkoontz private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to 360 and learning 3dVista software. My plan is to have a business doing real estate work. Starting off with the Mi Sphere 360 camera. If you have any advise for me concerning the Mi Sphere camera, 3dVista software and the real estate 360 business I am all ears!
Post 580 IP   flag post
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