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REmedium 3DVersusVideo

Video: REmedium 3D vs Matterport: Have you heard of REmedium3D?12095

fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
I just had one on my realtors forward me this link. They were marketing directly to him. Anybody heard of them or know anything?

clickable text
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WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
I just took a quick look. It's another tool, but very limited. Doesn't allow 360 views at all points which is the huge sell of Matterport. It looks like it basically allows the viewer to stop and manipulate video by using a slider.
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
I told my realtor that the market is being flooded with new,fancy and inexpensive virtual tour programs and that all are not as they appear. I also told him that we do investigate the most promising and try them out here in the office.
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RichardStanton private msg quote post Address this user
Ammaaaazing, it frame grabs video and lets you buffer those frames, add hot spots, and then play them backwards and forwards really fast until you spit coffee out of your nose... *yawn* I really am getting tired of all the lame things appearing on the market just looking to make a quick buck. :/ I'm all for healthy competition, but these people are throwing terms around in misleading and often untrue ways. @fotoguy I concur with your response to your client base. I care about the end results, not just the tech - one role we have to serve is to protect our clients from the snake oil salesmen.
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CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

I had an agent call me last week asking about this "New" cell phone capture. I explained to her that it is indeed possible but the quality was "OK" at best and very time consuming.

I am shooting two 2.5 Million dollar listings for her this week one today & another on Wednesday.

Key is to have patients and educate your agents and other clientele

I have been bundling a "VR" package with Matterport & Zillow 3D home tours

Zillow seems to be pushing out updates almost daily ~ Today they added support for the SC2

Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
When I get a free couple of hours I plan on doing a "why Matterport matters" tutorial targeting realtors in particular. You really can do everything realtors want (ok, you'll need your DSLR for a small handful of shots that you just can't get with a scan) with Matterport--window pulls, etc. I realized I needed to do this when I proposed I shoot a tour for a realtor when she asked for photos and floorpans. I offered to shoot a tour, pull images from that tour and GIFT her the tour for free. She shot back an email, "I got someone else, thanks". I don't think she even realized what she was turning down.

OK, I understand that a Sony, Canon, ________, will capture pristine wide angle shots. Clean them up in Lightroom for that extra pop. And I think for a multimillion dollar property, they should get everything. But you can't tell me that the average home buyer is going to scoff at images like these. OK, the windows are a *little* over exposed, but seriously....Actually, some resolution loss after uploading here. So not true to the images I have saved to my computer.

Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
link to dropbox to see original quality. Again, not A7Riv quality, but seriously.
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virtualpro private msg quote post Address this user
We too are doing the same enhance extracted images and branded floorplans

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