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79-WGAN-TV Asteroom Virtual Staging with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai

Matterport digital twin by North Idaho and Eastern Washington Matterport Service Provider CaptureNW Photographer Jeff Nitschke (For the Entrance AFTER Asteroom virtual staging, please see #3 below)

Hi All,

Below is the transcription from the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show that aired Thursday, 1 October 2020:

Asteroom Virtual Staging with Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai

Asteroom Virtual Staging is $49.99 Per 360 Panorama: 48 Hours Turnaround

Asteroom Virtual Staging for WGAN Forum Members is $49.99 per 360 panorama with 48 hours turnaround and available in four different styles, Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai announced Wednesday, 30 September 2020. [Join WGAN Forum (free)]

As few as one (1) virtually staged 360 panorama can be ordered, though Asteroom anticipates that WGAN Forum Members will want to order virtual staging for three 360 panoramas:

✓ Entrance
✓ Living Room
✓ Big Bed Room

Asteroom Virtual Staging can be done either for:

✓ Spaces without furniture
✓ Spaces with existing furniture (Asteroom "removes" the existing furniture and then re-stages the space)

Asteroom Also Announced Wednesday, 30 September 2020

✓ The first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle is free for WGAN Forum Members with promo code WGANAsteroom on this special Asteroom landing page - for a limited time - effective today (Wednesday, 30 September 2020).
✓ Additional Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundles are now $49.99 each for WGAN Forum Members.

The free and special pricing offers for WGAN Forum Members are made by WGAN Gold Member, Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO Eric Tsai.

Physical staging is not a cost-effective option for many sellers, with the service’s high price bracket keeping it nearly exclusive to the high-end luxury market. The average cost for physical staging can range from $300 to $600 for an initial consultation, and upwards of $500 for each staged room each month the property is staged, often costing thousands of dollars per month.

Virtual staging looks as good as real-life staging and costs much less: about 10 percent of physical staging.

According to the 2019 National Association of REALTORS (NAR) Home Staging Profile report:

✓ 83% of buyers' agents noted that staging made it easier for buyers to visualize the property as a future home.
✓ 25% of buyers’ agents said that staging a home increased the offer between 1% and 5% compared to un-staged listings.
✓ 17% of sellers’ agents said that staging increased the dollar value of a home between 6% and 10%.

Learn more about Asteroom Virtual Staging in the WGAN-TV Live at 5 interview with guest @EricTsai that first aired Thursday, 1 October 2020.

Below are Asteroom BEFORE and AFTER examples used during the show. (See bottom right corner for BEFORE and AFTER buttons.)

Contemporary Style Virtual Staging

1. Bedroom (Shot with no furniture)
2. Living Room (Shot with one existing table and chairs to be removed)
3. Entrance (Shot with room-full of furniture) Matterport digital twin by North Idaho and Eastern Washington Matterport Service Provider CaptureNW Photographer Jeff Nitschke

Traditional Style Virtual Staging

4. Living Room (shot with a room-full of furniture that needed to be replaced)

Farm House Style Virtual Staging

5. Living Room (Shot empty)

Industrial Style Virtual Staging

6. Living Room (Shot with a room-full of furniture to be replaced)

Plus, I included WGAN-TV Live at 5 show (above): Deep-Dive into Asteroom Virtual Staging with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai.

Related WGAN Forum Discussions

Asteroom Virtual Staging is $49.99 Per 360 Panorama: 48 Hours Turnaround
✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Asteroom

Two Free Offers

Two free offers for Asteroom 24/7 Open House Virtual Tours incentive taking Asteroom for a Spin:

Offer 1 by Asteroom: 1st Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle is Free for WGAN Forum Members
Offer 2 by WGAN: 1st Asteroom Virtual Staging of a 360 is free for WGAN Forum Members in October 2020


Questions about Asteroom Virtual Staging?



P.S. Please note that the "Player" used to display the BEFORE and AFTER views in examples #1-6 (above) is not presently available as an Asteroom option.

Four virtual staging styles are offered by Asteroom ...


Screen Grab 1: Asteroom Virtual Staging Style: Contemporary

Screen Grab 2: Asteroom Virtual Staging Style: Industrial

Screen Grab 3: Asteroom Virtual Staging Style: Traditional

Screen Grab 4: Asteroom Virtual Staging Style: Farmhouse

Transcript (video above)

- Hi, all I'm Dan Smigrod. Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, October 1st, 2020, and you're watching WGAN TV Live at 5.

We have a great show for you today. Our topic is Asteroom Virtual Staging. We're going to do a deep-dive demo and a discussion. And our perfect guest for that is, Asteroom co-Founder CEO, Eric Tsai. Eric, good to see you again.

- Hey Dan. Hey, everybody. Thanks for being on the show again, Eric. I appreciate it. Eric, how about jumping into Asteroom Virtual Staging? Perhaps you could show us some before and some after examples?

