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Transcript: Fast Start, Gorgeous Website for Matterport Service Providers10669

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WGAN-TV 3DVR | Fast-Start Websites for Matterport Service Providers with Imagineer Consulting Ltd. Founder Angus Norriss (@AngusNorriss) (Thursday, 12 December 2019)

Transcript: Fast Start, Gorgeous Website for Matterport Service Providers

Hi All,

Just getting started - or thinking about getting started with Matterport? This WGAN-TV show is for you.

Find out how you can get a professionally designed Matterport Service Provider website up and running in 7 to 10 day from 3DVR - free - with a WGAN Premium Membership. Compare WGAN Membership Plans | 40+ WGAN Membership Benefits |

Three Live Websites Created by 3DVR for WGAN Members

PhotogenicsUSA in San Jose, CA (@SamKhalil)
Future Viewing Imaging in Monticello, NY (Blake Kilcoin @FutureViewImaging)
Mexico in 3D in San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuanto, Mexico (Aileen Hagert @ahagert)

Happy holidays,


Transcript (Video Above)


Three examples of websites created by 3DVR:

Future View Imagine (for Blake Kilcoin - @FutureViewImaging - in Monticello, NY)
Mexico in 3D for (Aileen Hagart - @AHagart - in San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico
Photogenic USA (for @SamKhalil in San Jose, CA)


- Hi y'all! I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum Today is Thursday, December 12, 2019. And you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

Super excited for you today, we got a great show, 3DVR fast-start websites for Matterport Service Providers.

Who is this show for? It is for three audiences. First, if you are a real estate agent or real estate broker, and you're buying a Matterport camera, and you're starting a side hustle offering Matterport, then you have to create a website from scratch.

You're a perfect candidate for today's show. Second, you're a professional photographer. You've been a photographer for 20 plus years. You're super successful, you've decided to add Matterport, and you'd like to have your own dedicated website for Matterport, with its own branding, its own identity.

Again, you're starting from scratch, you'd rather have a fast start, rather than taking four to six weeks to get your website up and running. You want someone else to do it for you, get it up and running in a quick amount of time. You're a great candidate for what we're going to talk about today.

And third, is if you are a Matterport Service Provider and you have a crappy website, just like We Get Around in Atlanta, and the cobbler doesn't have any shoes, I have not gotten around to it yet. But if you have a crappy website and you know it, and you need some professional help, again, this show is for you. So, Angus thanks for standing by so patiently. Angus, good to see you as always.

- Hi Dan, thanks very much.

- Our guest today, Angus Norriss. Angus is a seasoned digital marketer, he is founder of Imagineer Counsulting Ltd in the UK. And he's been a Matterport Pro for quite some time, he happens to be in a London hotel today, in preparation for some scanning he's going to be doing in London.

And he's got this amazing service called 3DVR, a brand that creates websites for Matterport Service Providers. I thought, Angus we just kind of jump in, and maybe I'll drive here and have you talk about, so we're now on a website for

And this is a great website to be on because this is Sam Khalil's website. He is a real estate broker in San Jose, California. Successful real estate broker, decided to get Matterport, wanted to have a whole separate side-business offering Matterport to other companies, and wanted help, wanted someone else to do all the work for him. So why don't you pick it up from there, Angus.

And I'll drive, and maybe you can walk us through his page, what we're looking at and why we're seeing what we are.

- Yeah, thanks Dan. Yes, so we'd be landing on a homepage like this. So we're trying to bring together as many of the We Get Around Network benefits and assets that the Matterport scan outputs. So straight up on the homepage, you can get an animated gif.

That's the image rotating by the camera there. And all of the content can be edited in-house. We do show you how to build it.

Well we build it, but we then provide you with videos and self-help training to help you through changing it, if you want to change the language or the wording, change particular interactive facts and features. So there's a fully customizable site.

And as you scroll down the page, we try to pull out key content, which we know that real estate folk need, commercial office folk need. So it's the floor plans, it's the photography services, it's the unique doll house effect, and the MatterTags that can reveal more info.

So straight up on the homepage, and what we see is ideally above the fold, which is the baseline of any browser.

We're trying to get the idea and concept, which is true, about amazing technology, fast, packed with all these key features. As we're going down the page, it's quite important to sort of show off some stats and facts. These are Matterport facts, which we can all access.

So, we've accessed them, we've put them together into a neat little dial going on here. If you find more, you can change them. If you find better stats, update them. It is your site, you can control it, you can edit it. We just hope you launch there fast.

So, these are key facts that we stay on top of. So every site that we produce won't quite be the same necessarily, because it's not good to clone sites. We believe the in handing over the site, it's good for you to edit and control your content.

It's very good to see it in action, so very much a video upfront. This is an iPad demo so it's one that's come off the We Get Around Network.

We can see as the user does. It's very important, I think, to put the user upfront when they're on your website. And as we go down, this is a mini gallery. It's not the main gallery. This is just a quick example, so you can go through sharing the range of genre that the camera can capture. People don't know Matterport necessarily by its name.

No one had heard of it, but they really want to see upfront what's the range of the camera, what's the scale that we can scan so that they can imagine you scanning for them. The ability to be able to place that scan into their own website.

