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SVBJ: Matterport Lets Go 90 job: one-third of Matterport Employees11536

WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

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Silicon Valley Business Journal (15 April 2020) Opendoor, Carta, Matterport cut hundreds of jobs as COVID's startup toll grows

"Sunnyvale-based Matterport, whose 3D technology is used to create virtual real estate tours, cut 90 jobs, about a third of its workforce, according to The company didn't immediately respond to Business Journal questions about the cuts," reports Silicon Valley Business Journal.

"Hundreds more jobs were slashed by venture-backed companies in the Bay Area on Tuesday and Wednesday as job losses at U.S. startups during the pandemic lockdown grew to more than 23,000.
Opendoor Labs Inc., Carta Inc. and Matterport Inc. were the latest companies whose reductions in force were disclosed. The website, which has been keeping a running tally of startup cuts, says that 243 companies have made cuts since March 11 [2020]," reports Silicon Valley Business Journal.

WGAN Forum Related Discussion

Matterport Employees Seeking New Jobs as a Result of Layoffs

Your thoughts?

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Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Is Matterport a startup or a Monopoly ?
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rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
They must not be getting any new work. When I upload a house now, it's completed in 1-2 hours, not 24.
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Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
90 employees cut? I wonder how many of the C-suite team have been cut, if any, and if they have dropped their own salaries, to keep the workers on.
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zenith012 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Home3D
90 employees cut? I wonder how many of the C-suite team have been cut, if any, and if they have dropped their own salaries, to keep the workers on.

Whenever this kind of thing hits (9/11, 2008, this) there is the question of reduced pay across the board to avoid as many layoffs as possible. At each of my places - it was mostly layoffs - minor reduction for certain roles.

FWIW most companies will opt to cut 'low-performers'..... 1/3 sounds like a lot though.

They probably lost a lot of large client revenue (where their real-money probably is) with usage going into pause mode - let a lone new large clients. I would almost think virtual consumer housing tours would be very much increased?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
Knowing Matterport they most probably have been looking for a way to fire 1/3 of their employees so they can make more profit, at our expense of course. This is a perfect excuse, it is possible there business has suffered. Since we don't know anything of what goes on there I highly doubt it, most realtors are having to resort to virtual tours, if Matterport spent more money on advertising and selling us they would do well.

Anyway that's just my thoughts. Hopefully they fired all the sales force that have been calling our clients to try and sell them cameras, or at lest the managers if they were the ones telling them to do it.
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

While many of us have issues with Matterport's marketing strategy, I can not imagine what it is like for those that were let go in the Matterport Reduction in Force (RIF); particularly at a challenging time for seeking a new job. So, we should do everything that we can do to help Matterport former employees move on.

That's why I posted this discussion:

Matterport Employees Seeking New Jobs as a Result of Layoffs

Post 7 IP   flag post
Changesin3d private msg quote post Address this user
Seems odd that as they are supposed to be gaining more market share with Realtors they would be cutting back. I wonder if there is something about to pop on the market, like a new tour system, or different hardware. I wonder if the GEO CV lawsuit or something else is taxing resources or the ability to raise revenues. A few months ago a Matterport ambassador warned of something like this being possible, I may have to go look for that article can not remember the premise of his statement right now.
Post 8 IP   flag post
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