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Why 600 Pros Have Not Been Onboarded in Matterport Capture Services Program12772

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Video: Shop Talk 4: Comparing 360 cams to Pro 2. Views, the new VR mode, HLR tool, and Capture Services | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 5 August 2020

Screen Grab: Matterport Capture Services Program Webpage for Photographers

Why 600 Pros Have Not Been Onboarded in Matterport Capture Services Program

Hi All,

Matterport Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Platform, Elizabeth Fabozzi, gives an update about the Matterport Capture Services Program in this (above) Matterport ShopTalk webinar held on Wednesday, 5 August 2020. Elizabeth's portion of the webinar begins at: 00:28:01

Topics covered Included

✓ Why 600 potential Matterport Capture Technicians have been onboarded yet.
✓ How the Matterport Capture Services Program works (from the perspective of a Matterport Client and Photographer
How to join (and why there may be a delay in onboarding you)

A transcript of this section of the video appears below.

(The public launch of the Matterport Capture Services Program was on Thursday, 16 April 2020 in this Matterport webinar video.

Related WGAN Forum Discussions

Transcript: Matterport Capture Services Webinar | Thursday, 16 April 2020
✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport Capture Services Program | Matterport Capturer Technicians |

Questions about the Matterport Capture Services Program?



Transcript (Just the segment on Matterport Capture Services Program | Starts at 00:28:01 into the video above)

Next, we have another guest with us today. Elizabeth Fabozzi is with us. Hi Elizabeth. How are you?

- Hey, how's it going? Thank you so much.

- Thanks for joining.

- Of course. So hello, everybody. Elizabeth here, product marketing manager at Matterport, mostly responsible for go to market strategies and messaging for products here at Matterport.

So today I'm super excited to talk to you guys about our new capture services program. I will warn you. I get very excited. So you may want to put your volume down two notches, 'cause I tend to get a little bit loud. So just a warning there. So I think I'm ready to get started Amir, if you want to move to the next slide. All right. So we're going to start out with kind of understanding what is Matterport capture services. This is a pretty heavy definition here.

So it's a fully managed solution for regional or national enterprise customers who require one click access to schedule experienced and reliable Matterport professional.

Basically we call them Matterport capture technicians to come and scan their properties. So what does it mean to be a fully managed solution? That really means that you don't have to worry about purchasing the hardware. You don't have to worry about understanding how to operate the camera or some of the other things that go along with adopting Matterport as a service.

So what we're doing here is we're actually allowing usually enterprise level customers. So these are customers that have, 200, if I have Elizabeth Fabozzi's clothing store and I have 200 stores throughout the country, and I want to get all of those stores scanned within a month to put them up on a website.

Cause during coronavirus, I want to sell all of my merchandise virtually through my stores. So I want to be able to order a fleet of kind of what we call capture technicians to go out and serve those stores so that I can quickly attain digital copies of all of my spaces. So who are capture service customers and what does this look like?

These are some of the customers we've recently onboarded. These are all kind of real estate customers. So commercial real estate and residential real estate. These are global brands as well as national brands. So these real estate agencies own thousands of properties across the US and have a consistent need to get those properties scanned.

So we work with anybody from large corporations in commercial real estate, all the way through retail stores and manufacturing facilities as well. So how does it work? So once you join the Matterport capture services, once you adopt Matterport capture services at your company, you basically have access to a fully dispatch program where executable jobs are sent directly to our Matterport capture technicians.

So would work with our Matterport capture services team to set up a schedule of captures over a certain period of time. And what I really want to say about this is we are focusing on large enterprise clients. So these are customers that have, thousands of stores across multiple geographies that need it to be done in a quick amount of time.

So those that qualify for Matterport capture services are not really your kind of one office real estate agencies, or you're one store that you want to put on Google street view or one museum capture services is really designed for those that have a recurring demand in multiple areas, that it would be very difficult for an individual photographer to serve. So we've deployed this awesome program and have all these capture texts across the US and the world.

So currently we're seeding a, what we call seeding the ecosystem, which is onboarding these capture texts in select cities, across the US and the globe. And the reason we're starting with these select cities is we want to ensure that this ecosystem we are creating between the client, the capture technician and Matterport, everybody is incentivized.