Some people think that it's an offline model. And it's a huge download and it's going to slow my website. So it's very good to share this content upfront online. It can embed into their own website easily, so if you're talking to chains of retailers, or chains of restaurants or REALTORS and their own websites, it adds valuable rich content.

These are three testimonials that can be scrolled through particularly in the real estate market. Again, if you have your own, you can find your own. If you've got existing testimonials, then please do edit and change these, because that also adds value.

And it's three easy steps to engage, step one, step two, step three. Let's keep it quick, keep it simple. Get them ideally driving to the, at this point, as we're moving down the page, we're gaining confidence, we're gaining trust, we're showing who else uses it. They want to find out a bit more about you, your background as well, so the bio is there.

And then upfront they can contact you, so this will go into your inbox, into your email. And that's sent into whether it's your Gmail account, or any email address that you wish. The footer stays on there so the bar below the contact form there stays on each page. So that's your phone number, the contact details, all your social channels. Sam's got quite a few going on, which is good. Instant quote is a key area. We want people, ideally, getting instant quotes.

So this is a form for which you are added as a collaborator. You can edit and control all the content of this form. So if you've got your own pricing scale, you can either have it as a dropdown menu, as a range, or you can have it as a slider.

So Sam's at 15 cents per square foot, whereas we've changed it in other markets, into Australian dollars, we've changed it into, for Aileen Hagart in Mexico, we've done the UK. You can change these, included as standard features, and when the form is submitted, it goes into a CRM system, which we send you your own link too, so you can actually see all the submissions.

So it won't go into a big black hole, but you receive every inquiry into your inbox as an email. But so you don't lose it, there is also an online CRM system which is very simple to use, and all the orders are captured there. So it's great to be able to edit and control those orders.

Contact us for bid is what we call a anchor tag, and it just goes straight back to that form page, to schedule a scanner man to get in touch, and they can see your phone number at that point.

Industries, we've covered off four industries here in depth. So tourism, real estate, commercial office spaces, and public cultural spaces. So each page has got its own branding look and feel, testimonials, examples specific to that industry genre.

And then as you mouse-over the key features, these are generally the same because the features are the same on the camera. So these, just sort of, reveal more content and show off the strength of the camera. And it's the idea of people being able to sit back and see several holiday hotels in 10 minutes. As a tourist that's what we want to see. Before we book, show me how it looks. So that's sit back and see hotels in 10 minutes.

Again, driving people to instant quote so they can actually contact you for certain scans. Obviously, hotels are over 8,000 square feet, but you can change your slider to be 100,000 square feet, if you so wish. The three step scanning process. So, scope the venue, scan the property, update your website. And some content there about research and reasons why hotels use this at the moment to accelerate, to reduce walkthroughs.

'Cause there's nothing worse than people through a hotel and they're not even staying there. It drives reception crazy. So reducing walkthroughs, and to put brand loyalty. These are strong points at which the hotel trade like.

Google Maps, again, the integration to update on to Google Maps, because most searches are found on Google. So the integration there is good. It is very good to highlight that as well, because it is a proven search engine.

Trusted by other hotel chains, and again, just some other quotes and stats about how a Matterport review and people that review Matterport hotels respond to the process. On the real estate side, this is tailored at winning the listing, boosting leads, and engaging the buyers. So these are properties that, I've scanned that particular one at the top there.

That is in London in Putney, and it's quite grand so it just shows off the kind of luxury style home, and it was quite big. It's quite good, that particular one, because it goes into the garden. People are often hesitant about going outside.

But it was a bit of an overcast day, so the garden, and you can walk straight out to the garden. As you can see, it's fairly cloudy, and it worked. As an example of, "Can we shoot outside?" Yes we can.

And again, standard key features there, sit back and see ten homes in ten minutes, great for people in the buying market, and those are standard feature sets. And again, a property here.

This little video here, this is a video that I produced which just sort of brings the feature set up front very quickly going from a doll house straight in, and then it moves through the house fairly quickly, and you mouse-over a hotspot, and it reveals a little video playing.

So that's a nice little clip, I think, to show off how rich this camera can get, in terms of online content. And you're seeing it at pace. It works, it's not slowing down the browser. Key reasons why we could pull in estate agents here, real estate, realtors users.

And these are some of the clients that I've worked for, some of the clients that people in the network worked for. As Matterport use cases, they are that good. And the key reasons why people use, how it adds value, the calculator is a solution that is provided.

One of the benefits of the We Get Around Network. Dan can provide the embed code if you complete the online form. And then this can be embedded into your website and used directly in a presentation, one-to-one, with the estate agent themselves.

I've often taken my clients through this as a pitch. To say, "Right, how many presentations are you doing?" Let's actually go to term on this calculator and show you how much value we can add if you won listings using this camera, and increase the value of those listings. It's a very powerful calculator. It's often, I'm not sure how many people use it but, for me, it certainly catapulted my business in year one.

So I think this is a key benefit to add in those pitch conversations. And then the commercial spaces. Commercial spaces are good because they generally, if you're dealing with a client like that, they got more than one.

