Asteroom Assembles the Virtual Tour and 3D Dollhouse from your 360 Photos12739
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user | |
Asteroom virtual tour created from this Matterport Digital Twin shot with a Matterport Pro1 3D Camera by We Get Around Atlanta. Images were lightly retouched by Asteroom (automatically included in workflow for WGAN Members). | 20 360 photo spheres were used to create this Asteroom tour Asteroom Assembles the Virtual Tour and 3D Dollhouse from your 360 Photos Hi All, If you are a Matterport Service Provider, you know that Matterport assembles the virtual tour walk-through experience and 3D Dollhouse. So does Asteroom! Asteroom assembles the Virtual Tour and 3D Dollhouse from your 360 Photos! I mention this because if you have been shooting 360s for a while and using other hosting platforms, it is likely that you had/have to assemble the walk-through experience (tedious) and may not have a 3D Dollhouse View (and you may need to create the 3D Dollhouse View; which can be tedious). And, unlike Matterport, for WGAN Forum Members, Asteroom will automatically, professionally edit the 360s (enhance color, for example); remove the camera from mirrors. And, you can easily add a nadir logo patch to cover the location of the tripod. If you order Asteroom 2D schematic floor plans (optional extra), the floor plans will look great. Two Asteroom special offers for WGAN Members ✓ Two Asteroom Virtual Tour Special Offers for the WGAN Community WGAN Standard and Premium Members ✓ Your first Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle is Free. Use this WGAN Form to get your Coupon Code. ✓ Join the Asteroom Photographer Network to receive potential leads Questions about Asteroom assembling the Virtual Tour and 3D Dollhouse from your 360 Photos? Best, Dan --- Related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ Two Asteroom Virtual Tour Special Offers for the WGAN Community ✓ 24 Reasons Matterport Service Providers should Add Asteroom ✓ 6 Reasons Asteroom Virtual Tour Virtual Staging ROCKS Residential Listings! ✓ How to Create an Asteroom using 360s Shot by a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera ✓ Asteroom Virtual Tour Platform Automatically Edits 360s for WGAN Members ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV Introduction to Asteroom with Founder and CEO Eric Tsai ✓ Free Course: Introduction to Asteroom with Founder and CEO Eric Tsai ✓ WGAN-TV: Introduction to Asteroom by Asteroom Founder & CEO Eric Tsai ✓ Five Asteroom specific excerpts from this lengthy article by TheRealDeal ✓ Identical Tours: Matterport (73 scans) Versus Asteroom (20 360s) ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Asteroom --- ![]() Screen Grab: Join Asteroom Photographer Network |
Post 1 IP flag post |
![]() Nail Soup Media Sarasota, Florida |
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user | |
@DanSmigrod you should d what inman does and have partial post available to non members but can see it all if they register to be free member | ||
Post 2 IP flag post |
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GlennTremain Thanks for the suggestion. Dan |
Post 3 IP flag post |
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priche private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hi Dan, I don't want to drag negative effect on what Asteroom is doing, but I would like to draw your attention on the fact you mention "assemble automatically the Virtual Tour...", and you add "automatically". Well, technically you are right, it's done without Asteroom clients' involvement. But under the hood, I would bet they use human to do it and not the super AI they are referring too. Same for the panorama fine tuning they are advertising and for which they clearly say it's done by their professional photographers. If I'm correct, I am wondering what kind of business model they can have to achieve such service... I don't think it's viable for long run unless they expect having only a very small portion of the market share of the realtors and or professional real estate photographers. If we do the math, using the service of one "professional photographer" to clean up a picture with the time to remove the camera in a mirror for 1USD, that needs either to be a very cheap professional which I have hard time to understand where they find them, and 2nd, for all the people on this newsgroup who have already cleaned up panoramas (seamlessly in 360) and even removed a camera footprint in a mirror, we can tell that is not easy task and it takes also more than a minute. So considering the appealing service, which is cool and very good for the WGAN community, I am just saying that I would be personally concern to find Asteroom able to continue either to maintain same process timeframe of 24h and/or same price tag for such service. Now, let's say everything is ok, the professionals photographers are cheap, they are super efficient and they can achieve tremendous work that make this model profitable. Then, can we imagine, like facebook or Google, an army of thousands of even hundreds thousands of people cleaning the panoramas one by one.... Regarding the assembly of the panos, it's same issue. I guess they are just using Everpano3D based on my mini reverse engineering. If I'm correct, we are far from the fully automatic AI process they mentioned. If it would be really AI powered, it would not take 24 hours to proceed (which is 3 days on the website btw). For those who are familiar with cloud technologies, whatever it's AWS, MS Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, the price for the CPU to analyse images and perform the "fast fourrier