And so when we onboard folks one city at a time, we know that there's demand in that city. So that capture tech, what we go for the sweet spot is about 10 captures per month per capture tech. That seems to keep everybody in the system motivated and excited to continue working with us. On the bottom of this slide here, which will be included in the followup is linked to our Matterport capture services page. On that page, there is a map. You can actually use that map to identify where our capture services are located currently. So why would somebody adopt Matterport?

Why would a fortune 500 company adopt Matterport? It's a fully managed solution. So may not have to worry about sending hardware to every single store and training up the employees on how to use Matterport to get their digital twins in their portfolio. There's no hardware needed. So these guys don't have to pay upfront for hardware and they don't have to worry about training staff on how to use that hardware.

The third point is really important is standardized pricing. So traditionally in our community, what we would do is we would just kind of search for somebody who had a Matterport camera in a particular location. But with prices may severely vary between, Los Angeles and Nashville.

So in order to create this consistent pricing and offering for folks that have a needs across multiple geographies, this standardized pricing is really important to them 'cause it helps them predict and budget out the cost of Matterport in a more consistent way.

The fourth point is just a consistent and reliable product and service. We onboard these Matterport capture technicians. We vet them, they need to be experienced. I'll go through some of the qualifications later in the deck. And to be experienced, they need to have great customer service and they need to be reliable. So we basically guarantee that consistency when joining the Matterport capture network. So last thing is two day delivery from date of capture.

So if you're an agent for Cushman and Wakefield's, you would go to your landing page and Cushman and Wakefield, and you would schedule a Matterport capture, capture technician would show up, scan the space. And then within two days you would have that space inside your account. So for customers that have just these large needs across multiple geographies, capture services is a really great program for those folks. So who are these Matterport capture technicians?

Who are we bringing into the program? Like I said, we want highly experienced folks with Matterport Pro2 cameras. So we're more than happy to discuss people that, maybe want to buy a camera to join the network. But really what we're looking for are experienced Pro2 users.

The second qualification is you need a Pro2, to be part of the program. The pro does a great job. It produces some excellent models, but really the high fidelity experience from the Pro2 is what we want to offer our customers that are in the capture service program.

We look for great customer service in advocates of Matterport. So getting on site with a big smile, you are representing our company. So we know that a lot of you are just super enthusiastic about how Matterport works. So, just coming onsite with a smile and being able to serve that client.

Matterport will actually be paying you guys. So that's how the transactions would work. You would work directly with Matterport to invoice us every two weeks for your jobs. And I'll give at the followup of this, we'll give you some more information about how to sign up to be a capture tech. So how do I sign up to be a Matterport capture technician?

So we're going to include some links at the end of this as a followup, one will just be the Matterport
Capture Services web page
. It has a ton of information on there, including the in network cities. If you scroll to the bottom, there's a button that says apply to be a Matterport capture technician. I'm actually going to include the link that goes directly to that application page as a followup as well. You can go ahead and fill out that application.

I will say we have about 600 applicants already in the backlog, and we're hoping to onboard them as quickly as possible, but we want to do it strategically. And in a way that we're serving customers in the right cities and that when we onboard these captured technicians, they have enough work to keep them motivated, to keep with the program.

So I'm just letting you guys know. So we only have 125 cities so far, we're growing every single day. So if you want to become a capture technician, I highly encourage you to apply because as we grow this network, eventually as we see this ecosystem, we would love to eventually be able to have people order scans, directly from you guys from the app.

But for now, what we're focused on is just creating an ecosystem where everybody is incentivized. So we've got a client with high volumes scan needs, and we've got a Matterport technician who can serve those needs. The last thing I want to say about serving for Matterport capture services is the radius or coverage area of the job. So when you are assigned to city, say New York city, we need you to be able to serve at least a 35 mile radius around the city center of New York city.

And then if you want to, we have a hundred mile radius option, and that would incur a travel fee for you as a Matterport captured technician. So what documents should I have ready when joining the program? So first and foremost would be general liability insurance. We need that to cover both you and ourselves, when you arrive on site, especially nowadays with some of the virus that's going around, we just want to make sure that everybody stays safe and is covered. Next is obviously a W-9. We want to pay you guys. So we would need that W-9 from you guys.

And then the other two documents you would receive after you'd already signed up, which is signing our master service scanning agreement, which is an agreement between you and Matterport. That would basically be a contractor representing Matterport in the field. And the lastly is our statement of work. Inside that document, you'll have things like service level agreements and timelines and guidelines on when we should upload the quality of the upload and such. How do I serve a Matterport capture service request? So initially the customer will come in, they fill out a form, right on the form. We actually have them select like the square footage. And we equate that to a time. So they may say, I want you on August 7th, between four and 6:00 PM.