And there's so many advantages to scanning office spaces. For insurance purposes, for health and safety, and so this just shows office spaces. That's the same as before, on the key features, but if we scroll down, a bit further down, the idea of placing it on a map.

Again, it's the same sort of content down below, but the testimonial content is from commercial agents and the benefits of the cameras.

Again, the graphics are slightly different, the backgrounds are slightly different, because you don't want too much sameness on the page.

But it's good for the page content to be relevant to that user. So that one page itself that you're looking at there, could be presented in a pitch, in a one-to-one meeting, or on a big screen to a commercial agent.

And I've often just referenced my website in this manner. The last one is a public and cultural spaces. That's where we look at galleries, museums, public spaces. You might want to, you could change that to education and campuses if need be, and change the gallery models here. But public and cultural spaces are good because everyone's got a library, everyone's got a museum, everyone's got an art gallery somewhere in their town.

So this is always quite fun to share. And also, particularly on the MatterTags is to draw attention to, if you hotspot over the image, you can show a bit more content about it. So it's very good for the public educational campuses. You know, so that's a good example of art Yeah that's the International Gallery. So, all accounts on here, you can change and edit if there is text or language that is not that relevant to your market, then it can be edited.

You can change words, pictures, copy text color and all that. The entire sites that we produce are on Wordpress. We use the Divi theme, that's D-I-V-I. And that's why one of the most popular themes out there, there's two or three big hitters out there, but the Divi theme is in that top three. And it's very scalable, it's very fast, it's very lightweight.

And as we go through 3D services, as you come to 3D services, now these are services that Sam particularly wants to do. It comes with a ready-made gallery of 3D tools. You can fill through across the top, to reveal scans which are available immediately to you as a We Get Around Network member. This are being scanned by members.

I've done some of them, I'm sure Dan's done some of them. The video bit, MatterVids. You might not want to have the MatterVid logo on there if you don't want to reveal the supplier of that content. But these are very good upsells.

Because Matterport can't be presented offline, a MatterVid is a 4K smooth high-resolution video that can play on the shot window. It can play in presentations, it can play offline. So it's very good to have the answer, "How do I play Matterport offline with no internet connection?" It's worth getting a MatterVid done, if they require that service, because there's a example here that you can show them. And there are actually five examples, and left as a carousel.

And you can scroll through the examples there. So there's one of a, I think there's two residences, there's a clubhouse, there's a museum.

In total, there's five and an office, that's it, yeah. Their services are very good. Their turnaround is about three days, and we do supply the code of your Matterport scan, and wham-bam it comes back three days later like that, which is great.

If you're getting into any sort of image enhancement, if you're working with other providers that I've seen any form like Blue-Sketch, there are companies out there that can take really crappy photos and get them enhanced. I've seen so many crappy real estate photos because they're taken on their phone, they're in a rush, and then suddenly, they're on the website. And you think, "God, can you please just present better." This is a service you could be having.

It's a service real estate people need. Because they're too quick to get the property to market, and they fail to address the visual appeal.

Virtual staging is another great service offered throughout the forum. This is an office which I actually scanned, and then we produced the static images, and the virtual furniture. This was actually produced by Amreet Gill from 3DView, and he's in the network as well.

Great guy, great service. And as we go through, we're back up to the navigation. So that service of drone, if you're offering drone services, there's some drone content here which can be edited and changed.

So it is quite good to change content, using your own content ideally to show off the type of drone you are using.

And if you're doing drone services to present drone content like this. Drone photography is very effective.

As we scroll back up to the navigation. This is actually content, the drone content was produced by Aileen Hagart, another customer who's had one of these sites.

- Mexico in 3D, I'm going to try it. San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato, Mexico.

- Yeah.

- Sorry there.

- Good, yeah.

- Right, we're up to videos.

- Okay, so yeah, then we'll go to videos. Videos are the MatterVids there. So if we've now done drone, then that's good. And again the gallery there, that's a WP3D Models plugin. So if you've got your plugin, we need the activation license numbers, and then this works.

- So when you,

- WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin is one of the, you get the free use of that as a WGAN Standard or Premium Member. So I think as Angus has said, he essentially looked at all the tools and services features that We Get Around Network offers in our Standard and Premium Membership, and integrates it in your website.

So we'll cover that, I think a little bit more, but I think we first wanted to really just give you a tour of what your website can look like in a fast start, without much direction. It's just created for you.

- Yeah. That's great. So, one of the key things about a good website today is that it needs to be quite lightweight in size, a minimalist almost design, optimized for mobile, SEO-friendly, an integrated drag-and-drop builder so you can edit your content fairly quickly, compatible with other Wordpress plugins. There's nothing worse than having plugins that end up slowing the site down, or they conflict. So we've done a full test through our plugins, and the plugins will work, and they play together well. Scalable, it's fully scalable. You can add more navigation and sub-menu items as services expand. Easy to update and well-supported. So we remain on hand to help you through edits, any questions that you have as your service scales.

- I'd like to talk a little bit about this button. Our network, which is your network, Photogenics USA, in this case, is you'll notice this interactive map we can zoom in, and if I select any location, it's always gonna be Photogenics USA Network in that location.