transform" (it's the main calculation to find similar portion of 2 images) is super time consuming and far to be cheap. Actually, it's probably one of the most expensive service of any cloud platform service with the deep learning machine process. One server 24/7 for a month that could handle such calculation with a short duration is about 900 to 2500 USD/month (and I'm not referring to a beast of calculation). That being said, there is nothing wrong with that! I am just pointing the fact that we are not talking about a real SaaS platform but a S+HaaS (Software + Human as a Service) which is also totally fine as long as they can sustain their ability to treat all the demands within 24 h or even few hours after sending the panos and the order, which I doubt. When I talking about this, I am foreseeing a long term business issue for the professional photographers who are thinking Asteroom is much cheaper and almost same service than MP, and would decide to switch to and adapt their business model and pricing accordingly. But, if, unfortunately and sadly, Asteroom could not continue their business model based on what I said, the people who have decreased their prices to adapt more tougher competition would be in pain if Asteroom cannot support the workload and/or the same prices and then force those people to return to MP or other solutions and therefore increase their pricing which is very bad signal to their clients. I want to add here I have really nothing against Asteroom solution and company ;-) I'm just thinking about the side effect of a announcement of "Top notch powered AI" if it's not the case. Last point to keep in mind, MP got up to 114M USD of funding and hard work to create their really fully automatic panos assembly... So, things are not magic out there... Please, let me know your opinion and don't hesitate to tell me if I'm wrong, which is totally possible. Thanks. |
Post 4 IP flag post |
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user | |
@priche Thank you for your thoughtful post. Asteroom Founder and CEO @EricTsai let me know that he would like to reply to your post. Thanks for your patience for @EricTsai to post. Dan |
Post 5 IP flag post |
![]() San Francisco |
EricTsai private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hi @Priche, Thanks for your feedback. I read your post carefully 3 times before typing down this reply. First, I want to thank you for giving Asteroom credit for our effort in providing a faster and cheaper alertantive to Matterport. Secondly, I want to assure you that I wouldn't have started the company if I didnt' have a solution for the potential concerns that you pointed out. You are correct - we have human intervention in addition to the proprietary AI technology. This is called assited AI. In fact - the name assited AI emerged because so many successful innovations came out from this type of busiess model. We are also continuously working on reducing the level of human involvement that's needed. Can we eventually automate this? The answer is yes. Is it worth it? To be honest - I am not sure because it will certainly require photographers spend much more time to capture - which is defeating our mission of making 3D tours easy. However, we are still going to try to achieve full automation since AI technology continues to improve over time. I strongly believe that if we are not improving, we are failing. For now - our standard is to deliver at least 60% of the tours in 24 hours, 95% in 48 hours. We have found a way to scale this business without sacrificing the quality and delivery time. It's certainly not an easy task, but it can be done. Unfortuantely I cannot disclose much more information on what we are planning on doing in the forum. But like I said- many companies with the similar business model here in the Silicon Valley have successfully done it. There is no reason for me to believe we can't follow a similar playbook. Please keep surfacing any concern or question you have. I really enjoy this type of in-depth discussions. Thanks! -Eric |
Post 6 IP flag post |
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priche private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hi Eric and Dan, Eric, thank you very much for your reply. First of all, I want to say, one more time, I have not tried to set you up or find a flaw in your solution to expose it here, and I'm going to let you know why I send this answer to Dan. I was just thinking: "hum, I know how this works and how it could be achieved, and I am really curious how that could be possible without an overcost of resources or an overwhelming challenge for the time being that cannot make this solution profitable". When someone tells he can change the lead in gold, it raises expectation and interest from the people who are going to be consumers. So I was sceptical, nothing more. The second aspect of this is topic, to be frank, is that I cherish the honestly, especially in business (I know it tends to be rare lately ;-) ). So, I ended up after few weeks of introspection and after watching the loooooong video of you and Dan reviewing your solution, where I saw Dan getting so amazed by your solution, that it should be fair for the WGAN community to say what is the reality aside from the specs and marketing message. I guess you may think: "this guy wants to expose me and make my company looking not fair". Actually not. I'm just trying to do what Dan asked to any of his members: share your thought, challenge everything for the good of the community. As you may not know, I have a PhD in computer science and I'm passionate about image treatment, panoramic photography and a bunch of related