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Mattertags - your thoughts?1066

PeterMatterport private msg quote post Address this user
A while back Matterport introduced the concept of Mattertags – where you can label an object in 3D space.

This feature never made it in to Showcase 2.0 but is being actively developed. I’d love to get some of your thoughts on the use of tags in a 3D model:
1. Who is going to decide what to tag in a property? You (in what role?), your realtor (if you work with one), the home owner, etc?
2. Who would create the tags and at what point in the workflow?
3. What kind of things do you expect will be tagged?
4. What kind of information would there be in the tag? Are you thinking of just text or images, video, links….?
5. Are you concerned that too many tags in a room could distract the user and make it hard to view properly and navigate?
6. Any other thoughts on Mattertags?

Please PM me if you are interested in taking a more detailed survey down the road. Also if you are in the SF Bay area and interested in helping us with user testing let me know.

Thanks and appreciate all your comments,

Peter McColgan
Director, Product Management
Post 1 IP   flag post
Shane private msg quote post Address this user
My first interest in tagging would be to identify grey ares that are not scanned such as built in robes, storage rooms. My last job had a small utility room that backed onto a built in robe. With out an accompanying floor plan the doll house and plan left you wondering what the space was. This can also be a problem when the end of a built in robe connects with a out side wall making it look like a narrow entrance way.

I don't see any purpose for tagging in walk throughs but I have perhaps not be using scanner for that long to have that purpose.

I'm keen to follow any further comments that may come about from your thread.

Post 2 IP   flag post
krp private msg quote post Address this user
I will be using these tags as a photographer working for realtors.

Just waiting!!! lol
Post 3 IP   flag post
joelE private msg quote post Address this user
Mattertags are surely usefull, for photo (on what is not seen), video, or description of any kinds.
I will use it definitely.

I'm recent on matterport, only made one tour, but faced to a problem with customer about bluring some sections (personal and private) this is the main matter I would like matterport take care (sorry, I'm out of the main subject)
Post 4 IP   flag post
Columbia, MO
Showcas3D private msg quote post Address this user
1. realtor/homeowner would probably have to provide the info for the Mattertags

2. MP user I would think would create/tag the items in Workshop as they editing the model

3. kitchen/bath items (upgrades), room dimensions, points of interest within the model, items for sale, missing info within the model

4. text, photos/videos/gifs, links, flyers

5. if the Mattertag is slightly transparent like the white circles but a different color, I don't think it would be distracting. also if it was expandable/collapsible by clicking on it, that would be nice so the content doesn't cover up the model

6. this would be a huge added value over other 360/pano/virtual tour providers. its a unique feature that I've had several realtors ask about, had to say it wasn't available yet but you could still see the excitement with the Realtor about this feature
Post 5 IP   flag post
Cleveland, OH
CLE3D private msg quote post Address this user
I would love to use the tags a bunch of different ways, I picture using them to tag notes on new appliances, for example, if the agent/owner wants it; I'd also love to put an image in the tag - ex. for a pantry in a kitchen that I don't necessarily want to leave the door open for the scan, but can tag it with 'Pantry' and the image of the pantry door open (this could be applied to any situation with a door open or closed). I'd also like to be able to link to something else - ex. if I use do a large scan that can be broken up into multiple models, I could do one scan in a common area and down a hallway (think hotel lobby and hall to ball rooms) and then could tag each different ballroom with a link to take the user to that walkthrough.

These are just a few of the ideas I've had so far about how to use the mattertags once available. I'm very excited to be able to use them!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
I've just made a connection with an estate sale professional, who is very excited about using 3D Showcases to promote her estate sales. Mattertags will make that even better, as information (pricing, dimensions, etc.) can be provided.

I just talked to her for the first time yesterday, but I'm hopeful this will be a new type of business for me. I'll post something about this in a new topic once I book some real business.

Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I can do 'Mattertags' on traditional 3D Panorama Walkthrough tours (whatever you want to call them). I can also do cheesy lense flares.

So I cannot wait for Mattertags. It's a feature that will sell our tours and open up some interesting possibilities. For instance, if it's a store, you can tag products, then offer the service of photographing products.

Mattertags are the most important update that has been announced. Even more useful at this time than 3D.
Post 8 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
I believe it will help with the product. The more features you add, the more Matterport becomes a professional tool, rather than a tool so easy even a realtor can do it.

