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Ideas to scan large exploded truck13055

ahojman private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

I have been asked to scan this exploded truck with Matterport:

Any ideas? I only have Pro1 and Insta 360 One X.

This is how they made it (just to explain what it is):
Post 1 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
You can scan a good dollhouse with pro1, if you "overscan" this showroom with maybe 150 or more scan points. Pro1 and Pro2 have the same scan technology inside.

Room height should not be a problem. Looks like something like 7 meters.

Maybe buy or rent a high tripod, so you can scan the truck parts from above. Manfrotto has a high lighting stand, that works with Matterport. You can scan at 5 meters with it.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user

That is a tough one to do Matterport scan. Are they hoping to do a virtual walk thru on each of the levels that is all hung by wires.
I'm not sure how yo can get the scans to connect even showing it as different floors. Small tripod and a light camera could work. You will have to have somebody hoist you position camera and then hide and put away whatever they hoist you up with

Harry .
Post 3 IP   flag post
ahojman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Harrycayman

That is a tough one to do Matterport scan. Are they hoping to do a virtual walk thru on each of the levels that is all hung by wires.
I'm not sure how yo can get the scans to connect even showing it as different floors. Small tripod and a light camera could work. You will have to have somebody hoist you position camera and then hide and put away whatever they hoist you up with

Harry .
That was the problem I identified: moving from one height to another one. Or taking photos from a distance so that I can have everything in one height. I think I will try some photos first with the Insta to show them how can it look like, and then quote it. I am not really sure if it will look good. I think I will have to hide the dollhouse.
Post 4 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

This is the Manfrotto high stand, Manfrotto 269BU 4-Sections Super Stand, here is a link to the manfrotto website and there is also the 269 Giant stand, which is even higher (which I have not worked with)

I have the 269 Super Stand with wheels attached and a clamp to fix the Matterport Camera.

It is heavy and you will probably need assistance. If you move it, be careful, it may be shaking. This is why I have attached wheels. And please make sure to use a very good clamp, too. I use it with a RRS
Post 5 IP   flag post
Club Member
Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
Could you segment the tour into different floors? Floor 1 would have the tires, floor 2 next level, floor 3 next, etc. Is place the camera right on the components as well if you can. Good luck!
Post 6 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
I would not scan this model with a one click camera.

Sureley depends on budget of the client, but for a great dollhouse you need very dense 3D scanning.

I have overscanned this one recently and the dollhouse came out great.

Post 7 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ahojman this looks like about the toughest job I have ever seen to do with Matterport. I would check on renting a Leica Blk360 and use @MeshImages idea of rent a tripod that will elevat your camera above it and thru the maze of wires holding up the parts. But if your going to use Pro1 I definitly use elevated tripod. They make one with hand crank so you can raise or lower it for easy access and moving it. You can rent them at most large land survey companies. Please keep use posted on out come and work flow.
Post 8 IP   flag post
ahojman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
@ahojman this looks like about the toughest job I have ever seen to do with Matterport. I would check on renting a Leica Blk360 and use @MeshImages idea of rent a tripod that will elevat your camera above it and thru the maze of wires holding up the parts. But if your going to use Pro1 I definitly use elevated tripod. They make one with hand crank so you can raise or lower it for easy access and moving it. You can rent them at most large land survey companies. Please keep use posted on out come and work flow.

I live in Argentina.
Here you can find iron, wood, wine, friends, no much more than that.

I will try to do some captures on Saturday with my Insta 360 One X and see if it works for them.
I made a "DIY tripod" at the past to have 2 extra meters, but I think this is too much.
Here you can see my "invention":

Post 9 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ahojman ok just a though use a little wood and iron, give a few friends a couple of glasses of wine each, they might be willing to hold the the wood and iron homemade tripod. They can work as casters to move it from place to place. Have them wear clothing that blends in with the floor. I hope that helps.

Sorry like I said initially this looks like one of the most challenging jobs I have seen. Good luck please keep use posted.
Post 10 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 Oh yes, this is probably one of the most challenging jobs, that I have seen, too.

@ahojman Good luck for Saturday. I would be interested, if these wires come out in the 3D model of the dollhouse or not.
Post 11 IP   flag post
ahojman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MeshImages
@ron0987 Oh yes, this is probably one of the most challenging jobs, that I have seen, too.

@ahojman Good luck for Saturday. I would be interested, if these wires come out in the 3D model of the dollhouse or not.

Post 12 IP   flag post
ahojman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
@ahojman ok just a though use a little wood and iron, give a few friends a couple of glasses of wine each, they might be willing to hold the the wood and iron homemade tripod. They can work as casters to move it from place to place. Have them wear clothing that blends in with the floor. I hope that helps.

Sorry like I said initially this looks like one of the most challenging jobs I have seen. Good luck please keep use posted.

You are a genious! I will follow your instructions and see how it works.

Out of joke, I will try to use Insta, edit photos to remove tripod, and see if Metareal helps (I am trying to contact technical people, any contact or email you know?).
Post 13 IP   flag post
Montreal, Canada
ysabelc private msg quote post Address this user
@ahojman I'm from Metareal, how can I help?
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