topics. That surely doesn't make me expert in anything but I guess I can figure out few things a bit more easily in that domain than Mr. Everyone. So, at the era of the full cloud stuff and SaaS business where human tends to not do but supervise the services, I think, from my humble opinion, it would have been better to tell your clients you are processing the panos and the walkthrough setup by human process. In fact, if you look at your clients' perspective, they don't care too much about how you do your stuff, as long as you offer reach their demand for a good price and quality. So saying it was the result of your powerful AI was not needed, and it was not the truth. Why it's important? Because it's not about if or if not you will succeed to achieve the full "AI" stuff you are talking about. It's about respect of the community who is deciding either or not to go for your offer rather than MP or any other offer on the market. I was listening you carefully during your video with Dan and I remember what you said about the class action against MP and you promised you wouldn't try to make your clients angry and would respect them at all cost. And then, you are selling a service that is not really what it is supposed to be. I know, I'm jumping on a conclusion that sounds negative, but actually, I think you admitted it is more a human process. For the sake of WGAN community here, let me summarize the challenge you are trying to solve to give the readers the scale of the problem. You have to find a way to "calculate" or "analyze" panoramas that have a part of overlapping/similarity with, at least, one other panorama to make the link between them. So, for the nonmathematician here, it's all about image analyzing process. To give an comparison to the audience, if you think about shooting a series of pictures that are overlapping themselves to stitch them together to produce a full sphere panorama, it's the same. And, by now, this process is made, either in the consumer computer (smartphone or tablet or computer) or in the hardware (camera itself). But, and that is the key, this stitching is made knowing the answer before starting the process. In other words, when I give to a stitching software the task to liaise together seamlessly a series of pictures, if I want to have a clean result, I need to predefined where is the geometrical position of each picture to use a predefined mathematical calculus to solve that problem. You can try yourself, if you take your camera and shoot a few panoramas around you trying your best to overlap them regularly, then you give them all to photoshop photomerge batch process, and you will see how many times photoshop fails to make a decent stitched panorama, and often you may see a popup message saying it was not possible to find how to stitch them together. And we are talking about Adobe, a 220MUsd capitalization company, not Asteroom startup! So, now, let's picture it that way. You have a bunch of 360° panoramas taken at different unknown positions, with one only rule, having a line of sight between them. But hey, "them", you mean a line of sight between them all or just few or just one, or 2? And do you have any clue about their position in space, the fact the white balance and brightness could change from one shot to the other, etc.... That give you a scale of the challenge Asteroom have in front of them. Now, the solution, it's all about image treatment here. You have to use the well known image processing calculation that will analyze the pictures, all of them as the computer as no idea if the image 1 is close to the image 2 or the image 24 which could be closer to image 1 in the shooting order. So, all the pictures have to be loaded in the memory or create batch with storing the result of the partial calculus of the server instance in the cloud (what a bunch of memory you need for one VT) and then, you need to start the server process that will take super long time and huge cpu consuming process to find the needle in the haystack. But, let's be optimistic here and let's say you solved that problem and your uncle is super mega rich so you don't have to be worried about the humongous cloud cost you are burning to achieve that task. Now, you need to face the second challenge and this one is way bigger than the first. let's picture it simply. Have you see the way the navigation flows from one pano to another goes? It's like if someone have sliced the panorama and define which part of the panorama is the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the hallway, etc... And without this, even you know the pano 1 is linked to the pano 2, then you have no way to make this nice smooth effect in place. So, here comes the human's job. Only a human can look at the panorama and slice the panos one by one and create a list of "virtual surfaces". Then, you need to define as well the common areas between 2 panos and be able to walk through them smoothly with a nice animation effect that looks like you float in the air. Small reminder here as I know my explanation becomes a bit tricky for the profan, the panoramas are not shoot like MP with a strict protocol and small distance between them, Eric said, I quote "one panorama per room as long as you have a line of sight between at least one pano with another one". So, even I sounds like very pessimistic, I would like to say that if such treatment was possible, how hell MP didn't make it worked already. Is that MP are stupid, or have not even think about it? No, it's just because in 2020, this challenge is almost impossible to solve at a duration and cost that is compatible with a consumer grade pricing. So, Eric, even you may feel that