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UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Hello. My password's not "Password" but the thought crossed my mind. I'm a C# Unity software developer interested in virtual reality technology. In addition to studying Google's Project Tango, I've spent months learning about Matterport. I also visit Matterport Gear VR home models frequently -- they're some of the best examples of real virtual reality locations.

Hopefully I'm alive when Internet downloads occur instantly, every human has VR eye glasses, 3D cameras can scan a room in seconds and Matterport point cloud servers can generate five models per minute. A home buyer could then don VR spectacles, visit a realtor website and explore properties from an easy chair.

Additionally, navigation through a VR model would be as smooth as moving through a 3D video game. I have lots of ideas like this, but current Earth technology limitations often put a damper on implementation. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the past.
Post 351 IP   flag post
Basic Member
Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, I have a 3D printing and 3D scanning service bureau in Boston area, ( and have recently started with Matterport scanning. Looking forward to connecting with the group, and thank you for all the great resources.
Post 352 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I look forward to reading more of your commentary on this space. I your writing style.


Have you tried 3D printing of one of your Matterport scans?

Post 353 IP   flag post
jward private msg quote post Address this user
Here I come! I've worked in real estate technology behind the scenes for 10 years now. I've finally taken the leap of starting my own business after eyeing the Matterport camera for close to two years now. I've been learning how to start a small business and am trying to make as few mistakes as possible. I look forward to the collaboration of the community and learning from each other, as competitive as I might be I really wish I would have bought the camera when I first wanted to since I'm having to play catch up now to the other Los Angeles folks. Go big or go home... so my first scan is a 6k sq ft doosy. I forgot a bathroom, learned about tri-pod placement, and how the geometry comes into play when placing mattertags. --jward
Post 354 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @mmchase
Hi All,
I join this forum to learn more about this camera.
Post 355 IP   flag post

bsbokor private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings from the Tampa, Florida area...I am a Real Appraiser and my wife the Owner of a small Real Estate Brokerage. We had no knowledge of this product until inadvertently stumbling across a virtual tour that used the Matterport platform while previewing a prospective property...and it blew us away!...but...

My 1st piece of advice for anyone using this for Real Estate marketing purposes is to make sure the end-user knows that the Matterport 3D tour is available! This jewel of a product is hidden under a bland "tour 2" button with no description anywhere in the MLS listing as to it's availability...what a waste!

To make matters worse, when this listing syndicated with other Real estate platforms (Zillow, Trulia,, etc) the "base standard" virtual tour - you know, the one where still shots are blended together - was available while the Matterport 3D product was not...bummer!

Could other Real Estate agents on this forum please chime in on how they make the end-user aware that the listing is utilizing a Matterport 3D tour?...And do any other agents have any syndication problems with these 3rd party real estate sites where the Matterport 3D tour does not syndicate correctly?

Thanks in advance for any replies...
Post 356 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
In our MLS we can put the Matterport scan link in the first position as the virtual tour. I would have to check to see what comments we can make in the listing to direct people to the scan, it would have to be the unbranded scan. You can modify your listing on Zillow, Trulia, realtor,, etc.
Post 357 IP   flag post
GLARI_International private msg quote post Address this user
Hello from Milwaukee, WI AKA-Brew City USA!
We are a Veteran owned and family operated company here in the heartland.
Our team consists of myself and my son. He is a trained Graphic Artist and computer programmer, and my experience is in Marketing and Visual Communications. (Mainly Museum and large company branded environments.)

It's been a dream to work as a family, so that how we got our start, and haven't looked back since!

Glad to be a member here and looking forward to chatting with everyone!
Post 358 IP   flag post
Rfenton private msg quote post Address this user
Hi from Thousand Oaks, CA. I have just over l year of video production and photography experience specifically focused on real estate. I just acquired the Matterport camera this past week. Today I was finally able to use it on my own home which is fairly new with 3300 sq ft. It took a good 4 hours but some of that time was from prep work... I'm very excited to see my first model production! And I can't wait to start marketing this amazing camera. You can view some of my photography and video work at clickable text

Post 359 IP   flag post
Rfenton private msg quote post Address this user
Rob Fenton from Thousand Oaks, CA. My first scan: clickable text
Post 360 IP   flag post
Rfenton private msg quote post Address this user
Actually here's my first scan:
Post 361 IP   flag post
aschroyer private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all. My name is Andrew, currently based out of Minneapolis, MN . My background comes from being a UX/UI designer & startup tech advisor. I previously co-founded a music app called Rapchat which I worked on for 2 years up until March this year. I've found this space enjoyable to work in and work long hours each day to expand my knowledge while also providing the 3D VR tours for the twin cities and all of North Dakota (mostly Grand Forks and Fargo). I also have found this group to be exceptional to read everyday whether it be new topics I want to read or material I have questions on. Feel free to connect, and I look forward to contributing a lot more on topics I can add a valuable opinion on.
Post 362 IP   flag post
ListAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Rfenton
Actually here's my first scan:

Rob, what you will notice is you have some black in your floorplan because you didn't scan some corners. I tend to over scan and then hide those in the workshop. They will fill in data but viewers can't navigate to that area of the room. Also change your starting location so it looks into the main room and not the front wall. Nice job on your first scan.