- Okay. Sure. Let's see.

- So, if you want to share screen right at the bottom.

- Yep. In one second.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- There. Okay. While Eric is getting set up, I'll also just mention that later in the show we're going to have two special offers to talk about.

About the first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle: free! And the first Asteroom 360 panorama virtually staged for free! And, we'll talk about those two special offers later in the show. All right. Eric looks like you have a very plain Jane Asteroom tour there.

- That's right. Yeah. So, there's a panorama. I just took it from one of our user's tour. And I chose this one because it ... empty and doesn't look good. And, we want to help this user virtual stage here.

- Alright, so that's the before.

- Before. There's after. So, you can see this style is contemporary. And, you can see that we added the TV. TV stand and a bed since this is a bedroom.

- So, you've only showed us the 180 degrees there. Is there something behind us too?

- There is a plant and the chair.

- Okay. So that's awesome. I think that would be an example of, if we didn't see the before, we wouldn't realize that every piece of furniture, the floor covering, carpet and some of the items up on the wall is actually virtual, virtually staged.

- Right.

- Cool. Alright. So, you've showed us one example of a contemporary virtual staged Asteroom space. Other styles that are available.

- Yup. So, now I want to show you one that's modern. ...

- So, it's probably helpful to know while Eric is setting up, that, the National Association of Realtors in their surveys have found that vacant homes sell for less. Are on the market for more days. So, by virtually staging 360s different rooms within a space.

The real estate agent can help the homeowner get more for the listing, help sell the house faster. And, Eric ready to show us your next one? Okay, great.

- So, I chose this one. Because it's a furnished space. So, last one as we saw, it was empty. And this one, when you want to demonstrate that we can, we can stage a home that is currently furnished. So, that's a before, and this after. So, you can see we remove the old, junky, ugly furniture and we can replace them, with complete new sets.

- That's amazing. But let's take a look at that before again, for the living room.

- Not very attractive. And, you can tell there's no one currently living there. I mean this is their furniture. But we're going to replace them with shinier traditional furniture.

- Okay. So what style would you call that. Is that traditional, is that modern.

- This is traditional.

- Traditional. Okay.

- So I can show you a couple more there is contemporary and modern. And--

- Yeah. That would be great. So I, you know, I pointed out that that houses, listings that get virtually staged are going to help get, get more money for the listing. Help get the listing sold faster, according to National Association of Realtors.

I think what I would point out there .. is, that those are the talking points for the real estate agent to the homeowner to get the listing. So, really when we, as a Service Provider ... you're using the virtual staging to ... help the agent get the listing. That's the key selling point when you're having a conversation about helping the agent win the listing. Okay. So we're looking at the before. This one has furniture in it already.

- Yep. This one is industrial, and this one has furniture in there. The furniture doesn't look too bad. But again, if you want to bring in different feel of the home, you can do more aggressive style on this. And, in this one we did the two ways.

The style called industrial. As you can see using some elements. They are very bold, like this wine over there. And, very modern couches, always artwork in the background. Yeah. So this is industrial, one of the four kinds that we offer initially.

- Okay.

- Let's see what else I can, maybe actually one more.

- So this one. I'm going to close them up ... so they don't use too much memory space. So this one is the before. And, is empty. And this one, the style is farmhouse. So, you get that cozy feeling to the home, very popular in rural style homes. Then the before again.

- Like I'm going to the eye doctor ...better or worse? better or worse? ;-)

- Right. Do you want to see more?

- Yeah. I'd love, I'd love to keep seeing some examples. That would be great.

- Okay. So, so there were two. I got, I did two. That was, they were sent, I got a panorama from two users. But, I think one, it was, it was just, yeah. He sent me two, a bunch of panoramas and I picked two of them. And--

- Okay, great. So, let's take a look at this. This is from a Member of the We Get Around Network Forum Community in North Idaho and Eastern Washington.

A Matterport Service Provider He is CaptureNW Photographer Jeff Nietzsche. Jeff is active in the, We Get Around Forum, his WGAN Forum <ember name while you're setting up Eric is @LILNITSCH LILNITSCH. So that's Jeff Nietzsche.

Let's take a look at what you got for one of his, In fact, we, we posted in the, We Get Around Network Forum that we were specifically looking for, Messy Mouse Makeovers. And Jeff had shot some tours with Matterport. And I think Eric what you're showing is you've exported some of the ... I'm not seeing the right listing.

- Yeah. Give me a second here. I have an issue finding it there are too many tabs open. But, perhaps we can move on to...

- Do you want to close, You want to close that software update maybe that's what's holding you up from ...

- Yeah. So go ahead. We can talk about the next topic and I'll come back and show it.

