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Virtual Furniture Showrooms with "add to cart" capability?12103

Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Guys

I have a customer who is building a new furniture brand here in Egypt. They doesn't have a store yet and they want to do a virtual furniture showroom with "add to cart" capability. Does anyone have experience or examples related to this?

They want to do like in this video from IKEA Tmall, but with virtual showroom instead of a real one.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Post 1 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
The only thing I've seen is one high profile store here has done a matterport tour of their store a few times. They've then just had people call their sales reps to buy or come in to buy.

In theory, you could use mattertags that link to a shopping cart. But that might get a little cluttered. It's a great idea though.
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab from WGAN-TV Training U


Sounds like a great prospect.

I encourage you to watch this free WGAN-TV Training U courage about furniture store (example) meets automating the exporting and importing of MatterTags (particularly as it relates to shopping cart:

69A-WGAN-TV Automating Exporting and Importing Matterport MatterTags

Post 3 IP   flag post
RichardStanton private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia none of this is a solution, but it may at least give you some data points to use along your journey.

1. I have some commercial retail properties which I do regular "refresh" scans. I use machine code tags within view in their isles while doing the initial scan and remove them after. This allows me a lot more flexibility to re-establish alignment when going back to refresh (assuming they have not gone nuts and physically changed EVERYTHING in one go) Operationally I have found this makes keeping things up to date plausible even amidst medium levels of change, but in my cases the objective is to keep the public up to date on current general item locations, new major displays, etc. and not online ordering. (though I do have one with a Mattertag link to the in-store deli and their ordering system so they can order up food)

2. The Matterport API is out of beta now, and it has a lot of capabilities for in-showcase manipulation and data feeds (you can attach a live playing video to the screen of a TV's internal model for instance). I have only recently started discovery on the capabilities, so I cannot say one way or the other whether it would meet your project goals, but the objects/methods exposed that I have played with so far look very promising. Regardless I don't think you are going to fully meet your objectives without engaging a development resource and doing some discovery, it could be a road that you do not want to travel for now. That said there is nothing wrong with a little healthy discovery!

3. Less of a data point, and more of a suggestion - if you do continue down this path and discovery, don't do it without at least a MVP (minimum viable product) list of requirements in hand. You don't need to make them complicated or techy, in fact you don't want to. All you need is short snippets/stories of the Who needs to do What and When, and even though you will be tempted to, stay away from the How, trust me.

Sorry for the novella, these are just my personal opinions and experiences. Take what might help you make progress, and leave the rest!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia Yes that is something a lot of customers have been asking for already pre Corona.

That tour looks like a hacked Matterport tour. I have done some work for Ikea. Go and google Ikea Australia , they did something similar about 2 years ago if memory serves me right. They used it as marketing tool to drive shoppers to new store openings. But had an interesting chat with a marketing guy for IKEA and he said they are slowly fading away from brick and mortar and looking at taking the business just online. As they admit their walkthrough in store experience is a bit broken.

The one objection I have is viewing a tour with 500+ matter tags all over the show , it just does not look very cool. More like a Skittles factory that exploded. Also the fact that when you click on any annotation it clicks out of the tour so you have a good chance of the client not clicking back into the tour. Another thing they have realized as the average consumer also will not walk a complete showroom virtually and we can also see that when you look at the heat maps of Matterport tours or the time spent in bigger tours. A lot of people also don't know how to navigate trough these tours or to quickly open the dollhouse or floor plan view to transition to another section. This is something I have raised with Matterport a long time ago but as we know they never listen to us the customer that is passionate about the product, service and value they are giving their customers and users.

But there are some very very talented solution providers that is coming on the scene that are listening to what the market wants and needs. Why don't you reach out to them and see if they are not interested in developing something.

This is something you would be able to build in 3DVista as we were brainstorming last year some similar type of solution for a use case. You can create the exact Matterport like transitions with 3DVista and will be able to build in a shopping cart. They also allow you to do mask overlays on the products so when you hover over them you can have the info window pop up. Also with this solution you win the data and the tour and can self host it. Why don't you reach out to the guys at 3DVista they also offer a service where they build you a type of solution.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod actually it is about how to start selling the products while the showroom is still not read or even will not be ever.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@RichardStanton appreciate this valuable input.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by AhmedAttia
@DanSmigrod actually it is about how to start selling the products while the showroom is still not read or even will not be ever.

Ah! I apologize ...

How about this ...

