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Why home buyers will want to buy the 3D Tour created to sell the home10650

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Gif image courtesy of Matterport

Video: Matterport Measurement Mode | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (4 December 2019)

Why home buyers will want to buy the 3D Tour created to sell the home

Hi All,

Now that the Matterport Measurement Mode has been enabled (in Workshop 3.0), it's exciting that:

✓ we can create measurements that we want always displayed to the user
users can create and see their own measurements (if we choose to enable this feature)

While Matterport first announced these features in September 2019, what they announced today (Thursday, 12 September 2019) is that the above features are live.

The super-exciting feature - also previously announced - and reiterated today in the Matterport Measurement Media Release:

"[Matterport] is taking Measurement Mode further in 2020, eliminating the need for customers to take manual measurements in Showcase. Cortex, Matterport’s AI, will automatically identify and measure landmark features like doorways, windows and ceiling heights, saving customers a significant amount of time."

Matterport AI generated measurements will unlock huge value in Matterport spaces that will help drive demand for Matterport 3D Tours.

For example, Matterport Service Providers may be able to resell a Matterport 3D Tour to the home buyer because the home buyer needs all the measurements to see if their existing or planned furniture will fit.

Create a Matterport 3D Tour One: Sell It Twice!

While being able to manually creating these measurements in Matterport Showcase is a great start, now imagine when the key measurements are created and displayed automatically. That's huge! So much so, they this one feature may open up a reselling opportunity to Matterport Service Providers.

And, that's just one use case for Matterport Measurement Mode in within use one vertical.

What other uses cases or verticals do you see the Matterport Measurement Mode creating new revenue opportunities for Matterport Service Providers?

Happy holidays,


Screen Grab 1 - Enable Matterport Measurement Mode in Matterport Workshop 3.0 | Toggle On Measurements Model for two options:
✓ Visitors can go into Matterport Measurements Mode and create their own temporary measurements
✓ Visitors can see the Measurements [Admin] created and published

Screen Grab 2 - Consumer Facing controls for Matterport Measurement Mode | Toggle On: Snapping and Continuous Lines (See video at top of page for an explanation by Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank)


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PRNewswire (12 December 2019) Matterport Enables Interactive 3D Measurements for Its Spatial Data Platform - New Measurement Mode further positions Matterport digital twins as the collaboration medium for the built world
Matterport Blog (12 December 2019) Matterport Enables Interactive 3D Measurements For Its Spatial Data Platform
Inman (Sponsored Post) (9 December 2019) How 3D tech is ensuring accuracy and transparency in the transaction

Matterport Blog (19 November 2019) How digital twins unlock new ways to collaborate faster and more effectively

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Above is a great reason why you do not want to delete your Matterport 3D Tours from your iPad.

Happy holidays,

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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Been waiting for this feature to be added. Very nice! It appears there is no measurement support for 360's which may be part of a tour. As well, if desired, one could add measurements to floor plan mode in Workshop, publish the changes and have those measurements be viewable to the public. I am not sure this takes the place of the floor plans that come out of processing for $15, but it gets the job done.

In any case, this change is a big one!
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