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Automated Mattertag Export & Import Service Now Available!11449

Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Dear all,

HomePlan NZ have now released its first two innovative and unique services for Matterport owners, users and technicians worldwide. You can find all the details here:

In this post I'm going to talk about our brand new Tag Import service. This allows Mattertags to be exported from and imported into Matterport 3D digital twins, greatly reducing post-production time and cost. Through this service we can transfer Mattertags between spaces, and bulk-import literally hundreds of tags including links to URLs, images and videos.

Not only can this save you heaps of unproductive time previously spent manually adding Mattertags - it opens up your digital twin to a world of new use cases that previously were too labour-intensive to consider. For example, you may have already seen our searchable 3D Virtual Cemetery which was created with the help of this automation tool, with 200+ Mattertags within.

How does it all work? Check out this video for a peek behind the scenes on how we export and bulk-import Mattertags. And apologies in advance for the audio quality - home office constraints

Please get in touch via private message to discuss specific and ongoing requirements - we're here to help. Especially while in lock-down .

This service is specifically intended for you, WGAN members, and if it's not for you, we appreciate you letting your Matterport colleagues know about this, and our other global service offerings.

This is a forum so please - fire through your questions and comments!
Post 1 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@homeplannz USD20.00 for Export Matterport Mattertag is too expensive.

It is so easy and almost no cost to get json file:
(Replace ??????? in below link with your showcase ID, you will get Mattertag json file.)

And convert it to .csv is only lines code of work, the .csv result will come out within second.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @JuMP for the quick feedback. We don't mind if the export function is too expensive for those who want to play with the JSON file and do it themselves, our real focus is the bulk import which is where the real time savings come in.

The export pricing is set at that point for one-off jobs which come with a bit of administrative overhead. For those needing it done time and time again the pricing would be negotiated.

Also, just FYI, the JSON data content is not the same as what Matterport needs to accept the data back in via the SDK or API. We've designed what we do to ensure that what can be exported, can be imported.

Final point is our service goes through the Matterport SDK and API, in a way that can be sustained. The tool you've referenced is not a supported feature for this purpose, so take care if you're relying on it ongoing. Sitting alongside our service we've built a number of end-to-end integrations, that allow us to go from site to publish with our tag data. This needed a reliable export function behind them, hence why we've built this (albeit not the cheapest) option.

Thanks again!
Post 3 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@homeplannz Yes, the "Import" function is not easy.
I suggest to cover the "Export" part when your customer purchase the "Import" function.

Happy coding every day!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP (sorry Homer Doh! moment) - yes, the export is free when they use the import service, I'll make that clear in the pricing right now!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Just keeping this forum updated with questions I'm getting via private message.

One member has has asked about pricing for repeated work - e.g. a construction project requiring 6 scans but a consistent set of tags to be imported into each.

There is a labour/time component to providing the service so as long as it's possible to streamline this with the customer, yes we can sharpen the price. We're primarily interested in building long term, mutual-benefit relationships and through this agreeing pricing that works ongoing.

And for such enquiries, (for a limited time) we are happy to do one for FREE so you can see it in action with your data.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Another question has come in, about using this service to enable virtual shopping.

The answer is absolutely - this is a good example of something that you wouldn't have considered doing before because of the manual work required to create all the tags. You could then use MP/embed's tag search feature over top, integrate product photos and a checkout link in each tag - and you've got a virtual tour shop like no-one else.

And the best bit - then as you need to change your product details, you just update the import file and we upload it again to replace the old.

We've been asked for a working example but don't have a supermarket-type scan that we own on file (and are in lockdown right now). If someone out there has one and is willing to work with us to produce a demo/prototype of this, please get in touch!
Post 7 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JuMP
It is so easy and almost no cost to get json file:
(Replace ??????? in below link with your showcase ID, you will get Mattertag json file.)

It works only if I use, your link does not work with my models.
Post 8 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
It is for you.
The last link is matterport server that located in China area.
Post 9 IP   flag post
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