Please contact us, we'll launch the user's email client, and then it'll send an email, in this case, to Photogenic USA. This Network, while it comes from We Get Around Network, it's a white-label version of the We Get Around Network.

There's nothing here that says We Get Around Network, and it just shows that essentially, you're part of something bigger.

And the reason I wanted to show this is, as an expert at Matterport, once you learn how to use Matterport, the next step is, you walk into a client, and you've delivered your Matterport space, and the client says, "Wow, that's awesome.

I'm thrilled." And the next logical question after you ask about additional business in your location is, "Do you have any other commercial spaces around the country that I can help you with?", "Do you have any other residential spaces?".

And so, that creates an opportunity for a few things. One is, you can contact a member in that location, and have them be white-labeled to you. So they shoot the scan and you make the difference between what you charge your client, and what you pay that service provider.

Second, it may be that you just simply want to refer the business, in which case you might contact the service provider and say, "Hey, I got a hot lead. If it turns into business, I'm seeking X once the client pays.

If that's okay, I'll provide you the lead and the introduction." So it's an opportunity to generate more money, either through that booking being one order for multiple markets or for providing leads to others and getting paid for those leads.

And I guess the third reason I think it's really good to have this on your site, is it just shows you're part of something bigger, and that you can help the client wherever they're located. And it may not even just be that they're located in another location, they have friends and colleagues, and now you're getting a trusted introduction.

So that's why I wanted to mention that network, which is integrated into your website by 3DVR. And then, we were looking at Sam Khalil's website in San Jose, we just thought we'd just show you that here's another example, this is a future view imaging.

Angus, I think if we ... Blake was kind enough to give you a testimonial when you completed his site. Could you read what he wrote?

- Yeah

- On your 3DVR page.

- That's it, yes. Sorry Dan, you caught me off guard there.

- That's okay. I'll tell you what, I'll switch to it. We'll jump ahead just for a moment, but I just thought I'd show you what a couple of clients have said. So here in the case of Blake Kilcoin, Blake is in Monticello, New York.

He's the president of Future View Imaging, and he writes, "Angus was absolutely instrumental in the development of my website, from creating my logo, to the overall site design. I'm incredibly impressed. His attentiveness and communication during the building process was all the more impressive as we are separated by more than 3,500 miles -

- Blake, being in upstate New York, & Angus being in the UK - and five time zones. He would have never known the incredible feedback I've received from clients about the overall design and flow of the website is fantastic. I don't know where my business would be without him, and I'm glad I never will." And then, I think if we click here, again this site looks similar,

- Yep.

- I'll come back and I'll ask you some questions about some slight differences on what you do there. But I think what I just wanted to point out was that Aileen writes, "As a new service provider, I wanted to hit the ground running. Time was of the essence.

Given I wanted to launch ahead of competitors, at the same time, I wanted to achieve excellence in my launch, and accordingly I was very choosy with whom I partnered. Angus exceeded my expectations. I provided direction, was blown away by the execution.

Only a truly subject matter expert with technology and marketing expertise could have delivered such a premium product. I highly recommend him." I would add, which she doesn't mention in there, that you are a Matterport Service Provider among other things, which means you speak everyone's language. You know, we have this common language. And then if I go back for a moment to Photogenics USA, maybe you could read what Sam wrote about you.

- Back on Photogenic USA, okay.

- Yeah, if you don't have that handy, I'm just going to go to the Forum and I'll call it up. Beause Sam wrote in the We Get Around Network Forum, after Angus posted about fast start websites with 3DVR, Sam writes right here, "Hello Angus, thank you so much for such a wonderful work you did on my website, and I really appreciate the time and effort, besides the honesty and sincerity in doing all this work. It would have been so difficult for me to get all this done by myself.

Again I can't find the right words to describe your professionalism and hard work. My best wishes to you and your family during this happy holiday. Happy holidays. Best regards, Sam Khalil."

That's posted in the We Get Around Forum, under this discussion, fast start websites for Matterport pros packed with WGAN benefits. So if I could just go back here for a moment, Angus. There are some differences, they look the same, but there are some differences. ...

- At the moment, we're seeing you. We're not seeing your screen.

- Oh forgive me, forgive me, I'm so sorry. Had we been looking at three different websites, we would've noticed there were some differences.

- Do you want to speak to that?

- Yeah, I can Dan. You going to pull them up or would you want to?

- I can, do you want me to?

- Could you pull up Aileen's first. Yeah, that's it.

- Yep.

- If you scroll through the top of Aileen's, you go to the top of this page. Yeah, so she's actually made it, she asked me what's the best way to translate the site, because she wants it in Spanish. So there's two flags.

I recommended that she use a plugin called TranslatePress, which is very good. It's about a hundred dollars I think, or no, $79 a year, I think, per site. And she has actually gone through and changed it. So the site can be many languages with that plugin. So that's one of the better plugins. You could spend ages trying to find the right plugin.

But ask us, ask me, and I believe that this one is the best one for this platform. And as you can see, it works. It works very well for her. She's customized quite a bit of it. If you go to her instant quote order form, Dan, Aileen has edited the form quite, and also she's broken it to residential pricing and to commercial pricing.

