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Scanning large space - advice for using BLK360 with Pro 211886

SpencerLasky private msg quote post Address this user
Dan if this needs to be moved apologies upfront.

This project I've asked about a few times - if I manage to make this work it should be a good reference for large domes, and mixed use cameras.

This is a bank building with a 90' dome, two floors under it, two stairways up and down each and an outside space.

Question - best pratice for doing BLK360 of the dome area and upper floor and seaming that to the M pro 2 of the smaller rooms, hallways, and floors below.

The best research tells me I can get the dome on the BLK360 because matterport will not drop a hexagonal blur on it in the cloud software engine. This told to me by tech support, also confirmed by finding examples. Also, confirm all matterport pro 2 scans have the blur, it's not the camera data it's the software engine putting it on - of course, because the stitch will fail on full tilt-up with this camera, and unless you have a 90'dome directly overhead it's probably never been a problem.

My pro 2 scan - top floor and lower floor (one more to go)
Note: the dome gets blurred on extreme tilt up.

Today's Test - Theta V - it gave me the dome but can not navigate out of the small rooms, the capture fell apart pretty fast in this big space.

Matterprot supplied a sample of BLK360 - however, it uses BLK360 outside only and switches to pro 2 at the entrance to cave - look up to see when the hexagonal blur start. Outside no blur as you approach door is the handoff, the resolution gets better too.

Thank you for any help - I can not seem to get a matterport tech to save my life. Any ideas on that I'm all ears too.

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Garnetwest private msg quote post Address this user
Is that Gotham Hall...the old Greenwich Savings Bank building?
Post 2 IP   flag post
SpencerLasky private msg quote post Address this user
No it's Williamsburg bank - there were two in Brooklyn this is the one in Williamsburg - both are amazing!

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Garnetwest private msg quote post Address this user
Oh yes...i know that one as well. Amazing location. Good luck on the job!!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I scanned these yesterday. Processed overnight.

The perimeter of the warehouses were scanned with a pro 2 and the middle was approx 16 -20 spins of the BLK

You can see which are which by the ceiling blur

This was with HDR off and scan density medium

Lots of good advice here.

You will need extra batteries for BLK they run low very


Post 5 IP   flag post
SpencerLasky private msg quote post Address this user
Ok thanks 3DShowCaseUk - that is exactly what I needed to confirm though I have gathered as much on some of the sample videos that matterport has. My remaining question to fix this is, do I use my existing scan and add BLK360 for the center as you have done and then remove the older matterport pro 2 scan's from the center? This sequence makes sense to me so the model does not lose its information but the viewer can see the BLK and lookup - the problem for client solved. Or.. alternatively I can just hide these scans? Leaving the entire project intact for the new processing but then in workshop hide the m pro 2 scans so again the view gets to see the domes.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
@SpencerLasky I would just hide the pro 2 scans, can always use the better resolution for 2D photographs.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
@SpencerLasky Cool project
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