way, I'm not trying to tell you to give up, but I'm trying to say that if I put you back in time let's say in 2000 and ask you to sell me a virtual tour when the broadband access offered back then was between 0.5 to 1Mbit/s for the luckiest of us, you would probably tell me that is not reasonable and you would be right. Now you could say "yes, but our proprietary super AI is going to solve this". I would say "look Eric, you are not trying to find some similarities in the 15 million of lung x ray you got from the WHO to find how to detect covid-19 infection. You are not trying to find out if the picture of a human face is a man or a woman (which is already not possible to solve yet with more than 90% success), you are trying to analyze a bunch of 360° panoramas and tell which part is a wall, which part is the ceiling, which part is the gueridon that is blocking the view of the room corner...". And, I'm even not saying there is a stitch between those panoramas, so you need to make your picture analysis able to see the panos like seamless picture with not edge... So, unless you have a special trick and some secret card on your sleeves, I would say you are trying to solve the fermat theorem without knowing that is going to be the toughest challenge of your life. But, as I said in my first message, I might be wrong and I would be the first one to applause if you solve this problem for the good of all the people. And I would say as well you should propose you for some image processing academics awards like the one you could get from SIGGRAPH each year, as they would die to see that problem solve and, trust me or not, not just to amazed the real estate virtual tour photographers community but to solve hundreds of problems out there. Thanks. |
Post 7 IP flag post |
![]() San Francisco |
EricTsai private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Priche I don't think I am ever trying to hide the fact that there was human intervention, so I am not sure where the "admitting" came from. I always say we process dollhouses with AI, and if the audience care enough and want me to talk more about it, I will tell them its human and AI working together, called assited AI. I didn't see anything wrong with us calling our assited AI team "AI powered" because we do have parts of the process automated. Thats why we are delivering dollhouse faster and cheaper than competitors. I never lied about this by telling any agent, photographer, or broker that we process this "only with AI" or brag about how powerful our AI capability is. Nor do I think it would take a PHD to notice that this is not completely automated. In fact - if you go to Asteroom's website. We have a tab for "services" where the dollhouse page is under. Nevertheless, I thank you for your honest feedback and I will surface the language to Dan and the Asteroom team, so we will reconsider if the language that we have been using is still appropriate. |
Post 8 IP flag post |
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priche private msg quote post Address this user | |
Dear Eric, I can feel you are a bit not comfortable about what you said during the video with Dan, and what is written on your website. And I do understand that. But denying it is not fair either. You wrote: "Nor do I think it would take a PHD to notice that this is not completely automated. In fact - if you go to Asteroom's website. We have a tab for "services" where the dollhouse page is under." As a matter of facts, you have clear statements on your website: ![]() ![]() And I checked everywhere on your website and here is no mention it's produced by humans. So starting by saying during the video it takes 3 days rather than a few hours would be a good start and would be matching what is written on your website and the reality. Beside, we both know the "Assisted AI" you are talking about is not existing either. Or, you could also said Photoshop and even MS Word are assisted AI as the software is processing actions a human made... During the video, when Dan asked you about the time to receive the dollhouse, you replied clearly there is no cutting time and the client would receive the dollhouse the next day, which you precisely said it would be proceed overnight. And when Dan raised the questions about the time zone, one more time, you replied clearly it didn't matter much as you were able to proceed the dollhouse in a matter of hours. So, my questions to you are still the same: While Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, .... are still struggling to find a way to proceed pictures (regular one and not 360 panoramas) to achieve modest image recognition that is far less complicated that what you are trying to do, how are you going to make your solution REALLY automatic? How are you going to handle the situation if you have a large number of dollhouse requests suddenly? You cannot hire many additional people trained for making the dollhouse easily and fast. So, from 3 days it will become 4 or 5 or a week, and then are you going to tell your clients "due to the success of our services, we are force to extend the dollhouse processing time...."? What if the pandemic is affecting your "assisted AI" team? One more time, Eric, I'm not fighting about your services but about the perinity of them upon the expectation and the serious consequences of your potential failure towards the WGAN community that will get in trouble if you are not able to handle the manpower needed to proceed the dollhouse and the floor plan services. With MP, the shooting is longer, and there is reason for it. But, the process is fully automatic and there is no need of a human to click on the button to achieve something. That is why they spent so much money on R&D... Last comment. I can tell you didn't address my point about the technical challenge of making this process fully automatic. Is it because I'm right about it? Please, Eric, don't get me wrong, if you have answer(s) about it, then I would be happy to read them and to apologize if I was wrong for any part of my explanation. One more time, it's all about honesty and reliability. There is no mini lie, there is just lie and the clients are not really happy about them, especially when those clients want to make their living with your services... Thanks |
