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show or hide pricing?1080

Dennis_N private msg quote post Address this user
If I'm a startup, should I reveal pricing on website or should I hide it?
What's your take?
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mpmare00 private msg quote post Address this user
I went back and forth with that. I put pricing on though
Post 2 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
if you have fixed prices (i do not) then why not?
you might want to consider wording like "starting at $375" (arbitrary number there) to give yourself flexibility. i just charge by the job and how complicated it felt like. i am lucky to have a well established client base which hardly ever questions my invoicing.
Post 3 IP   flag post
joelE private msg quote post Address this user
I would say hide, probably competitor will put $10 less if they see. I know it's not all the time but I think it's easier to put prices when you have regular customers and you are wellknown, but to start, not so sure
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alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
I would not show your best price online, it gives you no wiggle room. I Like the starting at idea or listing a higher price and saying discounts available. Either way you want them to contact you so that you know what the job is before giving them a quote. Too many variables for fixed pricing in my opinion.
Post 5 IP   flag post
esourcedev private msg quote post Address this user
Personal preference - I have fixed pricing based on square footage. I show all pricing on my website for the simple reason it immediately weeds out the 'info only' customers that are just curious about the price and the concept but most likely have no interest in buying the service.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Dennis_N private msg quote post Address this user
I decided to hide pricing for now. I think its easier working out a deal with a client if you at least know he is interested enough to make first contact and ask for pricing.
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mpmare00 private msg quote post Address this user
I decided to change mine up and putting starting price. Hopefully that will weed out people that are not too serious
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Promoted Post


Hi @Dennis_N

My back-of-the-envelop calculation is that 25 percent of MUG Members have a public pricing webpage.

While creating the ...

Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing

... we looked at 100 MUG Member websites to get links to 25 pricing pages.

While We Get Around charges $49 for a 30-day access pass to this Guide, I will Private Message (PM) you the password for asking a great question about posting pricing.

There are three ways to get this Guide for free:

1. Using this form, please help crowdsource five (5) more Matterport service provider pricing webpages and we'll email you a password.

2. Always free access for We Get Around Referral Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members. Please PM me for a password (or look for the Password in the We Get Around Referral Network Newsletter.

3. Buy a 30-day pass to the Guide for $49. Engage a We Get Around Referral Network Member within 60 days and We Get Around will issue a $49 credit back to your credit card. (Please PM me to issue the credit.)

Happy holidays,

Post 9 IP   flag post
Dennis_N private msg quote post Address this user
I wanted to post an update here about something that happened and really bothered me.

Some nasty individual most probably a competitor in the area, assumed a fake id of a non existing person, added a fake disconnected call back phone number in the form, and sent me an inconspicuous email asking for prices.
Next day, I was informed by one of my prospective clients that they decided to contract another company.
Now I don't have enough info to connect the two, but the thought of it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

So word of advice for the people who keep their prices hidden: Make the extra effort and do a bit of a background check before you give prices via email. You might as well give them person to person, or call the number the contact form has (which I did after the fact)
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
My 2c. Matterport tours turn out pretty much the same regardless of who does the tour unless you have a complete moron with a $4500 camera. Therefore, it's a product. I see no reason not to list prices, much like stores will put price tags on items and advertise their prices. People will generally pick based on price or reputation. If you're a start up, I'd recommend posting prices and making sure to have samples (give out some free tours to build portfolio if needed.)

That's my 2c. And yes, give yourself some wiggle as Alx3D stated. I personally have a sliding scale where the price per sqft decreases with the size of the home or business. I've found that useful as a 2,000 SQFT Home and a 4,000 SQFT home are not necessarily proportionately more work -- they both require the drive, dealing with the client, invoicing, etc.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
People who shop for the lowest prices aren't really the clients one would want to attract. What use to bother me is having a 360 tour competitor automatically advertise "we will beat anyone's quote by 20%". Turns out it hasn't affected my offerings. In the early days I hated losing a $2000.00 quote for $189.00. A wise pastor friend tells me "Go with those who want to go with you and bless the rest."
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
PFRE (13 December 2019) Should Photographers Post Pricing on Their Website?
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