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Capture AppiPadMecha E1Rotator

Capture with an Ipad on a nodal head rotator11902

Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys,

I have just received an ipad holder. It is cheap crap for $15 AUD as it is all plastic. It cannot hold Ipad Pro 2020 when it is in a rugged case and to be honest I wuld not trust it to hold any device.

However I still have an Ipad 5th gen and I have tried to use it on one rotator. Super complicated considering my nodal head is cheap too, it allows tilt only in one direction(either up or down) and the cheap Ipad holder is shaking a lot but at least it keeps the Ipad rotating around a fixed point. I did not care to put rotation around the ipad lens as it should be and I had to do a simple scan but even that way I can see only a couple of stitching errors. I cannot show the tour as it is done in my workshop which is always a mess but after I build my Ipad holder I will redo a tour with complex scans and Ipad Pro 2020 and post it here.

The only big problem to do it that way that the Capture app is taking pictures by itself. So you may not have it perfectly aligned with the circle and it still takes a picture. So the hard part is to make an alignment initially with the first shot. That may go through a lot of un-dos before it happens but it is doable.

I have a nodal ninja head but there is no way I can mount the current holder to it. However with my own holder it can be used with this head too. Nothing complicated for my own holder, I will just build a frame from timber so I can slide my ipad into it.

I also have an automated Mecha e1 rotator which can simplify things but I will need to build the holder first.
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WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Wait ... if you are using the iPad as the capture the matterport tour with the new software that allows iPhones/iPads, why mount at all? Can't you just hand hold it and line the circles up? I thought it didn't Capture images until the circles align...thus making having any type of holding device for the iPad not needed.
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WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Also is the new iPad pro 2020 better than the 1st generation pro in regards to alignment/processing time?
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by pixelray
Wait ... if you are using the iPad as the capture the matterport tour with the new software that allows iPhones/iPads, why mount at all? Can't you just hand hold it and line the circles up? I thought it didn't Capture images until the circles align...thus making having any type of holding device for the iPad not needed.

Because that is just a totally wrong way to capture pictures to create 360 photo. If you do not care about precision and a rotation around a nodal point of a camera lens you will always get stitching errors.
That's why there are nodal heads used by professional 360 degree photographers.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by pixelray
Also is the new iPad pro 2020 better than the 1st generation pro in regards to alignment/processing time?

It is fast. Search for my topic when I compared its speed with a speed coming from Ipad 5th gen.

I am not sure if its camera better(probably is) and it does produce a great resolution picture on a complex scan but without a proper holder I am not going to test it with the nodal head.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry for typos. I meant "where" not "when". Here is my topic

And here is another one from @Oboldyrev
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