Demo of CAPTATE: It's Like Matterport for Pre-Built Properties

CAPTATE Founder @Conor_Brady can answer your questions about his platform.

Post 8 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard the big issue here is that if we didn't find a solution to make a 100% virtual interactive showroom with an online purchase capability, the customer will rent an empty warehouse to furnish it 2-3 times to show most of the products as a temporary solution but for the long run, it is not a good option. Two questions here:

1- is it possible to scan an empty warehouse and do a virtual staging later but using the customer furniture pieces? If yes, is it required to have each piece of product in a 3D format? As VRPM have a pre-loaded furniture gallery, does it accept external furniture blocks?
2- do you have an idea if 3DVista can do this type of virtual environment building and adding external media like furniture blocks?

It will be a very interesting thing if we found the proper solution.
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @AhmedAttia
1- is it possible to scan an empty warehouse and do a virtual staging later but using the customer furniture pieces? If yes, is it required to have each piece of product in a 3D format? As VRPM have a pre-loaded furniture gallery, does it accept external furniture blocks?

If you have custom furniture, you add via VRPM reseller: Virtual Staging Value-Added Reseller Peterborough, England-Based Imagineer Consulting Founder Angus Norriss (@AngusNorriss)

Transcript: WGAN-TV How to do Virtual Staging of Matterport Spaces

Post 10 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod here is the point so we will need to have an empty big big warehouse to use it same like the green chroma in cinema and this solution is not a one fro long run, but anyhow at least it could be something to start with. Thanks a lot Dan.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
The CONNCEPT of having Matterport scans used for big ticket retail is very powerful, I think. But the huge problem that hits me immediately is the fact that retail inventory is not static, it is evolving constantly. How would you handle that?

Would you do partial re-scans ever week? Full rescans?
Post 12 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@Expertise for that reason we would like to use the virtual staging from our own 3D furniture blocks depending on the stock availability. We think to scan an empty big warehouse and then try to stage from our our library. What do you think.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia, we did a bit of research on this when we released our Automated Mattertag Import service. I've actually got a draft article sitting around that presented our thoughts on this.

Here's a live example:

The 300 tags were originally created manually, we exported them, the 3D Technician updated them with the client, and we re-imported them. When they do new ones now, we will create them using our automated process. This reduces the work required to set up, thus making it more viable.

These tags don't link to any online store capability, but can. We've got other examples (not public yet) where the tags have product images, pricing, and links to checkout.

But I do agree with some of the comments above - Mattertags aren't the prettiest things, no ability (yet) to have alternative icons, and can flood the visuals. The resolution to this for now is to use MP/embed which has options to turn off the Mattertags in dollhouse, floor plan, and/or 1st person view. Then also use MP/embed's Mattertag search and grouping functions so you can jump straight to stuff.

I don't think a Matterport 3D digital twin is the equivalent of a well-designed online store - the latter tend to be a lot more streamlined and customisable to convert visitors to paying customers. But furniture is a bit different, the 3D walkthrough lets you have a really good look around if the scan positions are well placed. I think the above example works quite well (though I'd prefer to see it in MP/embed).

Stock turnover - I'd manage this in a couple of ways. One is to update the tags to say 'out of stock' or similar to manage week-by-week changes. Month-by-month would require rescan, but you could divide the showroom into sections each a 3D walkthrough in their own right. That way it's a section rescan, not an entire showroom rescan.

If thinking about virtual staging - I'd almost ask at that point if you'd be better having a traditional online store, but built it to utilise a database of 360 photos for each product - that might provide a better outcome.

Just my opinion
Post 14 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
What if you built and scanned "departments" in part of a warehouse with real furniture? It would be kind of like a staged set in a play.

This would be similar to a large furniture store, they are usually sectioned off.

If you broke down the inventory to (for example) 10 sub-sections, then you could scan one at a time and update them as modules.

The set would have multiple doorways/openings in the walls where users could "walk" to the next "department". You could maybe just use a printed representation of the next section using a graphic in the doorway to enhance the showroom feeling?
Post 15 IP   flag post
harmont private msg quote post Address this user
I thought this was a really well done example with hyperlinks to website for each product.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by harmont
I thought this was a really well done example with hyperlinks to website for each product.

That is a BRILLIANT example! Any idea who did it? I'd like to offer them a free export of ALL THAT MATTERTAG DATA!
Post 17 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
I clicked 2-3 links and got all errors.
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