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JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hey everyone! ![]() How to Promote Your Agent’s Brand and Maximize Their Listing’s Potential Online I believe our purpose as photographers, videographers, and virtual tour providers is to serve our real estate agent clients by promoting their brand and maximizing their listing’s potential online. Essentially this just means you are trying to help THEM look really good by helping their LISTINGS look really good. Here are a handful of ways we can help our agents look like stars to their sellers and help their listings shine. >>> Promote their brand (make THEM look really good)… (1) Professionalism at the shoot: While on site, we are representatives of the agent to the homeowner. The way you present yourself, how you interact with the homeowner, how you work through the home, all come together to create a nice experience for both the agent and homeowner. Agents win new business through referrals, and a big way to get referrals is to impress the seller they are working with. You are part of the equation on how the realtor seeks to impress the seller. (2) High quality photos, videos, and virtual tours: How the agent presents a listing online is a reflection of their brand and level of service to the homeowner. If an agent is using poor quality real estate photos, videos, or virtual tours to promote their listing, how do you think this represents the realtor? Since you are probably a photographer you know full well that beautiful quality images, videos, and virtual tours can really make a difference in how people perceive a brand. And in this case, how people perceive the real estate agent. I know from personal experience how beautiful photos, videos, and virtual tours can impress a seller. Here are some actual quotes from a few of my client’s sellers from just the last few weeks: - “I can't even find words to describe how in awe I am of all of it. They are awesome. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” - “Simply beautiful. Don’t know why, but it brought tears to my eyes.” (3) Property Websites: A dedicated website or online gallery for a single listing helps the agent show to the seller that their listing deserves the best. Combined with a nice domain name (such as, this dedicated website becomes the easiest way to share and showcase all the amazing content you created for your client. Easy to share on social media, in email blasts, and through texts. >>> Maximize their listing’s potential online (making their LISTING look really good)… (1) High quality photos, videos, and virtual tours: There’s no doubt that professional real estate images, videos, and virtual tours help listings perform well online. We know this as photographers, but the numbers don’t lie either… - Among all generations of home buyers, the first step taken in the home search process was to look online for properties. (NAR 2019) - The most important website feature was photos for 9 in 10 buyers under the age of 63 (NAR 2019) - Buyers spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos, and only 20% each on the listing description and agent description. (The Wall Street Journal 2013) - Listings with professional real estate photography receive 61% more views online, sell quicker, and sell for more money. (Redfin 2019) (2) Property Websites: A property website with a nice domain name is a great way to share the listing on social media, over email, in texts, and on the sign in the front yard. Nearly all agent websites can display photos (often very low quality), but most don’t have a great way to showcase virtual tours and video. The property website is sometimes the ONLY place that can show it all. >>> Property websites don’t only benefit the agent, they also benefit YOU in a number of powerful ways… (1) Get credit for your work and capture leads: Without a property website or branded online gallery, how are you going to be associated with the shoot? Every listing you shoot is an opportunity to showcase your work. Property websites are not just viewed by interested buyers, they are also viewed by other agents. Potential clients! With a branded property website, you have an opportunity to capture those leads. (2) Stand out from other photographers: By offering property websites, you start to become more than just a photographer, but a marketing partner that your agents rely on for every listing. This is a great way to set yourself apart from other photographers! (3) Great portfolio pieces: Property websites also act as an amazing portfolio piece to share on social media, over email to interested clients, and on your website. I frequently use past property websites to show potential clients all that we can do for their listings. By seeing these real life examples, they know exactly what they will get by hiring us. (4) Additional revenue stream: Lastly, single property websites can be a nice little add-on to any shoot. I’ve seen photographers charge anywhere from $25-100 for a property website. I personally include property websites with every shoot we do, because they are such a benefit to my photography business. I don’t want there to be any hurdles for agents to pass them up! >>> Conclusion… In short, the best way to equip your clients to share and showcase all the content you created for their listing is through a property website. You get the credit for the amazing work you created AND it helps your agents look like stars! All this adds up to more value you can offer to your clients – giving you greater confidence to increase your rates, maximizing your presence online for other agents to see your work, and opening up additional revenue streams for your business. Our goal at Show & Tour is to help you Save Time, Increase Your Value, & Look More Professional. And with Show & Tour you can create UNLIMITED property websites for a set monthly fee, giving you the freedom to build and create until your heart’s content. Here are some great example property websites from the Show & Tour community: >>> Build A Property Website <<< >>> What are other ways you have found to promote your client’s brand and maximize their listing’s potential online? SOURCE:]How to Promote Your Agent’s Brand and Maximize Their Listing’s Potential Online by Josh Mais | May 14, 2020 |