1. Who is going to decide what to tag in a property? You (in what role?), your realtor (if you work with one), the home owner, etc?
1. Realtor will decide what get's tagged to show points of interest in the property.
2. Service provider will create the tag in workshop mode post production.
3. Working in many high end homes, realtors request to point things out like - imported building materials, for unfinished areas, to show a drawing of what it can look like, identifying what's behind a closed door (i.e. 3 car garage). Major update, upgrades and remodeling, i.e. custom kitchen less than 2 years old, updated dual pane windows, etc.
4. Everything from images, to text, links, video. Boutique retail stores can include pricing on specific items, Museums can provide a description of specific pieces, Tagging outside door can provide a video link of the exterior.
5. No, as a service provider,I'll advise that X number of tags per room is too much or not enough depending on how it looks. Small dots that expand should not hurt navigation.
6. PM Sent.
Post 9 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
It won't help the product, it will propel it into the next level.

Marking features like what type of oven, air conditioning, bench top, floor type etc will enable a home owner and realtor to show off the home.

Owners are house proud, so us being able to promote the features of the property like no other service really can will be a game changer I think.

I stopped telling realtors about mattertags, as their eyes light up and they want to wait for them.

It will be easier for us matterpeeps to sell the service to realtors and easier for realtors to convince home owners to use the service.

Also, builders, project managers, commercial spaces, businesses will now also be able to make better use of this technology.

Please do not limit mattertags per model or charge us for them! It's hard work at the moment winning business...any help would be awesome.

The sooner we all get mattertags the more popular this technology will be.

Post 10 IP   flag post
Marcel private msg quote post Address this user
Yep great feature but just extra post processing work to be done on already low margins . We will have to up-sell it as an extra feature and have to be careful for modifications to the tags. Imaging having 200 models with agents requesting changes to text in the tags an a regular basis.
Post 11 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, agreed Marcel....hey I'll do that processing for you...for a small fee
Post 12 IP   flag post
Marcel private msg quote post Address this user
@RobV haha .. hey there you go. Another 3rd party service opportunity. 'Data entry for Mattertags'.. simply email @RobV your list of tags.. processing done in less than 24 hrs...
Post 13 IP   flag post
RobV private msg quote post Address this user
haha...i just registered (not)....

I'll PM you in the next few days, have a project that may require your "video" expertise.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
My wish list for Mattertags are:
- Icon to switch them on/off in Showcase
- Ability to show text (HTML), videos (hosted externally), iFrames (which enables multimedia presentations or microsites), images (both hosted locally and linked externally)
- Service provider is responsible to gather materials and apply them in post production. It's also an upsell opportunity
- No artificial limits to number of tags. The service provider is responsible to create the best experience, which adds some art & science to this job. You can offer guidelines in your Support site
- Ability to choose custom icons (upload your own tag PNG per model). That would lead to new design opportunities and experimentation.

If I think beyond the real estate market, and more into news outlets (which seems to be another target audience for MP), Mattertags will become an important tool for storytelling. Thus the need to be able to link to external sources (e.g. third party articles, wikipedia, ecommerce, YouTube), and possibly expose APIs / unique URLs that can be referenced from a web page (e.g. click to view this object in the context of a virtual tour).
Post 15 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I am glad to see the tagging the concerns I have are as you ask who would do it, Matterport has limited the number of collaborators on our accounts. So this limits us to being forced to do it and as pointed out it would have to be at a premium price. We have spoke with several agents that would pay for it on high end properties. We also have a few curators that want to highlight items or features in their show case with tags.
So when Matterport asks who is going to do this are they rethinking the number of collaborators restrictions or a different way to tag?

The other feature is allow us to size both the circles and the tags so they are not oversized or undersized in show case.

Post 16 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Moving this thread to the top for more input for Matterport.


Post 17 IP   flag post
PeterMatterport private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks everyone for the feedback - very informative. We'll be rolling out Mattertags in phased releases, gathering feedback and iterating from there...


p.s. sorry - been behind on PMs
Post 18 IP   flag post
APN private msg quote post Address this user
I am a real estate agent and have been working with contractors. Contractors liked the idea of using mattertags to create a shopping list of what a client would like in their home. Example: a builder would have 5 of his past homes marked up, by me, with type of cabinets, paint color, lighting, countertop material, etc... Their client could view those models, select what they would like the contractor to use in their new build, creating a list of those items. The builder then can use that list with their client as they go over cost, style of home, etc...

