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Add On: if your real estate agent clients only engages you to shoot photos12644

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Tip of the Week
--WGAN-TV Intro to Asteroom Virtual Tour Platform with Founder and CEO Eric Tsai #1481-How To Improve Your Business By Providing Asteroom Add On (first time free with 2D photo shoot)

Add On: if your real estate agent clients only engages you to shoot photos

Hi All,

If your real estate agent clients only engages you to shoot photos here's a tip about how to Add On an Asteroom 360 virtual tour AND 3D Dollhouse going forward to all your shoots with this client. [For context, it may be helpful to know that adding an Asteroom virtual tour - with 3D dollhouse - will only take you 15-20 minutes to shoot (after you shoot your real estate listing photos).]

1. Shoot an Asteroom virtual tour with 3D Dollhouse (after you shoot the listing photos)
2. Pay $60 for the Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle (no Asteroom subscription): 360 Virtual Tour Hosted for 6 months | 3D Dollhouse | Professionally Edited 360 Photos
3. Gift the Asteroom virtual tour to your client
4. Thank your client for their business and let them know that if they would like this [Asteroom] 360 Virtual Tour with 3D dollhouse view going forward, you charge X (a big multiple of the Asteroom Pay Per Tour Bundle ($60).
5. "This 360 Virtual Tour with 3D dollhouse will help you get more listing presentations; help you win more listings; and get bigger premium listings.

This small investment of time and money will help you - and your clients - succeed faster.

Your thoughts?



P.S. In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1481, above), I talk about the above. Plus, Asteroom Founder and CEO Eric Tsai shares his success story of doing the above. Watch the entire WGAN-TV interview with Eric:

Transcript: WGAN-TV Introduction to Asteroom with Founder and CEO Eric Tsai

Transcript (Video Above)

- Awesome. And I do have one of the two things I remembered while you were talking that came to me, and when I think about this solution, that it can be done in 15 or 20 minutes, if there's only one takeaway from today's show, what I would suggest to every real estate photographer, particularly those that already have a Ricoh Theta Z1, maybe you're using it for Matterport, even if a client has not engaged you to shoot a Asteroom tour, take the 15 or 20 minutes, after you get done with you're still pictures, shoot the tour. Go pay the $60. Have the tour to gift to the client.

Invest in yourself, invest in your client, give them the $60 tour, and let them know, thank you for your business. And "Oh by the way, if you would like this kind of tour going forward, I charge x." And make sure x is a multiple of that $60. A significant multiple.

And I could imagine that you will have many real estate clients who have only engaged you for traditional 2D photography, regular photos, who come back and say, "Wow! That's crazy!

I love that!" Let's do that going forward in addition to the 2D photos. And because it only takes 15 or 20 minutes to create, it's a great add-on or up-sell you're already there. Go make that happen. I think that's my two cents is like even if you're not already if you haven't been engaged to shoot the tour, shoot the tour, gift it, but let the client know how much you charge for that going forward if they would like that for other properties.

- Yeah there's one story I want to share, just a couple days ago I was looking on Zillow. I live in San Francisco, right, and I'm looking on Zillow, and I needed a listing to shoot some commercials for Facebook ads. So I need I call up an agent, and then there's this guy, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind for me to tell everybody his name is Joe Velasco.

I'll find Joe and I asked Joe, "Hey, I saw that you have an ad for listing, can I go do a tour for you? And can I use your listing to shoot some commercials?"

And he was like, "Yeah, why not." Know what, just come over and shoot the tour. And then I turned the tour back to him the next day. And he was really impressed. He asked me like, this is your company? And he asked me how he can do more tours like that. And I lay out to him, say you can buy the kit and do it yourself, or you can order it through our San Francisco photographer, Jerome Vismano.

And this is his price. And he said, that's great. And he asked for Jerome's number. So I think a lot of agents like Joe never heard of us, and he never considered anything else besides Matterport. But hey, I gave him a free tour. And he was impressed, and I hope my photographer Jerome won a client at the end of the day.

- Yeah, I think that's a great story, because you might not do that with Matterport. If you've been engaged to shoot 2D photos, and then you say, "Well, you know, it only takes me another hour and a half or two hours to shoot a Matterport tour" and I'll gift it to the client, I'm not sure the economics of your time are going to be there, but investing another 15 or 20 minutes to race around the house and get those shots and, create the tour, $60, good for six months; gift it to the client.

I mean for that matter, you could say, "hey, if you like it, it's this much." And if they don't want to pay for it, don't give it to them. But frankly, I would highly encourage, just gift it to the client and tell them going forward, this is how you charge.

# # # # #
Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I do essentially the same thing with the Zillow 3D Home - even if I don't charge for it, it cements customer loyalty and firms up my pricing in a market that is seeing a TON of Johnny (and Janie) come lately's, all of whom underprice the market.
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Yes. Zillow 3D Home is another great example for this business development Add On strategy.

Glad this is working for you!

Have you thought about testing charging some clients for the Zillow 3D Home Add On?

Post 3 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Yes, I've started doing that, especially since most want an unbranded link for the tour to insert into MLS. I provide that, and recoup the cost for the tour by charging for it, all the while trying to preserve the notion that they're getting more value, not that I'm starting to charge for something I previously did for free. Most of my clients are pretty shrewd when it comes to costs.

I try to bat away the self-shooters and others by pointing out that I use the Z1, which makes a huge difference in quality.

Post 4 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
isn't zillow 3d limited where this can be shared on a website and other social media? what is the shelf life of a zillow 3d when the property is sold? the great thing about 3D is that it lives on to farm a market and making the ultimate cost even lower. Either way both are great techniques
Post 5 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Per TOS no problems sharing the link - in fact, they have a dialog box that simplifies it. You can actually de-select a check box that inserts the Zillow name! I go one step further and use the Generic iFrame format of WP3D Models. AND, as a bonus, it looks like the link lives on for a very long time, even after the sale of the property. Only the public-facing media on are deactivated. For example, here is one that I did back when I had a lowly Theta V - it is from December 2019. I haven't gone back further, but I suspect that they are all there:

clickable text
Post 6 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@Chemistrydoc sweet so after the property sells it still shows? I just clicked o the example and is this property sold? This makes wp3dmodels really valuable :-)
Post 7 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Only through the link generated - not on the Zillow Listing itself.

Ideal, actually! And no hosting cost!!
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