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Ricoh Theta Z1

Where can I get a Ricoh Theta Z1? Seems sold out everywhere.11398

Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All -

Can anyone name a reliable supplier of a new Ricoh Theta Z1? Seems like it is the photographer's "toilet paper" or "bleach" or "gloves", etc. New item being hoarded.

I have a Theta V, but I'm tired of the modest quality and wanted to upgrade. The soonest possible stocking date I heard was April 23rd.


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Morristown, New Jersey
foxwrth13 private msg quote post Address this user
I've been looking but can't find any
Post 2 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
The "usual suspects" talk about availability in "mid-April". BH Photo & Video says 7-14 days, but on further inquiry says that best info is April 23rd.

eBay has several for sale, including some new ones, but they are all from foreign sources.

Going to "fake it 'till I make it" using my Theta V for now, unless someone has a magic supply - Maybe Jared has a few stashed away? (lol - not a political statement).

Post 3 IP   flag post
Morristown, New Jersey
foxwrth13 private msg quote post Address this user
What is the most common use of Z1? I was looking to purchase for Zillow tours and outdoor Matterport tours
Post 4 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
That's it! Add to it now the Ricoh Tours, EyeSpy, etc. etc. The quality is beginning to approach that of DSLR panos, which bring in all kinds of possibilities with a far easier, more streamlined workflow.

Post 5 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
I concur that the Z1 is basic must-have. Great camera that's quick and very good automatic HDR. Can be even better with the Dual-Fisheye plug-in that captures bracketed DNG-raw 360 images.

But IMHO forget the Zillow app. Lowest form of 360 tours. Much better platforms available. Let's raise the bar.

I also think everyone who ever does videos should have an Insta360 One X or One R. The things these cameras can do with video are astounding!

If there's a run on the Z1, then Welcome to the age of virtual tours.

So... It's time to decide, each of us, where we want to be judged against our competition.

Remember the old adage: "Good - Fast - Cheap. Pick TWO!"

So Good+Cheap = not Fast. Fast+Cheap = not Good. Good+Fast = not Cheap. I know which I'm known for. Search "matterport los angeles" on Google and I'm generally at or near the top of page one. Let's all do our best to raise the bar, as quality lifts all boats.
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