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AECOutdoorsRicoh Theta Z1

Matterport Outdoor (Sunlight) Capture with Ricoh Theta Z1?11339

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Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user

Does the Ricoh Theta Z1 work well outside in direct sunlight when integrated on to the Matterport platform?

What features are available?

- dollhouse
- measurements

I’m trying to help AEC folk access sites remotely.

Please share some insights.

Thank you,

Post 1 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

All Matterport tour features are available. When adding the Z1 you will loose the ability for floor plans & Matterpaks

This is an example of the Pro2 for the interior & Z1 for the exterior and shop


Post 2 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
You may have to move scan positions closer together and or play with monopod height. If mixing a pro camera with the Z1 you may also have to overlap a few scan positions when transitioning between the two cameras
Post 3 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
In a word, it works but with great challenges. I captured a home project indoors with the Pro camera, then outdoors also with the Pro camera wherever open shade permitted, and finally with the Z1 where the Pro camera would not work. There are several difficulties and great patience is required.

1) It is very helpful when shooting with the Z1 to use an iPad rather than iPhone due to screen size. It is CRITICAL to WATCH THE SCREEN INTENTLY WHEN EACH SCAN FIRST APPEARS ON THE MINIMAP!!! As often as not, in fact MORE often than not, the alignment will be bad or ridiculous. Immediately delete the scan, move the monopod a little or a lot, and try again. And again. And again until you get a scan which seems to align right, or even close. Then proceed to additional areas. But ALWAYS watch the screen when each scan first "aligns". Many, or even most, will not, and if you proceed all the following scans will be off the mark too.

It is critical to understand that Z1 with Cortex has no 3D data. The expression "convert to 3D" is a lie. It does not "convert to 3D" - it GUESSES AT 3D and nothing more. It simply looks at each 360 spherical image and tries to find something in the preceding scans which looks similar. Sometimes it guesses right, often it does not.

Cortex really works best in an environment of a clear, flat, planal floor with graphical variations. Imagine an open room, no steps up or down, with a variety of small throw rugs, all different, scattered around. Cortex loves this. But add a step up or down, and it will see these only as graphics, not steps. From the high side of the step, it sees one graphical line, the edge of the tread. From the low side it sees two lines, the edge of the tread and the bottom of the riser. How do you align one edge to two edges? It guesses, and from my experience often wrong. I hope this explanation helps.

2) It is difficult to get the Z1 to "find" a first alignment to previous Pro scans, so that it can build out its alignment connections. I have found most success beginning with the Z1 on monopod centered in the middle of an area rug or other graphically defined spot on the floor, previously shot by the Pro. Do this and your chances are better at jumping from the Pro to the Z1.

3) If you know you are going to need to shoot a good-size area in sunlight, consider shooting the ENTIRE project on the Z1. If you start with it, it continues better than switching to it from the Pro camera. That's my experience. But ALWAYS WATCH THE SCREEN MINIMAP AS EACH SCAN APPEARS. Lots of wrong guesses.

4) What Matterport SHOULD DO is make scan alignment correctable. This would be nice even for the Pro cameras, but is critical for the Z1 and other "no depth data" cameras. This way, when a new scan you shoot on a patio "aligns" in the guest bathroom, you could drag it and rotate it into the proper alignment with a high degree of accuracy and really build great 3D models, even outdoors. It is both idiotic and insulting that Matterport has not enabled this procedure. Idiotic speaks for itself, but let me explain "insulting."

Matterport's entire system gives little, almost no, control to professional photographers. In their effort to make a "foolproof", "plug-n-play", "turnkey" system, they have omitted all the tools which professionals could use to make really great 3D models faster and dependably. What is the logic to prohibit a professional photographer from correcting a mis-aligned scan? Delete and try again is stupid. They clearly took to heart the expression "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." I'd prefer "if the scan's in the wrong place, let me move it to the right place!" But they don't want to make any part of the process such that a professional can do a better job than a first-time amateur. They want MSPs to all be equal, even if it's the lowest common denominator. BTW, this is in logical keeping with the idea that all MSPs should be interchangeable - i.e., like Uber and Amazon workers. MP does not want a system where there are professional tiers of MSPs, they want us all to be just "a person with a box" like Uber is a person with a car. This fosters a race-to-the-bottom pricing system, which has been discussed recently on the forum.

And why hasn't MP given us tools to "trim" models vertically? Or trim errant mesh obstacles reflected off floor-to-ceiling glass walls? And why didn't MP honor, respect and reward Dee like the empress of code she is, so that she stayed at MP to help us?

Anyway, I hope that one day MP will make scans 're-positional' by the shooter so professionals can make better models using the Z1. If they do, I will gush with praise equal to my current criticism. I promise. MP could be a great professional platform for those of us who really devote ourselves to virtual space cloning.

Here's the model I did with Pro and Z1. With a lot of trial and error and deleting of scans, I finally got it fairly good except around the far edge of the pool. Enjoy.

Post 4 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
@Home3D @lilnitsch - many thanks both of you - much appreciated!

Post 5 IP   flag post
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
HomePlanNZ private msg quote post Address this user
REALLY good write up @Home3D. We're also keen to see MP release some form of vertical trimming (skylights are the bane of a good walkthrough), and manual re-alignment of scans in the capture app.

We've done some testing between BLK, Pro2 and Z1 that I haven't gotten around to writing up yet. But the punchline is indoors you can't beat the quality and speed of the Pro2. Yes the Z1 is faster per scan, but you loose that time in solving constant alignment issues and having to scan closer together.

Outdoors we get the most success from BLK+Pro2. Shoot BLK at any time then switch to the Pro2 and dawn/dusk and it can align fairly well most of the time. We've done very large outdoor sites like this.

Best benefit of the Z1 is it seems to give much richer colours in the 3D dollhouse and floor plan views. It's also good for small scale outdoor inclusions (Pro2 won't do swimming pools like the one above - nice work!). So if you need to do a front or back section that's small tagged onto your Pro 2 scan of the house it's a good solution. But you need to watch, Watch, WATCH every shot as, as you say, it's only guessing where the scans are located.
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