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Has anyone used the Halo panorama light with Ricoh Theta Z1?13520

PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone ever used one of these?

Bushman HALO 360 Light

Looks interesting.

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PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user

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PaulM private msg quote post Address this user
the problem is that the light is underneath the camera, better than nothing but the shadows may be cast upwards which looks unnatural, horror film lighting sometimes uses this look to unsettle the viewer.

You would have to test it to see the effect but the light should be as close to the camera as possible, not way below. I experimented with a thin metal strap to mount a light on top of the camera but never completed it successfully (I still think it could work)
Post 3 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
@PaulM I don't completely disagree.

Also, I believe the example in the photo is way to far down.

I my experience it depends on how diffused the light source is as to whether the "horror" lighting would be objectionable. Without faces it might not be a problem.

Also sometimes one has to take a bit of good with the bad.

I ran into a situation the other day where the daylight saving time change was not in my favor and I had a living room with ZERO light. The Z1 did a decent job but as light goes down so goes up the ISO and noise.

I am just wondering if some supplemental light would help in that situation? With stills I would have just used an LED or Strobe. Not really possible with 360's.

We seem to have several products that might help. Interesting idea about the wire. Problem as I see that is it would be in the Zenith. So in my opinion the light needs to be just low enough to be outside of the field of view or at least what you are comfortable patching.

In addition to the Bushman Panoramic website, I did find this on B&H.

Halo lumens = 775

Litra lumens = 800 each so with 5 this might be really bright

Pretty sure your milage will vary.

I would like to hear from someone that has one or the other or both. Everything else (including me) is speculation.

Post 4 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
I ordered both of those lights today. I used the discount Dan provided. It got me 20% off.

In effect this site paid for itself for another 2 months.

Since daylight savings time has me shooting at darker times, I thought this could add some flexibility and quality for both my stills and 360's.

The plan is to see how they might enhance both stills and 360's.

I can see using the torch lights below the Z1 and the Halo mounted in a cold shoe. Since I am doing timed exposures with my 2+ bracket at the 1 sec mark f11 ISO 800 mostly.

I am hoping that the torch lights will be bright enough to lower the iso and noise on the Z1 but not overpower the room lights.

I will keep you posted and post,

Post 5 IP   flag post
PaulM private msg quote post Address this user
interested to hear your thoughts on both
Post 6 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
@PaulM I will test them and hopefully I'll have a empty house soon to do some AB testing.

Possibly one of my other posts was concussing.

I did purchase the following:

The Halo light from B&H

The Litra Panorama kit with 5 lights and the bracket (this is the only company that was giving a 20% discount to us). From the Manufacture.

I do not have a Matterport camera and I did not purchase that model of Litra lights.

I will try to rig something up similar for Stills with those lights.

I have been wanting to do this for years. I did the flash method for awhile and it was too much work fo me.

Hoping that these continuous lights will make it faster and possible to give my Realtors a better product.

Post 7 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
I was able to catch a small townhome this weekend to try out the Halo light. I wanted to do an A/B on it but he agent needed to go and UBER. Really nice lady, doing what it takes to keep things going in this pandemic.

I have changed my pricing. I don't bill until the home sells. Call me crazy.

Anyway, I am liking this effect. I didn't do anything except run these through Lightroom.

Please see what you think. I'll try to do one with and without the next time I get a home with a lockbox and time.

Also, the other lights should be in soon. Looking forward to trying them.

Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Halo 360º Light


Do you have any "before" and "after" using the Halo 360º light with your Ricoh Theta Z1?

Happy holidays,

Post 9 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I do not have a complete before and after but I did go back and shoot some staged rooms so I created a small tour with the before rooms (without Halo) and the staged rooms (with Halo). This little example is lightly edited as I just exported them out of Lightroom and didn't edit the Nadir out for this example. I also left in the mono pod so you could see the Halo light.

Here is the finished tour with the Halo lights only on the staged rooms.

What I take away from this is one does have to watch their reflections and light placement. Also, not completely a great test as part of the shots were done in the daytime (no Halo) and part were done at night (with Halo). I believe it would have been harder to do this at night without the Halo.


Post 10 IP   flag post
PickChuck private msg quote post Address this user
Happy New Year all,

Here is a shoot I did yesterday with the Halo light. It was getting dark. One can see the shadows on the furniture and some reflections. I think it's a small trade off.

Also, this is the Z1 with built in HDR and a little editing in Lightroom. The birds eye is SOC JPG from DJI Mavic 2 Pro.

Here are the stills

This is the Zillow Pano. Same images. Unfortunately there is no editing on the Zillow ones.

Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

HALO 360 Light (Ricoh Theta Z1 NOT included)

WGAN Text2Win Sweepstakes: Win HALO 360 Light in this week's WGAN Text2Win Promotion #7!

Hi WGAN Forum Members,

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