So she's gone into some detail. And, her size of property user enter in, and it will calculate, and she's got tick boxes which change prices. So all of that is work that she's performed by herself. We gave her a clever way to access. She's obviously quite web-savvy as well, and can use systems and has spent some time in it. So, this is her result, which is great. So it's very good to see that we've handed over her site, and she's spent the time to edit it and change content.

The main bit you really need to focus on is your homepage and your services, so that if you are offering specific services then you add them.

If you're not adding certain services, then change them. But certainly, in her case, she's going for the drone and the virtual staging work. And she's changed some of the language a bit lower down on her homepage as well. So could you scroll down, a bit further down. Yeah, so as we roll over, she's added stuff. She's got two bars there of rollovers.

She's added her own content which is great because she's obviously wanted to build on the platform. And now, Blake, I think he's done less customization. I think he's been busy, he's got other things going on sort of business-wise.

So I think he really just wanted it out of the box. That's one of his scans there. He sent that early on. I think he's really just wanted to build up his gallery, build up his content, and so he's largely adopted the site out of the box. And as he goes off scanning then he will change his content.

- I don't see his WP3D Models Wordpress plugin. Did he decide not to use it?

- He might have taken it off. Yeah, he's probably reduced the gallery there. Because under the mini-gallery here.

- All right, so he has that flexibility if he decides he wants to change your module, he can.

- Yeah, yeah exactly.

- Okay.

- All right, cool. So that's kind of an overview of what the deliverables are. To what extent, because this is a free solution for WGAN Premium Mmbers. So, to what extent are you doing customization? I mean, I tell people when they ask, I say you can have a Maserati in pink, in any color that you want, as long as it's in pink. So, I've been saying this is what it is, it's a cookie-cutter. But what I'm seeing is it's not such a cookie-cutter that you can't make changes.

- Exactly, and there's one key point I just like to show Dan. Is it possible to share my screen? I just wanted to show one form about the,

- Sure, look for the share button at the bottom, and then when you're done sharing, look for a stop share screen at the top.

- Okay. Okay.

- I can see Photogenic USA Website inquiry.

- Yeah, so this is the link that he sees in order to, when someone completes the instant quote.

- I'm not sure on the right screen. I'm looking at Photogenic USA website inquiry last edited.

- You are, yeah, yeah. This is the form which is presented on his webpage. If he wants to see where the inquiries are captured, he clicks this link here, it goes to the inbox. .. Are we seeing this?

- Yeah, okay, this is from Sam's perspective. You threw me because you mentioned Dan.

- I'm in Sam's perspective.

- Yeah. He wants to see where his inquiries have come from his emails, into his email, but this is the online CRM, which captures the orders.

An order that I placed just to show that I completed his form, and I put in, inquiry for a 5,500 square foot property. That was the price, these are the services that are standard and I tick that I wanted these extra things too. So this is order that I can refer back to. So he can phone me up and say, "Hey Angus, I'm just calling you about the online quote you made. This is the rep from sponsor of five.

So it's all here. So he can refer to that. We finished editing halfway through the call, somewhat using the phone and now actually, I need three floor plans. And I'm going to extend it, I want you to do the top floor too. And he's like, "Okay, let's update this." So we'll just go to here, and we'll do edit the submission.

And from here, we're gonna add, I'm going to punch it up to 6,500 square feet, and yeah, I'm going to have the aerial drone stuff too. So that updates all the total price, and we go down to testing now, I'm not going to change any of that.

And we can hit submit, and it's the same reference but the order's changed, and a drone's been added. It's up to that, that's the new price, and it's all in that submission. So this becomes a very easy to use CRM capture system.

When you're on the phone to clients, you're updating your orders. You're out and about scanning, and you're taking an order, we can get into this easily. You can edit the orders easily. It's all online, it's on the cloud, orders won't get lost. So I just thought I'd quickly show you that.

- Cool. If you can take us off this screen share, that's right at the top, Angus.

- Okay.

- App share screen, cool. And then I thought what we would do is go into your website about 3DVR. So if you type in, in fact, I'll go back up here and type, it is going to redirect this to a landing site.

But all you need to know is type in and then here is the website for Angus, where he's explaining the services. So, this might be a good page to go through in case we missed anything or you missed anything as you were describing the deliverable.

- Right. Okay so, yeah, the idea is that it's a fast start service. Fast being that we try and get these things out in seven to ten days. So if you're looking for a turnaround timing, you're needing a quick fix, you can look really good out of the box within seven to ten days.

- And I think that's amazing because if we probably did a question of the day in the We Get Around Network forum of how long it took you to create your website, I wouldn't be surprised if answers came back as long as six weeks because not everybody has the skills in designing, creating a website, and it's a lot of stuff to bring together.

So Angus and his team have done all the heavy lifting of bringing together all the digital assets, whether they've come from We Get Around Network Standard and Premium membership, or other assets that Angus has brought to the table.

You have all the content in order to create this fast start website. So I think just being able to get up and running in seven to ten days means you can begin selling faster. Otherwise, you're tied down in operations of just getting your website up.

