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Question of the Day>Thoughts about the Matterport Capture Services Webinar?11538

Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
I have a question for them...

Will our branding be on those tours? If not we are now working for the "man" then. So I don't see how that will benefit your business if the tours don't have your branding on them. It's all going to be a win for them and not us.

But let us see what is going to come from this. Again locked into their eco system.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user

No, I don't suspect your branding would be on the tour, and

Yes, you would be working for the Man. That said I don't see anything wrong with that. Money is money.

Our company has done several scans for other MSPs where the clients are not "ours" and our branding certainly doesn't go on their scans. Similarly we've had opportunity to sub-contract several dozen scans to other MSPs in various areas to scan for one of our clients.

When I hire another MSP to do work for us, I negotiate the rate down to a mutually acceptable price explaining that all I need is the scan done and we will do all the back end work and we will be responsible for hosting of model.

When other MSPs have contacted us to do a job for them, it's been the same expectation. Scan only. Upload to their account. They do hosting and any back end stuff. And we negotiate a rate that works for us and them.

Personally I am very open to involvement in the Matterport program.
Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Birmingham, Alabama
rko1 private msg quote post Address this user
As was stated, a new income stream is always welcomed. We are also located in an area that we do not infringe on anyone else. We have our state and several others around us that does not have MPs. We also already have several 3rd party engineering companies that have contracts with large chains that utilize us in several states.

We have done between 3 and 4k scans over the last 4 years and look forward to adding many more.
Post 28 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
It really depends on what you charge now. Let's just talk money... For me I will need to convert to metric and AUD. My maximum is $2 per sqm(and a minimum tour cost is $260 AUD), Matterport is offering a maximum of $1.56 AUD(minimum tour cost is $306). That's about 24% less in a price per sqm.

I'd look at this this way, would I pay somebody 24% if they could bring me clients? I do not know about 24% but for a lot of jobs coming from one single source I would pay 20% commision for sure.

Now, considering I do not have to do any post production, long emails with clients, no hosting fees and all that stuff it does not sound bad.

The only two bits that worry me are 35 mile radius(quite a big territory) and Matterport minimum of AUD$306(US$190). Imagine somebody with small under 2000 sqm properties scattered over that huge area.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
(Cautiously dipping toes into this discussion's waters...)

I've only had just over a year's experience with MP, and in that year I've hit some topics that make me cringe - primarily the classic to active pricing change, and expect there's more heartbreak to come on that topic. I started to cringe as I heard this topic, and got up at 3am our time to understand it better.

I think MSPs can be rightfully upset that they bought into a (now dated) ethos from MP to buy their gear, and getting many many leads via customers 'looking for an expert' on the MP site. If you based our business model solely off these leads, I'm guessing you'd have alot of spare time. Our businesses grow because of the work we all do on the ground, growing a customer base of people/businesses who trust us, for the quality we deliver, for the price we charge. And that will never change.

I also raised my eyebrows at MP's claim in the webinar that this is in response to customers reporting (from memory) poor quality and price inconsistency from MSPs serving the market. Personally I would have positioned this as gaps in the end-to-end environment MP has created as there are very poor handshakes between MP leads and MSPs, and no real forums in which such concerns could be tackled.

But I think there is still a sufficient justification for the new program. MP are chasing big fish customers who don't want to be the experts (which is good for MSPs) and don't want to deal with multiple MSPs with variable pricing from area to area (a valid concern from the customer's perspective). Plus MP don't want to employ staff to do the scanning (another good thing for MSPs).

Does this program mean MP are competing with MSPs? Well in most cases, unless you already have Colliers, CBRE etc as customers - no. This is a market opportunity MSPs may never have been able to realise and comes with lower overheads - it's a confirmed booking, not a lead. Is the price right? I don't know. How will they get consistent quality? No idea. Could it fail? Absolutely, MP's customer management often leaves room for improvement, and I think we can all see them potentially pissing off these big customers without the right relationship in place with the MSPs doing the scans. Plus MP themselves don't want to do the work on the ground (also good for MSPs).

So should we resist it? In my opinion - No.

Despite how this new endeavour upsets you, impacts you, is different from what you signed up for - it is what MP are doing. By all means we should constructively voice any displeasure but remember this is not a democracy. It is the world of private enterprise and MP are making decisions that they think will make them more money. If you think they've breached their agreement with you, take legal action. If not but you still don't like it, then don't sign up and/or get out of the business.

Because for everyone who says 'no', there will be someone else who looks at this as a way to enter the market and/or increase their market share. There will be someone who accepts the lower payback to give them cashflow with lower profitability, but on a consistent basis on which they can grow the other avenues of their business.

Therefore I believe it's prudent to focus on ensuring MP do this right; we give feedback on what could go wrong and how we suggest MP stop it (e.g. if this program does start robbing existing customers from MSPs, and how to get quality standards in play). Ensure the $ stays a live topic with MP.

I also look forward to the benefit of MP's capabilities, excluding the extension of them via the SDK and API, becoming more common knowledge between larger players in the market. I'd prefer to walk into a Collier's competitor's office with them telling me about MP, than me having to teach them about it.
They have the capital backing to do more things around core MP capability, and this in turn will unlock new options - as we are doing with PPV, Tag Import and (soon) Open Archive.

And if we keep doing what we are doing - growing a customer base of people/businesses who trust us, for the quality we deliver, for the price we charge - the market will notice. They will know they can get bulk pricing via MP but if they want expert help - MSPs are where you go (though I'd like to read the fine print around this point...)

I've suggested to Jay before on another topic, and I think it also fits here - if only we could convince MP to establish some formal consultative forums/channels where such things can be tabled, considered, responded to and the outcomes published. It would save us all these keystrokes on WGAN (sorry Dan), let MSPs feel more listened to, and strengthen rather than diminish the relationship between MP, MSPs and now - Matterport Capture Technicians.
Post 30 IP   flag post

ahagert private msg quote post Address this user
I do not know enough details about the program, but if they own the processing hosting, they could deliver a ton of value to their customers and really price out providers right? The assumption is that they will only deliver a standard Matterport tour.

What if they add value by throwing in a free floorplan, a single page website, etc.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
You can watch the webinar [here]
Post 32 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D you cannot compare Matterport Scan Services (MPSS) to any small company that you have cooperated with.

MPSS is working on a global scale at minimum scan rates.

MPSS is a powerful competitor, which integrates Scan Services, Platform and Camera. And MPSS has no interest at all, that scan prices are high, fair and profitable, because MPSSs main business is in exclusively selling expensive hosting contracts to everyone who wants a virtual tour.

And from my point of view this is probably just the first step. Next step will be exclusive software updates and beta testings for MPSS Scan technicians. Maybe also first orders on a new MP3 camera. This may sound all fantastic in the beginning.

But then you will see, that MPSS will start to actively promote their scan services to everyone everywhere in the world - also in your area. And probably MPSS will be much cheaper and easier than booking your service. In consequence you may loose your customer relationships to MPSS and your brand will slowly disappear.

You and your team will end up as a Matterport Scan Services Technicians.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user

Found this on a FB forum, reportedly from the Capture Technician contract. Interesting wording on the non-solicitation clause, and wearing my 'not an expert' hat - it prevents you from approaching the MP customers to get further business from them, but does not prevent you from doing business with them if you already had contacts there, or of the customer approaches you.

If the intent was to just keep them as MP customers they would have just said 'thou shall not solicit our customer' rather than directly linking it to the contact info they provide.

I think this is a good thing.
Post 34 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @HomePlanNZ



8.1 I guess I am not eligible

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