I ordered a Qoocam 36011623
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user | |
I ordered a Qoocam 360 8k yesterday from Amazon yesterday. It will be here next week. I love ordering from Amazon because I can try it out and return it in 30 days if I don't like the results. I really liked the Labpano Pilot One but the price was holding me back. It looks like it is well put together, has great features and I liked Dan's review of it. It is hard to part with that kind of money with no money coming in. Also,LabPano only have a 7-day return policy and you pay the return shipping. If for any reason I don't like the Qoocam, I will bite the bullet and order the Labpano and pay the return shipping if needed. There are so many 360 cameras entering the market, you just don't want to overspend and find out the newest, greatest one is ready for release in 6 months. Guess this means I have to clean my house this weekend so I can do some tests to send into various vendors. ![]() |
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@fotoguy Out of curiosity, is the Qoocam purchase for a new service offering, or to replace Matterport? | ||
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user | |
It was bought as an alternative to Matterport. I'm not thrilled with the direction MP is going so I want to have a selection of choices that are up and ready to go if need be. | ||
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@fotoguy Understood. I look forward to hearing your review and seeing the results (no need to clean your house ;-). I was so thrilled by Matterport's Capture Services roll-out, that I just sold my Pro2. | ||
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BrokerBruce private msg quote post Address this user | |
@bryanhscott @fotoguy I'm ready to sell mine as well. I'm just trying to figure out what platform I want to go to. There are so many pros and cons to each and then you overlay their pricing. I'm beginning to think I'm suffering from analysis paralysis![]() |
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@BrokerBruce I gotta believe that you have a huge vacation rental trade there in Virginia Beach. From my perspective (worth at least 2 cents), the EyeSpy360 platform + a decent 360 cam has got to be a good option for property managers, FSBOs, FRBOs and vacation rentals. Additionally, assuming you wanted to pursue local, small businesses, it works great for them as well. BTW - I am also "that guy" who suffers from analysis paralysis. No question it gets in the way all too often. Best of luck! |
Post 6 IP flag post |
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BrokerBruce private msg quote post Address this user | |
@bryanhscott EyeSpy and purchase of a Theta V1 is for sure where my head is at now but still reviewing options. We do have the vacation rental business but I was only scanning my own listings. There is a lot of price cutting by other Matterport providers going on here as well and I don't need to play that game. Thanks for the well wishes and same back to you. | ||
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@BrokerBruce Understood. We got started in the same way as I also just wanted to cover my own listings. Understood on pricing cutting. There is a large provider here operating in 15 states, who recently lowered their prices on Matterport Tours to the point that I am not interested in trying to compete. As well, recently I heard from an MSP that Matterport Capture Services offered 22 spaces to shoot for a total paycheck of $2,600. If that is what it takes to remain viable, at some point it becomes a question of how you really want to spend your time. Enjoy! |
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JPPeron private msg quote post Address this user | |
@BrokerBruce I'm in a similar market just below you. I've gone from an $800 Vuze to a $400 Theta V to a $1,000 Theta Z1. The Z1 has been the best so far but the V definitely was better than the Vuze so price does not equal better quality. and am definitely considering adding a QooCam to my inventory. I use both Kuula & EyeSpy. They both have features that I like and they are both affordable enough to have subscriptions to both. |
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homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user | |
I ordered a Qoocam 8k two days ago overnight delivery. I had mixed emotions about the Qoocam 8k. Ben Claremont now states it has better image quality than the Theta Z1 and it is 40% less expensive. Then I kept reading negative reviews on it. So I cancelled it. Now I don't have the camera and haven't received a refund yet LOL. | ||
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davedion private msg quote post Address this user | |
My QooCam 8K arrives today... and I am even going to do one of those YouTube unboxing videos... and start sharing more to a channel.. If I unbox today I will share ![]() |
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BrokerBruce private msg quote post Address this user | |