And then I think second, from what we've seen Angus, is you deliver professional solutions. So it's not just a fast, I can do a fast website, it'll be super-crappy. So it's not just fast start website, it's a awesome website, as you've seen, and that's why we began showing you what it is that you get. Why don't you talk through a little bit of this, or maybe I'll talk through this piece, if you don't mind.

- Yeah, okay.

- The problem or challenge that I noticed for We Get Around Network Standard and Premium Members that were using all the 40+ membership benefits, the reaction was, "Wow, this is overwhelming. It's really terrific and it's everything I need for my website, but I'm not a website designer. Can you refer me to someone who creates a website?"

So this was quite a long search to find exactly the right person, and the right company that could take all the digital assets that membership benefits, that We Get Around Network Standard and Premium Members get, and use it as the building blocks to trick out a website. Don't have a domain name? That's fine, that's a membership benefit.

Don't have Wordpress? That's great, you get the free use of Wordpress. WGAN Standard and Premium Members get the free use of Wordpress setup and the hosting, and that's by Ionblade Pro. WGAN Standard and Premium Members get the free use of WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin.

And that not only includes the configuration and the setup, but Angus, if you're using all these tools, as a Premium Member, then Angus is going to give you Angus is going to give you about a half hour or so of one-on-one training and how to use, how to use WP3D Models. WP3D Models is a fire hose and it has a lot of capabilities. So Angus is going to do really about a 1/2 hour of training.

One of the membership benefits of WGAN Standard and Premium Membership is that you get a membership in the WGAN-TV training you in Matterport, and that includes training videos on the use of WP3D Models, both for newbies and some advanced features.

We did a couple hours worth of content creation with the founder of WP3D Models, Ross Peterson, Founder and Developer of WP3D Models. Super tool. It is a fire hose. There's so many things you can do with it. We saw it in use here as the gallery.

We didn't even go in to all the single property websites that you can create. An unlimited number of single property websites is included with WP3D Models.

It does amazing things for your SEO, helping lift your website up in search. You get the free use of WP3D Models. When you first start out, the question is, The problem is, "Gee, I haven't created any Matterport tours, what am I going to do?"

Well, when you order 3DVR, you get the free use of this creation and hosting solution that 3DVR offers as a WGAN Membership benefit. You get a gallery, as Angus has showed you. That gallery, the WP3D Models, is already populated with 15 Matterport spaces.

There's a business value calculator. We saw that ROI calculator on the real estate page. MatterVids, we provide examples. This is a super product. You can probably sell this for two, three, four times as much as you pay for MatterVids, for MatterVids videos.

It's certainly is a great thing to show in your website, to illustrate what a Matterport tour looks like. But on these MatterVids, we'll do a whole show on this probably in January, on MatterVids with the founder.

All you do is create your Highlights Reel, and you copy and paste the link, and send it off to MatterVids, and they do that super silky video that we showed. And so, five of those end up on your website.

We provide those videos for 3DVR. The iPad user video we played had a little bit of music on it. Just to show you how to use a Matterport tour.

The before and after photo widget, the My Network map integration, there's probably other stuff we haven't even included on this page that are part of the DNA of 3DVR. So anyway, I think the key thing here was, as many WGAN Standard and Premium members have told me over the years to say, "Love all the things that become in the membership, but what are the challenges, like who can do this for me, I'm not a webmaster."

And frankly we've had webmasters that say, "I just don't want to do it, I just would rather engage someone else, have them get me up and running in seven to ten days. And then I'll feel comfortable editing and making changes to what's delivered, but you know, get me up and running. So anyway, what do we got here Angus? What is this?

- These are just examples of the content blocks of basically all the different elements that we have built in to each page which dramatize the benefits and functionality of the camera.

So, good-looking pages that catches the users eye. And because we've sort of spent quality time coding it, and looking at the language of Matterport, looking at the language of real estate and of commercial spaces, to make it clean and clear. So quite a lot of copywriting and design integrity has gone into this. So you can check on those images, they enlarge because they're there to show how the website looks on iPads or on phones.

- Yeah, I think this is awesome. I mean, truly, if you're starting out, why go create ..., Angus, I want to say it's been a year in the making with you and I, has it been a full year or close to a year?

- I think probably just over.

- Probably just over. And I don't remember if I reached out to you Angus, or you saw what I was doing and suggested, but somehow one way or the other like, this was a match made in heaven, with his expertise as a Matterport Service Provider, a digital subject matter expert, digital marketer. We haven't even talked about some of his background working at Disney and Google, which helps him just have the DNA to work on all these stuff.

In fact, I'm going to come back and ask you about some of that stuff in a moment. This has been a year plus in the making, to not only take all the assets that WGAN Standard and Premium Membership benefits come with, but for Angus and his team to add on top of that, and then be able, as a Matterport Service Provider, to really understand and a digital marketer, what's going to be effective and work, and what's also going to look super nice and professional.

And you know, gosh! You bought a camera, you've made an investment in Matterport, why spend the next four to six weeks building out your website, when you can instantly have a website of this caliber. So it's really amazing. This is actually my favorite page of your website, Angus. It essentially says if you're a WGAN Premium Member, you get everything we've been talking about, free.