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Apeonpm private msg quote post Address this user | |
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![]() Show & Tour Leawood, Kansas |
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Apeonpm glad you found it valuable! | ||
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simbany1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Using your starter package now and definitely like the workflow. Have 4 projects in there now so getting the hang of it. Love the ability to have a central site to upload all type of media. You guys talking with Dan at WGAR to put together a package for members? ![]() Would love to see the ability to customize fonts or just some more customization options. But I'm a fan! |
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![]() Show & Tour Leawood, Kansas |
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user | |
@simbany1 Thanks! Message Dan for the discount code ![]() |
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Expertise private msg quote post Address this user | |
We provide free Single Property Websites (SPWs) with all our shoots. It's a great idea... except many don't use them. I don't know why. Some random thoughts/questions... I wonder: Does anyone have a proven technique to get more adoption of the sites? Do you think the sites would be appreciated more if we charged a nominal fee for them? Any luck getting clueless types to understand that the branding on a site requires them to actually input their personal contact info and headshot/logo? They actually inquire as to when we are going to get the branded page working for them! lol |
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![]() Show & Tour Leawood, Kansas |
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Expertise I think you start by talking to your clients about the value and usefulness of property websites. Whether that's just on your website, in a blog post, email, booking form, etc. Not sure if the sites would be more appreciated if you charged a nominal fee. I think FREE is more powerful than CHEAP. So I would rather offer something for free than upcharge by $5, $10, $15. Maybe if you said it's $50 on it's own, but you'll include it FREE with a shoot. We usually just gather all their branding information for them so they don't have to (scraping from their website and email signatures). They are more likely to call out a mistake than remember to give you the proper info. |
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homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user | |
Just an opinion, but I don't think most agents put any value in a single property website (SPW). Most leads come from Zillow, the MLS or referrals. I am curious how everyone believes agents should be using SPW's? Almost every brokerage provides agents with websites and a quite a few provide SPW's as part of their chosen CRM. If it is priced into the package rather than Ala Carte, it might be looked upon as a bonus. I can see how it might be used as part of a FB ad. But, in general the agent would probably prefer to use a link to the property on their own website and expose the potential buyer to their other listings. @Expertise The key to getting agents to adopt using the SPW is to show a valid lead generation benefit. I did a google search for " 4 bedroom home for sale" Not a single SPW placed in the first 10 pages of Google. My guess is that for one to show up, I would have to search a specific address - that is not going to produce many leads. I am posting this more of a question, in the hopes of discovering where I am going wrong. | ||
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simbany1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
IMO, I don't think single property websites are going to be a dealbreaker or maker for agents but what it's done for me is provided a bit more professionalism in the delivery of media to the agent. I'm including SPW's as part of the service. I'm able to deliver their photos, 360 tours, videos, pdf's, etc via the property website 'deliverables' link and from there, the agent can download all the photos, copy the branded and unbranded 360 tour links and grab any other media they ordered and use it for whatever purposes, ie. upload it to their own business website, paste the virtual tour link to Zillow, etc. They can use the public SPW to market their listing with everything on one website. Prior to this, I was sending an email with the links to the tours and a google drive link for downloading photos and videos...For me, SPW's has helped raise the professionalism of delivering my services. It's also impressed some agents as well. For me, Tour Factory is a big provider of photos/videos for agents in my area and agents seem to love the SPW that they provide so for me, being able to provide an SPW is essential. Being a REALTOR for over 15 years and now getting into this business, I have a good idea what agents are looking for. For an agent, having that SPW demo when you're walking into a listing presentation is def helpful and is just another added advantage when working on getting listings. |
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homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user | |
@simbany1 I concur with that, the deliverables is a solid benefit. I've tried Captur3D and used their deliverables and their delivered analytics. I also see where it can be used at the listing presentation. | ||
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