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Art GalleriesPro2Scanning

Advice for scanning art galleries13063

tinsoldier private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all,

I have a few art gallery scans coming up and just wanted to reach out and ask if anybody could provide their experiences and perhaps any tips and tricks they have picked up along the way which have helped them achieve good gallery scans. I'm going to do a test run before the proper scan, but nonetheless thought any advice would be helpful. Will be scanning on a Pro 2, likely about 150 or so pictures across a few rooms on a day when there will be no visitors. Many thanks in advance
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Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I have had success in envisioning the Matterport as a set of human eyes, and adjusting the tripod to a height where human eyes would be viewing the object, painting, etc. I've done some recently where I've scanned the room first (filling in the areas where there was no art), then concentrating on each piece on display and trying to get a good scan that highlights just that piece. You may have to play with the distance of the camera from the art piece (as a function of its size). Don't be afraid to try multiple scans and delete any ones that are not optimal.

Also, if you have a chance to scope out the room in advance, beware of spotlights, since they can cast a wicked shadow of the camera and tripod in most unwanted places!

Good Luck!!

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kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
I did a gallery a few weeks ago and, like Chemistrydoc said, human eye height. I placed the camera between 1-2 pieces, generally and afterwards I made mattertags for each piece.

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tinsoldier private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kjoman
I did a gallery a few weeks ago and, like Chemistrydoc said, human eye height. I placed the camera between 1-2 pieces, generally and afterwards I made mattertags for each piece.

That is great work @kjoman, did you take extra scans which you hid to help get a better mesh? The mesh is quite good.
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
Here is an art gallery we did a couple years ago.
clickable text
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


While this is a museum, it's like an art gallery for annotation.

1. Get about 4 feet away from EACH piece of artwork since you will likely be adding a MatterTag.
2. Take a smartphone photo of EACH description AND artwork. This will help during tagging
3. Glass display cases can be challenging
4. Can you do a MatterTag with a photo of each piece of artwork? Perhaps the gallery already has these photos?

Please do share one or more of your art galleries, once done.

Good luck!


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kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
@tinsoldier I did do a few extra scans but not many. I think the layout was pretty conducive for scanning. And as Dan mentioned, I was about 4’ away and ran around afterwards taking cellphone photos of the artwork and descriptions. The gallery also sent me an excel spreadsheet which I was able to use for copying and pasting for the mattertags.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

If you have hundreds of MatterTags in a spreadsheet:

✓ Free Course: WGAN-TV Training U | Automating Exporting and Importing Matterport MatterTags

Uses Include: Museums | Art Galleries | Online Store | iAuditor Property Documentation Mashup | Integration with MP/embed and WP3D Models WordPress Plugin

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tinsoldier private msg quote post Address this user
This is all excellent advice, thanks everybody. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Take a smartphone photo of EACH description AND artwork.
This is a great idea @DanSmigrod

Another question I have about this project you may be able to advise:
There will likely be over a hundred mattertags in this final scan.
What happens if the client comes back down the track and wants me to trim something, or adjust the model?
Then I have to go back to the ipad and apply adjustments and re-upload, so from what I can see I am forced into creating a new model and losing all my tags?? Is this the case or is there a workaround to either update the existing model OR import tags from the earlier model?
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by tinsoldier
This is all excellent advice, thanks everybody. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Take a smartphone photo of EACH description AND artwork.
This is a great idea @DanSmigrod

Another question I have is, there will likely be over a hundred mattertags in this final scan.
What happens if the client comes back down the track and wants me to trim something, or adjust the model?
Then I have to go back to the ipad and apply adjustments and re-upload, so from what I can see I am forced into creating a new model and losing all my tags?? Is this the case or is there a workaround to either update the existing model OR import tags from the earlier model?


That problem - move all MatterTags to a replacement model - is addressed in the free course.

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