And what will happen is the calendar only shows your availability. So the agent will only be able to book at the times, you're available.

So you won't be like surprised in the car one day to see a capture request that needs to be served in two hours when you're on your way to Tahoe. As long as you keep your calendar accurate, that will be reflected to the customer.

So they can only book you at times when you're available. The way that we select which capture technician will serve the job is a combination of kind of proximity to that area.

And then this is only particular to folks that are serving some of the insurance carrier enterprise deals that we have, but you would actually also need to be, you would be selected based on the carrier's preferred network. So if there are several capture technicians within that radius of the location of the job that needs to be scanned, in the insurance and restoration industry, they actually have preferred vendors. So we would select the person that was closest.

And if there was a person that was closest, that was a preferred vendor, that person would get the job. But that's only specifically for insurance and restoration folks who are serving the capture services deals. Lastly, you may need to link your regular business calendar to our system. Like I said, this is just to ensure that when somebody orders a capture you are actually available at that time, and that is it for me, there's probably a lot of questions. I'm more than happy to answer some. So I'm going to go through those in just a second, but I'm all done here Amir, so thank you so much for having me.

- Yeah. Thanks. That's great. That's super informative. And I know a lot of our guests today are happy to have gone through that. And again, just as Elizabeth said, very, very soon, we're going to get to the live Q and A, and we'll address all your questions, so please keep them coming.
Post 1 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
So, on average based on their 10 captures a month a capture technician in this Matterport Capture Services program you could make $1,600 a month on average
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
"And what I really want to say about this is we are focusing on large enterprise clients"

That's how many of us lost my largest Matterport Clients this year.

Thanks Matterport for sticking the tripod up our door stops once again. This is a re-distribution of client income.
Post 3 IP   flag post
jen_ishayoga private msg quote post Address this user
I'm confused. After reading the transcript from the MSP Class Action Lawsuit, my understanding is that this agreement also comes with a non-compete clause which basically says you can't do anything in your own industry for 24 months if you drop Matterport. Maybe I read that wrong but it doesn't look like it's going to play fair. How would this be any different than flooding the MSP market just like they had done before? Photographers don't want to punch each other in the nose for a gig - whether that's a flooded market or competing with the Matterport Elite. 🤪
Post 4 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

When I was approached for this program as I understood the contract I couldn’t offer any external photography, drone, or vr services. Therefore I declined. I can make more on average offering Zillow’s 3D home tours with a photo package
Post 5 IP   flag post
botticelli private msg quote post Address this user
They want someone to travel 30 miles across NYC to scan some nameless office space and show up with a smile too? Honestly that’s worth $1500 per job. Insane.
Post 6 IP   flag post
3SixtyNow private msg quote post Address this user
@botticelli please tell me you meant $150.00 per job!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
My experience with "the program" is as follows: They don't treat you well, they have no respect for the people doing the work.

1. Reached out directly to the main recruiting contact immediately after hearing about this program. No response.
2. He (mass) emails asking if we are interested a few days later. Replied in the affirmative.
3. Filled out all paperwork immediately.
4. Received our first assignment a week later. The job was 10 scans for a builder. They needed to be finished in 4 business days.
5. We completed the 10 scans in 2 business days and uploaded. This required a lot of detailed back and forth emails with our contact at Matterport, since everything was all new and it was early days in Covid world. Great communications here.
6. We DELIVERED in 2 days. We did this despite the fact we had broken one of our Pro2s a few days earlier.
7. Meanwhile- Ordered a new Pro2. BACKORDERED.
8. Filed a repair request for RMA on the broken camera. No Response.
9. Emailed the guy who we had delivered 10 scans in 2 days to, to request that he either get a camera to us or at least get someone in service to send an RMA. No response.

This was all 4 months ago. We have not received a job since. I know for a fact we are far and away the highest volume MSP in our area. We have done hundreds and hundreds of scans. In addition, we have purchased 3 cameras.

So, what happened the other day when I emailed our contact directly to ask if we would be getting any more assignments?
No response.
Post 8 IP   flag post
ZakhZ private msg quote post Address this user
Is this the program only for NA and Europe?
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