- Okay. So, we'll, so had Eric's demo showed up ... I think what you would have seen is, that the Jeff had shot a, in fact, two super-messy houses. ...

The homeowners certainly made no effort at all to clean up the trash throughout the entire house. So, if Eric is not able to bring that up to demo with, we'll post it in the, We Get Around Network Forum so that you can see the before what the tour looked like. And then, so you can see, ah, here it is. So, Eric is calling up one of, one of two Jeff's tours. So--

- So, this one is a cabin in the mountains it seems like like. And they were shot in the Matterport cameras, so you can see it's definitely, it's a really good.

- Yeah. So, this is an interesting point, is that even if you've already shot the tour using a Matterport camera, you can still export your 360 photo spheres and then import them into the Asteroom platform using the Asteroom Desktop Editor. And then have the tour created as a, with a 3D Dollhouse and then be able to go to the next step of virtual staging. So, not the worst looking house. I think there was one that really was over the top in terms of a mess. But, is this one Jeff's or is this someone else's?

- This is Jeff's

- Okay.

- So, you can see, we did a complete makeover. So all of these, all the furnitures are gone. And they were being replaced by a nicely looking, very cozy Contemporary style furnitures. That makes your home looks, makes your home look it's much better, not messy.

- Way better. Did you stage the upstairs office in this one?

- Nope, but I staged the one of the other tours. So--

- Can we take a look. Can we take a look at other one, the other house really is a train wreck. That's this, this one here.

This is like, so, you know, you almost think Oh! I've showed up the photograph this maybe I should just double check with the real estate agent to say, Hey, you sure you want me to shoot this? But it turned out. I think from what Jeff had shared with me is that really all they wanted to do is enable the measurements function.

So that prospective buyers could understand ... to do the estimating on a renovation. So that, that was why they still went ... ... forward with doing this particular tour. Okay. So how about some Asteroom virtual staging magic.

- Yep. So it's a complete makeover. And we did not just staging, like we did a bunch of stuff including basically rendering the whole home, and the complete renovation of the home.

- So, that's not of the, of the 360 we were just looking at though.

- It is, it is.

- You know, I'd love to, you have the toggle in the bottom right corner. 'Cause you really need to show this, you know again.

This is like so unbelievable over the top. So, that's the before and that's the after. That's amazing. So, in addition to putting in the furniture... you changed the floor covering, you changed the wall covering, I think I see lights that have been installed in the ceiling.

- Right. Yep. That's right. Yeah. It's a complete makeover. It's a renovation then rather than staging. Yeah. Real super. That's really awesome. Eric, please do share those tours with us so that we can put them ... post them to the, We Get Around Network Forum.

- I'll do.

- Okay. ... Awesome. So we looked at, let's take it off screen share if you may. Okay. So ... I'm ready to order. What's the next step? How do I actually place an order?

- Yeah. So you can order on the web or you can order on your Asteroom app. So, I can demo. Do you want me to demo--

- Yes please. That would be great.

- Let me demo our order on the web portal.

- Okay.

- So again, there are two, you can either access your tours--

- So, I think at the moment you're showing your whole desktop. Is it possible just to close out or maybe resize that. And we'll take a look at just the, just the screen, just the Asteroom Desktop Editor. Yep. Great.

- So this is my Asteroom Desktop Editor. So you can see that if you have a chair icon that means that your tour has been [Virtually Staged]

So, let me pick one that doesn't have one. Like this one in New York. And this tour was actually featured on, this tour was actually a feature on, Brick Underground. Which is a New York based magazine, real estate magazine.

So, they used this tour. And, so, this was by use by the, the brokerage called, I can't remember the name, but it says it's paid by a broker because it's set up in a way that the broker pays for it. So, you will not see that, but that's just my stuff like the service and you click next step.

- Okay, so you're going to select an individual. So here, here are all the 360s.

- Yep.

- That are for this tour. You're going to pick, Let's say you wanted to pick one of those.

- That's right.

- So you're going to go pick, excuse me.

- You can pick one. You can pick multiple.

- Okay. Pick living area. So, usually people stage the living room.

- Alright. So, you went a little bit fast for me Eric. ... if you could just go back for a second.

- Okay. I'll start from the beginning again.

- Okay. So we're in the Asteroom Desktop Editor. You've selected one of the tours that's already been created already has a 3D Dollhouse.

- Yup.

- Okay. Now, you're going into services, you check in the box up top. It's pulled up services that are available such as 3D staging and 2D floor plans. And, at this point, because this tour doesn't yet have floor plans nor does it have 3D staging. So you see those two options. So, you're going to select, let's say you just select 3D staging.

- That's right.

- Okay. Then you're going to hit next. Got it. Now, it's displaying all the 360s that are available to be virtually staged.

- Right? You can set like one, you can select multiple.

