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CoursesDroneDrone Pilot Ground SchoolDrone Pro Academy

Drone Pro Academy??12950

Jacksonville, Florida
thereal360 private msg quote post Address this user
So I just talked to my girlfriend telling her that i think i need to take the 107 course and get my drone license....
After that is scrolled through facebook. While I considered using the $50 discount that Dan offers here for a Drone course... It still would be $$250. So like i said i scrolled through facebook and as if Mark Zuckerberg heard my discussion.... an add of "DRONE PRO ACADEMY" pops up.

I guess Facebook ads work after wall... huh.
Anyways. ANyone ever heard of them? USED them? Experience with them? Because they are on sale.
$197 to YES $47 right now. To good to be true?


They do have a 30 day Money back guarantee as well. (doesn't matter if they aren't legit i guess, but if they are, hey, whats to loose)

UPON FURTHER REVIEWm it does look legit. Checked the Facebook page and youtube...
ANy reason NOT to do this?
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Do you want a coupon code to save on
Drone Pilot Ground School?

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EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
Check out Udemy for Greg Reverdiau - he's very qualified and a great instructor. Course is $12 + you get weekly blog updates from him. Also check Drone U where they offer a whole curriculum of drone courses + webinar updates for one flat annual fee.

Unless there is one locally, pilot ground school is not worth it. There are lots of videos (e.g., Drone U and Phantom Film School) where you can learn exercises to practice on your own.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Jacksonville, Florida
thereal360 private msg quote post Address this user
I am more asking to PASS the 107 test
Post 4 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
You can't pass if you don't study!!
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homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user
I used Gold Seal. I’m on my second license now. Personally.

I feel, it was worth paying for an online course. I did my course when Owned a couple of hobby shops. I sold drones and did some commercial work with drones.

I am a retired Naval Flight Officer (NFO) with several thousand hours of flight time. So at first I thought I would just go and take the test - I’m glad I didn’t I needed the refresher on airspace etc. you take a test every time you renew your license.

Most courses give you lifetime access to the course, which is helpful. As someone else stated, all the info is available online for free.

But for me, it was good to have it in a structured format. You really need to understand the airspace info. This is not one of those instances where you never use the info that you learn.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Jacksonville, Florida
thereal360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EaglePrecision
You can't pass if you don't study!!

If course... It just sounded like you are looking for a way to learn how to fly better...
And I responded I need a course how to pass the test. Hope this makes sense
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @homefinders3d
I am a retired Naval Flight Officer (NFO) with several thousand hours of flight time.

Thank you for your service.

Post 8 IP   flag post
homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Thanks I only mentioned that to emphasize that it is not a test that most people will pass without any study or experience. Unlike the RE license exams that have a high first time failure rate and the info covered is not generally used on a daily basis by agents- the info in the 107 exam concerning airspace needs to be understood.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Lambda_Photography private msg quote post Address this user
I probably shouldn't really say this, but I know Aaron who is doing the Drone Pro Academy Masterclass. While it might not be as good as Ben's Virtual Tour Pro, he has certainly helped me hugely with my drone work, especially with the video side. They will be releasing a few more masterclasses soon as well. An no, before you ask I don't work for them, or get anything from them.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Jacksonville, Florida
thereal360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Lambda_Photography
I probably shouldn't really say this, but I know Aaron who is doing the Drone Pro Academy Masterclass. While it might not be as good as Ben's Virtual Tour Pro, he has certainly helped me hugely with my drone work, especially with the video side. They will be releasing a few more masterclasses soon as well. An no, before you ask I don't work for them, or get anything from them.

Why shouldn't you say this? I asked if it is good. I bought the course by now, went through the 107 Boot Camp and will start now repeat repeat repeat. One thing i did like, but was odd in the beginning, it's fairly short video. What is great if it is boiled down to the important stuff that is needed.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Midlothian, Texas
SouthernStar360 private msg quote post Address this user
@thereal360 So do you recommend the $47 course? I have been eyeballing it as well
Post 12 IP   flag post
Jacksonville, Florida
thereal360 private msg quote post Address this user
studying from it right now. I will et you know when i take the test.. how good it was i guess... lol.
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