So Angus and his team create the website, they'll turn it over to you, there's some light hosting management, just in case to help you. But if you're a WGAN Premium Member, services are free to you, the services that we've describe, because he actually does have extra services.

For example, well we'll get there. Just an example, if you don't have a logo and you need help, well, we don't include that but it's a service that Angus can charge you directly for.

So, essentially just joining as a Premium Member, and then you're ready to order 3DVR services. Maybe you're already a WGAN Standard Member, you can pay Angus, If you're a WGAN Standard Member, you can pay Angus, you can pay 3DVR, $99 a month U.S. And so you're essentially paying for a WGAN Standard Membership at $59 a month, and Angus at $99 a month. It's $149. Actually, you might as well join as a WGAN Premium Member.

Upgrade your membership from Standard to Premium because we will be introducing additional membership benefits for Premium and so the math will just work out to say, it just literally makes sense to be a WGAN Premium Member.

You might say, well can I get Angus' services without being a WGAN Standard Member? I think you've probably missed the point here, is all the things that he's building on, the free use of Wordpress, the free use of WP3D Models, ... the free version of MPEmbed Premium Basic, which saves you $10 a month through a WGAN rebate.

All those building blocks you actually need for 3DVR to do what they're doing. And then of course, If you want to upgrade from a Bsic Membership to Premium, that's great for upgrade from WGAN Standard to Premium. And let me take one more sip of water here. Struggling with my cold. I do want to just give you one more option here, it's not listed on the page, but if you pre-pay for 12 months of WGAN Premium Membership, that unlocks some additional membership benefits that includes the Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont.

It's an awesome course, I'm about 80% through it. Even though I've been doing this for five and a half years with the We Get Around Network, I'm still learning a ton from Ben's course.

I highly recommend it, if you are just starting, particularly if you're just starting out, and you need a whole module on selling virtual tours, they have great courses on that content. Plus, I think you'd also want to learn about some other 3D 360 cameras, some other platforms. They may be helpful to you. But this course is just tremendously helpful in terms of workflow, for scanning and other stuff. Highly recommend it, Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont.

I think if you go to his website and buy it, It'll be something like $300, that's included free when you pre-pay for an annual WGAN Premium Membership. You also get up to 25 minute video chat with me monthly.

I think a lot of Members that are just starting out feel like they need a little bit of hand holding, talking about problems or challenges. So if you feel that I would be helpful to have a one-on-one monthly with you, that's available as a pre-paid Annual Premium Membership. and you also get the Professional Photographers of America membership.

So, the PPA membership, if you go to, I think it's a little over $300 in the United States. The key thing there is it includes camera gear insurance, so you now have a way to insure your Matterport camera, iPad, laptop, and other camera gear up to $15,000 in the US. There are versions that are available for Canada, and version available for outside Canada and the United States which don't include the insurance, but do have a lot of other membership benefits.

So I think that's three examples if you decide to pre-pay, switch to the annual WGAN Premium Membership plan. It has yet some other benefits. Sometimes I feel like I'm selling but I just feel like I'm, I started out in July of 2014, buying a Matterport camera, and Angus I don't know about you but when I started I felt like I was in the jungle.

There weren't any scans available. I had to go out and shoot before I could create a website. So I was busy shooting content in order to be able to create a website. So everything that we're offering today is kind of the journey, my journey, some of Angus' journey. Mine for five and a half years of creating digital assets and curating the third-party tools and solutions to help you succeed faster.

There are a whole lot of solutions, we've talked about WP3D models and Ionblade for Wordpress, we've talked about MPEmbed, we haven't even talked about CAPTUR3D. Go to the We Get Around Network Forum, Go up to the top, compare plans, see membership benefits. There are a ton of membership benefits. 40+ membership benefits.

I've just been curating the tools and solutions to help you succeed faster. So if I sound excited, I am excited because we can help you succeed faster. Here are the tools and solutions, and now, thank heavens for Angus, his team for 3DVR because you've now completed the journey by taking all these digital assets, services, third party tools and brought it together in a cohesive solution that's available free to WGAN Premium members. It's available for $99 a month for WGAN Standard Members.

And I just think it's a great value to help the next generation of Matterport Service Providers succeed faster.

- On that note Dan, yeah, I think it's been great for you to put together all these features, these benefits, these options with different tiers that we can go on. And if we look at Sam Khalil, for example, I think we're now about to add the chatbot integrator on to his website.

- Whole another benefit that we haven't even talked about. But you get the free use of a chatbot to help generate leads, and then Angus integrates that into the website.

- If you will bring out more features in 2020, They say, "Which ones will we strap on to the website?", Let's tell the members they complete their order form and it gets done.

- Awesome. So I think at this point Angus, what I'd like to do, is talk a little about your business, as a Matterport Service Provider, and a little bit about where are you today, in fact, you happen to be at a hotel room because you've come to London to do Matterport scanning. Successful Matterport Service Provider, where are you in your journey?

- I'm in London. Voting has officially stopped at our general election about an hour ago, so I'm gonna wake up to a different country tomorrow morning.