- Okay. So, let's say we pick maybe the, the living room, the large bedroom and the kitchen. How's that?

- Yeah, that works.

- Because I think you'd probably say those are probably the three spaces that if someone was, that staging was really going to help a lot. Those are probably the three rooms in the house.

- Right. So, with kitchen, we usually don't recommend it because we can't really do much to it. We can, we can do virtual renovations to take down the entire kitchen and build a new one. But, I think MLS does not allow that, at MLS.

- Yeah.

- Yeah

- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, do you want to talk, because you mentioned something new here. Rendering versus--

- Rendering versus staging.

- So let's just stay with 3D staging. Okay. And, you've picked the rooms that you wanted to do. I see that you have four styles contemporary, industrial, farmhouse and traditional

- That's right.

- Okay. And, we'll talk about pricing later. I guess, because we're in your account, everything you orders for free. I'd like to get one of those accounts, please ;-) But we'll talk about pricing later. Presumably in, in my account, if I went to actually now place the order it would present a price. I would pay for it with my credit card and initiate the order.

- That's right. Yup.

- Okay. So, did you want to continue that or stop at that point?

- I was just going to give you the return estimated turn around time. And, its going to give you a price. When you send that order is going to ask you to put in your credit card.

- Okay. So, let's come out of that. Maybe we go to the Desktop Editor, see how, Oh, we're in the, we're in the Desktop Editor. Maybe we can go to mobile and see how that works on your smartphone. Eric, it said two-day turnaround. Is that two-business days or two-day turnaround.

- Two business days. But Saturday is counted as one business day. So, is the process six days a week?

- Yes. Correct.

- So, is Saturday.

- Business day.

- Sorry.

- Saturday, Saturday is considered a business day.

- Saturday is considered a business day. Okay. So, if you order on a Friday, you're going to get it on Tuesday.

- Friday get it on Monday Saturday, Monday. Monday evening

- So, if you order it on Monday, you're going to get it on Wednesday.

- That's right. Yup.

- Order on Wednesday, you're going to get it on Friday.

- That's right.

- Okay. But if you order on Friday, you won't get it on Sunday. That's not a business day, you'll get it on Monday.

- That's right.

- Okay, great. Alright. So, you're within the Asteroom app. You're now looking at models Asteroom models within the Asteroom app.

- Yep. So, this is a test account. On and go in. And again, click Services. In the top right corner. I will first see all the panoramas, that are in this project And click Services and then 3D Dollhouse is one of the options, Enhancement and 3D Staging.

- Yeah. And you know it's interesting because we're seeing some price in there. I would say ignore that pricing because Eric has special pricing for, We Get Around Network Forum Members and we'll talk about pricing a little bit later in the show as well as those two special free offers for you. Okay. So let's take the 3D staging. Now, it's displaying all the 360s within the model.

- That's right. Yep.

- And I imagine in a similar fashion you're going to check in the top right, which ones you want for virtual staging.

- Yep.

- Okay. Again, as a We Get Around Network Forum member, free to join the forum. There is special pricing for you. So, sit tight until we get to the pricing for you. So, so again, now you're get to pick which style that you want.

- That's right.

- And then using the same process. It's always a two business days and just click Submit Order.

- Okay, cool.

- So, Eric, if I wanted to see examples of the four different styles, is that on your website? Is that on today?

- Yeah. We have a page. We have a 3D virtual staging page that, let's see if I can bring up.

- Alright. So you're going going over to Services, selecting 3D Staging, excuse me. So, it's a view of the four styles But those are just the same as the styles that you see in the app. We don't, if you want to see a 360, a style 360, we will include those links in this page later. But right now we only have two these styles.

- Okay. So, you can see a 2D snapshot but you will add a link to each of those four. So, today is Thursday, October 1, 2020. What's your best guess on when that'll be added?

- In a couple of days.

- Okay. So that's great. So you'll actually be able to go just as Eric has been showing some tours you'll be able to actually go through some tours a little bit more detailed. Great. So, if you can come off screen share, that would be great.

- Okay

- Good. Should I be doing the stage? So, I have a totally empty house.

- Should I be staging every one of the 360s that have been shot of that house?

- Yeah. So, now we get into like what is the ROI for staying in your home? Right. So, for We Get Around Network Members.

The costs for staging a room, a 360 Panorama is $49.99. So $50. So, if you have 15 Panoramas then it will be way, it'll be $750, right.

So, you want to pick and choose. You're like what is the best panorama so you just stage, to get the most ROI. And so, what we see that most of our users only stage one to three rooms. So they usually their first take is the living room, because this where, what buyers tend to spend the most time in in the tour and the master bed. And usually their living room as well. So we rarely see, sometimes we see people stage the entrance. but rarely see people stage a room other than those four.

- Okay. Could you repeat those rooms?