Post 9 IP flag post |
![]() San Francisco |
EricTsai private msg quote post Address this user | |
@priche We improved our deliverbility. It was 3 days when we made our website, but now it's 24 hours. We also publish our dollhouse delivery stats during our weekly webinars every Wendeaday. Right now it's 70% within 24 hours, 95% within 48 hours. Also - in our app, before we charge our users any money, we tell them how long the queue is and how many days are expected to get them back. So yes during the pandemic it was 3-5 days, but we were able to overcome the challenges and scaled up our operation. Did you at least download our App? In addition, when Dan asked me if time zone matters, I clearly said yes it matters. People in the US will get their dollhouses in the morning after they wake up. When you first asked if this was done by human, I said yes. If Dan asked me if it was done by human on the show, I would have said yes and explained what assisted AI is. The conversation just didn't go that way. And that makes me a liar in the show? That's a big accusation you are making. You really read too much into this. I am not sure what your motivations are when you are spending all the time and energy to write extensive posts to challenge Asteroom's product or business model. However, I am responding to you anyway because I know some people on WGAN are interested in some points you brought up. That does not mean by not responding to the your other points, I acknowledged that you are right. It's simply because I know people on WGAN don't care about the phD stuff, so there is really no point for me to spend time to agree or disagree with you. Does that make sense? I am not sure what you are trying to get out of me, but there is nothing there. So please stop making falsely accusations on the forum publicly about me or Asteroom. Nevertheless, I am starting to feel that you have a hidden agenda rather than having a genuine and friendly discussion - which is what I have been trying to do with you. Dan - I will let you take this over in the AM since your are the fourm manager. |
Post 10 IP flag post |
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priche private msg quote post Address this user | |
Dear Eric, I think you are now in defensive mode and I can understand that. But before saying I'm making "false(ly) accusations", let me summarize the points here, just the facts got from your website or your words: What your website says: It's full AI powered (Cf my screen shots) The truth: It's full man powered What you said: Dollhouse rendered in 24h for 70% of the cases (it's unverified stats, no offense, but it's true) What your website says: It's 3 days and more depending on the complexity (of course as there is no AI so the human will struggle with complex panos, or if there are more doll house request, or pandemic, or bankruptcy, or external issue you cannot control) So, to reply to you frankly, I have no agenda of any kind. I'm just not comfortable with companies claiming this and that when it's not true. If you can prove me I'm wrong, be my guest and I will apologize in a public post and stop saying it. But, for now, and for the sake of the WGAN community, I think it's more important to play fair and transparent, rather than saying I'm accusing you of something that, for instance, is true. You also forget I mentioned in my first post that Asteroom service and offer is interesting and the result is quite good. Don't look for revenge or plot against Asteroom, I'm not trying anything but to make people aware about how your service works. You cannot tell people they will have soon the Saint Graal when it's technically impossible. That is all what I'm saying. Now, as you said, WGAN community doesn't care about "PhD stuff", and I feel you have something against PhD by the way you refer to it, but it's ok, it's really not important. However, what is REALLY IMPORTANT is to answer me and the community about the perinity of your services. WHy? because if someone put the fate of his business in your services, he deserves the right to know if and how you will handle the hurdles along the way. 99% of the WGAN community thought your service was made like Google gmail or Facebook, or MatterPort. But, actually, it's not, so it matters a lot for them to know if they can rely on your services or not. I do hope we agree on that. So, I repeat only 2 questions which are fair and normal: Question 1 While Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, .... are still struggling to find a way to proceed pictures (regular one and not 360 panoramas) to achieve modest image recognition that is far less complicated that what you are trying to do, how are you going to make your solution REALLY automatic? Question 2 How are you going to handle the situation if you have a large number of dollhouse requests suddenly? You cannot hire many additional people trained for making the dollhouse easily and fast. So, from 3 days it will become 4 or 5 or a week, and then are you going to tell your clients "due to the success of our services, we are force to extend the dollhouse processing time...."? Now, you can deny it. Denial is one of the most terrible flaw of the human being, and not just yours. By the way, it's 2am+ here and I have been trying to connect on your website for about 1.5h unsuccessfully! May I know if there is a planned maintenance or something? ![]() |
