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ADA CompliantMarketing

ADA Compliance is not a scam here is why12528

Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
Meet the people waiting 20 years for you to wake up. I have

now meet your neighbor, friend , coworker, relative
Post 1 IP   flag post
immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
I hardly think people believe that usability standards are a "scam." What is a scam are the predatory attorneys that go after small businesses knowing that they don't have the financial resources to defend themselves against malicious lawsuits or pay thousands of dollars to bring websites into a vague "compliance" that may or may not be sufficient under equally vague rules. Instead of saying, we see your website lacks these specific usability features, and here are some ways you can fix them, they instead file lawsuits. These garbage attorneys aren't trying to make the web a better place for people with legitimate accessibility issues, they are simply trying to make a profit and exploiting people with special needs to do it. It's disgraceful. The simple truth is that the ADA was passed in a time when websites were simply text and photos and made no considerations for future technologies or the limitations of them. To tell a small business owner that if they cannot afford thousands of dollars in vague accessibility accommodations that they should not be in business is foolish and shortsighted.
Post 2 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
@GlennTremain Thanks for getting my website compliant. You can see it here: clickable text ...Blue Icon in lower left of frame.

Obviously needed and one less thing to worry about. I highly recommend checking out what Glenn can do for you at a reasonable price.
Post 3 IP   flag post
BarnesCreative private msg quote post Address this user
@glenntremain well said. It’s a “thing”, for sure. The lawsuits are ridiculous. Making a site compliant is the right thing to do for certain industries that are public facing. There’s 20% of the market that has some sort of disability. No reason to exclude them.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@immersivespaces Totally missing the point. It's been the law for 30 years and doing everything else has done nothing until in 2017 when suits starting to happen.

If you can think past the basic level you should see This is for you to offer help to your clients where their web guy is clueless like I was until 3 weeks ago.

I recommend understanding websites (I started my business in 1994 and your comment that back in those days it was just photos and text misses an understanding of what ADA does) and looking at the REAL "truth."

1990 law was passed but websites and internet were not mainstream.

1994 internet was opening up to real estate and businesses in general. Look at this link to see wasn't born till 1996.*/

Disabled people waited.

and waited.

5 years
10 years
20 years

they petitioned, hired lobbying groups to try and find a way to get it so the business world would comply with the law..,...


Then 2017 they thought they were going to have progress because new legislation got passed


so if you would listen to the video I say its the next progression.

you can whine that its the attorneys but 98% of websites are not compliant and have been NONcompliant for 26 years and now with threat of suit people are finally doing it.

Without the "garbage attorneys" as you call them this would NOT get done.

now the message is not to bitch about the "garbage attorney" as you call them but to look at the people I showcase in the videos above. I bet you see them more out in real life now that you are reading this.

@BarnesCreative says its 20% of the population.

Well if you can get your head past fixating on cost to comply with a law you should let this sink in;

By complying and making social media material about it you attract the 20% and the viral effect their sharing this about your business causes. Their friends, family, loved ones, coworkers and people that belong to forum groups see that are and are not handicapped see and reach out to you.

Next week I will have a marketing package that will show this and then in a month I will post real case sales derived from the social media marketing of going compliant.

*********** I wont respond if you didn't watch my video and watch the the example videos and pretend you know about how websites work, etc.*********

if you don't get it that's fine this is not for you but if later you get it and want to be part of looking like you want to do the right thing and get business from it that pays more now and every year than it cost to do it then reach out.

****I'm not interested in selling you anything. Dan has great deals on websites and services...this is something to wake you up on (Like it just did this month for me...I was ignorant like you 3 weeks ago.

I will write more as updates happen.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@rzphotoman thanks but I'm not looking to sell anything :-)
Post 6 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@BarnesCreative you are the expert so I will be using the 20% figure from now on but it's larger than that because like we talked on the phone about by complying and making social media material about it you attract the 20% and the viral effect their sharing this about your business causes. Their friends, family, loved ones, coworkers and people that belong to forum groups see that are and are not handicapped see and reach out to you.

I'll make a video visually showing the true impact of my concept of social media documentation of going with compliance and how it gets the website more business.

I will also make a video on how a Property marketing provider can clean up showing agents how to get compliant, how to make it social media viral and more
Post 7 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@immersivespaces just reread you response

no one is saying "To tell a small business owner that if they cannot afford thousands of dollars in vague accessibility accommodations that they should not be in business is foolish and shortsighted"

You made that up
Post 8 IP   flag post
immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
@GlennTremain I didn't miss the point at all. I've worked in media for over 30 years, and I also happen to have a disability, so I understand all of this far better than you imagine.

These attorneys aren't going after big companies, they are specifically targeting small businesses who's owners largely live paycheck to paycheck and simply do not have the resources to defend themselves. We have numerous cases where small mom and pop and minority-owned businesses who are being targeted by one person and her team of reprobate lawyers trying to "teach them a lesson" and force them to settle for thousands of dollars in attorney fees without ever seeing their case heard in court because they can't afford to get there. They aren't teaching anyone anything, they are profiting off of people's inability to comply with vague rules that are literally cost-prohibitive to comply with for many of these small companies whose owners may have piecemealed their website together themselves with little or no technical skills or knowledge. Their non-compliance isn't malicious or intentional. That is what I have an issue with. Awareness and education, absolutely, but if your first response to seeing that some small business is not in compliance with rules they don't even understand or know exist is to punish them, then your justice is starting to look a whole lot more like vengeance and that is purely evil. In almost every case these businesses had no advanced notification that they weren't in compliance until they were slapped with a lawsuit, many not even knowing what compliance was. There are 50,000 federal statues, and I promise you that given enough time, I could find a few that you have broken this week.

And to be clear, I have absolutely no issue with there being a need for accessibility standards. They are necessary and beneficial and should be taught as part of any business education. But I also believe that those standards need to come with specific guidance and be updated frequently to address the everchanging landscape of technology-driven media. They also need to be reasonably attainable financially by small businesses. A small business should not face punitive damages for not being able to afford to pay for the inflated cost of compliance. It's easy to say cost isn't an issue when you're not the one writing the checks.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@immersivespaces yes you are. this is not a whine post this is a wake up call to get your site compliant and stop following the herd to bitch about lawyers rather than work on getting it compliant.

First it's not expensive to start...and that avoids lawsuits....NONE of the instances you want to bring up had tried in the first place.

In another post I made here I told you how to do it....or at least have lawyers looking at your site, seeing you are trying and moving on.

again not watching my video has me catering to you

If you install a widget (userway is one) and put this code in the footer you get 98% of lawyers moving on
"ADA Compliance: In concurrence with the National Association of Realtors guidelines, The company behind this site is committed to providing an accessible website. If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact us to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. We will respond swiftly and will take your needs with importance and give a response with urgency. We strive to provide the content you need in the format you require."

Also you are making up scenarios. Please send specifics of one person you know and yes please send what I am violating. They are going after big and small. If you know of a small company that has received notice ask them if I can help.

but watch the video I made and these and if you still going to post like this I will happily get on a zoom and not only help you, but your site and enhance your 30 years of media experience but you above all that don't have 30 years of media experience will have a phenomenal increase in business!

other videos to watch instead of making "straw man" posts

NAR legal counsel advisory

My video to those that still are fighting this I JUST made this just for you!
Post 10 IP   flag post
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