- Living room, dining room entrance and master bed.

- Interesting. Okay. Not the kitchen. I'm thinking the kitchen.

- Not the kitchen

- Not the kitchen because,

- That's what we talked just now. It's the, you can, I believe you can stage all rooms ... and you have to specify it that this is a staged panorama. And ... I do not believe that even though we have the tech we are capable of doing virtual renovations. But I do not believe MLS will allow that because it can seem

- Yeah. So, so let's [Save Renderings] for a different day. To talk about, trying to think, what's the word that you used for that. Renderings.

So, renderings ... different topic for a different day today we're talking about virtual staging where we're not structurally changing the space. We're adding furniture, we're adding things that would be logical that a homeowner could just pick up and take with them or bring in and put in, in the space. So no physical, structural changes, which is while it's certainly possible to do that. That's not what we're talking about today when we talk about virtual staging.

- That's right. Even though we tend to do that with the one, that basement one that I just showed you.

- In fact. I think it's probably helpful to talk about, you know, how a WGAN Forum Member gets special pricing anyway to begin with.

So, it's probably helpful, Eric, if you could talk about, what's included in an Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle, how much does that cost? And then we'll talk about the special free offer. So, Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle includes the following.

- Yep. Includes a following, $49.99 includes a 3D Dollhouse, includes a 2D floor plan with dimensions, with, or without the dimension it's up to you, image enhancement for all your panoramas, for up to 30 panoramas. So, if your tour has 31 panoramas. For every additional panorama after the first 30 is a dollar and a half, so $1.50. So if you have 35 it'll be 30 plus five times $1.50, which is $7.50. So its...., $57.50 for the total.

- Now I'm totally lost. If, it's 30, up to 30 panoramas,

- It's $50.

- $49.99, $49.99 rounded it up to 50. And, if I have one additional panorama,

- After the first 30,

- After the first 30, it's $1.50.

- $1.50, yup.

- So then my cost would really be $49.99. Plus $1.50 which will be call it

- $51.49

- $51.49 Okay, good. How long, how much hosting is included?

- 180 days. Okay. Six months of hosting. And, And then, I think this, this next point is super-important because Asteroom actually assembles the tour.

- Correct.

- Right. You know, Eric, I know you just assume well, of course we assembled the tour. That's what we do. But there are, you know, of the, 150+ virtual tour platform, software choices today. The vast majority do not assemble the tour for you.

You literally have to assemble the tour. And, I think that's a super-valuable thing to think about as a Service Provider, is having Asteroom actually create the tour for you. So, you know, take your 15 minutes. Go shoot the tour up to 3,000 square feet is typically about 15 minutes. And then, Asteroom is doing the rest of the work for you.

So assembling the tour, creating the 3D Dollhouse, doing the image enhancement, all the 360s, creating the floor plans, labeling the names of the rooms and hosting it for six months. If I want more than six months of hosting?

- $9.99 for another six months.

- $9.99 for another six months. So, I think this is like, this is like super-important is to realize that there's no hosting. There's no hosting charge. So, ... with Asteroom, no subscription, not locked into any commitment which really puts the burden on you, Asteroom, to make sure that you're always surprising-delighting clients so that they want to keep coming back.

So, I think one of the great things about the $49.99, Eric, is that if you're a Matterport Service Provider and you're locked into a subscription, you probably are not looking to add another subscription.

So, it's super-easy to test and try. Particularly if you have a listing that's say less than $300,000 where the economics perhaps of shooting Matterport may not be worth your time versus what you could possibly charge.

I think you and I have been having some conversations offline about, you know, if you're, if you're shooting to 2D still photography, you really should be getting a 100% of the houses that you shoot 2D, to also want to have a 24/7 Open House Virtual Tour.

And if you can't price the Add On of Matterport within a ... $300,000 listing. The economics don't work. With Asteroom since the total cost is $50. And you could still probably charge $149 and still be able to offer that as an Add On in order to get to 100% of your clients who you're doing 2D photography. Now also having the Open House Virtual Tour.

And me personally, even though I would say charge separately as an Add On for the floor plans. Even though the floor plans are included in Asteroom's pricing, it doesn't mean you can't charge. And I would personally suggest a good starting point might be $49 a floor.

So, if you can offer as a still photographer Asteroom 24/7 Open House Virtual Tour, something that cost you $50 and get an Add On price of $149. That's pretty cool. And then another Add On of floor plans. And let's assume that you can get at least $49 that could be adding $200 to a shoot that you might only be getting, let's say $150 or $180.

So, you're essentially doubling your income. And I've gotten a little bit fast through this math and I've made a lot of assumptions, but tomorrow, Friday October 2, 2020, I will be publishing in the We Get Around Network Forum, a calculator to show photographers how they can double their revenue, by using Asteroom as an Add On to [Their] 2D photography.