Post 11 IP flag post |
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user | |
@priche Thank you for your insight, backstory and thoughtful discussion. I am thrilled that you joined the WGAN Forum and are asking important questions. I will reply on Monday. Thanks for your patience. @EricTsai Thank you for engaging in this discussion and providing additional insight and backstory. I will reply on Monday. Thank you for your patience too. @priche @EricTsai Okay if we take a time-out on this topic until I can re-read the discussion and reply on Monday? Much thanks! Dan |
Post 12 IP flag post |
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priche private msg quote post Address this user | |
Sure Dan, and hopefully, this time-out will make things calm down as I have no intention to fight but to discuss openly. Have you and Eric a nice weekend. Thanks |
Post 13 IP flag post |
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Expertise private msg quote post Address this user | |
As a consumer (and reseller) of (Matterport) 3D products my Number 1 takeaway from this is... 24 to 48 hour turnaround is of little value to me. Matterport is turning scans around in less than 12 hours these days. Often way less. | ||
Post 14 IP flag post |
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user | |
@priche Thank you again for your detailed and insightful posts. (And your patience.) It’s great that you joined the WGAN Forum and are engaged in discussions and asking great questions. I apologize that during my WGAN-TV Live at 5 interview with Asteroom Founder and CEO @EricTsai, I did not ask follow-up questions about how Asteroom uses AI to help assemble the virtual tours. That might have helped add insight for this discussion. I recall that when I bought one of our cars years ago - our last two were bought sight unseen at auction via a broker – the sales person wanted to show me what was under the hood. I had trouble processing this ask because I could not imagine why I would ever want to look under the hood. I am not a mechanic. I just want to drive safely. Prior to your posts, I likely would have said, perhaps in a similar way, if Asteroom assembles the tours for me – why should I care if assembling the tour is done 100 percent by humans; 100 percent by Artificial Intelligence or a combination. Now I can appreciate your thinking about whether Asteroom can be scaled if human assited. That said, it seems like a high-class, great problem for Asteroom with human assisted AI. Frankly, if Asteroom can scale human assisted AI for assembling virtual tours, that may be better than AI only because the resulting tour is likely to be better. Personally, I always believe in under-promising and over-delivering. So, we would never promise a client the same day or next day delivery. That said, I can appreciate @Expertise 's comment that Astertoom would need to deliver tours 100 percent of the time in less than 12 hours for @Expertise to consider Asteroom. Of the eight tours processed for me by Asteroom so far, I am very happy with the results. While I did not keep track of processing time, I recall that the tours were either ready the same day or next morning. The good news is that the Asteroom Hotspots feature within the Asteroom Edit Dashboard does allow the DIY tour assembly. (Asteroom Hotspots are how the walk around experience can be created or modified: adding directionally walk around arrows.) And, if speed is important, the photographer can do this immediately with the 360s - rather than wait for Asteroom to process the tour. So, a photographer could beat/compete with a Matterport Service Provider on tour turnaround if DIY was necessary. Managing peak load is a problem for any business. And, yes, I can appreciate your thoughts on SaaS versus SaaS + Human – particularly during COVID-19 when 24/7 Open House Virtual Tour photographers are super-busy and the potential for human tour assemblers not being available in sufficient quantity to turn tours around in a timely manner. From my perspective – as the content creator – the tours have been created automatically for me (regarding whether that is AI only; Human only or Human assisted AI.) That said, for those seeking a virtual tour solution for lower priced real estate listings – either as an additional tour solution to Matterport or in lieu of Matterport – Asteroom is a great tour solution to take for a spin. My emails to Asteroom Support were responded to quickly. The rate of innovation from Asteroom in the residential real estate space seems like it will likely eclipse Matterport (which is encumbered by simultaneous global expansion in multiple verticals and languages and multiple marketing channels). In contrast, Asteroom is laser-focused on residential real estate listings in the United States for real estate agents and service providers. Is the Asteroom business model – with human assisted AI – scaleable? This is a question that I hope that you and @EricTsai can respectively agree to disagree. For me, I really don’t care what’s under the hood that creates the Asteroom experience of automatic tour assembly. And, I have confidence that Asteroom will figure out how to scale so that service commitments are as good or better than now. Best, Dan |
Post 15 IP flag post |
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