Thanks for the opportunity to provide input!
Post 19 IP   flag post
Mikesobay private msg quote post Address this user
1. Who is going to decide what to tag in a property?- The client will make the final determination in most instances, which is most likely to be a realtor for residential properties, with advice and guidance of the MP Photographer.
2. Who would create the tags and at what point in the workflow? - The MP Photographer, at some point after the initial model is created, as I don't see any opportunity of doing so before this, which seems like it could create additional workflow paths.
3. What kind of things do you expect will be tagged? - Highlights in the home, such as appliances, architectural details, views, items that may not be immediately seen by a viewer.
4. What kind of information would there be in the tag? Are you thinking of just text or images, video, links….? - Certainly all of these are possible, though texts, links and photos stand out as probably the most commonly used.
5. Are you concerned that too many tags in a room could distract the user and make it hard to view properly and navigate? - Yes, they could be a distraction. Hopefully they will contain a small icon that be clicked.
6. Any other thoughts on Mattertags? - Your last point is perhaps one of the most important, making these available while not distracting from the experience of viewing the home--perhaps switchable by the viewer as well as the MP Photographer.
Post 20 IP   flag post
APN private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with number 6 in @mikesobay statement, very critical in keeping a clean, quality and high end experience for the end user!!!
Post 21 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
1. Who is going to decide what to tag in a property? You (in what role?), your realtor (if you work with one), the home owner, etc?
Who ever has commissioned the scan.

2. Who would create the tags and at what point in the workflow?

I would see the person who is editing the uploaded showcase to create the tags in the model. ie at the stage you remove scan points etc.

3. What kind of things do you expect will be tagged?
Appliances,hidden rooms/storage, art work (if say in a gallery), really there are so many things depending what you scan. Could be people in some scans!

4. What kind of information would there be in the tag? Are you thinking of just text or images, video, links….?
Picture/text and linking ability. The ability to integrate to a customers point of sale on their website would be ideal, ie to add to basket of the site they are watching the model on.

5. Are you concerned that too many tags in a room could distract the user and make it hard to view properly and navigate?
It is a concern but I believe that it is something that can be overcome with design and customisation. Perhaps a tiered interactivity. Start something small then if mouse over it to be able to click tag to open.

6. Any other thoughts on Mattertags?
It's about allowing as much customization as possible for the content of these mattertags. So that we can adapt them for any need. I envision being able to have a slide in side bar that you can enter quite a bit of information along all of the screen or just a hovering details section above where the tag is.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Shane private msg quote post Address this user
Has there been any committed timeframe announced for tagging as yet?
Post 23 IP   flag post
Shane private msg quote post Address this user
Further to tags.

I am soon to be doing a scan of a public building of 5 floors. Each floor will be a seperate scan. I would like to have the tag to have the capability to hyperlink to the next scan. Ie positioned at the lift door of each floor. Like pushing the button on the lift for up or down and you arrive at the next scan at the lift door. Good idea hey.
Post 24 IP   flag post
joelE private msg quote post Address this user
As recent message I got from Matterport they told me they won't put possibility to have hyperlink in Mattertag, which I think is not logical, would be perfect solution to link multi tours for bigger projects.
Hope they will change their mind
Post 25 IP   flag post
krp private msg quote post Address this user
Linking to anything we want would be awesome. When will these tags be available?
Post 26 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Not allowing Hyperlinks will definitely be a mistake,I hope they fibb'd to you @JoelE. Though it should open up another tab not change the current showcase your touring.

@Shane Yeah that has been mentioned before and is definitely a good idea. Even better if they implemented something special for going to another showcase! Like a preview thumbnail of the next showcase. If they make it all very customisable we will be able to do that ourselves!
Post 27 IP   flag post
Shane private msg quote post Address this user
@smcclell All great ideas but we are still talking about it. I would like Matterport to jump in on the conversation. Haven't had any timeline updates or statements on the hyperlink tag from @PeterMatterport as yet.

Soon to come I hope.
Post 28 IP   flag post
PeterMatterport private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks everyone. Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you.

Your feedback through this forum thread and via private messages is very informative and much appreciated.

We currently do not have a release timeline for Mattertags, but it is under active development. We are still evaluating features for inclusion, as well as a roadmap for future features.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Shane private msg quote post Address this user
@PeterMatterport Thanks Peter.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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