By using Asteroom floor plans as an Add On. And now we have a third Add On which may not be 100% of your listings.

But, certainly for the ones that are empty. It certainly becomes obvious to offer virtual staging. And then there are spaces that are already furnished but already a train wreck where it makes sense to offer virtual staging. So, Eric, I promised at the top of the show that we had two special offers. The first is the, the first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle

- Complimentary. Yep. So the first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle when you type in the [Asteroom Coupon Code] as soon which you can find, you can find in a banner on top of that, We Get Around--

- Yeah. In fact, I think what I would take people ... to get both special offers: WGAN.INFO/asteroom and you will find the two offers. The first one for, We Get Around Network Forum Members is to get the first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle.

What we've been talking about is $49.99 to get your first one free. Makes it super-easy. If you're a Matterport Service Provider you can use your existing Matterport Pro2, Pro1, Pro2 Lite camera. Or you can certainly use Ricoh Theta Z1, Ricoh Theta V, Ricoh Theta SC2, Insta360 One X, Insta360 and virtually any 360 camera. So, that's pretty cool. And then, Eric, We Get Around Network has our own offer to add ....

So, the second offer is to get your first Asteroom 360 Panorama virtually staged for free. So, not the entire tour but your first: one 360 within a tour. There are some restrictions. You need to be a Matterport Service Provider. You need to be a We Get Around Network Forum Member. This offer is for October 2020, and it's limited.

The second offer is limited to the first 50 We Get Around Network Forum Members to submit the WGAN Rebate Form to receive this. So, you would simply go place your order as you normally would for your Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle whether you get your first one free or you're paying $49.99. And then do your virtual staging of Asteroom. You still pay Asteroom just as you normally would. It's just that you're going to submit your bill, along with ... a recent bill from your Matterport monthly or annual plan. And We Get Around Network will reimburse you via PayPal for your first Asteroom 360 Panorama.

So, we'll reimburse you $49.99. So, all the information that I've just said that's a big mouthful is available at WGAN.INFO/asteroom and you'll see the links to the two offers that we just discussed.

The first one that Asteroom is offering, first Asteroom Paper Per Tour Bundle free. And then the one We Get Around Network is offering, first Asteroom 360 panorama virtually staged for free via WGAN Rebate Form, which is at that link in the Forum. Eric, what else should we talk about in terms of ... Asteroom virtual staging?

- Do you want to talk about Asteroom versus competitors virtual staging?

- Sure.

- So the most well known virtual staging company is And they ... ... they are famous for 2D virtual staging. And they have also started doing 360 staging as well. And, I believe, I believe their price is $62, $63 for 360 photos.

And our price is about, for We Get Around Members is $50. So, it's all $13 cheaper [Per 360]. At the same time, I think their quality is pretty even. And if anything, ours is probably slightly better. Although they offer one, two more choices than us. And the reason is we want to really have our virtual stagers ... work on the four styles and make sure they look great. ... before we expand to other styles.

- You know, it's interesting that you mentioned, you know, a competitor because frankly I don't see them as a competitor.

And the reason I say that is since Asteroom is an open platform that means photographers have a choice of which company to use for virtual staging. So, if you want to use Asteroom: super-easy, super-fast.

Order it through the app, the Asteroom app, iOS or Android or order it through Asterisk Desktop Editor Or, download your 360 from your Asteroom tour. Or if you already have your 360, send it off to a third-party company that you want, because you want a different style. You want, for whatever reason, you can, you can do virtual staging with any other company. And then just import that 360 back into your tour.

- That's right. Yeah. One extra step, but yeah, that's entirely correct.

- Yeah. That's right. So, with I think what part of what you're trying to do is make it super-convenient. Because you ... can order in app; whatever, whatever optional extras that you'll be offering. Now, it turns out using the, the Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle, the 3D Dollhouses included, the assembly of the tour, the floor plans.

And I would say the only thing presently that is not an and also included is the 360 image enhancement. The only thing that's not included is virtual staging. So, it just makes it super-easy as you show to go into the app or the Desktop Editor to order the virtual staging pay for it right there. Boom. Get it back in two-days.

And you're done. You know, I thought it might be helpful. ... I mention some statistics from, from NAR . I just thought I'd read a couple. Maybe you might have some comments on them. According to a 2019 National Association of Realtors home staging profile report, 17% of sellers agents said that staging increased the dollar value of a home between six and 10%. The same study, also again, talked about selling a vacant home, sell for less. Vacant home, stay on the market longer. Eric, do you have any comments about these?

- Yeah. I do actually. So I’m originally from Taiwan. When I first moved to the US during high school. I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and I've been here except I was in Chicago for college. But most of my time in the US was spent in the San Francisco Bay Area.