@davedion We'd all be interested in your take on it. | ||
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jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user | |
I am interested in the reviews as well! I am brand new to the business. I used my Matterport Pro2 in the construction industry. I recently decided to start a virtual tour company. Much to my dismay I have learned that many Matterport users are not happy with the direction Matterport is headed. I'm looking for alternatives so I can make a smooth transition if the time comes. The walk-throughs on Matterport seem to be the preference for people navigating a virtual tour for the first time. Why has no one mentioned CloudPano? |
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@jacobpmac Never have demo'd CloudPano, but looks like a nice platform. Monthly cost is higher than EyeSpy360. As well, it does not appear to offer the "dollhouse" view (labeled 3D Model by EyeSpy360), which EyeSpy360 does really well. In addition, most everything I do includes a floor plan, which EyeSpy360 throws in for FREE. Beyond this, for agents and landlords, especially during Covid-19 time, EyeSpy360 offers a built-in LIVE feature which enables one to one, or one to many links for customers/buyers/tenants, who are in different parts of town, or the country, to join in on the virtual OPEN HOUSE, or virtual showing. Virtual OPEN's and Showings can be facilitated via Matterport + Zoom easy enough and no question the same tech could be used for a CloudPano tour, but I don't see those sorts of built-in features on CloudPano's website, though I could be wrong. |
Post 14 IP flag post |
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jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user | |
@bryanhscott I will definitely look into EyeSpy360. I was using matterport to in the construction industry for 2 reasons: 1) To add a virtual tour of my completed projects to my website as part of my portfolio. 2) I utilized the point cloud data gathered in t he scan to import into revit/autocad for as-builts. My side business I am building is focused mostly on providing virtual tours for real estate. These virtual OPEN HOUSES are an interesting concept, and I have definitely been curious as to whether or not I want to include that in my sales pitch. Obviously this has been a great selling point during COVID-19. Do you think this will gain any sort of traction after this pandemic? How comfortable are brokers showing a house virtually?? Covid-19 may just warm people up to the idea of virtual open houses... If you are receiving positive feed back I may begin to educate brokers on the possibilities of virtual OPEN HOUSES in a post-COVID world. . . |
Post 15 IP flag post |
![]() Club Member Buffalo, New York |
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user | |
@fotoguy I am looking for an Insta360 One X to do the exact same - expand virtual tour style choices, because not everyone is sold on Matterport & most agents & sellers for that matter don't know the difference. For me, if I can go into a 2,500 sq ft house and be done in under 30 minutes or so, all the better. This video really helped me. |
Post 16 IP flag post |
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user | |
@jacobpmac Understood on Matterport for AEC - totally different vertical than agents and property managers. And, when considering the needs of small business owners, in terms of ongoing exposure and lead gen, yet again, totally different needs and thought processes. On real estate (For Sale or For Rent), get ready for a wake up call in terms of sales efforts. Most younger agents, say under 40, understand the need to change with the times and the tech. They will continue to buy the tech after this virus thing is long behind us, because they get it. Those who never used the tech before, but who may be buying some now, will very likely revert back to the old ways. Listing agents love in-person, on-property OPEN HOUSES, because this is one of the only opportunities they have to court new buyer clients, who are walking through their OPENs. That is their motivation. Otherwise, OPENS are expensive and time-consuming, because only about 6% of listed properties are ever sold during an OPEN. Yes, Covid-19 has or will warm up a bunch of agents to the tech. As mentioned above, some will be permanent adopters, but most will not in my opinion. On virtual OPENS, the less touchy-feely, the more most agents don't like it. Most agents like and want to be personal and in-person. This is tough to do online. The final thought I would leave you with is that you have to show agents what the tech does for them. Show them how buying this tech improves their revenue, lowers their expenses, or both, and gains them more listings. If you try to sell them on selling the property more quickly, for more money, etc., most will just yawn. You would argue that if it improves the entire agent/client experience, that might be enough, but it isn't. |
Post 17 IP flag post |
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