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Matterport Spin Counting OdometerSerial NumberStolen

Can Matterport provide a usage report by Pro2 Camera Serial Number?13809

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

A WGAN Member asks:

Is there any way to know [b]when a Matterport camera has been used?

For example, I allow someone to basically keep a camera that scans for me often. However, they are free to engage in their own business if they want ..I encourage them to.

Reason I do that is because I'm supposed to get a camera rental fee in those scenarios. So, wondering if Matterport could possibly provide a monthly report on when a camera with a certain serial number is you know if that is even possible? [/b]

My Reply

Why not make part of your deal that the photographer adds you to their Matterport Cloud account? Would that then answer your question for how much your revenue share should be?

Your thoughts?

Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I wonder if Matterport should provide a "spin odometer" for counting camera scans. That might help with the scenario above and with selling the camera used.

Your thoughts?

Post 2 IP   flag post
Axis360Media private msg quote post Address this user
They know, and they used to tell us for free. I read recently they stopped. They also offer little help for stolen devices. I had one stolen that has to be somewhere, yet it’s never been used for a scan since I used it. I am skeptical.
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WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@Axis360...when your camera was stolen (had this issue once myself) ...Hoping you can provide a few more details...So, MP claimed they could see the usage based on the serial number of your stolen camera?? And you say they used to provide that info for free? How did they provide it? Did you have to just email support and ask? Sure would love to know if my stolen camera was never used.
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WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
I mean, based on the fact many of us are about to be paying them lots more money (again), sure would be nice to get services like this in return. I believe that if MP doesn't offer more in return to us all...they are shooting themselves in the foot big time. There is so many more options now in the marketplace than it was back when they were pretty much the only game.
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WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
And yes Dan, having an odometer would be awesome to know when trying to purchase a used camera.
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Axis360Media private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray Matterport didn’t offer tracking. However I reported the theft and they told me that no one could use it. The odometer thing is something others have claimed matterport support provided, but is no longer doing. I have not experienced this myself but it was a reliable source.
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Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
Would be great if someone came up with a third party tool or app using the Matterport SDK, that could provide this feature of a spin counter
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briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
I doubt the camera would track spaces... but it would probably know spins. Spaces is in application issue. Scans/spins is a hardware issue.
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Bennett private msg quote post Address this user

Here is the metadata from a Theta Z1, it's interesting that they do not included the camera serial number in their metadata. The light grey image is from using the "Preview" on a Mac, then select "Tools" and then select "Show Inspector" to see the metadata. The black background image is from "Photo Mechanic 6" software and their you can see the image count for that camera.
Post 10 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
EXIF data is pretty standardized. Canon has a whole other set of data that you can pull if you connect to the camera. Ricoh should be similar.

The MP isn't a "camera" in the traditional sense, but a camera array with a microprocessor. I'd almost guarantee it's collecting and sending telemetry, but they are unlikely to tell you anything about it.
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