So, I always thought, since I was little, I bought like a couple of homes and sold a couple of homes too. I always thought that staging is just part of the home selling. Because every home in San Francisco has always been staged. That every open house I went to, I would say if not 100%, like 95% of the homes that I went to were staged.

So, I always thought staging was inexpensive. Staging was part of the home selling process. Until I started working in the real estate industry, I realized most of the people don't stage their home. The agents don't have the budgets to stage their home.

And it costs thousands of dollars. Like I think $1,500 to design and these are initial month. And after, every month after that is another like thousands for rental, or if the home stays on market for three, four months the bill will go up to $5,000.

So, I was shocked. And, there was also part of motivation why I really want me to make staging part of Asteroom.

Because I had been, as a consumer, I've been in homes that were staged and I just feel much more inclined appeal by the home intimate and an offer. So, and staging has been practiced in San Francisco Bay Area because of the low, because of the high prices and high commission. And agents here know that is proven.

That you know, if a home stage is selling for a better price. So, I think 3D staging for a fraction of the cost even though $50 is not like $10 and not super-expensive like Starbucks coffee. But, it's still relatively compared to how much real-life staging would cost is one tenth. 100 of 1% of how much it would cost normally compared to real life staging. I'm excited because this was Asteroom. It can be offered. Staging can be offered in areas outside of California and New York.

- So, I'm hearing three things. because ...I want to just kind of put an exclamation mark in three things you've talked about.

The first is physical staging. That before virtual staging even existed, agents are spending a ton of money to bring in a stager, to bring in real furniture.

And, it costs a lot of money to do that. So, as a Service Provider if you're talking to an agent that is bringing in real staging to stage a space. Then you may be able to still pay your $50 per 360. Mark it up probably at least three times. So now you went from $50 plus $50 plus $50: $150 times three, $450. ... that agent may be spending $5,000 for something that's going to cost, that's going to cost your client less than $500. So, in that example for 1/10 the cost, your agent can be happy. Presumably, that staging money is either being saved by the agent money coming out of the agent's pocket or out of the homeowner's pocket or both.

However, that agent has done the deal. And, it's saving a lot of money again for the agent or client or both. At the same time it's giving the photographer an opportunity to earn [$450 minus $150] is $300 for something that took about two seconds using the app to order it. So, you know, always great to leverage other people's time in this case, leverage Asteroom's time. While you're doing is placing the order through the app.

You have no other work to do. It's magically inserted back into the tour. You get an email that it's, that it's been done. That's huge. That is, that is, you know, really quite amazing. The second thing I heard is a person who's interested in buying a place. Through your experience of living in Taiwan and looking at real estate in the United States. And then I think, and I'll talk about that in a moment. Then the third is the agent winning the listing.

So, what, what I would just you know, again, since we're a Community We Get Around Network Forum Community is of Service Providers. You're messaging to the real estate agent always needs to be about winning the next listing. And, virtual staging becomes obvious, particularly when a listing is empty.

The furniture's gone & the homeowner has already moved out. So, that's obvious. And then I think that, knowing that Asteroom can actually virtually stage a space that has existed furniture. I don't believe that's always obvious to, that that's always doable necessarily by third party companies. Sometimes you have to shoot the space empty. I could be wrong, but I'm almost positive you're using Matterport to have staging done.

You need to shoot an empty listing. It can't have existing furniture. So, I think that's, that's something to keep in mind with Asteroom.

Even with furniture, it can still be virtually staged. And so, Eric, I just think that the point I'd like to make there is for the photographer, thinking about the real estate agent is keep the messaging on point as virtual staging can help you win the listing. And that's because then to speak from the consumer standpoint.

Because the seller of the home wants to get the most offers for the most money with the least amount of hassle.

At least manage stress. And I would say, since we are in the midst of COVID-19, it's particularly important where homeowners don't want people come in to their house, bringing their germs, potentially the virus.

And people who are looking for homes don't necessarily want to go look at a million homes, because they don't want to pick up somebody else's potential COVID-19 germs. So, from the homeowner's perspective. Hearing from the agent that their house can be virtually staged, maybe the difference between the agent winning the listing and losing the listing. I think the ancillary benefit is, is the person who's the home, the prospective buyer of the house.

But they're not the ones who are spending the money. The client, the agent that's spending the money with the photographer, and the homeowner is giving the agent the opportunity to sell the house. So, I think that probably covers, you know, a little bit. I want to just, you know, revisit this point, Eric, about virtual staging ..., you can order virtual staging for just one 360 or two or three. And that may seem obvious to you, of course, that's, that's all you're going to virtual stage. You're just going to do some important spaces.

