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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the forum, very phenomenal work, are you sure your in the right place
Post 301 IP   flag post
AgentG private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @ron0987 ! Going to share some of the stuff we have been working on with some of the matterport files. Hopefully you guys can give me insight on the stuff we are trying to put together! Exciting times. Look forward to meeting all you guys!
Post 302 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I will be first inline to see, any insight you need please ask. Very exciting and looking forward to seeing more and meeting you.

Post 303 IP   flag post
joooowan private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all.

My name's Juwan, new RE photographer from LA. Just added matterport to my line of products. Hoping to see what this new piece of hardware can do.
Post 304 IP   flag post
pirusan private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Everybody:

On and Off long time Forum lurker. Looking forward to interact with you all.

Post 305 IP   flag post

ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome joooowan and pirusan glad to see you, great forum for information and feedback.

Post 306 IP   flag post
candy4me private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,
Im Nancy Chung.

I havent purchased a camera yet but wanted to gather more information about it and am very interested, as I work in real estate. Pros, cons, how to set up business, methods, etc.
I believe real estate should and will eventually head in this direction!
Post 307 IP   flag post
pirusan private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 Thank you for the warm welcome!
Post 308 IP   flag post
manolohk private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, my name is Manolo. I´m from Mexico city. I´m glad to have found this forum. Here is one of my first scans I hope you like it

Rabbot Startup Nest:
Post 309 IP   flag post
LuisBrilanti private msg quote post Address this user
Hola Manolo,

Solo una sugerencia, en el baño puedes bajar la altura de la Camara
Para que no se reflejé en el espejo.
Just advice him to lower the hight of the camera in front of the mirror so it doesn't show.
Post 310 IP   flag post
manolohk private msg quote post Address this user
Hola @LuisBrilanti , No sabía que podías bajar la cámara y aún se viera bien la imagen. Gracias por el tip! // Thanks!

The following was added by @DanSmigrod via Google Translate

I did not know you could lower the camera and still see the picture well. Thanks for the tip! //
Post 311 IP   flag post
walk360 private msg quote post Address this user
My name is Natalia, I have been working with MP for over a year now.... and I love it. there is much to learn so I'm glad I found you

I have a problem with the camera today ;(

[@DanSmigrod Curation Follows]

Please see ...

Matterport Camera Falls->Bad Sound/Now What?
Post 312 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@walk360 and @GarySnyder

Please move the Camera issue discussion here ...
Post 313 IP   flag post
fburch private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone!!

I am a retired software developer in a small town just west of Fort Worth, Texas.

I've gotten the technical part down (mostly...) and am finding the marketing part much more challenging. Thanks to Dan for creating this resource and to everyone for posting so much helpful information.

PS LOVE the 3D Showcase for iOS, exactly what I needed to make marketing easier, it's like Matterport was reading my mind.
Post 314 IP   flag post
CVFD_Madman private msg quote post Address this user
Hello folks, I'm Michael. My wife and I bought a camera for our RE business a couple months ago and have approx 20 models so far...incredible product, a definite game changer for real estate. This forum is a great idea and I look forward to both learning and helping out however possible.
Post 315 IP   flag post
falnatsha private msg quote post Address this user
Good to find an active forum about 3D scanning, looking forward to explore the site.
Post 316 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by walk360
My name is Natalia, I have been working with MP for over a year now.... and I love it. there is much to learn so I'm glad I found you

Hola Natalia desde Venezuela
Post 317 IP   flag post
FuturePhotography private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

My name is Barry and I moved from Germany to Dubai a half a year ago. I am going to purchase a MP very soon and set up a business here in the UAE. I will most likely be traveling to San Francisco within the next 2 months and would like to meet with some people in the SF area who have a business using the MP to see how they have things set up and maybe take some advise back home with me. In return I could assist for a day (for free obviously ). pls PM. Would be nice to meet some MP users
Post 318 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
[Moving thread here]

Originally Posted by @BarrieFisherPhoto
Hi everyone,

My name is Barrie and this is my first post. I have been reading the MUG posts for the past few weeks and have been learning what I can, before I start my first job.
Thank you for all of your questions and answers, I know all of this will help me. Once I am up and running on a regular basis.

I wish you all lots of success!

Post 319 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @suncoastskyview
Welcome Barrie!

This website is a wonderful resource for all of us. The Matterport camera is amazingly simple to use, but every once in a while, unexpected problems come up and this is where you find solutions to fix them.

Many thanks to Dan and all the participants for making this site a reality.

Rick Odato
Sarasota, FL
Suncoast Skyview, Inc.
Post 320 IP   flag post
Appleton, WI
ben629 private msg quote post Address this user
hi, my name is Ben. I'm a realtor in wisconsin and i shoot matterport for my company
Post 321 IP   flag post
Jmoore private msg quote post Address this user

Founded a 3D baseball/softball video swing analysis company ( which utilizes the Kinect 3D camera. This entire 3D technology field is quite exciting.

This Matterport 3D camera and technolgy is stunning. Applications seem endless. I look forward to learning about your business with intentions of developing a business to build and share with my wife. This forum has been critical in my due diligence gathering stage. Congrats to you all and continued success.

Thanks to Dan for facilitating forum and your all participation and sharing your experiences and challenges. This information been invaluable in terms of due diligence gathering. Much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Post 322 IP   flag post
dorlando private msg quote post Address this user
Wow Jim, welcome! Kind words to the group too. Like you I am a lover of this technology, looking at what you are doing with it is impressive! Your product looks incredible. Could do the same for Golf i'd assume. Is this something you license out or an exclusive to you there? Way to go sir.
Post 323 IP   flag post
Albany, NY
bmnyphoto private msg quote post Address this user
Hello to all. My name is Bob, and I am a Photographer in the NY area. I am trying to increase my business and have just purchased a Matterport. Looking forward to reading and learning... Thanks!!
Post 324 IP   flag post
TuanDinh private msg quote post Address this user
Hello from Viet nam,

We just add Matterport 3D scanning technology as new service of VNI - a company with ten year experience in 3D vitual visualization for Real estate field. We are the first company use Matterport camera in Viet Nam and I'm looking forward to learn more from you here.

Post 325 IP   flag post
lissieholland private msg quote post Address this user

I'm from NY/NJ area. I have experience in the more standard form of photography. My father purchased this camera in hopes to expand and further our business in the electrical industry.

We are super excited to learn more about this device and everything it's capable of! We look forward to hearing everyones ideas and tips as well as
being an addition to all the helpful information.

King Regards,

Post 326 IP   flag post
Jacksonville, FL
MonicaLea private msg quote post Address this user

I wanted to give a quick 'Hello' to the forum today. I have had the MP camera for several months and am looking forward to the continuous words of wisdom from this amazing Matterport-minded group!
Post 327 IP   flag post
lisahinson private msg quote post Address this user
very nice website @MonicaLea!
Post 328 IP   flag post
carissa0316 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi I'm Cary. Just joined. But have had the camera since last year. Soo looking forward to learning more from all of you.
Post 329 IP   flag post
wallyhawk private msg quote post Address this user
So glad I found this forum!

My name is Adam, just got my matterport about a week ago and am looking to ramp up my business fast. I have made quite a few connections in the Real Estate world flipping houses but getting a new business going is never an easy venture.

I did a sample scan of a really nice house and learned a ton through trial and error. Biggest tip I can give to fellow newbies is don't be shy on the number of scans you do! The tours will feel stiff and less than user friendly if you move too fast through it.
Post 330 IP   flag post
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