Post 363 IP   flag post
ListAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
I'm excited to be part of the forum. We have been doing matterport for a few months and are just getting into the forum. We specialize in assisting realtors and commercial properties with their listings. We do traditional photography, aerial and matterport. Here is a matterport we just did for a homebuilder:
clickable text

I look forward to diving into the forums and learning all I can. Thanks all for all the great info.

clickable text
Post 364 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All
My name is Benn Farrawell and I am just waiting for my first Matterport Camera to make it to Australia.
Forums like this are a great resource and I am a true believer of the T.E.A.M environment Together Everyone Achieves More. I look forward to being a active member in your community.
Post 365 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Ben
Where are you from?
Post 366 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
Mid North Coast of NSW Australia a place called Kempsey
Post 367 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Nice place. I'm from Newcastle originally (now in Canada)
I use to holiday in Hat Head and Nambucca quite often
Post 368 IP   flag post
skycamguatemala private msg quote post Address this user
Hello there!!! I am Francisco, and I live in Guatemala, Central America. I have been a photographer for the last 20 years, and have been working with drones (I have 12) for doing commercial, construction and corporate works, and I just bought my Matterport Scanner, I am very exited, since I have been playing with VR for the last year.
Post 369 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Jamie
Originally Posted by Jamie
Nice place. I'm from Newcastle originally (now in Canada)
I use to holiday in Hat Head and Nambucca quite often

No matter where I travel in the world somebody knows Kempsey.
The Mid NOrth Coast is one of my favorite places in the world.
Great to meet you.

Post 370 IP   flag post
Olivius private msg quote post Address this user
Hi from Monaco,

Passionate by photography and working on VR dev for architect mainly in the yachting world, that have led us to this amazing matterport device. Yachting is a world very confidential, but we are proud to show our last large scan as it was on a press release yesterday. For info this have been done in 5 hours and around 200 scans it's not perfect, but will be fixed and completed in september with the new matterport features announced. Was not an easy job, but we have done some smaller yachts before to improve our alignment technics (moving environment are more complex to scan properly). This one will be followed by some other in september for the Cannes and Monaco Yacht show. Thanks all for all the great info we can find in this forum. I think I read every posts in the last 2 month and was very very useful

Post 371 IP   flag post
MitchRvGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Hello from Sacramento California

This is Mitch "The Rv Guy" with Mr Motorhome the largest preowned Rv dealership on the west coast. We are starting up with Matterport 3d tours on all of our Motorhome and fifth wheel inventory, as far as I can tell the first major dealership to use the technology.

We are looking forward to the inside demos however we are looking at ways to incorporate an entire outside / inside tour.

This is a nice upgrade from our full video tours we have been doing until now.

Look forward to being an active community member.
Post 372 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


What a great use for Matterport Spaces: helping pre-owned RVs.

While most of the MUG Forum Members are photographers or real estate agents, it's great that you joined the community ...


Post 373 IP   flag post
MitchRvGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan! Its been of extreme help to me so far in planning around issues I myself did not have to encounter personally. For example figuring out to "wall off" the motorhome around seven feet away as a "window" box around it makes the scans have far less spray on the dollhouse while still looking amazing. Propping open doors and also making the inside of the RV a different level so you cant skip through the walls as easily really help!
Post 374 IP   flag post
nebulae3d private msg quote post Address this user
I am from Virginia Beach, VA and found this fabulous forum following some discussions about Matterport 3D Pro camera after googling this product. Thanks a lot for Dan and other people on this forum, from whom I learned a lot about this product. I am newbie in this field and will continue to learn from veterans on this forum.
Post 375 IP   flag post
cjdesigns private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Everyone,

I'm a Web developer / designer. I specialize in Real Estate and Photography websites.

Currently I'm building a theme ...

Stay tuned for more info!
Post 376 IP   flag post
dmac802 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey everyone...I'm a architectural photographer that wants to expand my services and MP seems like the perfect way to do that. Already read several threads and this looks like a great source of information.
Post 377 IP   flag post
vchelf private msg quote post Address this user
Howdy from Houston. I'm Victor Chelf, a Broker Associate and Realtor with Coldwell Banker United, Realtors. I've been a Realtor for 14 years. I have a passion for photography and techie stuff. I shoot my own listing photos using HDR photography with a Nikon D800 and a Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 lens. I ran across a Matterport virtual tour on a listing one day and was blown away. I am SERIOUSLY considering jumping on board but I like to do my research before dropping some serious cash into a new venture. This forum is terrific in helping newbies assess the pros/cons, strengths/weaknesses, can dos/can't dos. Thanks for contributing to the knowledge base. It really helps! Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to contribute, too.
Post 378 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@RandyChavers writes


Just purchased the camera with the plan to shoot both inside and outside our listings throughout the Caribbean Islands and Western Atlantic. I'm Managing Director for Coldwell Banker Island Affiliates and look forward to working with the platform.


Randy Chavers, Managing Director
Coldwell Banker Island Affiliates
Caribbean Islands & Western Atlanta
Post 379 IP   flag post
vchelf private msg quote post Address this user
A couple of days ago, I was debating. Yesterday, I took the plunge. Today, I got my FedEx shipping confirmation. My Matterport camera is on its way! I'm looking forward to experimenting and learning about the features. I know this will be a great group to help me through the process.
Post 380 IP   flag post
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