Well, you'll hear about it on the news. But as a Matterport Service Provider, yeah I would say, it's been exciting, it's up and down. I think the key thing is one word is diversification. If you just stick on Matterport, you might not have enough revenue, because you're mid through it, halfway through it, or starting, you need to supplement your services, so your photographic skills, your photographic services.

- Let me just, if I could, let me just amplify what you just said. As the Founder of the We Get Around Network, I talk to a lot of Members, I read everything that's on the forum, 63,000 posts among 10,000 topics. I don't believe there is one Member in the We Get Around Network Forum, that only does Matterport. Real estate agents, estate agents, they also want photo, they want video, they want drone, they want floor plans.

And if you're not offering one stop shopping, then they're going to go find somebody that is. So even if you think you're going only offer Matterport, you're going to really be challenged. Because the first thing that a real estate agent or an estate agent wants, photos. And maybe the second thing is video, even before you get to Matterport.

And that's why we've built out the website so it's not just Matterport, that there are these modules for photo, video, virtual staging. Because you really do need to be one stop shopping in order to succeed faster in this space. I imagine that was probably something, ... that you learned in your journey.

- Yeah and I have turned up at scans, and just scanned using my mobile for example, with the camera. I think if I turned up to try and scan a commercial office space with just my mobile phone, I would lose the job. My clients currently expect more. I like the idea and the progression of Matterport, where it's going into the mobile world.

But I don't think it's threatening to existing Matterport operators, who are going out with a big chunky camera. It's almost a bit of theater when you get thing out, and you start moving around their hotels or their offices. I think it's a bit weird if you suddenly turn up to a big hotel, and all you going to do is scan it with a mobile. But it is about, we are photographers, we are the capture experts, and it comes with technology. So we're coming out in the lightweight background from sort of Disney and advertising, and the Google tech space.

It's about storytelling, and I believe that companies such as Matterport have enabled me to tell a very good story about property. I think as an industry, the real estate business needed a sort of kick up the butt. It was getting a bit stale. And it's like, what's going to be the next big thing to sort of move. Banking's been disrupted, courier services have been disrupted, food delivery's disrupted. So what's the next sort of thing.

And real estate is moving, and PropTech as a word has emerged. So I think it's a very exciting space. And so my ambition at Imagineer was to bring imagination and engineering together, hence the word Imagineer, to help people imagineer spaces better. And I saw the camera, and I got one, and I started this business and we've been going,

- Where did you learn about Matterport first? What was the first time?

- I saw it on a video in LinkedIn and it blew me away. I was like, "Wow, that's clever." And it was a particular video of a hotel. I think it was a drone and that flow in through the window, and then they went through the room. I went, "That's good."

And then I heard that a friend of mine had bought one up in Edinburgh up in Scotland, and he was a surveyor. And I thought, "Well, that's interesting." And now I followed what he was doing, and then about a couple of months later, I bought one. And I haven't looked back.

- How'd you find the We Get Around Network Forum?

- I found you guys quite early on actually. I think I Googled trying to make something of a show reel, or trying to use the Matterport academy. And there was a bunch of YouTube videos, that came up with your Forum on it, so I found that. So I think it was all in the same week.

- Cool, I'm glad you did.

- Yeah, so am I. You're at search work as well, that's good.

- What haven't we talked about that we should cover.

- Let me think. We've lightly touched on SEO. Now, the site comes out the box SEO-ready, but it's a bit of a light touch. So we optimized the home page mainly. We do install Yoast, which is spelled Y-O-A-S-T, a very good plugin. But we don't do Yoast training, we don't do SEO training. So if you need further SEO work, it's best to try and incorporate that.

There aren't many pages on the website. There's about 10 pages. So I think if you receive and when you receive your website, it's best to look at local SEO. Go on to the Google My Business listing pages, and register your business locally.

So that if people searched for 3D Matterport expert near me, or 3D virtual tour expert near me, you pop up. That's the service that we can talk you through, and help you through because the Google My Business listing is very powerful for you.

All these things are also done in tandem. So just having a website from us is not the answer to everything. We wish it could be, but we do remain in support to point you in the right way, if you get stuck with things. And we're learning too, and if we don't know the answer, we will try and find it.

- You posted in the We Get Around Network Forum and get an answer.

- Yeah, exactly!

- Angus, thanks for being on the show today.

- Pleasure, thank you very much Dan.

- We've been visiting with Angus Norriss. Angus is a seasoned Matterport Service Provider. He is the founder of Imagineer Consulting Ltd. Help me out there.

- Imagineer.

- Imagineer, forgive me. Imagineer Consulting Ltd in the UK. And Angus and his team have created 3DVR, website built around the WGAN Standard and Premium membership benefits, to create something really powerful. 1 plus 1 = 10! So I'm super excited about that. ... More than a year in the making. Much appreciated. Angus, what time is it there in the UK now?

- It's just going ten past eleven.

- Ten past eleven. So thanks for hanging in, much appreciated. For Angus in the UK and me, Dan Smigrod in Atlanta, thanks for watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

- Thank you.

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Here is a WGAN Premium Member example of a Fast Start website powered by 3DVR:

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