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May I get your help with Matterport scanning of stairs?12588

GaryB75 private msg quote post Address this user
I’ve seen some posts about stairs, but still have trouble on two fronts when it comes to stairs from time to time.

Firstly, in keeping the scans I’m doing going up the stairs belonging to the floor below, until reaching the top/landing, I find that sometimes a scan midway up the stairs can link to a scan in the hallway below, dragging you back down to the other scan, meaning you then to work your way back to the start of the stairs and start going up them again.

Hiding scans sometimes works, but the houses we have over here are typically small Victorian terrace houses and it’s often necessary to have a scan on the stairs which is near enough parallel to a scan in the hallway, because coming off the hallway will be another room.

I’ve not tried hiding all the scans between the ones at the bottom and top of the stairs, but imagine if I did people taking the tour would still try tapping midway up the stIrs, resulting in the same problem.

The other issue is when we end up with a blacked out section on the dollshouse view, generally in the area at the top of the landing, a kind of “no man’s land” that is not recognised as being on either floor, or where part of the lower floors appears as part of the upper floor when viewing down on the floor plan view.

Usually this happens when there is a very small variation in terms of the levels on the upper floor, sometimes just the odd step or two.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@GaryB75 without seeing a screen shot or a tour that your having an issue with I am guessing you maybe trying to move to many stairs from level to level not giving the software enough data to completely tie one floor to the other smoothly. My work flow which is depend on size how narrow, wide and or floating stair case is I scan every 3rd step which is over scanning, but then I hide the unneeded scan points. I also do my transition from floor to floor on the capture app at about mid point in the stair case. Hopefully this helps.
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GaryB75 private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 thank you for the tip, Ive never thought to do that. I’ll create the new floor part way up the stairs case to see how it goes - here is the space link

clickable text

Hopefully it works, and if so you will see that when looking at the floor plan view on floor one, midway down, you will notice there is a blacked out section (because I didn’t scan the under-stair storage cupboard and put mirrors on the kitchen units as they were reflective) but also you will see the landing, which should of course only be visible when looking at the second floor.

Hopefully by trying your tip (and scanning inside the cupboard even if only to then hide the scan) I can avoid these problems next time.

Kind regards

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