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WGAN Forum
Founder &
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab: Join Asteroom Photographer Network


Screen Grab 1 | Asteroom Photographer Network

Screen Grab 2 | Asteroom Photographer Network

Screen Grab 3 | Asteroom Photographer Network

Hi All,

Join the Asteroom Photographer Network to receive potential leads.

It's as easy as 1-2-3 to join!

(It's free to join. Potential leads are free. And, in addition to Asteroom, you can offer your other services to any potential leads that you receive!)

Screen Grab 1: Go to Asteroom Photographer Network and select: Join Now!
Screen Grab 2: Complete Form (Name, phone and email)
Screen Grab 3: Complete Form (Zip code, website, password)

You will then receive an email to Activate your Asteroom account followed by a getting started email. Sign into Asteroom account and receive your first Asteroom tour free!


WGAN Gold Member - @EricTsai with Asteroom – enables these special offers for WGAN Members:

Three Asteroom Virtual Tour Special Offers for the WGAN Community

Questions about joining the Asteroom Photographer Network?




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Post 1 IP   flag post
RealtyMediaMx private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan, I think the ones with Matterport legacy plan like me sees the prices pretty high, they should have plans to lure us 😅
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome to the WGAN Forum. Thanks for your post.

For Matterport legacy pricing Members, how should Asteroom price its virtual tour service? (And, should the pricing be different for Matterport legacy pricing customers than others?


Post 3 IP   flag post
San Francisco
EricTsai private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @RealtyMediaMx,

What would be a good price? I am curious to see what an optimal pricing would be for the community. Asteroom is not trying to be cheaper than Matterport, but our goal is to be the much easier solution to shoot while delivering tours in comparable quality. Photographers time is valuable, and its no fun to spend 1.5 hours in a listing to capture 80-100 360 shots. To me - that feels expensive.

Nevertheless - we are trying to lower the prices for the 2D floor plans or even include it in the $60 flat rate, which currnetly includes includes 6 months of hosting, a dollhouse, and image enhancment for all panoramas. (for up to 30 panos)
Post 4 IP   flag post
RealtyMediaMx private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @DanSmigrod, I think that pricing is always a catch for us, the ones we live from this.

For me Matterport is very competitive against other platforms thanks to the legacy plan, at the point that in other platforms I first see the pricing and then if the pricing is good, the features.

I do this in part because of Matterport wild politics with MPS, this closed platform were awesome at first, so easy to work, but then all the changes keep us in a restrictive system with none or bad leads, they price our work very low and now many of us feels like being stuck with a provider that is against us. Also the market is getting flooded with competitive companies that offer SAAS, photography, virtual tours, live open houses, etc. We have to choose carefully our next provider.

So.. how they have to price their service? I can't answer that, but their pricing structure is not attractive to me compared with the legacy plan I have on Matterport, is another closed system with the same vulnerability as matt.

I'm starting to use 3DVista as a Matt alternative, so far, very impressed.

Hi @EricTsai, thanks for the reply

I understand very well that quality and easy os use is the key but, "Photographers time is valuable" is a wrong statement, we don't want to rush between shots in a flooded market with low pricing war, we want a good provider that understand us, a provider that help us grow, a provider that introduce new tech things, a provider with good support, a provider that understand that the professional photographers is key to the business and not trying to jump us to get the brokers and home owners at the cost of low results.

If you have a closed system like Matt, well you have to lure us in with a competitive pricing structure, maybe a price per tour with no pano limit (those 80-100 shots that Matt uses is also what makes it feel more immersive)

Keep the good work, is awesome that you take time to read and respond us, remember that many of us are in the business for many years, I have almost 10 years making virtual tours and 3 with Matt.

Thank you both for the answers, cheers.
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @RealtyMediaMx
Hi @DanSmigrod, I think that pricing is always a catch for us, the ones we live from this.

For me Matterport is very competitive against other platforms thanks to the legacy plan, at the point that in other platforms I first see the pricing and then if the pricing is good, the features.

I do this in part because of Matterport wild politics with MPS, this closed platform were awesome at first, so easy to work, but then all the changes keep us in a restrictive system with none or bad leads, they price our work very low and now many of us feels like being stuck with a provider that is against us. Also the market is getting flooded with competitive companies that offer SAAS, photography, virtual tours, live open houses, etc. We have to choose carefully our next provider.

So.. how they have to price their service? I can't answer that, but their pricing structure is not attractive to me compared with the legacy plan I have on Matterport, is another closed system with the same vulnerability as matt.

I'm starting to use 3DVista as a Matt alternative, so far, very impressed.

@RealtyMediaMx will definitely help differentiate your services, as discussed in this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show about 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro. That said, I could imagine that the likely learning curve for 3DVista - as discussed by Los Angeles-based Kevin Dole (@Home3D) in that show is not for the vast major of the WGAN Community. (Please do start a new WGAN discussion to share your example tours created with 3DVista and your learning experience.)

Before I discussion comparing Matterport Classic Pricing with Asteroom, I would suggest the bigger question is that can you make more money with Asteroom because:

1. you can do $300,000 (or less) real estate listings efficiently with Asteroom that you could not do with Matterport (because of how long it takes to shoot with Matterport)
2. Asteroom solves the challenge of shooting 200,000+ SQ FT for Matterport Service Providers

Regarding comparing Matterport Classic Pricing (or Matterport New Pricing) with Asteroom pricing, my impression is that Asteroom is way less.

For example, I have an annual Matterport Classic Pricing Business Plan ($1,499 annually: which is actually $1,632.41 including tax). I host 290 of the 300 available models. Let's call it 300 models. That's $5 per model per year (before tax). That said, processing is $19 per model after 11 free per month. And, more if the model is larger.

Asteroom Enterprise Annual is $1,990 per year with 100 active tours and you can create 500 tours. If I divide by 500, Asteroom is $3.98 per model per year.

Asteroom wins!

To be fair to both companies, we should likely include:

1. If I create 500 models per year with Matterport - 132 include processing. That 368 models times (at least) $19 per model for processing, or: $6,992 extra. (If I was doing that, I would get a new Matterport Pricing Plan too and game the Matterport system: process with Matterport new pricing and transfer the models to Matterport Classic for hosting.)
2. Asteroom charges "from $7.50 for creating the optional 3D Dollhouse" ... that's at least $3,750 for 500 dollhouses.
3. At this point, it's way to complex (for me) to try to compare Apples to Oranges. That said, on the face of it, I would say that Asteroom is less!

Also, to get started with Asteroom, you don't need a subscription. The Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle is $60 and includes creating the tour; 3D Dollhouse; 360 image enhancement and six months hosting.

Does the above comparison?

Again, the key question is can you make more money with Asteroom because you can efficiently shoot tours in 15-20 minutes for 3,000 SQ FT listings of $300,000 or less. And, shoot large spaces as discussed here that is not practical with Matterport.

My recommendation is to invest the time in an Asteroom test and learn with an Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle for $60. (The first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle is free for WGAN Standard and Premium Members.)


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