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How to do a mini-map for a Multi-Family Community instead of a Tour?11304

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab courtesy of the WGAN Member (below). See mini-map "mock-up" for the Community in the top right corner.

Hi All,

A WGAN Member seeks a solution for creating a mini-map for a Community instead of a Tour.

He writes:


Hi Dan,

I have a client who owns a huge [redacted] apartment complex in redacted. They want something like ThreeSixty.Tours so I started building this today:

[redacted: see this example instead]

They took a look and said what they want is the opposite. [Instead,] A full screen 360 walkthrough of the entire place with a smaller floating map in the top right corner that shows navigation points and where you are.

I did this rough mock-up in Photoshop. [See screen grab above] Ideally, you could click a dot on the map and jump to the pano in the main, background window, then navigate as normal. Ideally, the current position would be marked in color as with MPEmbed overlays of Matterport, or the minimap in GeoCV. The minimap does NOT need to move or rotate, though it would be cool to have the options to hide, display, or enlarge it.

Yeah, I don’t think this exists. [redacted], and this client might spend a few bucks for some custom coding if this was possible. Please, please let me know if:

1) You know how this could be done
2) You know someone willing and able to get it coded
3) You know where I can find an answer.

It’s a big company which could do this multiple many times if this turns out well.

A quick and dirty mockup is below. Mini-map prefers to be an aerial photo, and does NOT need to be the triangular shape I have here (above), though that wold be nice, to cover as little of the main tour as possible. Ideas?

Thank you so much.

Stay safe and be well.

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Are you a developer that is interested in this opportunity? Please Private Message me: @DanSmigrod
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