As you walk into the house, the living room, the bedroom, maybe there's a bonus room. I want to say, if you're going to do virtual staging of a Matterport tour, there are a couple of third-party Service Providers that do virtual staging of Matterport. But I'm going to guess I could be wrong. Somebody post in the Forum, let me know. Is the expectation is that you're going to need to do virtual staging of the entire house. Otherwise, because there's probably a lot of handholding in the process of ordering unlike Asteroom, which is kind of ... automated the ordering process; simplified it.

And so you may not, if you have a Matterport tour you may not be able to get it virtually staged with just a couple of 360s. So all of a sudden you may be looking at, an expense that maybe only makes sense if you're talking to the property management company for a multi-family Community. And Eric, I know one of the things that we've talked about is that if you do have a Matterport tour, it's super-easy to export the 360s from Matterport and import them into Asteroom, using the Asteroom Desktop Editor.

In one of my tours that We Get Around Atlanta shot a three-story townhome. It took us 73 individual 360s. And I sent that off to Eric and Eric and his team came back and said, Hey, that house was 73 scans. It only took us 20 of the 360s to create the tour. I mentioned that because, Eric, you mentioned about the bundle includes up to 30. So, that was a really big townhouse. I'm going to guess that it was, it might have been 4,000 square feet, maybe a little bigger. Do you happen to recall how many square feet?

- I don't recall, but it was, it was a three story, right? I think it was a four bedroom plus one study and it was big. Yeah.

- And two outdoor terraces three if you include the entrance that we had some 360. So in, in less than 20 360 panoramas, Eric was able to, Asteroom was able to tell the story of that listing. So, I would just point that out to say, Hey you're a Matterport Service Provider.

You thought the virtual staging was interesting. Your client's having you shoot it with Matterport, but you have an interest in virtual staging. There may be an inappropriate, Export the three sixties from Matterport import it into Asteroom. And once that tour is created along with the dollhouse then you have a, you can order a virtual staging. Eric, what question haven't I asked you about virtual, Asteroom virtual staging that we should discuss?

- You haven't asked me if we're going to do 2D staging Because I'm being asked all the time. We will do that eventually. We're a 3D tour first company. But just so that we can be a one stop shop. And where agents want that the 3D staging to match with 2D staging. We'll be offering 2D staging matching 360 staging.

- Now I'm totally confused because, I believe that Asteroom actually offers 2D staging. Because you can export, you can take Snapshots You can do 2D Snapshots of the 360s.

- Right. But those aren't the real DSLR still staging, right? Like those are just 3D stage, 3D staging.

- Well, for the majority of us, that may be totally fine. So again, just to amplify this point is after the 360 tour is created, you can take Snapshots, 2D Snapshots, within the 360s. Including if it's already been virtually staged. So, you want 2D pictures of virtual staging. You can still do that with Asteroom.

- That's right. Yeah.

- Well, the question--

- Not right now, in the near future.

- Okay. In case you, you need magazine quality, virtual staging. Eric, other questions I haven't asked you that I should ask.

- No ...

- Great. Awesome. Eric, thanks for being a guest on the show.

- Cool. Oh, one, little thing is that BEFORE and AFTER view [Button] You can see that they want to use for demo purpose on the BEFORE and AFTER [Bottom right of demo tours]. Eventually we'll incorporate that into the tour as well.

So, you will have a 360 tour. If you stage them, then you will get the BEFORE and AFTER view for that particular panorama. And, that is when we're saying the rendering will be put in place. Because if you have a BEFORE and AFTER rendering, I [Think] MLS or buyer would think that they are [...] real. You can, you can see what is Asteroom today.

- Well, I think, you know, for $50 bucks times three, $150 bucks, I think it, Personally, I think it's the deal of the century and it's super-easy to order. So. you just walked through the house and it just changes from this to that.

- Yeah. But I'm talking about the view, the before, after view.

- The BEFORE and AFTER button view that you were showing us. So, Eric, again, thanks for being on the show. Our guest today is, has been Eric Tsai, co-founder and CEO of Asteroom. Our entire show today was Asteroom Virtual Staging.

We did a previous show together Asteroom Desktop Editor. And then the show before that we did an intro to Asteroom. All the features of Asteroom on the front-end, and then on the back-end. So, three great shows. Like the two previous shows, we will post today's episodes to the, We Get Around Network Forum by tomorrow, Friday, October 2 2020.

And, if you go into the, We Get Around Network Forum, where there's been a lot written on this topic. Look for the tags. Search Asteroom.

You can pull up all that copy. And again, our special offer for the first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle free and their first Asteroom 360 Panorama virtually staged for free. Go to WGAN.INFO/asteroom or you'll find everything in the We Get Around Network Forum, ...

And Eric, thanks again for being a guest on the show. You've been watching WGAN TV-Live at 5.

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Screen Grab: Asteroom eBlast received 7 October 2020

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Pricing for WGAN Forum Members: $49.99 per 360 panorama: used coupon code: WGANAsteroom
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